Archives for Best Web OpEds
March 2010
Wednesday, March 31:
Sheila Samples: All Part of the Plan...
Sheila Samples: "No Lie Is Too Low For Them": What the Terri Schiavo Affair Can Teach Us About Today's Right-Wing Zealots
Sheila Samples: Bob Ray Sanders: I've seen this anger before in America (6 comments)
Sheila Samples: Sarah Palin Is Now in a Rap Beef (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Dan Froomkin: Insurance Industry Already Finding Ways To Game New System (1 comments)
Steven Leser: First of Several Investigations into ClimateGate Vindicates Scientists and Global Warming
Sheila Samples: Robert Reich: Fraud on the Street
Tuesday, March 30:
Richmond Shreve: Where the rhetoric of rage can lead (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: True Patriots: Tea Bag Leaders Say They Want to Abolish Social Security (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Patrick J. Buchanan: Bibi's Hollow Victory (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: With Greg Craig Out Of The Way, Coast Is Clear For White House To Make Legal Calls On Political Grounds
Margaret Bassett: Governors Disagree with AGs on Suing Health Reform
Margaret Bassett: Banking on Hypocrisy - Elizabeth Warren (1 comments)
Diane V. McLoughlin: Moscow Bombing: State Terrorism and the Terrorist Response
Diane V. McLoughlin: Rachel Corrie and the State of Israel - Diane V. McLoughlin
Sheila Samples: Bob Herbert: The Magic Potion for the Economy
Michael Bonanno: The Story of Bottled Water by Annie Leonard
Monday, March 29:
Mac McKinney: Gerald Celente: Greece Finished; USA to Follow
Mac McKinney: Bill Moyers: The Health Bill Is a Bonanza for the Insurance Industry and Other Monied Interests
Richmond Shreve: Can "No' Revive the Republicans?
Sheila Samples: In Berkeley, Yoo feels at home as a stranger in a strange land
Sheila Samples: Cornered by own failed strategy, Republicans reluctant to rebuke threats against Legislators (2 comments)
Mark Sashine: March Madness by J. Atcheson
Joan Brunwasser: Shame on John McCain
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: Punks and Plutocrats (2 comments)
Sunday, March 28:
Sheila Samples: A Surprise Tea-Party Confrontation (1 comments)
Grant Lawrence: FBI Raids Militia but the 'Militia Mindset' is Spreading in an Environment of Injustice
M. Wizard: Six Biggest Flaws in Health Care Reform Bill (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: An Exceptional Nominee
Sheila Samples: Maureen Dowd: A Nope for Pope (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Frank Rich: The Rage Is Not About Health Care (1 comments)
Grant Lawrence: Arrest the Pope?
Margaret Bassett: The Unbearable Lightness of Reform
Saturday, March 27:
Sheila Samples: Haaretz Editorial: Break up the government (4 comments)
Sheila Samples: Credibility gap: Pope needs to answer questions (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Charles M. Blow: Whose Country Is It?
Sheila Samples: Matt Drudge and the Republican delusion
Sheila Samples: The Real News: Helen Thomas on her one question for Obama
Grant Lawrence: Warnings of Sex Abuse of Deaf Students by Priest Fell on the Deaf Ears of Ratzinger
GLloyd Rowsey: Fidel's Reflections on Health Reform in the United States
Kevin Waters: The Recovery of Americ's indentity by Irene Tinagli
Friday, March 26:
Richmond Shreve: Frank Schaeffer: Obama Critics, Admit You Were Wrong (43 comments)
Sheila Samples: Tea Party Hypocrites Hate Socialism Except When They Love It
sagami: Secularism's Ongoing Debt to Christianity by John D. Steinrucken (5 comments)
Richmond Shreve: Regulators, Mount Up | The New Republic
Sheila Samples: Two New Polls Reveal Scary Beliefs Held by Conservative Hatriots
Sheila Samples: Health Care Repeal? Obama Tells GOP: 'Go for It' (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Dems Might Pass Financial Reform That Does Nothing to Protect from Big Threats to Our Economy (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Eugene Robinson - Stopping the health-care madness
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: Going to Extreme -
Mac McKinney: JOHN PILGER: Have a Nice World War, Folks
Thursday, March 25:
Sheila Samples: Obama Squeezed Between Israel and Iran
Margaret Bassett: Guantanamo: Now In Afghanistan?
Margaret Bassett: Rep. Barney Frank Condemns GOP Complicity In Tea Party Insanity
Margaret Bassett: This Jobs Bill Could Work
Richmond Shreve: The Mad Tea Party
Sheila Samples: The Fallibility of the Infallible Pope
Richmond Shreve: House of Anger - [NYTimes]
Sheila Samples: Leonard Pitts Jr. -- Tea partiers proved that I was right
Richmond Shreve: Myths About Health Care Reform Remain -
Margaret Bassett: Locals Say Iowa City Good Choice for Obama Visit
Joan Brunwasser: Nicholas D. Kristof, NYT: Escaping From Poverty (1 comments)
boomerang: THE Most Important Chart of the CENTURY by Nathan Martin
Wednesday, March 24:
Margaret Bassett: U.S. Watching What China Does Next with Google (2 comments)
Meryl Ann Butler: Kucinich: What President Obama Didn't Say (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Obama and Israel : The New Yorker
Sheila Samples: Maureen Dowd: Hail the Conquering Professor
Sheila Samples: Dan Froomkin: Drone Wars, Without Any Rules
PrMaine: Revealed: Rahm Emanuel Nixed DOJ Review of Political Prosecutions of Don Siegelman and Paul Minor , Brendan DeMelle (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: The Great West Coast Newspaper War (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Is Toyota's Brakes Disaster Tied to How It Treats Workers Like Profit-Oriented Robots? (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Informed Comment: Top Ten Reasons East Jerusalem does not belong to Jewish-Israelis
Tuesday, March 23:
Sheila Samples: Dan Froomkin: 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' Repeal Falling Victim To Foot-Dragging
Sheila Samples: The 10 Most Outrageous Right-Wing Freakouts Over the Health Care Bill
Sheila Samples: James Zogby: Frightening GOP Behavior
Sheila Samples: Bob Herbert: An Absence of Class in the G.O.P. (1 comments)
Richmond Shreve: Truman. Johnson. Obama
Richmond Shreve: Adaptation -- Noam Scheiber, TNR
Monday, March 22:
Sheila Samples: About that CNN Poll...
Margaret Bassett: Autism Society of America: Health-care Reform Bill Passes Both Houses
Robert Arend: Jane Hamsher: FDL Statement on the Passage of the Health Care Bill
Richmond Shreve: Last Hurrah -- GOP fails to deliver Obama's Waterloo
Richmond Shreve: The Lesson of Health Care Reform.
Better World Order: War Protest Arrests: Eight Put Their Bodies on the Gears of the War Machine
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: Fear Strikes Out
Sunday, March 21:
Cathy Garger: The Deep Love for Suffering Humanity by Garda Ghista
Joan Brunwasser: Maggie Mahar on Today's Vote: “I Am Not Bound to Win, But I Am Bound to Be Trueâ€
Richmond Shreve: Be Very Afraid - Leonard Pitts Jr. - MiamiHerald
Richmond Shreve: Jihad Jane's adventures in colorblind evil - Leonard Pitts Jr. -
Joan Brunwasser: Maureen Dowd: Eraser Duty for Bart?
Joan Brunwasser: Frank Rich: Obama, Lehman and ‘The Dragon Tattoo’ (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Is Any Illness Covered?
Grant Lawrence: A 'Pontifical Secret,' Ratzinger's 2001 Letter Ordered Bishops to be Quiet on Sex Abuse (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Maureen Dowd: Eraser Duty for Bart? (5 comments)
Sheila Samples: Frank Rich: Obama, Lehman and "The Dragon Tattoo'
Joan Brunwasser: Barak Obama, I Want a Divorce (1 comments)
Saturday, March 20:
Sheila Samples: Bob Herbert: A Ruinous Meltdown, State After State (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Gail Collins: Saints Preserve Us
Friday, March 19:
Richmond Shreve: Killer Weed (cartoon) (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Paul Krugman: Why We Reform
Margaret Bassett: A Delicate Balancing Act for the Black Agenda
Thursday, March 18:
Better World Order: Bizarre Misinfo: 9/11 Happened Because Shakir Was Gay
Sheila Samples: Rupert Cornwell: Obama won't restrain Israel - he can't (5 comments)
Sheila Samples: U.S. tough love is the kind Israel needs
Richmond Shreve: Preparing for 2014-15 "Oil Crunch" Forecast by UK Industry Group (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Marjorie Margolies - Democrats: Vote your conscience on health care
Scott Baker: Kevin Granada: How Cheney's Loophole is Fracking Up America
Richmond Shreve: Fallen | The New Republic
Sheila Samples: Joe Conason: Right Wing Gone Wild
Wednesday, March 17:
Sheila Samples: Disgusting: Tea Party Protesters Heckle Man With Parkinsons
Sheila Samples: David Corn: Can the 'Bush Lied' Deniers Handle the Truth? (1 comments)
Tuesday, March 16:
Margaret Bassett: Terror Suspects: Caught Between Moon and NYC
Sheila Samples: Torture and the Imperial Presidency
Sheila Samples: Netanyahu Against the Rest of the World
Darren Wolfe: HEALTH CARE: The Hospital as Soviet Gosplan
Darren Wolfe: Texas textbooks - left or right bias?
Sheila Samples: What will the Supreme Court be like without Justice John Paul Stevens?
Sheila Samples: Eugene Robinson - Tainted FEMA trailers should be destroyed, not sold
Sheila Samples: Dana Milbank - Dick Armey's 'tea party' history is a strange brew
Josh Mitteldorf: Greenwald: Obama Fights for Bush-style Executive Secrecy
Josh Mitteldorf: Christopher Hitchens: Pope bars Punishment of Rapists in Robes
Richmond Shreve: Code Words? (Shades of the late Sen. McCarthy)
Monday, March 15:
Mac McKinney: The Petraeus briefing: Biden's embarrassment is not the whole story (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: "This is Starting to Get Dangerous" (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: David Corn: Iraq War Triumphalism Ignores a Key Matter: Dead Civilians
Sheila Samples: Robert Reich: Health Care 2010 and 1994, and the Political Lessons of History
Robert Arend: David Swanson: I'm Down With Dennis
Robert Arend: Jane Hamsher: Progressives Who Don't Honor Their Pledge: Corporatists in Sheep's Clothing
Joan Brunwasser: Why are we afraid to tax the super-rich?
maryann tobin: Rep. Alan Grayson Public Option Act: Health care freedom of choice or socialism? By Maryann Tobin
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: Taking On China (4 comments)
Sunday, March 14:
Sheila Samples: Desmond Tutu - In Africa, a step backward on human rights
Joan Brunwasser: Why Maryland STILL does not have paper ballots
Ann Garrison: Just what Haiti doesn't need: Rwandan police
Sheila Samples: Liberal Americans choke on their pretzels as Karl Rove rewrites history
Joan Brunwasser: Frank Rich: The New Rove-Cheney Assault on Reality (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Frank Rich: The New Rove-Cheney Assault on Reality
Saturday, March 13:
Sheila Samples: Conn Hallinan: The Dubai Debacle
Mac McKinney: GEORGIANNE NIENABER REPORTS: Haiti: Eight Weeks After the Quake and Words Fail
Sheila Samples: Charles M. Blow: Don't Tickle Me, Bro!
Sheila Samples: Jonathan Alter: The GOP's Doomed 'Repeal the Bill' Idea
GLloyd Rowsey: War Objector with PTSD Extradited to Kuwait for Secret Trial
Darren Wolfe: Say No to GMO Corporatism by Carolyn Moffa
Darren Wolfe: Venezuela: ACHR Report details violence and lost freedoms
Michael Collins: Abandon All Hope - Lehman Report
Friday, March 12:
Sheila Samples: Glenn Greenwald calls B.S. on Democrats' filibuster scam
Sheila Samples: Commentary: Biden's Operation Boondoggle
Margaret Bassett: Fed-Letter-Nominees.pdf - Sen Sanders (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Dan Froomkin: Student Loan Overhaul Taking Filibuster-Proof Route To Overcome Corporate Opposition
Joan Brunwasser: Maggie Mahar: Pelosi Makes Another Wise Decision
Joan Brunwasser: Maggie Mahar: Pelosi Watch - The Final Mile
Sheila Samples: Howell Raines: Why don't honest journalists take on Roger Ailes and Fox News?
Sheila Samples: Ruth Marcus: Chief Whiner (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Paul Krugman: Health Reform Myths
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: Health Reform Myths
Thursday, March 11:
Sheila Samples: In Praise of the Gitmo Bar
Sheila Samples: Al-Qaeda seven were serving justice
Sheila Samples: Welcome To The World's First Murdochracy
Sheila Samples: Joe Conason: The New McCarthyism
Sheila Samples: What can Obama do to respond to Israel's slap at Biden? (3 comments)
Scott Baker: The Nation: The Wrong Kind of Green By Johann Hari (1 comments)
Wednesday, March 10:
GLloyd Rowsey: Fidel's Reflections on the Environmental Crisis and Deep Time (1 comments)
Mac McKinney: In Pursuit of Justice: Wrongful Death Lawsuit on Behalf of Rachel Corrie Begins
Richmond Shreve: The bogus Republican claim that Obamacare is a government takeover of one-sixth of the economy. - By Daniel Gross - Slat (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Juan Cole: Israel Sandbags Biden
Sheila Samples: Glenn Beck's Campaign Against Christianity: Leave If Church Teaches Social Justice (7 comments)
Sheila Samples: Eric Massa's "Glenn Beck" Moment Bears Strange Fruit
Margaret Bassett: Thousands Arrest the Insurance Companies Today in DC
Tuesday, March 9:
Sheila Samples: The Washington Post on "lunatic' 9/11 "conspiracy theorists' (1 comments)
maryann tobin: The best way to get rid of Rush Limbaugh is to pass health care reform: Video By Maryann Tobin (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Bob Herbert: The Source of Obama's Trouble
Sheila Samples: The Limits of Rahmism (3 comments)
Sheila Samples: Eugene Robinson - 'Al-Qaeda 7' smear campaign is an assault on American values
Sheila Samples: Has the White House Surrendered on Terror Trials?
Sheila Samples: Why Americans are so angry
Margaret Bassett: Bank Shills Use "Socialism" Scare to Shaft Students, Serve the Wealthy (1 comments)
Grant Lawrence: Did Rahm Emanuel, "Son of the Devil's Spahn," Take out Eric Massa?
Margaret Bassett: Obama Set to Fight "Uphill Battle' on Health Bill (Update1)
Monday, March 8:
Joan Brunwasser: Bill Moyers Journal: Health Care Debate
Mac McKinney: Russell Tribunal in Barcelona Says Sanction Israel (1 comments)
Richmond Shreve: The Mousavi Mission | The New Republic
Sheila Samples: Andrew Sullivan: "Bill, You Certainly Are An Expert In This Area"
Sheila Samples: E.J. Dionne Jr. - A bipartisan push to clean up the Supreme Court's mess
Margaret Bassett: How Obama Is Making the Same Mistakes as Bush
Richmond Shreve: Pentagon shooting: '9/11 conspiracy theorist' John Patrick Bedell shot dead | Mail Online (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: An Irish Mirror for the Financial Crisis
Sunday, March 7:
Grant Lawrence: Conspiracy Theorists are the New Terrorists?
Gustav Wynn: Bush/Clinton Education Appointee: No Child Left Behind is a Failure, "Institutionalized Fraud"
Joan Brunwasser: Frank Rich: The Up or Down Vote on Obama's Presidency
Mac McKinney: As Deer Isle Goes... A Small Town Makes a Bold Demand: Bring Our War Money Home (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Frank Rich: The Up-or-Down Vote on Obama's Presidency (1 comments)
Saturday, March 6:
Mac McKinney: Faux Pas? Paul Craig Roberts Owes Iraqi People Apology (3 comments)
Sheila Samples: Michael Moore -- President Obama: Replace Rahm With Me
Sheila Samples: Liz Cheney says terrorists have no rights. Also, you're a terrorist
Sheila Samples: Robert Reich -- Why the Continuing Bad Job Numbers Make it Harder (But Even More Important) To Pass Health Care Reform (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Bob Herbert: Cops vs. Kids in New York City Schools (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Will Fear Again Be GOP Trump Card?
Sheila Samples: Oath Keepers and the Age of Treason
Margaret Bassett: American and European Ideas of Privacy Collide (4 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Wichita Tea Party Leader Surprised to Be There
Grant Lawrence: Protests to Save Public Education: Hundreds of Thousands Say No to Fascism in America
maryann tobin: Republicans target Barack Obama McCarthyism style
Sheila Samples: Most House Republicans Vote to Let Schoolchildren Be Held Down, Tied Up, and Put in Solitary Confinement (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Karl Rove Book Exposes Lies of the Bush White House
Friday, March 5:
Sheila Samples: A cognitive disconnect - Leonard Pitts Jr. (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: John Patrick Bedell: Did right-wing extremism lead to shooting?
Sheila Samples: Is Your Favorite Politician a Sociopath? (1 comments)
Richmond Shreve: Sink Or Swim | The New Republic
Grant Lawrence: The Fleecing of America: Those Missing Pentagon Trillions and More Missing Trillions (3 comments)
Sheila Samples: Editorial - Trials and Error (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: Senator Bunning's Universe -
Thursday, March 4:
Sheila Samples: Using Intelligence from the al-Mabhouh Hit (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: The Lawyers Smeared by Liz Cheney (2 comments)
martinweiss: Adm. Mullen urges more 'Soft Power' (2 comments)
Arlene montemarano: Disappearing Car Doors: A Revolutionary Concept in Car Technology & Design
Sheila Samples: Read the IAEA Reports on Iran
Wednesday, March 3:
Joan Brunwasser: Take Action on Bank Reform!
Sheila Samples: Mossad Comes to America: Death Squads by Invitation (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Obama's Budget Revealed: Money for Wars and Weapons, While More Americans Face Joblessness and Hunger
Tuesday, March 2:
Sheila Samples: Is this the newsroom of the future?
Joan Brunwasser: How Reagan ruined conservatism (3 comments)
Sheila Samples: Dan Froomkin -- Rahm Emanuel: Obama's Chief Of Sabotage
Cathie Bird: Earthbytes: Help Turn the Lights Out on Mountaintop Removal in Twilight, WV
Rob Kall: The Latest Rahmlinology-- More Reason to Detest Rahm Emanuel; He gives the Finger to Justice (7 comments)
Sheila Samples: Thinking About the Unthinkable: A U.S.-Iranian Deal
Margaret Bassett: Too Much Bang, Bang: The Need to Demilitarize US National Security (4 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: What Do We Need Insurance Companies For Anyway? (3 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Not Every Left Winger is Anti-Israel (6 comments)
Grant Lawrence: A Convenience Theory: Key Witness in the Grand Plan to Steal Canada's Water Wealth Dies
Monday, March 1:
Mac McKinney: The Picture By David Glenn Cox
Margaret Bassett: OpEdNEws Ranked #7 of Top 50 Political Blogs Of The Year for 2009 (9 comments)
Sheila Samples: Too Much Bang, Bang: The Need to Demilitarize US National Security
Sheila Samples: Investigate the doctors who helped oversee U.S. torture
Darren Wolfe: Press Release No.20-10 - IACHR Publishes Report on Venezuela (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Come Together: Bipartisanship and your health
Sheila Samples: Editorial - Render Unto C Street
M. Wizard: Chris Hedges: Ralph Nader Was Right About Barack Obama
Darren Wolfe: House Republicans Call for Bigger Deficits Than Obama
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: Financial Reform Endgame