Archives for General News

April 2010

Friday, April 30:

Sheila Samples: Kandahar violence 'to get worse'

Sheila Samples: ElBaradei says sanctions on Iran will fail

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: Shes baack..Crist last on FL ballot. Illegal tweet on UK vote

Sheila Samples: Afghan Taliban getting stronger

Sheila Samples: Afghans protest after U.S.-led forces kill parliamentarian's kin

Sheila Samples: Clinton warning over Israel threats (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Cleric: Iran to prevail over West plots

Sheila Samples: The Vietnam War in pictures: the 35th anniversary of the fall of Saigon

Billy Wharton: Interview From the Sodexo Strike at Tulane - Billy Wharton

Rowan Wolf: Leak and Consequences? (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Ahmadinejad's New York visit to dominate U.N. nuclear meeting

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Md. Delegate Wants a "Papers Please" Law

Sheila Samples: Pentagon on alert as Gulf Coast readies for oil's onslaught

Sheila Samples: La. Gov. Jindal demands U.S. government, BP uphold pledges to avert enviromental disaster

Sheila Samples: Afghanistan forces face four more years of combat, warns Nato official

Press Release: Alabama GOP Justices Say "Don't Worry"Drill, Baby Drill'

Roger Shuler: Is Oil Spill About to Give Alabamians What We Deserve? (4 comments)

Martha Rosenberg: Do You Have Low T? Circadian Dysrhythmia? Pharma Hopes So (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: New US warning to Syria on Scuds

Sheila Samples: Oklahoma Immigration Law: Conservative Lawmakers Want Bill Like Arizona

Sheila Samples: Consumer rebound gives economy solid boost in Q1

Bill Quigley: Not Just Arizona: Immigration Enforcement Out of Control on Federal Level (3 comments)

Border Jumpers: Turning the School Yard into a Classroom

Margaret Bassett: Palin Jury Stuck on One Charge

Eileen Fleming: Jerusalem to New York: Feel The Hate and Know The Love

Ann Garrison: Umuseso Editor Didas Gasana grilled by Rwandan Police

Thursday, April 29:

Sheila Samples: Afghan Taliban getting stronger, Pentagon says

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: Imposter on Florida ballot. Why the Disclose Act matters. Birther Bills

Sheila Samples: Francis Shor: Death Squads in Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: Drone Pilots Could Be Tried for "War Crimes,' Law Prof Says

Sheila Samples: SEC sends Goldman case to prosecutors

Sheila Samples: U.S. Subpoenas Times Reporter Over Book on C.I.A.

Andrew Steele: NY Assembly members push bills allowing state to donate patients' organs without their express consent

Rabbi Michael Lerner: Spiritual and Religious Progressives Call on Secular Progressives to Join in a United Strategy to Say "No" to Tea Party

Roger Shuler: Is Bush Able to Blackmail Obama Into Ignoring Justice Issues? (6 comments)

Sheila Samples: Pentagon issues downbeat assessment on Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: Military may help in oil spill cleanup in Gulf (2 comments)

GLloyd Rowsey: Fidel's Reflections on Insanities of Our Era (1 comments)

Border Jumpers: FANRPAN: Working to connect farmers, researchers, and policy makers in Africa

Joan Wile: Minority Students Energize Grandmothers Against the War Vigil (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: A Look at What Lies Ahead for the Newspapers in Philadelphia (2 comments)

Mikhail Lyubansky: Ladies and Gentlemen: The U.S. (in)Justice System (8 comments)

Wednesday, April 28:

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: Hacking India's voting machines, a voting rights case to watch, Internet voting spreads

Margaret Bassett: Drone Pilots Could Be Tried for "War Crimes,' Law Prof Says (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: PA Event allows candidates, others to fire weapons at car representing 'liberal policy ideas'

M. Wizard: The Staggering Collapse of Living Standards in the US -- 92% of Americans Unhappy with the Economy

Joan Brunwasser: How to hack an Indian Voting Machine

Sheila Samples: Report Details Torture at Secret Baghdad Prison

Sheila Samples: Alleged torture may bar Canadian's confessions

Jeffrey Joseph: Consensus Grows: The Republican Party Is FOX News (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Senate stymied publicly, progressing privately on finance overhaul

Meg White: Chicken-Down Economics: Sue Lowden's Healthcare Misconception is a Carryover From the Cult of Reagan (1 comments)

M. Wizard: Bond Meltdown in Europe, by Simon Johnson

Sheila Samples: Washington Approves Wind Farm Off Cape Cod

Roger Shuler: Rove Takes Shots From Progressives in Alabama (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Birthers Plan To Storm Washington For March On 'Obama Birth Certificate,' 'Obamacare'

Sheila Samples: Oil spill: Gulf of Mexico disaster 'growing by the moment'

Joan Brunwasser: Exposing the Christian Right's New Racial Playbook

Border Jumpers: Zambia Leads Way in Empowering Farmers with Markets

Joan Brunwasser: Karl ‘Turd Blossom’ Rove Signs Books in Birmingham

Brasch: Hammering Out a Contract: Exploiting Low-Paid Workers at a Vo-Tech School (8 comments)

Sheila Samples: Obama, Jintao and Putin are the three most powerful men in the world

Tuesday, April 27:

Michel Chossudovsky: Tony Blair, Very Close to Being Indicted for War Crimes (2 comments)

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: John Gideon remembered. New Voting Rights Act challenge. Internet Voting update

Sheila Samples: Once-ousted Bush prosecutor promotes Guantánamo war court - Guantánamo (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: French judge rules against Noriega (1 comments)

Linda Milazzo: "What Are You Reading?" Asked The L.A. Times Festival of Books

Rob Kall: Election 2012: Barack Obama 42%, Ron Paul 41% - Rasmussen Reportsâ„¢

Sheila Samples: 'Consumers Aren't Ready for GM Crops': Food Companies Say No to Genetically Modified Potatoes

Roger Shuler: Richard Shelby Is A Reptile! (1 comments)

Robert O'Connor: Minnesota republicans flirt with secession

Border Jumpers: Giving Farm Workers a Voice

Bob Nichols, Project Censored Award Winner: PTSD, infertility and other consequences of war (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Under financial overhaul, FTC could gain enforcement power over Internet

Eileen Fleming: The Wall/Fence in Bil'in: 2005-2010 (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: U.N. shuts mission in Afghanistan's Kandahar

Sheila Samples: Obama energy official has ties to firms that stand to benefit (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Less federal highway funds may mean more-crowded roads nationwide (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Some protest, but Tancredo speaks

Martha Rosenberg: Better Lashes Through Chemistry: New Mascara is a Drug (1 comments)

Dave Kraft: Nuclear Renaissance Collides with 140,000 Anti-Nuclear Germans at Chernobyl Anniversary (1 comments)

Monday, April 26:

Don Smith: Thousands Rally for Spanish Judge Garzon |

Joan Brunwasser: Behind Arizona Immigration Law: GOP Game to Swipe the November Election

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: Risk limit audits for CA? Judge halts MI voter purge. Benton TN purge contd

martinweiss: One Farmer Acts to save environment from FactoryFarms, bu Yvonne Zipp

Andrew Kreig: *Rove's Top 2 Alabama Targets Dare Challenge His "Courage'

Sheila Samples: Sharing a West Bank highway proves a tall order for Israel, Palestinians

Sheila Samples: BREAKING: Senate probe: Goldman misled clients, nation -- and made billions (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Israel 'put settlement work on hold'

E. Nelson: Ohio Man Arrested at NC Airport With Gun at Obama Send-off (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: Afghanistan war: Taliban escalates violence with Kandahar blasts


Roger Shuler: Karl Rove Returns to the Scene of the Crime

Sheila Samples: Afghans burn NATO trucks in response to killing of 3 civilians

M. Wizard: New Yorkers Walk Past Dying Hero

Joan Brunwasser: Citizens United Bill Next Week? Corporate Forces Attack

Sheila Samples: What happened to John McCain? (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Memoir by George W Bush to be published in November

Sheila Samples: Democrats Closing Ranks on Finance Reform

Sheila Samples: Elite U.S. Units Step Up Drive in Kandahar Before Attack

Sunday, April 25:

Lee Pringle: Would the real World Government please stand up? (4 comments)

Franklin P. Lamb: The Case for Palestinian Rights in Lebanon

Franklin P. Lamb: Remembering Janet Lee Stevens, a Martyr for Palestinian Refugees

Lynn Buske: Organic Industry Watchdog Asks USDA to Crack Down on Labeling Abuses

Sheila Samples: Widow of Iraqi killed by US troops in video "accepts apology' after letter

OilGuy: UK Wind Turbine Deals Could Help Power Labour Party in Vote

OilGuy: Chinese Profits: Bad for Metal prices?

Sheila Samples: Israel's man in the US Senate

Sheila Samples: 18 veterans commit suicide each day

Sheila Samples: Feeling Warehoused in Army Trauma Care Units

Sheila Samples: Don't talk to aliens, warns Stephen Hawking (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Immigration advocacy groups to challenge Arizona law

Sheila Samples: Florida waits to see whether Crist will stay Republican or go independent

Sheila Samples: President Obama, Billy Graham converse, pray

Susan Galleymore: The Green Mayor has Toxic Sludge on his Hands (3 comments)

OilGuy: U.S. Housing Data Spurs Late Gains in Oil Prices after Mixed Week

Martha Rosenberg: New NIH Director Discusses Goals, Genomes and the "Nerd" Problem in Chicago (1 comments)

Saturday, April 24:

Sheila Samples: NATO Backs Plan to Give Command to Afghans

Sheila Samples: Goldman Sachs Messages Show It Thrived as Economy Fell (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Sen. Graham threatens to halt work on climate and energy bill

Sheila Samples: Reaction to Arizona immigration law swift, global (17 comments)

Sheila Samples: Boy Scouts ordered to pay $18.5M in sex abuse case

Sheila Samples: Rep. Ron Paul: An Act Of War: The US Congress is Actively Pushing for War on Iran

Margaret Bassett: Court Sets Ayers Hearing Monday (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Layoff Notices Sent to Thousands of US Teachers (1 comments)

GLloyd Rowsey: Army surrenders: Marc Hall to be discharged immediately!

Friday, April 23:

Margaret Bassett: Bids Due Friday to Enter Philly Newspaper Auction

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: GA AG wont sue over citizen checks. Lucas OH poll workers intimidated. I-Vote comments due (2 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Wellpoint Lobbyists Axed Key Protections for Breast Cancer Patients From Health Care Bill (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Start of Debate Blocked on Financial Bill

Sheila Samples: U.S.: Mideast status quo is not sustainable

Dan Lieberman: Gaza War Legacy (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: US launches unmanned space plane (5 comments)

Sheila Samples: U.S. Faces Choice on New Weapons for Fast Strikes

Martha Rosenberg: Are You at Risk From Vaccine and Fibromyalgia Advertising?

Sheila Samples: German troops in Afghanistan call on Angela Merkel to explain why they're at war

Sheila Samples: Eliot Spitzer slated for red-carpet rebirth (6 comments)

Rob Kall: Court Martial Charges Brought Against Birther Army Doc (25 comments)

Sheila Samples: Scores killed in Iraq blasts

Sheila Samples: Democrats plan to introduce bill to blunt ruling on political spending

Sheila Samples: U.S. military, diplomats at odds over how to resolve Kandahar's electricity woes

Richmond Shreve: Goldman Sachs | Galleon Probe Turns to Buffett Deal - WSJ (5 comments)

Sheila Samples: German Bishop Resigns in Latest Blow to Church

Thursday, April 22:

Kindra Muntz: Florida Victory for Home Rule!

Joan Brunwasser: Army Reconsiders MRFF’s Demand for Cancellation of Anti-Islam Evangelist Speaker at Pentagon’s National Day of Praye

Sheila Samples: Obama uses executive power to reverse Bush environmental policies

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: AZ ease of cheating. Map of US internet voting. Philippines ghost polling centers exposed

Sheila Samples: US soldier took 1.4 million dollar bribes from contractors

Sheila Samples: BREAKING: Senate panel: Ratings agencies rolled over for Wall Street

Dean DeHarpporte: Lib Dems Leader Clegg: Britain Must Stop Doing US Bidding

Sherwood Ross: Why Public Tolerates Lying Politicians (5 comments)

Sheila Samples: Goldman's White House connections raise eyebrows

Sheila Samples: Israel rejects US calls for east Jerusalem freeze (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Prominent Republicans making more endorsements in primary races

Sheila Samples: Gunfight at OK Corral document found in jail storage room

Meryl Ann Butler: Close Encounter with Icelandic Volcano

Roger Shuler: Could Siegelman Prosecution Wind Up Helping the Porn Industry?

Wednesday, April 21:

Sheila Samples: Explosion hits US oil rig

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: AZ may repeal clean elections. TX AG probe Dallas mail ballot fraud. Citizens United bill gains support

Richmond Shreve: Defective McAfee update causes worldwide meltdown of XP PCs | Ed Bott's Microsoft Report |

Sheila Samples: Oklahoma Senate Passes Five Controversial Abortion Bills

Eileen Fleming: Back to Iran, Israel, Nukes and Mordechai Vanunu

Scott Baker: As Gitmo Detainees' Legal Victories Mount, Obama Administration Resists Orders to Release by Chisun Lee, ProPublica

Sheila Samples: Stunning reversal: Democrats kill voting rights bill for D.C.

Sheila Dean: Students Arrested at AZ. State Capitol opposing SB 1070.

Sheila Samples: Gates Calls for Easing Limits on Exports

Sheila Samples: Senate Bill Sets a Plan to Regulate Premiums

Sheila Samples: Pope promises action against clerical sex abuse

Sheila Samples: New documents link Kissinger, Bush senior to Letelier assassination (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: Rumblings of new war in the Middle East

Tuesday, April 20:

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: DC voting rights bill killed. New Albany MS Vote Buying Scheme. NY violates Voting Rights Act

Rob Kall: Telegraph: Goldman Sachs trader barred from London over SEC charges (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Dan Froomkin: Biden To Wall-Street-Friendly Democrats: The Middle Class Comes First

abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: Islamic Republic bans top reformist organizations ,Payvand Iran News

Sheila Samples: Hillary Clinton Drops 'Secure' Borders For Israel From Independence Day Message To Jewish State

B. Ross Ashley: BBC News - Union coalition details election policies

Sheila Samples: Emanuel wants to succeed Daley as mayor

Sherwood Ross: Pentagon Cheating Vets Out Of Disability Pay

Sheila Samples: U.S. woman continues fight against priest who was transferred to Mexico

Sheila Samples: SEC sued Goldman Sachs to break an impasse (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Some EU flights resume but travel chaos not over

Martha Rosenberg: Hormone Therapy Makes Comeback in New York Times magazine. Are cigarettes next?

DGCmagazine: Interview with TimeBanking Founder Edgar Cahn and Chris Gray CEO of TimeBanks USA (3 comments)

Border Jumpers: Hundreds of Promising Little Projects Bring Hope to Africa

Bill Quigley: Bush Insider Reveals Guantanamo Deception: Hundreds of Innocents Jailed (11 comments)

Rob Kall: DNC Running Ad Attacking Republicans For Siding With Wall Street, using McCain's "Economy Fundamentals are Strong" Line (2 comments)

OilGuy: Shale Gas Changing Market Paradigm in U.S. as Electricity Prices Plummet, Report Says

OilGuy: Kyrgyzstan: Business, Corruption and the Manas Airbase

Jason Leopold: Zubaydah's Torture, Detention Subject of Senate Intelligence Inquiry

Sheila Samples: England - Report: Air Ban Led by Flawed Computer Models (1 comments)

Monday, April 19:

Sheila Samples: Defense Minister: Israel needs to recognize the occupation must end

Rob Kall: Cyberattack on Google Said to Hit Password System

martinweiss: Imam says women's immodest dress cause of earthquakes, by Scheherezade Faramarzi (10 comments)

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: Philly Enq-Electronic voting can be foiled. Sarasota FL Voters should voice ire over Dent's actions

Rob Kall: Goldman Sachs Gets Cozy With Obama, Hires His Former White House Counsel (5 comments)

Sheila Samples: Israel adamant on settlement expansion (4 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: More Malarkey about Health Care

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Michele Bachmann Twists a Commemoration of Oklahoma City Bombing into a "Celebration" by a former U.S. President (1 comments)


Sheila Samples: Militia movement will be packing heat at gun rally on the Potomac

Sheila Samples: Message to Wall St. in Goldman case: SEC 'back on the job'

Evelyn Pringle: Psychiatric Drugging of Infants and Toddlers in the US - Part II (3 comments)

Evelyn Pringle: Psychiatric Drugging of Infants and Toddlers in the US - Part I (6 comments)

M. Wizard: Poll Finds a 'Perfect Storm' of Voter Distrust in Government

Richmond Shreve: The most important news and commentary to read right now. - The Slatest - Slate Magazine

Joan Wile: The Greening of the Gray Panthers (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: Gates Pushes Back on Report of Memo About Iran Policy

Sunday, April 18:

Eileen Fleming: Blowing Doors and Nuclear Deceptions

Sheila Samples: 3 Arab FMs support Iran's nuclear rights

Mac McKinney: "Collateral Murder' Veterans Apologize to Iraqi Families

Sheila Samples: Ahmadinejad calls for U.S. to destroy its nuclear arsenal first

Sheila Samples: Taliban's supreme leader signals willingness to talk peace (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: Goldman Sachs case could help Obama shift voter anger (7 comments)

Sheila Samples: Europe hopes half of flights will operate Monday

Sheila Samples: W.Va. mine disaster calls attention to revolving door between industry, government

Sheila Samples: Massa alleges fraud in campaign payment, salary increase

Sheila Samples: Trench Warfare on Financial Reform - Send in the Deputies

Sheila Samples: US backtracks on Kandahar shuras

Sheila Samples: Oprah Winfrey's power crushes Kitty Kelley's latest muck-racking biography (1 comments)

Meryl Ann Butler: Teabonics: the most ridiculous - and misspelled- tea party protest signs (5 comments)

Richmond Shreve: Preoccupations - The Art of 10 Years of Telecommuting -

Robert Arend: The Obama Administration: April 1-15, 2010 (1 comments)

OilGuy: U.S. Coal Industry Fights Climate Legislation at Congressional Hearing

OilGuy: U.S. Geothermal Projects Increase in Year, Extend to Gulf Coast

Saturday, April 17:

Sheila Samples: 'No end in sight' for volcano ash

Eileen Fleming: Deja Vu: Vanunu, Kamm, Blau and the Fragility of Freedom (1 comments)

Monica Davis: Black farmers try new tactics against weapons of mass foreclosure (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: Pope: Church 'wounded by sin'

Sheila Samples: Gates Says U.S. Lacks Strategy to Curb Iran's Nuclear Drive -

Rob Kall: Liberal Clegg basks in his place in the sun after first UK debate (5 comments)

Sheila Samples: Iran slams nuclear discrimination

Sheila Samples: Iran seeks IAEA suspension of US

Sheila Samples: Successful, beloved D.C. principal found fatally shot at his Montgomery home

Stephen Michael Apatow: Darfur: Rape as a Weapon of War - 17 Fold Increase - Crimes Against Humanity (1 comments)

Rob Kall: Marxists Internet Archive Library, Complete Index of Writers (2 comments)

Eileen Fleming: You Tube Message from Mordechai Vanunu

Mark Sashine: Confidence in Healthcare (1 comments)

Èzili Dantò: What You're Not Hearing about Haiti (But Should Be) by Carl Lindskoog

Sheila Samples: Nuclear summit kicks off in Iran

Friday, April 16:

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: WV 1st in military internet voting. Boise U internet election voided. DC voting rights. ACORN's epitaph

Sheila Samples: GE: 7,000 tax returns, $0 U.S. tax bill

Sheila Samples: NewsBreak: Feds indict ex-Blackwater president

Scott Baker: Cabot Oil & Gas's Marcellus Drilling to Slow After PA Environment Officials Order Wells Closed by Abrahm Lustgarten, Pro

Margaret Bassett: E.U. Official Hints at Tougher Bank Supervision

Margaret Bassett: Senate Republicans Band Together in Opposing Financial Bill

Margaret Bassett: Laser in Limbo Mirrors Tech Weapons Decline

Margaret Bassett: Study: Young People Concerned about Privacy

Sheila Samples: Veteran commits suicide in front of Dayton VA center

Margaret Bassett: Feds Indict ex-Blackwater President

M. Wizard: SEC Charges Goldman Sachs with Securities Fraud

Sheila Samples: White House complains about CBS News blog post saying that possible Supreme Court nominee is gay

Sheila Samples: SEC charges Goldman Sachs with civil fraud in subprime deal | McClatchy

Sheila Samples: Dan Froomkin: Holder Picks Wrong Crowd For Defense Of Military Commissions

Sheila Samples: C.I.A. Document Details Destruction of Tapes (2 comments)

Sheila Dean: Comprehensive Immigration Reform Must Respect Civil Liberties And Privacy, Says ACLU

Sheila Samples: Senators threaten Fort Hood summon

Sheila Samples: Obama Speech Signals a U.S. Shift on Middle East (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: Massive fireball reported across Midwestern sky

Thursday, April 15:

Sheila Samples: McChrystal Backtracks on Troop Veto for Kandahar Shuras

Sheila Samples: Obama signs $18 billion jobless benefits bill

Sheila Samples: Obama orders hospitals to grant same-sex couples visitation rights

Margaret Bassett: N.S.A. Official Facing Charges In Leaks Case (1 comments)

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: Vendor certifies Aspen election. Does EAC really want comments on internet voting?

Sheila Samples: Military asserts right to return cyber attacks

Sheila Samples: Goldstone banned by SA Zionists

Sheila Samples: Former NSA executive charged with leaking information to newspaper

Meg White: Having Tried Blaming Victims and Jews Already, Vatican Settles on Homosexuality as the Cause of Church Abuse Scandal (4 comments)

Jeffrey Joseph: FOX Getting Too Vitriolic, Even for Life-Long Republicans (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Dan Froomkin: Obama On West Virginia Mine Explosion: Fault Lies With Mine Owners And Government, Too

Martha Rosenberg: Patients Reported Fractures Caused by Bone Drug Long Before Health Industry

Sheila Samples: U.S. urges U.N. Security Council to impose arms embargo, other measures on Iran

Sheila Samples: Syria says Israel may strike after Scud accusation

Sheila Samples: Tea Party Members Issue Own "Contract' for America

Sheila Samples: Report on assassination of ex-Pakistani PM Bhutto due

David Swanson: Holder Asked to Prosecute Blankenship (8 comments)

Sheila Samples: Obama calls together congressional leaders in push for new financial regulation

Sheila Samples: Attorney General Eric Holder stands his ground at Senate hearing

Sheila Samples: Obama: Israel should sign nuclear non-proliferation treaty

Joan Brunwasser: Beware False Media Reports: Palestinians Will NOT Be Mass-Deported (3 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Brazil Flood Toll Rises to 246; Rio's Christ Statue Cut Off (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Death Toll in China Quake Rises to 617

Margaret Bassett: Icelandic Volcano: UK Flight Disruption (2 comments)

Wednesday, April 14:

Sheila Samples: China and Russia hail Iran talks

Sheila Samples: GOP operatives crash the tea party

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: 1 in 10 Cuyahoga voting machines fail. GA troops i-voting guinea pigs. Violence fears for Sudan elections

Sheila Samples: Contractor Deaths Accelerating in Afghanistan as They Outnumber Soldiers

Billy Wharton: NYC Doormen Rally as Strike Deadline Looms

Josh Mitteldorf: US Soldier tortured into Giving up Veterans' Benefits (6 comments)

Sheila Samples: Jordan summons Israeli ambassador (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Poll Finds Tea Party Anger Rooted in Issues of Class

Sheila Samples: Huckabee likens gay marriage to incest, polygamy

Margaret Bassett: Facebook Steps Up Safety Efforts

Margaret Bassett: Euro Zone Needs Tougher Rules, Commissioner Says

Margaret Bassett: Defaults Rise in Loan Modification Program

Margaret Bassett: Obama Meets Resistance From G.O.P. on Finance Bill

Richmond Shreve: Java zero-day flaw under active attack | Zero Day |

Sheila Samples: Democrat proposes $23 billion bailout for schools

Sheila Samples: Palin's controversial CSU Stanislaus date takes trashy turn

Sheila Samples: The Right-Wing Revolutionaries: Tea Party Movement Mirrors a Deeply Divided America

Sheila Samples: Gates criticizes leaks group for war video (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Ayers' Attorney Says he's Sticking to Today's 'High Noon' Deadline

Roger Shuler: Did Toyota Commit Fraud With Evasive Courtroom Tactics? (1 comments)

Cenk Uygur: Insider: Palin's Show Is "a New All Time Low for Discovery" (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Military asserts right to return cyber attacks

Sheila Samples: Obama's disregard for media reaches new heights at nuclear summit (1 comments)


Joyce McCloy: Voting News: Diebold ATMs hacked. Buying Justice in PA. Voting machines stoke Filipinos fears (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: U.S. and Pakistan adapt their approach on divisive issue of North Waziristan

Eric Lotke: The Census and Democracy: Maryland Fixes a Major Error

Tuesday, April 13:

Sheila Samples: Obama Urges Action to Confront Nuclear Terror Threat

Rob Kall: Dem Wins FL Interim Election for Robert Wexler's Seat (4 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: BofA Insider to Plead Guilty to Hacking ATMs

Ann Garrison: Rwanda's packed prisons and the genocide ideology law

Ann Garrison: Rwanda Genocide: Honoring the Dead without Honoring the Lies

Sherwood Ross: Urge Tourists To Skip Morocco (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Senators End Impasse on Extending Jobless Aid

Margaret Bassett: The More You Use Google, the More Google Knows About You

Sheila Samples: Staffers' accounts paint more detailed, troubling picture of Massa's office

Sheila Samples: Michelle Obama Makes Unannounced Visit to Haiti

Sheila Samples: 'Little punk staffers' fuming at GOP

Sheila Samples: Kyrgyzstan and the Russian Resurgence

Sheila Samples: Dana Milbank - No celebration of the 50th filibuster

Sheila Samples: Iraq war: a baffling defense of Bush policy from a former Pentagon insider (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Vice President Biden Lends His Prestige To Robert Rubin's Relaunch

Sheila Samples: Okla. tea parties and lawmakers envision militia (2 comments)

Mark Karlin: Sedition is Coming to a Town Near You: The Potential Domestic White "Christian" Terrorists in Our Midst are Ready (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Facebook Resists Installing On-site 'Panic Button'

Press Release: SEIU Statement on April 2010 Executive Committee

Susan Galleymore: Compost: the highest tech method to preserve our planet and our health (1 comments)

Andrew Kreig: Siegelman Judge Asked To Recuse Now, With Kagan, Rove Opposing Oversight (3 comments)

Monday, April 12:

Sheila Samples: Ahmadinejad urges Ban to probe 9/11 attacks (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: Brzezinski censures Obama's ME policy

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: VA Gov plans literacy test for ex-felons. TN to fix retroactive voter purge

Sheila Samples: Turkey to Challenge Israel, Support Hamas

Sheila Samples: Israel must denuclearize, Erdogan says (6 comments)

Sheila Samples: Vatican to bishops: follow law, report sex abuse

Sheila Samples: New law could deport of thousands of West Bank Palestinians

Margaret Bassett: UBS Client Pleads Guilty to Tax Fraud

Sheila Samples: Iran criticises US nuclear summit

OilGuy: A Floating Alternative to Nabucco Undercuts Potential Disruptions to EU Energy Supplies

Scott Baker: Most Barnett Shale facilities release emissions By RANDY LEE LOFTIS / The Dallas Morning News

Eric Lotke: Tax Audits: IRS Gives Big Corporations a Pass (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Obama's Bad Gamble on Afghanistan -- 100,000 Soldiers Used as Chips for a Bet the US Can't Win

Margaret Bassett: Explosive Device Damages US Consulate in Nuevo Laredo

Sheila Samples: Obama Shuns the Left as White House Mulls U.S. High Court Slot (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Richard Dawkins plans to arrest the Pope for 'crimes against humanity' (12 comments)

Sheila Samples: U.S. Troops Fire on Bus in Afghanistan, Killing Civilians

Sheila Samples: Bill to extend jobless benefits faces Senate showdown

Sheila Samples: Agenda of Nuclear Talks Leaves Out a New Threat

Sunday, April 11:

Andrew Steele: Video Shows Captured U.S. Soldier Still Alive in Afghanistan

Margaret Bassett: Harrisburg Authority will Look into Controversial Incinerator Deal 'if There's a Remedy,'

Border Jumpers: Innovation of the Week: School Feeding Programs Improve Livelihoods, Diets, and Local Economies

Sheila Samples: Turkey: World is turning a blind eye to Israel's nuclear weapons

Sheila Samples: Iran to go to U.N. over Obama nuke 'threat'

Sheila Samples: Daniel Levy: Why Netanyahu Canceled His DC Visit, and Why the GOP Is Applauding

Sheila Samples: Yemen not going after radical US-born cleric

Sheila Samples: Interest Rates Have Nowhere to Go but Up

Sheila Samples: Whistleblowers on US "massacre' fear CIA stalkers (4 comments)

William Cormier: The "mind-blowing' surge of wealth inequality in America

Don Smith: Seattle Atheists A 501(c)3 serving the atheist community since 2003

Sheila Samples: Lack of Vatican communications strategy on scandal baffles pope's U.S. defenders

Sheila Samples: President Lech Kaczynski's body returns to Poland

Sheila Samples: Ramsey Clark Chosen to Head Commission to Investigate Bush Crimes (1 comments)

Meryl Ann Butler: Lewis: Millionaires lobby for higher taxes (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: In Tenn., Reminders of a Boy Returned to Russia

Saturday, April 10:

Press Release: ACLU Calls For Restoration Of Net Neutrality Principles


Boris Krumov: "The Health of American Politics" by Joseph S. Nye

Sheila Samples: Future pope stalled Calif. pedophile case

Sheila Samples: Federal judge orders release of Guantanamo Bay detainee

Rev. Dan Vojir: The AFA and The Muslim Question: Deportation, Reservations, Concentration Camps or Gas Ovens? (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: Saturday Word: Tax Breaks

Sheila Samples: National Security Archive: How Much is Enough? Part II

Margaret Bassett: Bush Knew Detainees Were Innocent

Margaret Bassett: President of Poland Killed in Plane Crash in Russia (1 comments)

Scott Baker: McClatchy: What's driving up oil prices again? Wall Street, of course

Margaret Bassett: Polish President Lech Kaczynski 'in plane crash'

Friday, April 9:

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: Sarasota Election Sup wastes taxpayer $ to block audits. GA Gov wants suit for citizenship checks

Jennifer Hathaway: George W. Bush 'knew Guantánamo prisoners were innocent' (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Dan Froomkin: Obama Administration Missed Chance To Get Tougher On Unsafe Mines

Sheila Samples: Obama Pick for Justice Post Said to Withdraw

Margaret Bassett: Russia Calls for Halt on U.S. Adoptions After Return of Boy

Margaret Bassett: China Reportedly Close to an Agreement to Revalue Currency

Sheila Samples: Inquiry puts spotlight on U.S. Special Forces in Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: NATO Aircraft Crashes in Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: Pope offers to meet abuse victims

Sheila Samples: Republicans rally, revel at New Orleans conference

Sheila Samples: IAEA Rep. to attend Tehran nuclear disarmament meet

Sheila Samples: IEDs in Afghanistan double in past year

Sheila Samples: Anger over health-care reform spurs rise in threats against Congress members

Sheila Samples: George W. Bush 'knew Guantánamo prisoners were innocent' (1 comments)

Cenk Uygur: Capitalism's Achilles Heel: The Cassano Loophole (3 comments)

Richmond Shreve: A Change at Apple Causes Trouble for Adobe

Greg Nikolettos: Kevin Rudd's e-Health bill paves the way for PositiveID human implantable RFID microchips (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Oil drilling prompts Al Gore's first public split on climate with President Obama

Margaret Bassett: It's War: SEIU Starting Third Party In North Carolina (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: IRS Expansion - "16,500 new agents" ??

Thursday, April 8:

Sheila Samples: A Withdrawal Plan for Afghanistan (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Israel PM cancels nuclear talks

Sheila Samples: Oil drilling prompts Al Gore's first public split on climate with President Obama

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: Fairfax VA now English only voting forms. Webb Co TX disabled denied secret ballot? Online Voter Reg Debate

Sheila Samples: Eliot Spitzer's Long Road to Redemption (1 comments)

Danny Schechter: It Was Supposed To Be Another Pecora Commission: What Went Wrong? (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Police smash Israeli organ-trafficking ring

Jeffrey Joseph: FOX and Their Convenient Moral Relativism (1 comments)

Meg White: Confederate Resurgence Shows That, in America, History is (Re)Written by the Losers (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Kyrgyzstan Opposition Sets up 'People's Government'

Richmond Shreve: Reaction on Military Blogs to the WikiLeaks Video - At War Blog -

Sheila Samples: Bernanke Says U.S. Must Face Up to Aging Populace

Sheila Samples: Upheaval in Kyrgyzstan Could Imperil Key U.S. Base (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: US Treasury beefing up staff in Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: U.S. now focused on getting rid of Taliban instead of opium crops in Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: Administration Tries to Mend Rift With Karzai

Sheila Samples: Coburn: Blocking Unemployment Benefits Is Fine Because It Only Affects A "Small Amount Of People'

Sheila Samples: CEO of Mine Where 25 Workers Were Killed Is a Teabagger - SpeakEasy (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Banking Industry Insiders Call for Breaking Up Giant Banks

Richmond Shreve: Is Karzai Addicted to Heroin? (1 comments)

Chantal Laurent: "The Quake"- Haiti Through The Distorted Lenses of PBS' Frontline (3 comments)

Wednesday, April 7:

Sheila Samples: 'Cigarette behind' US plane alert

Sheila Samples: Afghan Official Says U.S. Raiders Hid Killings

Sheila Samples: ExxonMobil paid no federal income tax in 2009 (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Dan Froomkin: Obama's New Nuclear Plan Leaves Missiles On Hair Triggers

Sheila Samples: Military can't find its copy of Iraq killing video (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: New nuclear arms policy shows limits U.S. faces

Sheila Samples: Obama seeks new tone in outreach to Muslim world

Sheila Samples: Airstrike Video Brings Attention to WikiLeaks Site

Ross McCluney: De-Growth conference. April 29 - May 2nd

Margaret Bassett: Flooding in Rio de Janeiro State Kills Scores

Sheila Samples: China hints at readiness to let yuan rise

Sheila Samples: Muslim cleric Aulaqi is 1st U.S. citizen on list of those CIA is allowed to kill

Georgianne Nienaber: Remembering the Rwandan Genocide Sixteen Years "After" (1 comments)

Tuesday, April 6:

Sheila Samples: The death of public education

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: WV Coal, corruption and campaign finance. Clay KY vote buying-more arrests?

Richmond Shreve: Big Brother is Indeed Watching You |

Richmond Shreve: Court Sides with Comcast on Net Neutrality (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Dan Froomkin: 'Something's Got To Give': Massive Pension Fund Shortfalls Threaten To Bankrupt States

Josh Mitteldorf: Court says FCC Lacks Authority to Require Net Neutrality

Sheila Samples: Situation report on the al-Haramain wiretap case

Sheila Samples: MSNBC David Shuster suspended - Michael Calderone

Sheila Samples: Helpless in the Vatican: The Failed Papacy of Benedict XVI

Sheila Samples: Gordon Brown dissolves Parliament, calls Britain general election

Sheila Samples: Court Favors Comcast in F.C.C. "Net Neutrality' Ruling

Sheila Samples: Ethics Complaint Alleges New Politicized Probe Involving Siegelman Prosecutor

Sheila Samples: Taliban attacks U.S. Consulate in Pakistan

Scott Baker: NY Times: Court Rules Against F.C.C. in "Net Neutrality' Case (4 comments)

Ann Garrison: KPFA News on the 16th anniversary of the Rwanda Genocide

Margaret Bassett: Citigroup's Chief Shrinks Company, Eyeing Growth

Margaret Bassett: U.S. Is Seeking a Fine of $16.4 Million Against Toyota

Monday, April 5:

Mac McKinney: Great Barrier Reef rammed by Chinese coal ship (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: US Military Murdered Unarmed Iraqi Civilians

Margaret Bassett: Geithner Has His Work Cut Out for Him in India

Sheila Samples: Dan Froomkin: WikiLeaks Exposes Video of 2007 'Collateral Murder' In Iraq (VIDEO)

Sheila Samples: RNC loses top fundraiser - Ben Smith

Sheila Samples: Obama Gives Key Agriculture Post to Monsanto Man

Roger Shuler: Spirit of Rove and Dubya Lingers at Department of Justice (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Unemployment benefits expire for thousands (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Pope's immunity could be challenged in Britain

Sheila Samples: US special forces 'tried to cover-up' botched Khataba raid in Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: Howard Kurtz - Murdoch's mission: Topple the Times

the web: Raw Story: No joke: Karzai threatens to join the Taliban (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: 'Cure' gays? No, fix the law

Sheila Samples: 'Miracle' as more than 100 trapped Chinese miners are rescued (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: U.S. Consulate in Pakistan Is Attacked by Militants

Richmond Shreve: In Britain, a Laboratory for Newsprint's Future -

Margaret Bassett: Economy Adds 162,000 Jobs in March, Unemployment Steady

Richmond Shreve: At Snopes, a Quest to Debunk Misinformation Online -

Margaret Bassett: German Minister Criticizes Facebook on Privacy

Margaret Bassett: Halter Challenges Arkansas' Lincoln From Left in Senate Race

Sheila Samples: Toll in Baghdad embassy bombings now tops 40

Sheila Samples: McChrystal, Karzai visit Afghan tribal chiefs

Sheila Samples: Tea Party Groups Make Harry Reid Target No. 1

Sheila Samples: Drones Batter Qaeda and Allies Within Pakistan

Sunday, April 4:

Mac McKinney: U.S. Admits Role in February Killing of Afghan Women

Sheila Samples: 'Israeli settlement plan is a new plot'

Sheila Samples: BREAKING: 7.2-Magnitude Quake in Baja California Felt on West Coast

Georgianne Nienaber: Naomi Campbell Bails Out of Haiti Fearing Malaria While Infants Remain in Peril

Sheila Samples: Violence Helps Taliban Undo Afghan Gains

Sheila Samples: Iran announces nuclear summit

Sheila Samples: John Paul "ignored abuse of 2,000 boys'

Susan Galleymore: The World Bank and the Four Horsemen of Climate Change: Apocalypse Now?

Sheila Samples: GOP chairman Michael Steele is out front, attracting detractors

Sherwood Ross: Opponents of Egypt's Dictator Face Tough Election

Rob Kall: Terrifying Video: "I Don't Need a Warrant, Ma'am, Under Federal Law" (67 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Not Satisfied with US History, Some Conservatives Rewrite It

Saturday, April 3:

Joan Brunwasser: Intelligence Agencies Allegedly Going to Extremes to Suppress Video Confirming Pentagon Massacre Cover-up

Joan Brunwasser: Exclusive: FEC inaction on enforcing election laws rises more than 600 percent

Joan Brunwasser: Air Force's Delay In Tanker Bidding Extends Job Intrigues

Sheila Samples: Former IAEA chief: Iraq war killed "a million innocent civilians"

Richmond Shreve: A Trillion Here, a Trillion There (10 comments)

Ann Garrison: San Francisco stands against SIT/LIE and the criminalization of poverty (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Is Israel About to Trigger a New Middle East War? (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Not satisfied with U.S. history, some conservatives are rewriting it

Sheila Samples: Ahmadinejad rejects Obama's beautiful words to Iran

Sheila Samples: Gunmen in military uniforms raid Sunni area near Baghdad, killing 25

Sheila Samples: Obama confident of securing broad support for more U.N. sanctions against Iran

Andrew Kreig: *Nations Struggle Over Scandal-Marked Air Force Tanker Deal

M. Wizard: Number Of Long-Term Unemployed Continues To Rise, Sets Another All-Time High

Bill Quigley: Not Just Guantanamo: US Torturing Muslim Pre-Trial Detainee in NYC (2 comments)

Tom Over: You say you want a revolution... (1 comments)

Lynn Buske: Wal-Mart in Trouble Again Over Organic Marketing Practices (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Anti-Obama billboards spring up in Atlanta

Margaret Bassett: Chinese Drywall Complaint Center

Robert Arend: The Obama Administration: March 17-31, 2010 (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: Archbishop on papal offer: "God bless them, I don't'

Friday, April 2:

Joe Quinn: Legislating Away Your Freedoms - One 'Homegrown Terrorist' At A Time

MedicalWhistleblower: *"Nothing About Us Without Us"

Cenk Uygur: Rep. Cohen: Palin Made McCain Look Like "A Captured Soldier" (5 comments)

Sheila Samples: Obama: US to Continue to 'Ratchet Up' Pressure on Iran (2 comments)

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: Nassau NY sues to undo election law, keep levers. Wal-Mart top political donor. NC ballot access case

Sheila Samples: At Vatican Service, Persecution of Jews Is Invoked

Margaret Bassett: Demand Keeps Growing for Cyber-security Workers

Sheila Samples: Thousands of vets missing out on better benefits

Sheila Samples: Trendy Fashion Buys Reimbursed as "Office Supplies" to RNC Finance Officials

Jim Neusom: Inglewood CA Goes Wireless Thanks To Black Business (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Strains Easing, Obama Talks With Chinese Leader (3 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Obama's Deficit Commission: No Friend of Social Security?

Sheila Samples: Environmental regulations to curtail mountaintop mining

Sheila Samples: John McHugh reverses on 'don't ask, don't tell' (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Israel warns of another war on Gaza

Joan Brunwasser: MATT TAIBBI: Looting Main Street

Sheila Samples: Letter from extremist group gives Utah governor three days to leave office


Sheila Samples: Iran says sanctions will not stop nuclear programme

Margaret Bassett: Lawmaker Rebukes Aide Who Left Work on Finance Bill to Be Lobbyist

Joan Brunwasser: New York City Pillow Fight April 3rd in Union Square!

Joan Brunwasser: Timothy Geithner is a Sniveling Scamster

Ellen Brown: CUTTING OUT THE MIDDLEMAN: The Government Is Now in the Banking Business (7 comments)

Thursday, April 1:

Joyce McCloy: Voting News: Another e-voting suit in Webb Co TX. Avi Rubin-Taking back American Idol!

GLloyd Rowsey: Haiti prompts meeting of top Cuban, US Officials

Stanimal: Can Frogs/Toads Predict Earthquakes

Sheila Samples: White House mandates new fuel efficiency standards

Margaret Bassett: Labor Market Faces Threat of a Prolonged Jobless Recovery (8 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Bits: F.T.C. Is Said to Have Looked Into Amazon-Google Ties

Margaret Bassett: The Iraq Drawdown and Afghan Buildup

Jason Leopold: US Recants Zubaydah's Terror Charges (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: U.S. Bishops Quietly Reinstate Accused Priests

Sheila Samples: Sexual Mistreatment Scandal: Catholic Abuse Hotline Overrun Amid New Allegations

Sheila Samples: Palestine's 'Turbulent Priest' Delivers Blistering Easter Message (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: US aid going to Afghanistan partners

Sheila Samples: No Shortcuts When Military Moves a War

Roger Shuler: Did Prominent Attorney Really Commit Suicide? (3 comments)

Rob Kall: Birther Army Lieutenant Refuses to Obey Orders Until Obama Produces a Birth Certificate (153 comments)

abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: As Regime Turns Up The Heat, Iran's Rafsanjani Abides ,Payvand Iran News

Sheila Samples: After overhaul passage, Republicans turn their ire toward Pelosi

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Sean Hannity Describes Tea Partiers in His Audience as "Tim McVeigh Wannabes" (2 comments)


Richmond Shreve: Phone Smart - Fake-Call, Fake-Text Apps for April Fools' Day -

Sherwood Ross: 28 Nations Helped U.S. Detain Terror Suspects (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Judge rules Bush Wire-tapping Illegal (4 comments)


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