Archives for Life Arts
July 2010
Saturday, July 31:
Michael Greenwell: Great Missing the Point Moments in History - Three - An American Publisher (2 comments)
Allan Wayne: Your Car is Stolen. Waiting for Godot. In Afghanistan. Part 2
Friday, July 30:
Mac McKinney: Is BP Playing TWO WELL MONTE? (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Documentary film OPERATION: Emotional Freedom offers "The Answer" for treating veterans with PTSD (5 comments)
Mac McKinney: Yes! Finally a Song Sent Me: Lament for the Gulf of Mexico by Tina Micula (4 comments)
Allan Wayne: Your Car is Stolen. Waiting for Godot. In Afghanistan. Part 2 (2 comments)
Merlin Flower: Painting 'Anticipation' (8 comments)
Thursday, July 29:
Joan Brunwasser: Documentary film OPERATION: Emotional Freedom offers "The Answer" for treating veterans with PTSD (2 comments)
Wednesday, July 28:
Mac McKinney: BP Gulf Oil Spill Seeps Mapped In Google Earth - Feds Explanation Of Sea Floor Leaks Don't Add Up
Mac McKinney: Photo-Essay: Haiti After the Earthquake, Part 10: Into the Mountains and Macassin (2 comments)
Mikhail Lyubansky: Going Where Glenn Beck Wouldn't: Defining White Culture (28 comments)
Joan Wile: The Disappointment
Stan Brooks: Why Does God Reveal Himself to Some People and Not to Others? | Belief | AlterNet (6 comments)
Tuesday, July 27:
Sherwood Ross: Great Boxer "Sugar Ray" Cared For Opponents (1 comments)
Monday, July 26:
Merlin Flower: Painting 'The Grass' (7 comments)
Ned Lud: The Regime's War on Food by Will Grigg
Daniel Geery: New Homes for Humans with Distorted Values: Other Planets (4 comments)
Michael Bonanno: Waiting for Life's Next Move (poetry) (1 comments)
Sunday, July 25:
Mac McKinney: Ongoing air testing along Gulf Coast is a first (2 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Part Two: Renowned Stanford Psychologist Carol Dweck on "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" (12 comments)
Mac McKinney: SHOCKER: False Flag Engineering of "Al-Qaeda" in the Sahara-Sahel
GLloyd Rowsey: Rock-and-Roll in America, 1956-1960 (11 comments)
Saturday, July 24:
Mac McKinney: Gene Kelly Must be Smilin': Dancin' in the Rain 2010
Eileen Fleming: Back to Tikkun and on with the Revolution (2 comments)
Herbert Calhoun: Review of the Book "A Presidency in Peril" (1 comments)
Dean Hartwell: How the Game of Football Can Teach Us about Fighting for 9/11 Truth (3 comments)
Mac McKinney: GET INVOLVED: Vote for the new face of BP (1 comments)
Friday, July 23:
Mac McKinney: BP Fish Oil Plus (satire) by Mike Adams
robert wolff: What I Look At Looks At Me (2 comments)
April Moore: Shadows (2 comments)
Aurora: Big Oil Makes War on the Earth - Ellen Cantarow
Olga Bonfiglio: Why I Garden (3 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Daniel Schorr, Journalist, Dies at 93
Ralph E. Stone: Who is Simón Bolivar? (3 comments)
Jim Baird: A change for the better (4 comments)
Aurora: Earthlings Trash Space - Daily Telegraph
Joan Brunwasser: Renowned Stanford Psychologist Carol Dweck on "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" (4 comments)
Wednesday, July 21:
Press Release: WAKE UP AMERICA! The EPA, OSHA, NOAA are Compromised in the Gulf Oil Disaster! (14 comments)
Cathy Lynn Pagano: The Aquarius/Leo Full Moon, June 25-26, 2010 (2 comments)
Bill Hare: Gloria Grahame: Queen of Film Noir (2 comments)
Charles M. Young: In the Church of the Rev. Gary Davis, Ernie Hawkins is St. Peter
Margaret Bassett: Seeds of Change - Book about ACORN (1 comments)
JohnPeebles: "China May Funnel $738 Billion Into Clean Energy Projects by Brian Merchant (1 comments)
Tuesday, July 20:
Mac McKinney: BP Oil Poisons the Gulf of Mexico's Food Chain by Dahr Jamail (1 comments)
Mac McKinney: Powerful New Video on the Christmas 2008 Israeli Assault on Gaza: To Shoot an Elephant
Aurora: NASA's WISE telescope finishes photographing entire sky
Monday, July 19:
Mac McKinney: Update: We Need New Lyrics for the Battle of New Orleans - Well, Here Are Some!
Aurora: A Puzzling Collapse of Earth's Upper Atmosphere - NASA (5 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Adrienne Maree Brown of the Ruckus Society, Where Actions Speak Louder than Words
Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD: Does God Exist? (10 comments)
Ralph E. Stone: Obama's New National HIV/AIDS Strategy (2 comments)
Ned Lud: The Rot From Within: Character Disorders of the Republic by Robert Logan (2 comments)
Sunday, July 18:
Greg Moses: Resistance is the Health of the People: Denouncing Utah Snitches (1 comments)
Mac McKinney: Feds Raid Legal Marijuana Farm, Destroy Crops (8 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: The Cerebral Ecstasy of Inception (6 comments)
Marta Steele: An Evening with Damali Ayo: The New Erewhon (1 comments)
Saturday, July 17:
GLloyd Rowsey: Nine Installations by Ilya and Emilia Kabakov (3 comments)
Jill Jackson: 10 Reasons Women Aren't Funny (4 comments)
Mac McKinney: Gulf Oil Disaster Whistleblower & BP Nemesis, Kindra Arnesen, New Interview (2 comments)
Mac McKinney: Newsweek: What Haiti really needs now is more trees
Friday, July 16:
Gurmeet Singh: Mel Gibson Astrology Predictions
Eileen Fleming: *July 16 and Nuclear Everything: Oppenheimer, Clinton, Beatles, Vanunu and the Bhagvad Gita (12 comments)
Mac McKinney: Photo-Essay: Haiti After the Earthquake, Part 9: Heading Out Highway Two: Camps as the Central Icon of Haitian Life Now (4 comments)
Thursday, July 15:
Joan Brunwasser: Jeffrey Zaslow and His Latest Best-Seller "The Girls From Ames: A Story of Women & a Forty-Year Friendship"
Allan Wayne: Your car is stolen. Welcome to Afghanistan. Where Yes means No. Part 1. (3 comments)
Wednesday, July 14:
Mac McKinney: Amy Goodman Interviews Actor Turned Camp Manager Sean Penn in Haiti (1 comments)
Mac McKinney: In the Shadow of Ruins: Haitians Decry Conditions in Massive Tent City Across from Destroyed National Palace
Judith Acosta: Giving Your Child Real, Life-long Survival Skills: Verbal First Aid
Eileen Fleming: Good News from a devout Jewish 21st century prophet
Sherwood Ross: Inscription on Statue of James Meredith Leaves Something Out
Kevin Kakareka: Gas Drilling Texan (6 comments)
Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall: Marketing Serotonin Deficiency: the Multibillion Dollar Depression Industry (11 comments)
Tuesday, July 13:
Mac McKinney: Displaced Haitians: "We Can't Continue In This Situation Anymore"
Mac McKinney: Beverly Bell: There is No Plan For Permanently Housing the 1.9 Million Haitians Who Lost Their Homes in the Quake (2 comments)
Mac McKinney: Democracy Now! in Port-Au-Prince: Patrick Elie on Haiti Six Months After the Earthquake
Mac McKinney: CONFIRMED - LAB TESTED Gulf Coast Water Samples are 'VERY TOXIC' - Sea Spray is POISONOUS !!! (4 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Dr. Walter Bortz Explains How to Get to 100 with Your Faculties Intact
Judith Acosta: Giving Your Child Real, Life-long Survival Skills: Verbal First Aid (1 comments)
Jack Hendricks: *Springville, PA: Before and After Marcellus Shale Fracking and Drilling (2 comments)
John Bessa: Rainbow Gathering: Portraits and Still lifes (3 comments)
Mac McKinney: You Are Not Authorized to See These Pictures of the Oil Spill, Citizen ... Do Not Look! (6 comments)
Monday, July 12:
mikel paul: Okay. I filled it out. Now, can I go? (14 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Times Square Rabbi Helps America's Runaway Kids, Part Two
Saturday, July 10:
robert wolff: ADAPT (11 comments)
Mac McKinney: Fighting BP's Media Repression: Gulf Coast Spill Coalition is for YOU! (1 comments)
Mac McKinney: CALLING ALL PERFORMANCE ARTISTS, TOP THIS: Art Performance Protest in London: Licence to Spill
GLloyd Rowsey: An Appreciation of the Movie, The Constant Gardener (6 comments)
Thomas Farrell: *John Bradshaw: A Sober Teacher for Our Troubled Times (Book Review) (2 comments)
Mac McKinney: HEALTH ALERT: 3-Day Toxic Rain In Miami From Gulf Oil Leak, Plants & Trees Dying
Friday, July 9:
Mac McKinney: INTERACTIVE: Follow the Oil Money Website
Mac McKinney: Photo-Americana: On the Fourth of July in South Central Virginia: Part 2, A Step Back in Time (6 comments)
Rob Kall: James Cameron Will Make Record-Setting $350M From Avatar
you tube: Paul McCartney Performs with Ringo for Ringo's 70th Birthday (8 comments)
Theresa Paulfranz: Gently Sliding Into Night (4 comments)
Thursday, July 8:
Jim Miles: Letters from Palestine
Joan Brunwasser: Times Square Rabbi Helps America's Runaway Kids (6 comments)
Wednesday, July 7:
Joel S. Hirschhorn: Understanding the BP Oil Tragedy: Time Blindness (1 comments)
Mikhail Lyubansky: The Meaning of Life, According to Twilight, is Love, Only Love (16 comments)
Amanda Rodriguez: Affordable Fashion for an Expensive Cost
Tuesday, July 6:
Bill McKibben: Want to Light up a Movement? Think Art, Engage the Heart (14 comments)
Judith Acosta: "Kid Whispering": Keeping Your Kids Safe With Verbal First Aidâ„¢ (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: 7 Lessons Saul Alinsky Would Give Progressives Today
Joan Brunwasser: The Omega Institute's Elizabeth Lesser on "Broken Open" and Personal Transformation, Part Two (2 comments)
Monday, July 5:
Mac McKinney: Photo-Americana: On the Fourth of July in South Central Virginia: Part 1, Lake Rawlings (1 comments)
Cathy Lynn Pagano: Cancer Solar Eclipse July 11, 2010 (5 comments)
martinweiss: Super-High Pressures Used to Create Super Battery: 'Most Condensed Form of Energy Storage Outside of Nuclear Energy' (3 comments)
Ned Lud: New study finds cell phones kill honey bees (3 comments)
Phillip Bannowsky: Wavin World Cup Flags in Beirut and Palestinian Camps (1 comments)
Aurora: Jerome Guillett: Windpower's Problem: It Makes Energy Too Cheap (5 comments)
Aurora: Maddie Oatman: 15 Minutes with Rogue Cellist Ben Solee (1 comments)
Sunday, July 4:
Michael Bonanno: Independence Day Wish (1 comments)
Greg Moses: Hindoonomics for Shouting Times (1 comments)
Compusician: Digital Art Hall of Fame opens its doors (1 comments)
Ralph E. Stone: Cell Phone Health Hazards: Better Safe Than Sorry (2 comments)
Saturday, July 3:
Aurora: Tikkun: Interdependence Day Celebration (2 comments)
Mac McKinney: Poem: A Threnody for the Fourth of July by D.D. Delaney
Joan Brunwasser: WSJ Columnist Jeff Zaslow on Randy Pausch and "The Last Lecture" (5 comments)
Robert Quinn: Palace of the King (1 comments)
Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD: The Secret You Need To Know About The Secret
Eileen Fleming: *Making Plans from Tennessee to Iran (2 comments)
DR RAKESH KUMAR: Solar eclipse on July 11th 2010 - astrologic dangers portended (4 comments)
Jeffrey Dach: 10 Ten Bioidentical Hormone Fallacies of Staness Jonekos
Friday, July 2:
martinweiss: The World Has Divided into Rich and Poor as at No Time In History, by Maude Barlow
Mac McKinney: Indians Battling Chevron/Texaco in Ecuador, BP in Louisiana
Don Smith: Don't buy plastic bottles! - the Great Pacific plastic trash island
GLloyd Rowsey: Avatar Star Zoe Saldana Is Engaged
Thursday, July 1:
Joan Brunwasser: Rabbi Michael Lerner on the Recent Network of Spiritual Progressives Conference (10 comments)
Meryl Ann Butler: Where Religion and Politics Meet: Television as the Common Ground (31 comments)
Aurora: America's Economic Addiction to War (2 comments)