Archives for Life Arts

August 2010

Tuesday, August 31:

Daniel Geery: Acidifying Oceans = Bleak Marine Future (2 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Hershey Felder on Chicago World Premiere of "Maestro: The Art of Leonard Bernstein"

Dahr Jamail: Despite "All Clear," Mississippi Sound Tests Positive for Oil (4 comments)

Monday, August 30:

Mac McKinney: EXCLUSIVE: Tests find sickened family has 50.3 ppm of Corexit's 2-butoxyethanol in swimming pool -- JUST ONE HOUR NORTH

Mac McKinney: Stop Big Oil Bailouts: See How Much Your Senator Got From Big Oil (2 comments)

Susan Benjamin: Taste This! (2 comments)

Sunday, August 29:

Mac McKinney: Is the Source of the Gulf Oil Plumes 7 Miles SW of Deepwater Horizon at the Ancient Volcanic Biloxi Dome? (1 comments)

Paul Evans: Mental Health Resources & Advice from someone who has been there (2 comments)

David Meiser: Bucks County Sierra Club presents LAND CONSERVATION IN BUCKS COUNTY

Mac McKinney: Summer 2010 a record-breaking scorcher | Raw Story

Dr. Tom Termotto: What in the world are they putting in the water? (3 comments)

Mac McKinney: Brad Pitt: Rebuilt Lower Ninth a "TEMPLATE FOR THE FUTURE"

Rob Kall: Finding Out About Fracking, Followed by A Locavore Feast (5 comments)

Ned Lud: Facing prison for filming US police (2 comments)

Mac McKinney: Government Officials Tell Fisherman To Shut Up About Oil Found On Shrimp In BP Gulf Oil Spill Waters Open To Fishing

Saturday, August 28:

Mac McKinney: Brad Pitt Makes it Right in the Lower Ninth (1 comments)

Friday, August 27:

Mac McKinney: Center for Biological Diversity's Summer Special Issue on the Gulf Oil Crisis

Daniel Geery: Mexico City Going Green? (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Talking with Two of "The Girls from Ames"

Thursday, August 26:

Mac McKinney: Deep Plumes Of Oil Could Cause Dead Zones In The Gulf

Scott Baker: Propublica: Take It With a Grain of (Sea) Salt: Gulf Microbe Study Was Funded by BP (2 comments)

Wednesday, August 25:

Steven Forrest: Hope Lost

Mac McKinney: Listen to the 5 finalists in the Gulf oil tragedy song contest (3 comments)

Rob Kall: Right Livelihood Award

Theresa Paulfranz: Good Bye Humans (8 comments)

the web: Get Your Laugh for the Day - The Unequal Battle of the Sexes (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Sharon Abreu Spins Her Music into Activism

Tuesday, August 24:

ANNE McCLINTOCK: THE GULF CRISIS IS NOT OVER: Slow Violence and the BP Coverups (1 comments)

Mac McKinney: Testing the Water - A Citizen's Initiative (2 comments)

Ned Lud: Steve Jobs Is Watching You: Apple Seeking to Patent Spyware

Rob Kall: No Copyright Law: The Real Reason for Germany's Industrial Expansion? - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Rob Kall: No Copyright Law: The Real Reason for Germany's Industrial Expansion? - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Joan Brunwasser: CPA Lynn Petrovich Assesses [Personal] Cost of Current Health Care Policy (1 comments)

Monday, August 23:

Mac McKinney: VIDEO: Kindra Arnesen and a CHSLA Team Taking Samples of the Oil BP Can't Find with Gusto!

Daniel Geery: Clean, Safe Water Off the Grid

Ned Lud: Reagan: Taliban 'moral equivalent' of America's founding fathers (3 comments)

Kanuk: Pursuit of Happiness: Do hens get more rights than same-sex couples in California? (8 comments)

Sunday, August 22:

Dahr Jamail: Destruction along the Gulf. How Has it Come to This? (11 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: How A High School Jazz Band Brought Prom Dresses, Musical Instruments and Hope to NOLA

Ned Lud: Buddhist Economics, by E.F. Schumacher (1 comments)

Frank J. Ranelli: On The Immorality of Christianity (12 comments)

Saturday, August 21:

Joan Brunwasser: The Truth about Pat Tillman's Death

Allan Wayne: Your Car is Stolen. Welcome to Afghanistan. Part III (1 comments)

Suzana Megles: Writing for Catholic Publications (6 comments)

Mac McKinney: America Won the Cold War But Now Is Turning Into the USSR, Gerald Celente Says (2 comments)

Mac McKinney: Mississippi Shrimpers Refuse to Trawl, Fearing Oil, Dispersants

Rob Kall: Swedish Justice: Assange Charged With Rape, Then Charges Dropped (40 comments)

Scott Baker: Center for Biological Diversity: SLIDESHOW: The Center in the Gulf (3 comments)

Friday, August 20:

Mac McKinney: Oil spill update from the field: Thick oil still oozes beneath a forgotten stretch of Grand Isle Beach

GLloyd Rowsey: Bob Dylan, the Beat Generation, and Allen Ginsberg's America (1 comments)

Mac McKinney: The Center for Biological Diversity Taking on BP and Oil Drilling

Sherwood Ross: Raising a Child With Asperger's Syndrome (2 comments)

Gabriela Segura M.D.: MMS: Miracle Mineral Solution or Trojan Horse? Your Body and DNA Decide (10 comments)

Mac McKinney: Russia Today TV: Declassified: Massive Israeli Manipulation of US Media Exposed (3 comments)

Thursday, August 19:

Cathy Lynn Pagano: Pisces-Virgo Full Moon, August 25, 2010 (2 comments)

Daniel Patrick Welch: First Harvest--Food is Life at The Greenhouse School (3 comments)

Margaret Bassett: You've Got to Be Carefully Taught

Nancy Evans: Obama's Victory Lap At Rush Hour Gridlocks Middle Class LA To Raise $1 Million For Congress by Jamie Court

GLloyd Rowsey: Bobby Thomson, who hit 'Shot Heard 'Round the World' for '51 New York Giants, dies (3 comments)

Mac McKinney: Photo-Essay: Haiti After the Earthquake, Part 12: Highway 2, Hugo Chavez and on up to Pétionville (4 comments)

Wednesday, August 18:

robert wolff: Is there an alternative to constant economic growth? (8 comments)

Mac McKinney: Sick of All the Hate about Moslems? How about Actually Visiting the Moslems Behind the "Ground Zero Mosque" (5 comments)

Mikhail Lyubansky: Our Justice System Requires Us To Punish Wrongdoers. What if There Were a Better Way? (22 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Michael Gates Gill on "How Starbucks Changed My Life: A Son of Privilege Learns to Live Like Everyone Else" (11 comments)

Mac McKinney: NBC: Government Testing of Gulf Seafood Flawed, Groups Say (1 comments)

Tuesday, August 17:

Thom Hartmann: Should Violent War Game Videos Be Regulated Just Like Hard Core Pornography? (4 comments)

Mac McKinney: Gulf Oil Spill Still a Threat to Seafood, JAMA Study Indicates (1 comments)

Mac McKinney: NPR: First Spill Studies Show Gulf Kids Are At Risk

Daniel Geery: Same-Sex Marriage Has Deep Roots (1 comments)

Rob Kall: Lying, Lies and the Truth (19 comments)

Kevin Anthony Stoda: A WORLD OF PRETENDERS: Partial Review of the Filipino Novel, THE PRETENDERS by F. Sionil Jose (1 comments)

Monday, August 16:

Dahr Jamail: Uncovering the Lies That Are Sinking the Oil (3 comments)

Mac McKinney: Et Tu Obami, Stabbing the Gulf Coast in the Back? (7 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Reflections of Veteran Chicago Newspaperman, John Blades (2 comments)

Mac McKinney: New Coastal Heritage Society of Louisiana Spokeswoman Kindra Arnesen Speaks Out

Daniel Geery: A Trip to Confession/ Humor

Eric Huurre: OPERATION: Emotional Freedom provides The Answer - but who's listening? (1 comments)

Olga Bonfiglio: The Fate of New Orleans Hangs in an Uncomfortable Balance with Mother Nature (1 comments)

mykl samu: Carl Jung : Left vs. Right (4 comments)

Mac McKinney: Dr. Riki Ott Says Health Officials Covering Up Thousands Of People Sick From BP Gulf Oil Spill (2 comments)

Sunday, August 15:

the eagles: *Desperado (3 comments)

Daniel Geery: Did the Wright Brothers Make a Wrong Turn?

Daniel Geery: Airships to Study Right Whales

Saturday, August 14:

Mac McKinney: Kindra Arnesen Fights for Plaquemines Parish (2 comments)

Mac McKinney: BP Oil Spill Cleanup Worker Exposes the Realities of Beach Cleanup In Gulf of Mexico

Susan Benjamin: Marketing Message: Hey, Michelle... (3 comments)

Friday, August 13:

Mac McKinney: Photo-Americana: North Beach to Broadway, San Francisco on a Friday Evening (2 comments)

Kellia Ramares: Book Review: The Global Economic Crisis (4 comments)

Terrence Aym: Living dinosaurs? Two species have been reported in Papua New Guinea (13 comments)

Ed Martin: The solution to watching TV, football and golf

Georgianne Nienaber: Women Artists Defy Gulf Oil Tragedy (11 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Danny Schechter Dissects Wall Street in "Plunder: The Crime of Our Time" (3 comments)

Thursday, August 12:

Mac McKinney: Mother Jones Report: THE BP COVER-UP by Julia Whitty

Mac McKinney: From the Washington Post: SPILLING OVER, Featuring Kindra Arnesen

Carlisle Collins: SORCERY: THE SECOND OLDEST PROFESSION (3 comments)

Native American: 5-hour Europe flight step closer By Josh Sims

Dean Hartwell: The Social Utility of Watching Professional Football (1 comments)

Ned Lud: Breaking Gulf News: Land Surveyor proves Simmons was right. TV well sham.

Mac McKinney: A Tribute to Patricia Neal, a Real Class Act (1 comments)

Wednesday, August 11:

Mac McKinney: EAT THIS FOR DINNER, OBAMA: Large Crabs Filled With Tar Found In Mississippi (1 comments)

Mac McKinney: The Jaws Syndrome; Life Imitates Art On The Gulf Coast; The Crime of the Century Pt II (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Former Rep. Dan Rostenkowski Dead at 82 (1 comments)

Come Carpentier de Gourdon: Diplomacy as an Expression of Civilization; The legacies of China and India (3 comments)

Jesselyn Radack: Unnecessary lies: A whistleblower's perspective on Necessary Secrets (6 comments)

GLloyd Rowsey: Thirteen More Works by Nancy Spero, a Persistently Disturbing Artist (10 comments)

Ronn Torossian: Making a comeback from a PR crisis: What's next for Al Gore ?

Tuesday, August 10:

Theresa Paulfranz: Love is Never Lost (1 comments)

Monday, August 9:

Ken Sundheim: Interviewing Tips You Never Learned at School

Mac McKinney: How Will the EPA Spin This One: Blue Crabs Provide Evidence Oil Tainting Gulf Food Chain

Kanuk: Seriously, who the hell would name their kid that? (17 comments)

Sunday, August 8:

Margaret Bassett: Knoxville Friends Mourn Loss of Iconic Actress Patricia Neal

Mac McKinney: Coast Guard and Obama Administration Betray the People and Country They are Sworn to Protect

Mac McKinney: Photo-Essay: Haiti After the Earthquake, Part 11: The Fortunes of Sugarcane

Friday, August 6:

Mac McKinney: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: Much Gulf Oil Remains, Deeply Hidden and Under Beaches

Thursday, August 5:

Mac McKinney: The Crime of the Century: What BP and the US Government Don't Want You to Know, Part I (1 comments)

martinweiss: Fire and Smoke in Russia, NASA

Theresa Paulfranz: The Rightful Place of Women (10 comments)

Stefan Thiesen: Obama Signs on for The Sea, by David Helvarg

Jeffrey Toney: BP Oil Spill - Is It Over? (3 comments)

Kevin Anthony Stoda: The Obituary of Joey Velasco and the Table of Hope (1 comments)


Wednesday, August 4:

Diane Perlman: What Free Health Care Looks Like - Sort of (8 comments)

martinweiss: When Ideas Have Sex, Matt Ridley on TED

Mac McKinney: The Potemkin Gulf of Mexico: The Government and BP are Burning Carcasses, Hiding/Ignoring the Oil, Reducing Liability (2 comments)

GLloyd Rowsey: Seven Contemporary Paintings by Ilya and Emilia Kabakov (6 comments)

Allan Goldstein: Lazy-Americans: The Last Despised Minority (7 comments)

Tuesday, August 3:

Kevin Gosztola: When Sober Misery in Life Leads to Death (13 comments)

Cathy Lynn Pagano: Leo New Moon, August 9, 2010 (2 comments)

Cathy Lynn Pagano: Leo New Moon, August 9, 2010 (1 comments)

Marta Steele: "Plunder: The Crime of Our Time," a New Film by Danny Schechter (1 comments)

Marta Steele: Review of Damali Ayo's "Obamistan!" Part 2 (1 comments)

Ken Sundheim: Sales 101 for College Grads

Ken Sundheim: Reasons not to Rush into Getting an MBA

Monday, August 2:

Joan Brunwasser: Healthcare NOW's Katie Robbins Isn't Giving Up on Universal Coverage (4 comments)

Ned Lud: BP's evaporating oil slick leaves America without a villain by Alex Spillius (4 comments)

Tom Engelhardt: Tomgram: Ann Jones, In Bed With the U.S. Army (2 comments)

Stephen Motson: If You Think Animal Experiments Are Essential, Then Read On... (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Part Two: Documentary film OPERATION: Emotional Freedom offers "The Answer" for treating veterans with PTSD (3 comments)

Sunday, August 1:

Mac McKinney: More Songs for Grieving, Healing, Battling BP and Protesting in the Gulf

Rob Kall: On Not Waiting for Dying (17 comments)


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