Archives for General News

February 2011

Monday, February 28:

Sheila Dean: REAL ID: Final Regulations (2 comments)

Military healthcare reform no longer taboo to talk about

Afghan delegation confirms killing 65 civilians killed by NATO during operation

Report: Wartime Contractors Waste, Steal Tens Of Billions -- Then Come Back For More

Rally Photos From AlterNet Readers in DC, Florida, Boston, Philly, Kentucky, Denver, Cali and More!

The Madoff Tapes

Billionaire Koch Brothers Next Target of "Anonymous" Hacker Group

Eating a Pig With a Wooden Leg (2 comments)

Demonstrators Gather Prior to Start of DeChristopher Trial

Egypt imposes travel ban on Mubarak

Building Bridges of Understanding: A Visit from Imam Feisal

GOP spending plan would cost 700,000 jobs, new report says

Will Bar Complaint Take The Bite Out Of U.S. Chamber's Attack Dogs? (7 comments)

Tomgram: Andy Kroll, The Spirit of Egypt in Madison

Unions Debate What to Give to Save Bargaining

Sunday, February 27:

Upwards of 125,000 March in Madison, as Activists Rally Nationwide to Back Wisconsin Workers (1 comments)

Neo-Con Hawks Take Flight over Libya

Merkel rebukes Israeli PM Netanyahu for failing to advance peace

Britain should pull out of Afghanistan, says Gorbachev

Confirmed: Union-Bashing Right-Wing Media Stars Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly Are AFL-CIO Union-Affiliated Members

The Dems' Tepid Approach to What's at Stake in Wisc. Is Helping Conservatives Destroy Unions, Defund the Democratic Part (1 comments)

The military/media attacks on the Hastings article (1 comments)

Mayor Calvin Tillman Leaves Dish, Texas Fearing 'Fracking' Effects On Family's Health

Roger Ailes to be Indicted | The Big Picture (1 comments)

You Should Have Stayed at Home

Biggest Fish Face Little Chance of Being Prosecuted (1 comments)

Must All Turds Float to the Top?

Gas Companies Dump Radioactive Waste into Water Supply (8 comments)

Regulation Lax as Gas Wells' Tainted Water Hits Rivers

Wisconsin protesters rally against Gov. Walker's budget plan

In Indiana, Clues to Future of Wisconsin Labor

U.N. Security Council slaps sanctions on Libya

On the Stump, Gingrich Puts Focus on Faith

Saturday, February 26:

Rally for the American Dream: Huge Gatherings Nationwide in Solidarity with Wisconsin Democratic Uprising

Solidarity Protest Supporting Wisconsin Workers Held Across the US (7 comments)

Thousands converge on Wisconsin for more protests (1 comments)

Michael Isikoff: DOJ gets reporter's phone, credit card records

Frances Kennedy/Vatican confirms rport of sexual abuse and rape of nuns by priests in 23 countries

Mormons Still Cranking Kids, With No Concern for Their Future

REPORT: Top 10 Disastrous Policies From The Wisconsin GOP You Haven't Heard About

Rupert Murdoch and David Koch Collude Against Wisconsin Workers (5 comments)

Dan Froomkin: Obama Administration Asks Court To Uphold DADT -- For Now

Workers, Students Vow to Fight on in Wisconsin

Anxiety on all sides of upcoming House hearing on radicalization of U.S. Muslims

Press Release: Live Blog - Libya Feb 26 - Tripoli the Last Gaddafi Bastion Now

Fallen Servicemen Honored by Utah Legislature

Newspaper: Ukrainian mercenaries flying Libya air force planes

Behind The Assault On Planned Parenthood

Obama Aides Say Social Security No Threat to Nation's Finances

Friday, February 25:

1000s die in Libya, reports of poison gas (3 comments)

IAEA report gives Iran clean bill (2 comments)

Sheila Dean: Guatemala News | PayPal's corporate McCarthyism

Koch brothers and the union-busting Kansas House

Obama defends Ashcroft in Supreme Court terror case

Democrats Warm To GOP's Short-Term Budget Cuts

Wisconsin contentious bill stalls

Bush Cancels Denver Trip in Dispute with Wikileaks Founder (4 comments)

American Unionists Demand US Cut Off Aid to Egypt (5 comments)

Merkel chides Netanyahu for failing to make 'a single step to advance peace' (4 comments)

Demonstrations Turn Violent in Iraq

Take Action This Saturday: Pro-Union Rallies Being Held at Every State Capitol and Major Cities (6 comments)

Raymond Davis trial under way in Pakistan (2 comments)

Pentagon Dumps Alabama at the Altar on Air Force Tanker Deal (2 comments)

Gaddafi addresses crowd in Tripoli

U.S. Pulling Back in Afghan Valley It Called Vital

WI Assembly GOP Passes Walker Budget In Surprise Vote -- Dems Chant "Shame!" (1 comments)

Jury Nullification Advocate With Court Pulpit Charged (2 comments)

Don Imus Slips a Great Anti-War Folk-Rock Song onto Fox-TV: KMAG YOYO! by John Grant (2 comments)

Lynn Buske: New Organic Milk Contains Illegal Synthetic Additive (2 comments)

From Chicago to the World: Update About Mordechai Vanunu and a 'brief' history

Sheila Dean: Pennsylvania Independent - Opposition Forces In Pennsylvania Moving On REAL ID

Dirty Air Triggers More Heart Attacks than Cocaine

Egyptians to march on Liberation Square (1 comments)

'Afghan villagers fear new US strike'

West may rue ties to Gadhafi - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - (2 comments)

Thursday, February 24:

A Sizeable Dixie Rally for Working Class Solidarity (5 comments)

More on Driving out a Regime (1 comments)

How Chris Christie Did His Homework

VIDEO: Main Street Movement Erupts As Thousands Across Country Protest War On The Middle Class

Fox News Chief Roger Ailes Told Publisher to Lie (2 comments)

Rand Paul dishes about McConnell, 2010 campaign in his new book

Thousands Gather to Protest Bill in Ohio

Lynn Buske: Peace Cereal Illegally Misleading Consumers?

Republicans Get Caught With Hands in the Cookie Jar

Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators (2 comments)

Wisconsin governor urging others to take stands against unions

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Washington's Echo Chamber (1 comments)

Pakistani and Indian Newspapers Say US CIA Contrtactor Raymond Davis is a Terrorist (3 comments)

Julian Assange Ordered by Court to Be Extradited to Sweden (3 comments)

Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators (1 comments)

US imposes sanctions on Iranian officials

FBI sued over alleged spying on Muslims

Wednesday, February 23:

It's 1968 All Over Again, and King's Fight For Unions Is Still Essential (5 comments)

Labor group calls for general strike if budget bill is approved

It's the Inequality, Stupid | Plutocracy Now

Kidney-transplant system considering rules that would benefit younger, healthier people

Gadhafi defiant as defectors call for regime's overthrow

NJ's Top Public Defender Blasts Gov. Christie's Move to "Illegally" Force Her From Office (2 comments)

Justice drops defense of Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz (2 comments)

Scott Walker's Plan To Take Control Of Medicaid Decisions In Wisconsin

Supreme Court rules vaccine makers protected from lawsuits (3 comments)

JesseJackson Joins Ohio Union Workers in Opposition to Collective Bargaining Reform

Indiana Official: "Use Live Ammunition" Against Wisconsin Protesters

Ex-Sen. Bayh, Rep. Manzullo OK after N.Z. quake

Man Who Poisoned Oak Trees Must Be A Republican

Lawsuit alleges FBI violated Muslims' freedom of religion

Indiana Democrats Head to Illinois to Avoid Union Vote

Busted: Scott Walker fell for Prankster posing as David Koch (23 comments)

Franklin P. Lamb: Tawtin or Return: Divergent Views from Lebanon, but one Common Goal (1 comments)

Song/videos of the Egyptian Revolution

Tuesday, February 22:

Emanuel Triumphs in Chicago Mayoral Race (2 comments)

Wis. governor warns of layoffs (1 comments)

Government contractors targeted Chamber of Commerce's critics By Tom Hamburger and Matea Gold, Washington Bureau (1 comments)

Original Footage Donated of JFK's Last Night

Obama's 'Apology Tour' -- Didn't Happen

Koch Brothers' Money Fuels Wisconsin Fight

Dead Baby Dolphins and Oil Wash in on the Gulf Coast (1 comments)

S.C. Gov. Haley's election cost GOP $900,000

Obama's big mistake (1 comments)

Bill would Prohibit Internet Kill Switch'

Iranian navy ships enter Suez Canal

Uganda: Besigye Rejects Museveni's Rule

May 1933: Hitler Abolishes Unions (2 comments)

People, Let's End the War in Afghanistan...Now!

GOP governors using 'ideological axe' on labor, says Dem gov

Have Hospitals Found a Way Around Wrongful-Death Lawsuits?

Tomgram: Bill McKibben, Chamber of Carbon (1 comments)

WHEREAS Politicians Sign Proclamations: People Must Hold Them Accountable (1 comments)

CEO Testifies in Support of Wall Street Reform Act That Would Bring Transparency to Cattle Markets

Four Americans Held on Hijacked Yacht Are Killed

Petraeus's comments on coalition attack reportedly offend Karzai government

No Daley on the ballot as Chicago votes for mayor

Troopers would "absolutely' use force on Wisc. protesters if ordered, police union president tells Raw (13 comments)

Franklin P. Lamb: From Tahrir Square To Shatila Camp: "Cry Hurriya!" (freedom!)

Spike in Baby Dolphin Deaths in Gulf of Mexico

Thick BP Oil Layer Found at Bottom of Gulf of Mexico (1 comments)

Monday, February 21:

*Court Slaps Feds Again For Christie-Era NJ Prosecutions (2 comments)

Gadhafi accused of genocide against his own people (2 comments)

What the World Needs Now

The March from Tahir Square to Gaza and What They Want

Sherwood Ross: Obama Accelerates The Great American War Machine (1 comments)

Will CIA Try to Terminate Davis? - Zaid Hamid

Press Release: BREAKING: New Zealand Hit Hard by New Earthquake

Egyptian independent trade unionists: Egyptian independent trade unionsts' declaration (2 comments)

Bill Haslam, Governor of Tennessee Report

Institute for Peace Budget Cut by Congress: Zero Funding for U.S. Institute of Peace

Jordan slams US veto on Israeli settlements resolution | Jordan Times (1 comments)

Warplanes and Troops Besiege Protesters in Libyan Capital

(VIDEO) A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 (2 comments)

The Popular Uprising in Egypt: The Military Machine Remains Intact, The Political Status Quo Prevails

Tomgram: William Astore, Six Vows to Support Our Troops

U.S. officials: Raymond Davis, accused in Pakistan shootings, worked for CIA (1 comments)

Is the United States Becoming More and More Like Egypt?

Why there should be a case against George W. Bush under torture law - CNN (2 comments)

Protests Fail to Sway Wisconsin Governor

Ciavarella Is Convicted: But The Kids For Cash Scandal Does NOT Come To An End (3 comments)


More State Workers Hired

Franklin P. Lamb: Tawtin or Return: Divergent views from Lebanon, but one common goal

US House approves drastic social spending cuts (4 comments)

Obama Lying: American who sparked diplomatic crisis over Lahore shooting was CIA spy (2 comments)

Sunday, February 20:

13 Boys Arrested From Playground after Army Represses Beit Ommar Demonstration

National Institute for Civil Discourse to open at University of Arizona

Afghan president slams US-led troops

Caught in The Big Lie: ThisCantBeHappening! was Correct in Exposing Raymond Davis as a Spy (8 comments)

Increased U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan killing few high-ranking militants

Palestinians plan 'day of rage' after US vetoes resolution on Israeli settlements | World news | The Guardian

Texas college kids soon could pack heat

Cross-check: Egypt's revolution vindicates Gene Sharp's theory of nonviolent activism (1 comments)

Citizens United: Transforming Politics at For the People Summit in D.C. (3 comments)

Government Tries to Keep Secret What Many Consider a Fraud

Government shutdown: Federal shutdown would halt many, but not all, services

ChamberLeaks: Plan Solicited By Chamber Lawyers Included Malware Hacking Of Activist Computers

Congress, Obama brace for showdown as government shutdown looms

Ron Ridenour: Cuba's Upcoming Communist Party Congress: Moving Away from Socialism and Workers' Democracy (2 comments)

Class Action Lawsuit filed against the Pentagon (1 comments)

Thousands mourn historic trees in rally at Auburn (1 comments)

Top 10 Shocking Attacks from the GOP's War on Women (1 comments)

Think Your Wi Fi Connection is Secure?

CIA Duped Again by Con Man; at Taxpayer's Expense

Arkansas State Budget - Sunshine Review

House Vote to Cut $60 Billion From Budget Sets Up Standoff

Scientist finds Gulf bottom still oily

Deductions Targeted under Snyder's Budget Plan for Michigan

Police Whacked Out: Mother of 3 Arrested for Taking Pictures of Tourist Attraction at Airport (1 comments)

PA to call urgent UN session over settlement resolution veto (1 comments)

Saturday, February 19:

Civilians killed in Kunar airstrikes

CMD Special Report: Scott Walker Runs on Koch Money

PA: We'll turn to UN General Assembly to stop settlements

'Bahrain government about to collapse' (VIDEO)

Loan Mod Program Left Homeowners' Fate in Hands of Dysfunctional Industry

Ohio Democrats Can't Stall Collective-bargaining Vote by Fleeing

Long Floor Fight Over Spending Cuts Gets Personal

Wisconsin Leads Way as Workers Fight State Cuts

U.S.-Taliban Talks

Ex-aide rips Palin in leaked manuscript

Three questions for Marwan Bishara on US veto of UN Resolution (1 comments)

Taliban attack on Afghan bank

Libya: Snipers shoot mourners, killing 15

Robert Arend: The Obama Administration: February 1-14, 2011

House approves dramatic cuts in federal spending in 235-189 vote

Top 10 Shocking Attacks from the Republican War Against Women (5 comments)

Death in a Bottle for a Handful of Haitian Coins (3 comments)

Idaho Teacher Gets Pissed (1 comments)

Video of Cop Brutality

No charges against ex-Countrywide chief

Barrett Brown -- How Anonymous hacked the security firm hacker

Friday, February 18:

U.S. Blocks Security Council Censure of Israeli Settlements

GOP activists in Iowa divided on whether Palin can carry 2012 banner

Conservative budget amendment fails House amid fissure among Republicans

Boehner Says Spending Cuts Must Come Now

A Responsible End to the War in Afghanistan

House Republicans Reject Spending Measure

Battle Lines Harden Across the Mideast as Rulers Dig In

Besigye to Ugandans: Eat Money to Buy Votes, then Vote against the Thieves by Ann Garrison

House Republicans Move To Block FCC Internet Regulations

Crackdown on Medicare Fraud Is Picking Up Steam

US report: Iran not after nuclear arms

*Deregulation of GM Corn for Ethanol ... A Bad Idea Just Got Worse (3 comments)

McGovern: 'No heckler at Clinton speech' (VIDEO)

BP to Feinberg: stop paying people so much (1 comments)

Wake Up Hillary: We The People of the Internet Have Risen Up!

Is Obama failing to lead, or leading in a new, crafty way?

Right-Wing Media Freak Out Over Union Protests In Wisconsin (2 comments)

Thursday, February 17:

Karl Rove: Birtherism Is A 'White House Strategy' (VIDEO) | TPMDC

Wis. Lawmakers Flee State to Block Anti-Union Bill

Hank Paulson: Ex-Goldman Sachs CEO, Ex-Bush Treasury Secretary - and Ex-actly Right

Restoring Economic Sovereignty: The Push for State-owned Banks (6 comments)

In sharp reversal, U.S. agrees to rebuke Israel in Security Council

What might a government shutdown look like? (1 comments)

Mass Mobilization to Save Workers' Rights: From the Front Lines in WI (18 comments)

Thawing Permafrost Likely to Accelerate Global Warming

Florida's governor cancels high-speed rail plan (1 comments)

Shy U.S. Intellectual Created Playbook Used in a Revolution (2 comments)

Lawsuits Are Piling Up Over A Mass Shooting In Alabama

The Back Story on Iran's Clashes (A Special Report) (1 comments)

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Waist Deep in the Washington Quagmire

Former CIA Veteran Ray McGovern Discusses Brutal Arrest at Secretary Clinton's Internet Freedom Speech (4 comments)

Columbia U. Professor Tries to Build Government-Proof Internet (1 comments)


Sweden Overtakes US in Competitiveness (2 comments)

Ray McGovern Discusses Brutal Arrest at Secretary Clinton's Internet Freedom Speech (24 comments)

Egyptian workers step up strike offensive

Wednesday, February 16:

New cyclone threatens Australia

US government accidentally shuts down 84,000 websites during child porn raid

Budget Baloney (1): Why Social Security Isn't a Problem for 26 Years, and the Best Way to Fix It Permanently (9 comments)

At Clinton Speech: Ray McGovern Bloodied, Bruised and Arrested for Standing Silently

Iraq Bioweapons Claim a Lie, "Curveball' Says

Russ Feingold Launches 'Progressives United' To Combat Corporate Influences In Politics (1 comments)

Calling all Hackers and IT Specialists! $20,000 Reward!

Bahrain protesters hold ground

'US trying to keep Egypt under grip'

Tea Party Patriots Investigated: 'They Use You and Abuse You' (1 comments)

Nir Rosen Resigns as NYU Fellow After Trashing Lara Logan on Twitter

House GOPer Introduces Bill Designed to Help Prosecute WikiLeaks Under Espionage Act (1 comments)

John Wheeler Homicide Investigation Turns Toward Victim's Home

Pentagon douses rumor of Petraeus exit, for now

Did Glenn Beck Turn A Profit At Wilmington Charity Event?

Firm in WikiLeaks plot has deep ties to Feds

Sam Stein: Obama Veto Threat Of GOP Spending Bill Ratchets Up Talk Of Government Shutdown (1 comments)

Russ Feingold Launches 'Progressives United' To Combat Corporate Influences In Politics (1 comments)

South Dakota Moves To Legalize Killing Abortion Providers

CBS reporter Lara Logan assaulted in Egypt

U.S. Follows Two Paths on Unrest in Iran and Bahrain

Egypt's Autocrats Exploited Internet's Weaknesses

NRC on Experiments on "War on Terror" Detainees: "A Contemporary Problem"? (1 comments)

Women's Eucharist Lives On Despite Rejection by Popes (1 comments)

Haiti: Clean Water Is a Human Right If You Can Find it (1 comments)

Tuesday, February 15:

Anthrax report casts doubt on scientific evidence in FBI case against Bruce Ivins (2 comments)

Clinton to announce new 'AfPak' envoy

Defector admits to WMD lies that triggered Iraq war

In Prison Interview, Madoff Says Banks "Had to Know'

Inside the Killing Machine

Gates, Rumsfeld Sued Over U.S. Military's Rape Epidemic

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Thugs Used 'Terror Tools' for Disinfo Scheme Targeting Me, My Family, and Other Progressives (1 comments)

Sherwood Ross: CIA & Pentagon Knew Their Methods Were Torture (2 comments)

US targets Twitter in bid to trap Assange

Obama Seeks Big Boost in Cybersecurity Spending

Obama calls for peaceful response in Middle East

Is the Abramoff Era Really Over?

Tomgram: Michael Schwartz, Weapons of Mass Disruption

The Unavoidable Disappointment of Revolutions (1 comments)

Yemeni Police Clash with Protesters

Monday, February 14:

A 'Dictator' Governor Sets Out to Cut Wages, Slash Benefits and Destroy Public Unions (3 comments)

Malaysia warns Muslims of Valentine's Day 'trap'

Congressman Ron Paul slams Obama: "He's a warmonger" (3 comments)

Signs of Trouble as G-20 Ministers Prepare to Meet

Obama budget would raise taxes on affluent, businesses, boost aid for innovation

Fight for a World Without Coal (3 comments)

Caregivers of wounded troops still waiting for benefits signed into law by Obama

Chamber of Commerce Thuggery Comes As No Surprise (1 comments)

Egypt's military rejects swift transfer of power and suspends constitution

One Nation, Under Lock and Key, by Rosette Royale (1 comments)

Tomgram: Jen Marlowe, The Freedom Reading List (1 comments)

GRAPES OF WRATH -- 2011 (5 comments)

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Thugs Used 'Terror Tools' for Disinfo Scheme Targeting Me, My Family, Other Progressive U.S. Ci

Can The Egyptian People Keep Up The Momentum For Real Change? (3 comments)

WikiLeaks cables: Egyptian military head is 'old and resistant to change'

Yasmeen Ali (Special to ThisCantBeHappening!): US Misinformation: International Law is Clear that Diplomatic Immunity is Not Absolute

Lawmaker Calls for Limits on Exporting Net-Spying Tools (1 comments)

Gay rights champion aims to become Republican presidential candidate

Egyptians and Tunisians Collaborated to Shake Arab History

Giffords Recovery Is Continuing, Friends Say

Sunday, February 13:

Egypt being governed same way as before, PM says

WikiLeaks crippled by ex-associates, sources say

Chamber Of Commerce Lawyers And Private Security Firms Are Involved In Million Dollar Spying Operation To Take Down Our

High On Uganda's Hit List, Bishop Christopher Senyonjo Will NOT Go Into Hiding. (1 comments)

Progressive Strategy Handbook

Birth Anomaly Makes Doctors Question Their Understanding of the Human Brain

NEW Message from Mordechai Vanunu

Democracy Came to Egypt. Now Let's FIX America! (3 comments)

Palestinian Leaders Call for September Elections

Killing Big Bird: GOP budget would end PBS / NPR funding

Obama to propose spending cuts in budget plan aimed at countering conservatives

Egyptian protesters slam military rule

Israeli MK predicts Palestinian revolution

Egypt Sees New Era After Exit of Hosni Mubarak

Saturday, February 12:

Lynn Buske: USDA Uncovers Plot to Import Fake Chinese Organic Food (1 comments)

Ron Paul wins CPAC straw poll (8 comments)

21 Signs That The Once Great U.S. Economy Is Being Gutted, Neutered, Defanged, Declawed And Deindustrialized (1 comments)

Arrest warrant issued for former Pakistani President Musharraf for Bhutto's Assassination (1 comments)

Egyptian Revolution Driving Force Wael Ghonim Discusses Revolution 2.0 (1 comments)

Palin hires chief-of-staff

Joint Chiefs Chairman to Reassure Jordan, Israel

Pro-democracy rallies held in Yemen

Egyptians vow to continue protests

David Gregory: SUNDAY EXCLUSIVE: House Speaker John Boehner

Tim Pawlenty Sheds Mild Manner At 2011 CPAC

Thousands Defy Ban To Protest In Algeria

Wall Street Reform Act Already Benefiting Cattle Industry

Former Fox News employee: "Stuff is just made up"

10 Egyptians killed in El-Arish protests

Friday, February 11:

Obama assertion: FBI can get phone records without oversight

House GOP unveils $61B spending cut plan (1 comments)

Egyptian military tortured, "disappeared" thousands of demonstrators (1 comments)

Arizona sues feds over border security

CPAC 2011: Tea Party Welcomed By GOP

Obama report on Fannie, Freddie plan may boost mortgage rates

Conservatives Say 2010 Was Only a Start

The Mummification of Pharaoh on Display -- Egypt's Judgment Day

Big Sis Breaks Out "Heightened" Terror Alert as PATRIOT Act Heads to House

Mubarak resigns; hands power to Egyptian military

Mubarak Steps Down; Jubilation in Cairo. "Egypt is Free!" (13 comments)

New owners for XeServices - Private army sold but rotten apple doesn't fall far (1 comments)

Parody: "SECRET" Leak from The Egyptian Military Command

Men, Avoid These Valentine Faux Pas (7 comments)

Young Activist Faces 10 Years in Prison After Trying to Save Public Lands From Oil and Gas Companies

Evidence Suggests Corruption Runs Deep in Beef Checkoff Program

U.S. Faces Stark Choice as Mubarak Clings to Office

Thursday, February 10:

US vows commitment to Israel security (1 comments)

US vows to veto UN resolution on Israel

Seeds of Revolutions: Shoes and Tear Gas Canisters

Donald Trump to Continue to Jerk Us Around With His Presidential Ambitions at CPAC This Afternoon (1 comments)

Defiant Mubarak refuses to resign

CPAC 2011: The Conservative Political Action Conference (Live coverage)

Crank Up the Casino! Wall Street's Newest Ploy to Gorge on America's Economic Suffering

At Gulf oil disaster forum, health problems on dramatic display (4 comments)

Mubarak left Egypt: presidential sources (Sources Wrong)

White House to Cut Energy Assistance for the Poor (3 comments)

Tomgram: Chase Madar, The Trials of Bradley Manning, A Defense (3 comments)

CPAC Cheat Sheet: Presidential Previews

Rep. Chris Lee resigns over suggestive photo (3 comments)

Egyptian Secret Police, guilty of Torture, Were Trained by Our FBI (1 comments)

House Republicans Battle Turmoil in Their Ranks

Jon Kyl to announce retirement today (4 comments)

Rove and Wallenberg Are At The Heart Of The Julian Assange Prosecution (3 comments)

Raúl receives president of the Institutional Revolutionary Party of Mexico, by Granma International

Amnesty: Torture Continues in Iraq (1 comments)

Cables: FBI trained Egypt's state security "torturers' (2 comments)

Growing pains: House GOP stumbles

Wednesday, February 9:

"Middle East on brink of grand transformation"

David Edwards: Adbusters: The left Built Huffington, and We Can Tear It Down Too

WikiLeaks: Suleiman told Israel he would 'cleanse' Sinai of arms runners to Gaza

Obama To Cut Energy Assistance For Poor; Kerry Urges Him To Reconsider (1 comments)

Omar Suleiman -- longtime collaborator with Israel and US (1 comments)

New York Congressman Resigns Over Shirtless Photo (1 comments)

Davis may also face espionage charge

US Terror Campaign in Pakistan? What was Raymond Davis Shooting for in Lahore? (1 comments)

Microsoft Delivers 'Big Month' of Patches, Quashes 22 Bugs

Obama to propose relief for states burdened by debt from unemployment benefits

Jim Webb's decision not to run in 2012 is a disaster for Obama (2 comments)

Clarence Thomas Is Trying To Get Away With A Felony (3 comments)

Mubarak Rejects Offer of Medical Treatment in Germany

Dan Froomkin: White House Economist Hopes GOP Will Discuss Budget 'In An Adult Way'

Grand Isle Businesses Battered by BP Oil Disaster (1 comments)

Cyber-combat doesn't mean "non-lethal" warfare, warns Pentagon (1 comments)

Public Optimism About the Economy at a Three-Year High (1 comments)

'Alley Cat' Ethics and Other Antics

Tuesday, February 8:

How to Build a Progressive Tea Party (1 comments)

House rejects extensions of Patriot Act provisions (1 comments)

US Spurned Taliban Peace Feelers (1 comments)

Press Release: Haiti Issues Passport to Vanquished President Aristide (4 comments)

O'Donnell pledges PAC will counter 'liberal' GOP establishment

House fails to extend Patriot Act surveillance as Republicans defect

Egypt protests: Hosni Mubarak's concessions rejected

Disgusting: Health Insurers Exploit Reform Loopholes to Limit Coverage for Children (1 comments)

[Updated] Keith Olbermann back on TV in spring in one-hour primetime show on Current TV

Dan Froomkin: GOP Senator Proposes Increasing Social Security Retirement Age 'Every Several Years'

Sex Scandal Might Nip Boehner's Speakership In The Bud (7 comments)

Memo to Congress: Show Us the M-O-N-E-Y! (Part 1 of 3) (1 comments)

Olbermann Said to Be Going to Current TV

Federal judicial vacancies reaching crisis point (1 comments)

Exclusive: The Deepening Mystery of Raymond Davis and Two Slain Pakistani Motorcyclists (1 comments)

Egypt: Exchanging a Dictator for a Torturer (1 comments)

MSNBC Made Overtures to Buy Huffpo

Arianna Huffington on Huffpo's Merger with AOL

Montana GOP Lawmaker Wants To Create Official State Militia (5 comments)

Monday, February 7:

Thanks to Government we have ... (2 comments)

Keith Olbermann Will Probably Announce Move to Current TV Tomorrow (2 comments)

Cheney: Mubarak "a good man" (2 comments)

Egyptians Stage Anti-US Rallies

Military deploys acupuncture to treat soldiers' concussions

In Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood reverses course, agrees to talks on transition

Israel concerned over strategic changes

Rights groups to chase Bush

Not So Fast! Haiti Election Results Still in Limbo as Official Says She Did Not Sign On (1 comments)


Democrats defect: Conservative Democrats switch to GOP across the South (2 comments)

Robert Fisk: US envoy's business link to Egypt

Governors from both parties plan painful cuts amid budget crises across the U.S.

A crowded (but empty) 2012 Republican presidential field

GOP eyes rules that firms say hurt jobs

Jane Harman to resign from Congress

Joe Scarborough Spews Rubbish As He Pushes Bob Riley for President (1 comments)

David Swanson: Bush Cancels Trip to Avoid Torture Prosecution (1 comments)

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Goodbye to All That

Mummies and Dummies: The Crisis In Egypt Is Not Over Yet (1 comments)

AOL Agrees To Acquire The Huffington Post (for $315 Million) (1 comments)

Outsourcing Social Cost or the "Socialization" of Cost!

Wikileaks Founder Back in Court to Challenge Extradition

Drug Thieves Go After Pharmacies - OxyContin a Goal

Sunday, February 6:

AOL to Buy The Huffington Post

Wikileaks: Suleiman 'panned' Egypt opposition

John Kerry Breaks With Obama On Afghanistan, Calls For Fewer U.S. Troops On The Ground

Koch brothers now at heart of GOP power

US may extend stay in Iraq

Socialist Green Bay Packers Win Superbowl (151 comments)

Mark Adams JD/MBA: Over 350,000 Florida Homes in Foreclosure Now! Palm Beach Post caption reads Lenders Compuond Court Errors

1 Dead, 11 Shot at Fraternity House (1 comments)

"Egypt's reform plans not sufficient" (1 comments)

Now Gaza Begins to Shake (1 comments)

Egypt Leadership Holds Firm After Talks

The Egyptian General and the Gladiola (4 comments)

Palin, at Reagan Event, Says U.S. is on "Road to Ruin' (1 comments)

Emails, Youtubes, History and Intifadas

ElBaradei: Envoy's Mubarak comments caused 'confusion,' 'disappointment' (5 comments)

The Obama Administration: January 17-31, 2011

Sherwood Ross: College Athletes Suffer Most From Commercialization of Varsity Sports

Republicans Vote To Repeal Obama-Backed Bill That Would Destroy Asteroid Headed For Earth (3 comments)

Saturday, February 5:

Egyptian Protesters Fear Retribution, But Press On

Egypt gas pipeline to Israel exploded (1 comments)

Dan Froomkin -- Scholar: Mubarak's Departure Won't Lead To Chaos Or Theocracy

Palin says Obama's policies have U.S. on road to ruin (2 comments)

Egypt unrest: shake-up in ruling NDP (1 comments)

Bush Trip Canceled for Security Concerns

West Backs Gradual Egyptian Transition

Egypt military mulls its options

Kucinich: Does Treatment of Pfc. Bradley Manning Constitute "Cruel and Unusual" Treatment? (16 comments)

Friday, February 4:

Mubarak Mobs and Street Vendors: Welcome to Egypt (2 comments)

Al-Jazeera's Cairo offices torched, reporters face continued violence

Cynthia McKinney: From United Arab Emirates (5 comments)

Bradley Manning, Torture in the US vs. Torture in Egypt (5 comments)

Justice Thomas's wife Virginia Thomas now a lobbyist

Dems: Obama Broke Pledge to Force Banks to Help Homeowners (3 comments)

The Egyptian Tinderbox: How Banks and Investors Are Starving the Third World (7 comments)

Microsoft to Patch 22 Bugs, 3 Zero-days Next Week

Mubarak sends snipers after protesters

US, Israel to fill power vacuum in Egypt

Bob Riley for President? Still Crooked After All These Years (1 comments)

Mubarak's Hired Thugs: Rural Poor Paid to Attack Opposition Supporters

Gabrielle Giffords's husband Mark Kelly will command final shuttle flight (2 comments)

Times, Guardian editors would stand "shoulder to shoulder' with Assange if prosecuted (7 comments)

Egypt has Obama cautiously shifting world view on democracy

Anonymous, Wikileaks joins Yemen's "Day of Rage" (4 comments)

Blood and fear in Cairo's streets as Mubarak's men crack down on protests

Thursday, February 3:

White House, Egypt Discusses Plan for Mubarak's Exit

THE INFLUENCE GAME: Problems for Egypt's brokers

Media in the line of fire in Egypt

Millions marching towards Cairo square

Kepler spacecraft finds more than 1,000 planets

University Makes a Habit of Firing Employees Over "Computer Issues" (1 comments)

Photo; Christians Protecting Muslims Praying in Egypt (5 comments)

EPA reverses Bush-era water safety standards, will regulate contaminants

Federal Homelessness Program Runs Out Of Money As Need Rises

Wallace Shawn, Are You Smarter Than Thomas Jefferson? (2 comments)

Pharma's War on Kids (4 comments)

Climate Change a Hoax (2 comments)

Was This the Video That Started the Egyptian Revolution? (8 comments)

This is Not a Place for Life (2 comments)

Yemen's Day of Rage ends in a whimper

Pentagon Paid Billions to Fraudsters

Wednesday, February 2:

WikiLeaks among nominees for Nobel Peace Prize (5 comments)

On the Ground in Egypt: Cables from Peace Activists in Cairo

Heist -- About the Film

Rumsfeld remains largely unapologetic in memoir (1 comments)

Senate defeats Republican-led health-care repeal effort

WikiLeaks among nominees for Nobel Peace Prize (1 comments)

McCain and Gingrich Lash Out At El Baradei, Accuse Him Of Secretly Being In Cahoots With Radical Islamists

Chernobyl: Photos 25 Years After

US slaps sanctions on Iranian firms (1 comments)

Punxsutawney Phil predicts an early spring

What if the US shut down the Internet like Egypt did?

The Kochs fight back (1 comments)

Mental health specialist recommended WikiLeaks suspect not be deployed to Iraq (1 comments)

Anderson Cooper Attacked, Punched In The Head By Pro-Mubarak Mob In Egypt (2 comments)

Rights NGO claims that Israeli planes carrying crowd dispersal weapons have arrived in Egypt

Israel urges West: Make sure new Egypt regime honors peace deal

The FBI "Kamikaze Pilots" Case; Omitted From 911 Commission Report (35 comments)

Will the GOP Help BP Get Away With a Fast One on the Alabama Coast?

ElBaradei: Mubarak, go now, not later

7 Foods That Should Never Cross Your Lips

The F Word: Inequality Drives Egyptians to Streets, But Ours Worse

Israeli crowd dispersal weapons have arrived in Egypt says rights NGO (2 comments)

Sheila Dean: Agreement to end child recruitment in Afghan police (1 comments)

King Abdullah replaces Jordanian cabinet (2 comments)

Australia braces for Epic Monster Cyclone

Tuesday, February 1:

Fear Machine Redux: Right-Wing Media Use Overseas Turmoil To Stoke Fears Of U.S. Revolution (2 comments)

Feb. 4 declared the 'Friday of departure'

Photo Slideshow: Women of The Egyptian Protests

Mubarak announcement disappoints Obama administration (2 comments)

Congressman Kucinich Calls for Unequivocal Statement of Solidarity with Egyptian People (1 comments)

WikiLeaks: FBI hunts the 9/11 gang that got away (4 comments)

Huckabee Says No Palestinian State in West Bank (1 comments)

David Shuster launching new investigative Web site

44 - Senate Republicans plan to force vote this week on health-care repeal

Obama Urges Mubarak Not to Run Again (1 comments)

Mubarak's Human Rights Record

Al Jazeera Finds New Paths In U.S.

Al Jazeera English Blacked Out Across Most Of U.S.

Do You Really Want to Receive Health Care at a State Hospital? (3 comments)

Judge strikes down entire new health-care law (2 comments)

State Department Orders All Non-Essential US Personnel to Leave Egypt (1 comments)


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