Archives for Life Arts

May 2011

Tuesday, May 31:

Smaller, Cheaper, Faster: Does Moore's Law Apply to Solar Cells?

The Euphoric Victim Syndrome and the NY 26th Results

Musical Nailings and Reflections on Tikkuning (2 comments)

Real American Heroes: The Birthday Boys (1 comments)

Beware of Sarah (3 comments)

Dawn of the Galaxies (3 comments)

Global Warming May Help Trees Store Carbon

Monday, May 30:

Global Carbon at Record High

Taking Chance; on HBO today

Drug Companies: Killing Kids for Profit (8 comments)

Sunday, May 29:

Hundreds of Women Report Rapes by Gaddafi forces

Celebrating 15 Years of Independent, Ad-Free YES! Magazine (2 comments)

Reflections on the 9/11 Controversy, by Elizabeth Woodworth (2 comments)

Ocean Acidification = Latest Manifestation of Global Warming

Did Bacteria Consumed Deepwater Methane? Place yr. bet...

I Can Co-Create! (3 comments)

Saturday, May 28:

Good News for the Ladies!

Students Struggling with Math? (2 comments)

Thomas Farrell: *Too Many African Americans Are Murdered in the U.S. (2 comments)

The Golden Years (Revised) (1 comments) Reveals the Most Well-Read Cities in America

John Smith: In HBO's "Too Big to Fail,' the Heroes Are Really Zeroes, by Jesse Eisinger

An Evening with Helen Thomas and Flashback to John Lennon and Vanunu Mordechai (11 comments)

An Appreciation of Rescue Dawn, Starring Christian Bale and Steve Zahn (3 comments)

Thomas Farrell: *Susan Anderson Can Help Us Understand Disillusionment Regarding President Obama (BOOK REVIEW) (3 comments)

Friday, May 27:

The Golden Years

John Smith: 5 Types of Deadly Insurance Company Crimes (1 comments)

Autism Changes Molecular Structure of Brain (1 comments)

Thursday, May 26:

Gemin New Moon Solar Eclipse, June 1, 2011 (3 comments)

Is Fukushima now ten Chernobyls into the sea? (1 comments)

The Book of Mormon: the Musical (9 comments)

Catskill Mountainkeeper Reports on PA Fracking (2 comments)

You Are Made of Perfect Spheres--quite a few of them! (5 comments)

Cosmic Explosion Most Distant Object in Universe? (29 comments)

Wednesday, May 25:

Soren: A 'Living Exaltation' Gone, but not Easily Forgotten (2 comments)

The Best Bob Dylan 70th Birthday Tributes, by Matthew Perpetua of Rolling Stone Magazine

New World Record Data Transmission Set (1 comments)

Tuesday, May 24:

Hobi, Service Dog In Training (4 comments)

Thomas Farrell: *In Defense of American Exceptionalism and Christian Social Ethics (BOOK REVIEW) (6 comments)

Monday, May 23:

Revolutionary Songs of the Arab Awakening (1 comments)

P. Orin Zack: Short Story: "Focus Group" (1 comments)

"Too Big To Fail" - The Movie (1 comments)

No Global Warming in Joplin (16 comments)

Here is what young East Asians are studying in order to live more harmoniously with the West? What has the West learnt?

Damaged Animals (2 comments)

Medicalizing the Menstrual Cycle (6 comments)

Sunday, May 22:

*Is This Megadairy A Threat to Health and Livelihood of NW Illinois Residents? (9 comments)

Review: Jon Ronson's The Psychopathic Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry

Japan Considering Solar Panels on all New Buildings (3 comments)

To Live or Not to Live | Derrick Jensen | Orion Magazine (4 comments)

Saturday, May 21:

FAN Brings Great Programs to Parents of New Trier Township

Solar Powered Auto Coming Your Way (1 comments)

Book Review: Basics with a Twist (1 comments)

Natalie Portman's $600 Carton of Eggs: The Black Swan and The Chicken

Kitchen Table Theory: On Writing, Kitchen Tables, Motherhood and Time (1 comments)

John Smith: Forbidden to Know in Democracy: Direct Corporate Taxation

Bye Bye, Bybee

Beekeeper's Lament: Bees Allow Us to Live, but We Do Little in Return

RAP: Wake Up, Media, about Syria!

Friday, May 20:

Happiness in the Age of Sorrow (11 comments)

We Missed The Rapture! Jesus Already Gone

Localizing Fruit, Vegetable Consumption Hardly Affects Environmental and Health Issues, by Science/Daily (7 comments)

Thursday, May 19:

Ian and the Tipsy Snowmobiler

Freedom of Religion Returns to Benghazi after Years of Gaddafi Repression

Extinction Rates Over-reported? (1 comments)

An Award for Calling the Crash

Online Daters Trust in God

The Difference Between an Atheist and a Theist

Wednesday, May 18:

questions from a cold rain (3 comments)

P. Orin Zack: Short Story: "Eulogy" (2 comments)

Tuesday, May 17:

Press Release: The Gulf Cooperation Council's Dirty Little Secret: Modern Slavery

Zen and the art of being a Kerouac wannabe

Messy marital histories pose challenge for Gingrich, Daniels and their wives - The Washington Post

Monday, May 16:

Syrian President "Papa Doc" Assad's Torture State (9 comments)

A Closer Look at the Ongoing Wisconsin Recount (10 comments)

Stephen Hawking Dismisses Idea of a Universal Creator (12 comments)

Morals are the genes of societal evolution. (4 comments)

Depression: A Walking Meditation (7 comments)

Sunday, May 15:

More Isaac Witkin -- Nine Bronze Sculptures (6 comments)

John Smith: Hail, Switzerland! by Joe Sobran

Saturday, May 14:

Syrian Revolution Reaches out, Adapts to Assad Regime Tactics (1 comments)

*Now What? (1 comments)

The Birth of Israel and Pain of Palestine (2 comments)

Food Safety in the Post-Fukushima World (16 comments)

P. Orin Zack: Short Story: "Round" (5th/last in a series) (1 comments)

Friday, May 13:

Previously Banned Books Sell Well in Benghazi (2 comments)

A book that can change your life: "The Whistleblowers Survival Guide" (3 comments)

Our Kind of Traitor (3 comments)

Obama's "Singular' Mother - Book Review (1 comments)

The Harvest Initiative, Investing in the People of Crow Creek

Thursday, May 12:

Palestinian Poet Extraordinaire: Remi Kanazi Recites "Only as Equals" in Austin

John Smith: Are Americans a Broken People? Why We've Stopped Fighting Back Against the Forces of Oppression? (1 comments)

After Plane Crash, Lynda Fishman Chose Life (2 comments)

Oil, guns, and movies

Listen Now to the New National Jukebox at the Library Congress

Wednesday, May 11:

Not Easy Flying Green, Experts Proclaim. However... (4 comments)

Courts rule that the VA is failing in its treatment of PTSD

don't seek consensus (2 comments)

A Cannan Hits the Mark

FLinTaos: Fate of LANL building rests in judge's hands Roger Snodgrass

Tuesday, May 10:

The Foundation of Religion Fractured, shaky, and exposed (27 comments)

The Fierce Urgency of All Thing Nuclear: A Book Review in Light of Current Events (3 comments)

Help President Obama pilot the ship of state (animation)

The last post...after death (1 comments)

Monday, May 9:

World-renowned Executive Coach's Observations on Human-Based Leadership

Spokane Tribal Community Midnite Mine Superfund Site

Renewable Energy Can Power the World (3 comments)

Brain Performs Optimal Visual Search

Sunday, May 8:

P. Orin Zack: Short Story: "Face Value" (4th in a series) (1 comments)

Haitian Winter, Part Nine: the Iron Market's Interior Architecture

Saturday, May 7:

Killing Courageously (2 comments)

Tony Kushner adds to Israel's Pain. (1 comments)

Friday, May 6:

Walk As One at 1: World Labyrinth Day, May 7 (10 comments)

Eight Steel Sculptures by Isaac Witkin (7 comments)

Thursday, May 5:

Columbia journalism award for Al Jazeera English

Understanding and Forgiveness (2 comments)

An Appreciation of the Films The Wild Child, Starring Francois Truffaut, and Barry Lyndon, Starring Ryan O'Neil (4 comments)

"Fear of Intimacy -- The Wounded Heart of Codependency" by Robert Burney

What Children Think of War (7 comments)

Wednesday, May 4:

Literary Agent Shares Trade Secrets With New Writers (6 comments)

The Future Children of Fukushima (1 comments)

"Is Journalism Worth Dying For?": One woman's story

Eye is Better than Camera at Capturing Contrast & Faint Detail

Sense of Justice Built into Brain (1 comments)

Jason McElwain, Autistic Basketball Player

Tuesday, May 3:

Press Release: Libyans Labeled "al Qaeda" Speak out about bin Laden (2 comments)

Witness (On Life and Love) (2 comments)

Monday, May 2:

Donald Trump for President, An Astrology Analysis

P. Orin Zack: Short Story: "LA Scrip" (3rd in a series) (1 comments)

To cut or not to cut- On cutting elective music education in public schools to conserve funds (3 comments)

Deadly Tornadoes May Be Influenced by Climate Change

Sunday, May 1:

Mary Allen and Northern Cook County's Award-Winning Recycling Program (1 comments)

NASA Probes Asteroid Collision Debris, by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Health Execs Get Richer as Some Americans Beg for Help to Pay Bills (2 comments)

Keith Roman: A spoonful of sugar for NEMO -- Care to save a childs life?

How To Beat Your Competition While Going For A Job (4 comments)


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