Archives for Life Arts
March 2012
Saturday, March 31:
Nine Year Old Comes to Washington (3 comments)
Friday, March 30:
Senior moments - an operatic ode (Video)
300,000 Quebec students protest tuition hike
OWS = Recycled Beatnik Complaints?
Mercury retrograde in Pisces: Think spiritually (1 comments)
From Wylie, an Old Law School Pal Who Played an Acoustic Guitar... (2 comments)
Thursday, March 29:
Documentary on Rabindranath Tagore, by Satyajit Ray
The American Crisis: Fools Fathomed Five (1 comments)
Wednesday, March 28:
A Tale of Two (Giant) Cities (1 comments)
Consciousness and Independence Declaration (1 comments)
Hedge Funds or Hedge Fund Managers Own ALL the Pro Sports Teams?!?! (2 comments)
Four Artworks by Nell Blaine (1 comments)
Tuesday, March 27:
Athens based one man band is innovative, philosophical, subtle- and has a touchstone in Kandinsky
Constipation Can Cause Pants-Wetting and Bed-Wetting
Monday, March 26:
The Ethnocidal Civilisation (2 comments)
Emerging Archtypal Themes: The Hunger Games, the new Female Heroine and Aries Courage (1 comments)
Vanity License Plate "SMUGGLER' Caught Feds Attention (1 comments)
Breaking the News Corp. Phone Hacking Scandal | FRONTLINE Documentary - Airs March 27
Sunday, March 25:
Plush Bunnies for Easter (2 comments)
People Aren't Smart Enough for Democracy to Flourish, Scientists Say, by By Natalie Wolchover (2 comments)
Saturday, March 24:
Movie Review: Hunger Games (6 comments)
The Forgotten Art of Letter Writing".. (9 comments)
My Kid did it: Where's the literature and dialogue when your kid is the bully? (4 comments)
Friday, March 23:
Republicans, pawns, and game changers
Thursday, March 22:
Etch a Sketch Romney - Hottest YouTube Satire
Mister Mitt Etch-A-Sketch - Satire
Underlying Dynamics that Breed Bullies (7 comments)
Thomas Farrell: *Jonathan Haidt on the Righteous Mind, and the Catholic Anti-Abortion Crusade (REVIEW ESSAY) (1 comments)
Are You a Worshiper in the Cult of Mac? Have You Been to the House of Jobs? Do You Kneel Before His Throne? (4 comments)
Wednesday, March 21:
Linda Gartz: Digging up family history through letters and photographs (2 comments)
Best Places in the World to Retire
Dutch Model Deemed "Too Fat' Gets Her Day in Court and Poses to Prove Her Point (2 comments)
Tuesday, March 20:
Should Children Learn to Read What the Writer Actually Wrote? (3 comments)
Monday, March 19:
Living Out the Creative Self: It's the Key to Bridging Differences and to a Meaningful Life. (1 comments)
Orgasm From Exercise: All Hail The Female "Coregasm'?
Spring Equinox and Aries New Moon 2012
Sunday, March 18:
Finally, Fake Chicken Worth Eating (1 comments)
Astrology: Sun into Aries: Time to Face Who You Really Are (5 comments)
Saturday, March 17:
Saint Patrick's Day Quotes, Sayings, Epigrams and Proverbs
Friday, March 16:
Is Your Child Really Reading, or Just Guessing?
India -- and a visit to 'Little Tibet' (19 comments)
Does Your Child Need Drugs or Phonics? (6 comments)
Thursday, March 15:
Anti-Semitic Dutch Board Game Lets You Settle Canaan
The New Jews of Cameroon (1 comments)
Wednesday, March 14:
Emerging Archetypal Themes: The Last Wave by Peter Weir (3 comments)
Santorum family: How many vacation days do home-schooled children get? It's depends...
The Costs and Benefits of Belief: An Economic Perspective (12 comments)
Will red meat kill you? (5 comments)
Adolescent fertility rates in Latin America and Caribbean: 1 in3 women give birth before 20 (1 comments)
Film "Arise" Shows Power of Women to Heal the Earth
Tuesday, March 13:
Women's Work at the Oscars: Feminism and the Best Actress Category
The Academic Feminist: Spring Break Roundup
Monday, March 12:
"Chicken" I Could Eat (1 comments)
The Lorax: a Film-Which-Everyone-Needs (2 comments)
The Scale of the Universe (Interactive) (3 comments)
Sunday, March 11:
The Devil's Dictionary; Revised and Updated (5 comments)
Animal Rights Thinkers of the Past (2 comments)
*Some People Just Don't Get It - But Then Again, How Could They Possibly Ever? (7 comments)
Saturday, March 10:
Woman finds out about her husband's other wife on Facebook
How to tell someone you have OCD, without embarrassing yourself (3 comments)
Friday, March 9:
The Deplorax: The Lorax Goes Hollywood (2 comments)
Thursday, March 8:
On Clothes And Modernity (1 comments)
Birth Control and E.D. for Dummies: A Sex and Cost Comparison for Sluts and Others (13 comments)
AP: Biggest solar storm in years races toward Earth
Wednesday, March 7:
Gettin' Down With Melissa Brown, by Charlie Finch at Artnet Magazine
Tuesday, March 6:
Vinie Burrows: Legendary Black Actress -- Dynamic Peace and Equal Rights Activist
Angel Flinn and Dan Cudahy: Opposition Confirms my Purpose (1 comments)
Uranus Square Pluto and the Cycles of Economic Recession and Depression (3 comments)
Monday, March 5:
The Cosmic Story: Virgo Full Moon, March 8, 2012 (1 comments)
New Mexico photo-journal (4 comments)
Things are not what they seem . . . (1 comments)
Saturday, March 3:
Friday, March 2:
Star Gazing:Comets, Actors, and Angelina's Right Leg (1 comments)
Thursday, March 1:
Worth (5 comments)
Anonymous (2011): Class, Conspiracy, and Shakespeare