Archives for Life Arts

April 2012

Sunday, April 29:

Mike Volpe: *New "Tell-All" Book About ACORN Hits The Stands... Just In Time For The General Election (3 comments)

It's Complicated, by Madeleine Schwartz at Harvard Magazine (2 comments)

Paganism - Returning a Favor of Faith (1 comments)

Saturday, April 28:

AI WEIWEI AT WHITE BOX, by Emily Nathan at Artnet Magazine

Tricked Out Tunes on the Cosmic Sly: Ray Wylie Hubbard's "Grifter's Hymnal"

Friday, April 27:

Emerging Archetypal Themes: Avatar - Spiritual Earth (1 comments)

Did Pirates Party at the Purple Porpoise? (1 comments)

Analytic Thinking Can Decrease Religious Belief

Thursday, April 26:

Obama's Shout-Out to Comedy Central's Key & Peele - VIDEO

Wednesday, April 25:

The Great Whale Conservancy: Saving Valentina.-Mini Documentary

The Meaning of Evolved Consciousness (6 comments)

The Love of Trees and the Power of One (7 comments)

our darkness at noon

Tuesday, April 24:

Are Federal Prisons Finding it Hard to Let Go? (3 comments)

Sunday, April 22:

Former Competitive Swimmer Muses on Skills Gained in the Pool (1 comments)

Can You Make Yourself Smarter? (3 comments)

Coca-Cola habit linked to New Zealander's death (1 comments)

Friday, April 20:

Can we stop those nukes? Wasserman says: You betcha! (2 comments)

Storytelling revival

Guilty Priest From Stockton Flees Country (5 comments)

Buckeye - An Ohio Horse (6 comments)

Spearing a Tax Deduction (1 comments)

Thursday, April 19:

Sinead O'Connor: Music's 'Uncooperative' Celebrity (1 comments)

Sun into Taurus: Time to Ground Yourself as the World Girds Itself for Change (1 comments)

Your VJJ Isn't Just Too Big, Too Floppy, and Too Hairy; It's Also Too Brown (1 comments)

Agility and Career Power in Recessionary Times

Wednesday, April 18:

The Cosmic Story: Taurus New Moon & EarthDay 2012 (2 comments)

FAREWELL | From Sam Cooke to The Beastie Boys: Dick Clark's Coolest 'Bandstand' Moments

Daddy, Why Do Priests Rape Little Kids? (3 comments)

first steps

Tuesday, April 17:

The annual National Columnists' Day column

Spectacular Tribute to Woody Guthrie at Los Angeles Concert Honoring Legendary Icon (2 comments)

Paganism -- moving the religious dialogue further (20 comments)

Monday, April 16:

Lincoln's Integrity, Our Integrity (2 comments)

Holocaust Remembrance Week: For Nathan

Book Review – Truth And Consequences: The U.S. vs. Bradley Manning
By Greg Mitchell and Kevin Gosztola

Gary Lindorff: Which ones will see

Saturday, April 14:

Poetry Sightings (3 comments)

Four Artworks by the Amazing Mark Tansey (1 comments)

The next time as an animal (2 comments)

Friday, April 13:

What Your Zip Code Says About You |

Recycling Beat Protests

Thursday, April 12:

Stewart to Santorum: You're not that special

Reverse Integration: It's Time to Come Back Home (10 comments)

Wednesday, April 11:

Titanic's Last Words (2 comments)

earth note 180

Nathan Runkle: Uncovering Cruelty: Former MFA Investigator Speaks Out for Animals (2 comments)

Tuesday, April 10:

Emerging Archetypal Themes: Whale Rider, Aries and the Female Leader. (2 comments)

Brief Encounter With Mike Wallace, the Vineyard's Famous Renter (1 comments)

I found my boobs when my daughter lost her breasts (2 comments)

Seven Artworks at Artnet by the Post-Contemporary Kaws (1 comments)

The Hunger Games (Take Two) (1 comments)

Monday, April 9:

"B" Rapoport, 1917-2012: Boy, Will You Be Missed! (1 comments)

Can Rick Santorum's Daughter Help Save Lives? (2 comments)

The Unconditioned You and Us (6 comments)

Falling Birds

Sunday, April 8:

The Radical Camera, a History in Images of New York's Photo League (3 comments)

Saturday, April 7:

Thomas Farrell: *Crossan and Jesus and Parables (REVIEW ESSAY) (4 comments)

Friday, April 6:

"it starts here" (1 comments)

Tyler Perry accuses police of 'racial profiling' after being pulled over and interrogated (2 comments)

Thursday, April 5:

Stubbornness: The Guts to Fight Reality (7 comments)

Venus in Gemini: Mental hugs (1 comments)

earth note 179

Wednesday, April 4:

A Puppy's Hell (6 comments)

The Cosmic Story: Libra Full Moon, April 6, 2012 (1 comments)

Tuesday, April 3:

Return to the Stone Age! (1 comments)

Monday, April 2:

Emerging Archetypal Themes: The Hunger Games and the Hero with Heart (1 comments)

Dr. Margaret Flowers on the Upcoming Supreme Court Decision and the Future of American Health Care (13 comments)

Trena McClemons: "...and Then God Made Man" (3 comments)

Encyclopaedia Britannica's Last Print Edition Has a Sales Boom - (1 comments)

Sunday, April 1:

Truth and Fact in Writing

Adrienne Rich's 1997 Letter Refusing to Accept National Medal for the Arts

Documentary: Children Full of Life


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