Archives for Sci Tech

March 2013

Saturday, March 30:

The Day Adria Richards Said 'Not This Time!' (24 comments)

Friday, March 29:

Survival Manual: Eat Protein

Inject Microbes, Lose Weight... very conceivable.

Thursday, March 28:

Global Warming Speeding Up | Common Dreams

Summer Melt Getting Longer on Antarctic Peninsula

Solar Structure Cools Buildings in Full Sunlight (2 comments)

Wednesday, March 27:

Worm Keeps Position as Progenitor of Humankind (1 comments)

Tuesday, March 26:

Scientists: Big Oklahoma quake in 2011 was man-made

Clean Electricity from Bacteria?

Monday, March 25:

Nanowire Solar Cells Raise Efficiency Limit

Super batteries?

Sunday, March 24:

Generate Hydrogen, Make Clean Water, Provide Energy?

'Networked Minds' Need New Economics (1 comments)

Saturday, March 23:

Road Pollution Serious as Passive Smoke in Childhood Asthma (1 comments)

DNA Nanotechnology

Hydrogen fuel? Thin films Yield Efficient Solar Water-splitting

Thursday, March 21:

Stem Cells in Heart Tracked with Nano-hitchhikers (1 comments)

Wednesday, March 20:

Photons Major Step Towards Quantum 'Internet'? (3 comments)

Tuesday, March 19:

10X Hurricane Surges Research Predicts

Saturday, March 16:

Mitigating Climate Change? Proposals that May be Sane (4 comments)

Thursday, March 14:

Higgs Boson Particle Discovered

Wednesday, March 13:

*End Public Water Fluoridation in the San Francisco Bay Communities (2 comments)

Monday, March 11:

Survellience Buses Could Breach Privacy Laws

When the Past Does Not Pass-- Or, Living the Prequel to Soylent Green (14 comments)

Sunday, March 10:

Marisssa Mayer's Faustian Bargain (1 comments)

Wednesday, March 6:

BPA Exposure May Increase Asthma in Children (2 comments)

African girls' pee-powered generator raises questions - FutureTech on (1 comments)

Tuesday, March 5:

Nuclear Industry Lies Spread by Techno-Geeks (3 comments)

Saturday, March 2:

Nuclear Expert: "The Melted Core Cracked The Containment Vessel " There Really Is No Containment" At Fukushima Reactors (3 comments)


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