Archives for Sci Tech

July 2013

Tuesday, July 30:

Double Efficiency of Solar Cells

Cooling for Sunbaked Windows

Monday, July 29:

The Cloud is Dangerous, BUT You Can Stay Safe(r)

HowStuffWorks \"How Hackers Work\"

Sunday, July 28:

Mysterious NASA video of Saturn reveals impossible hexagon-shaped cloud pattern larger than planet Earth (5 comments)

Saturday, July 27:

Super-strong Artificial Muscles made from Nanotech Yarn

Artificial Muscle Produces Electricity

Friday, July 26:

Global Warming to Cut Water Storage Over 50% (4 comments)

Bad Night's Sleep? The Moon Could be to Blame

Show-me State Endorses Cold Fusion (17 comments)

Tell the makers of infant formula to remove unsafe GMOs

An environmentally friendly battery made from wood | Human World | EarthSky

Thursday, July 25:

Ocean Significantly Affects Climate Fluctuations

Wednesday, July 24:

Electricity from CO? (1 comments)

Antarctic Permafrost Melting Faster Than Expected (1 comments)

Arctic Methane Release = Global Economy, Experts Warn (2 comments)

Tuesday, July 23:

Ideas Having Sex: Lamarckian Evolution Triumphant (1 comments)

Ecocide Is Not Development. Love and Ecology Are the Answer. (4 comments)

Thin, Flexible Glass for Energy Storage

Climate Threatens Pacific Island Food Security (1 comments)

New Iceberg Theory Points to Rapid Disintegration

Lizards Show Evolution is Predictable

Can California high schools ride the wave of online education? (1 comments)

Greening of the Land Pushed Way Back in Time (3 comments)

Here We Are (on the same page!), July 19th, From 900 Million Miles Away

Monday, July 22:

Track and Truth: Manning and the "Other" Surveillance System

Ancient Ice Melt Shows 20 Meter Sea Level Rise (1 comments)

Saturday, July 20:

Scientists find GIANT Pandoravirus that could have come from an alien planet | Mail Online (5 comments)

Former Mobil VP Warns of Fracking and Climate Change

Thursday, July 18:

New Record for Thinnest Light-absorbe. More Efficient, Cheaper Solar?

Tuesday, July 16:

High Carbon Dioxide Spurs Wetlands to Absorb Carbon

Monday, July 15:

Fish Oil Increases Risk for Prostate Cancer, New Study? (5 comments)

Sunday, July 14:

Jay-Z's App and Obama's Criminal Enterprise (4 comments)

Saturday, July 13:

It's Official; Fracking Causes Large Earthquakes (3 comments)

Friday, July 12:

Air Pollution: 2 Million+ Deaths Worldwide Each Year

Human Induced Earthquakes? (1 comments)

Thursday, July 11:

Magical Surfaces?

Trees Use Water More Efficiently as CO2 Rises

Wednesday, July 10:

Chemists In Molecular Chip Breakthrough

Tuesday, July 9:

Neandertals Shared Speech with Modern Humans? (1 comments)

Mark Walters: Graphene & Graphite - How Do They Compare?

Monday, July 8:

How Your Brain Creates the "Buzz" that Helps Ideas Spread (1 comments)

Sunday, July 7:

Meditation Enhances Empathy

Ball State hires intelligent design leader to teach astronomy

Saturday, July 6:

The Health Outcomes of a Racist Society (22 comments)

Different Foods for the Future?

Friday, July 5:

Antifreeze May = Low-cost Solar Energy (4 comments)

Thursday, July 4:

The Snowden Controversy and Our Legacy of Choices (1 comments)

Wash Post Columnist's Myopic Call to Repeal the Internet (1 comments)

Wednesday, July 3:

Scientists create human liver from stem cells | Reuters (1 comments)

2 stem cell patients stop HIV drugs, no virus seen

Tuesday, July 2:

Cancer Immunotherapy from Dr. Yamamoto (2 comments)

Over 30 Million Bees Found Dead In Elmwood Canada (5 comments)

"Spooky Action at a Distance." Einstein (11 comments)

Monday, July 1:

Video: Duck Walks With 3-D Printed Prosthetic Duck Foot (1 comments)


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