Archives for Best Web OpEds
December 2013
Tuesday, December 31:
How The GOP Became A Party Of Benghazi "Truthers" (3 comments)
Keystone Pipeline And Debt Ceiling Vote -- More Poison In The Pipeline
President Obama claims the NSA has never abused its authority. That's false (8 comments)
Dana Milbank: As media focus on duck-call dramas, a real crisis unfolds for those losing jobless benefits (1 comments)
The RNC Wrote A 100-Page Autopsy, But Apparently Nobody Read It
Monday, December 30:
Plant Your Flag - Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont
I worked on the US drone program. The public should know what really goes on (3 comments)
Sunday, December 29:
Paul Krugman: Fiscal Fever Breaks (2 comments)
Darrell Issa Hid The Truth About Benghazi For a Year While Attacking President Obama
Why I Fled Libertarianism -- and Became a Liberal (10 comments)
Saturday, December 28:
Dave Barry's Review of 2013, the Year of the Zombies
Real Life 'Wolf of Wall Street' Victim Pens Scathing Letter to Scorsese & DiCaprio
Friday, December 27:
I Challenged a Famous Ethicist And Changed His Mind
Ralph Nader: Let Them Hear the Rumble! Invest in People, Not War (1 comments)
Shaft The Long-Term Unemployed And The GOP's Other 2014 New Year's Resolutions (3 comments)
In 2013, big issues came at us from all sides
Exhumation Proves Murder Of Brazilian President, New York Times Must Admit
Person of the Year: Edward Snowden or the Pope? (3 comments)
Paul Krugman: The Fear Economy
Thursday, December 26:
Four Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version (4 comments)
Wednesday, December 25:
When Boehner and Cantor Say What The American People Want They Mean ALEC and the Kochs (1 comments)
We Are Two Nations: A Christmas Serial
Tuesday, December 24:
A New Way to Make Housing Affordable for Nonprofit Workers (1 comments)
Our Commons. Are you in? (2 comments)
Monday, December 23:
FED up - 100 Years of Manipulating the Dollar (1 comments)
King World Interviews Paul Craig Roberts -- US Propaganda & Outright Lies (1 comments)
Paul Krugman: Bits and Barbarism
Sunday, December 22:
The Pope's secret strength: The freedom to be Francis (2 comments)
I Confronted Dick Cheney About His Racist Joke (2 comments)
Saturday, December 21:
When You Defend Phil Robertson, Here's What You're Really Defending (15 comments)
Robertson Family Threatens to Kill Duck Dynasty If They Can't Spew Bigotry and Hate
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: MSNBC Does No Favors for Joy-Ann Reid (15 comments)
9 Reasons Why 2013 Was Not The Best Year In Human History
Letter to Editor in Mormon Newspaper, in re Pope Francis (1 comments)
Friday, December 20:
The View from Africa on Elinor Ostrom
Airline Deregulation: Triumph of Ideology Over Evidence
Paul Krugman: Osborne and the Stooges
Thursday, December 19:
Paul Ryan Threatens To Blow Up The Economy Unless Obama Approves Keystone XL (1 comments)
Why Students Do Better Overseas - (3 comments)
Obama's Panel: A Rebuke to the NSA, Vindication for Edward Snowden - Conor Friedersdorf
Pope Francis Humbly Blasts the World (with words I applaud) (5 comments)
Duck Dynasty: Bobby Jindal, Sarah Palin see Duck Dynasty suspension as a first amendment issue (7 comments)
Wednesday, December 18:
Bread, Beef and Other Foods That Will Cost Way More Next Year
Unemployment Benefits Are Ending for 1.3 Million Americans. What's That All About?
In the War on Poverty, a Dogged Adversary -By EDUARDO PORTER
Monday, December 16:
The Perfect Solution to Obnoxiously Loud Public Cellphone Conversations
We Have Met the Enemy and She is Old
Paul Ryan: GOP Will Make Demands in Exchange for Raising the Debt Limit (1 comments)
'60 Minutes' Is Getting Shredded For Its "Embarrassing" Report On The NSA (1 comments)
Take that, Paul Ryan! Elizabeth Warren beats back Social Security plot
Journalists Rip Apart 60 Minutes for "Embarrassing' and Uncritical NSA Report (2 comments)
Sunday, December 15:
Paul Krugman: Why Inequality Matters (1 comments)
Saturday, December 14:
John Boehner's Outburst at Conservative Groups Was Completely Phony (1 comments)
Rick Santorum: Government-Provided Health Care Is A Plot To Kill People Who Don't Vote The Right Way (2 comments)
Verizon Lawsuit against a Free Web
Friday, December 13:
Why Israel Won't Abide Any Iran Nuclear Accord
Unemployment Benefits Are Expiring And Congress Has No Clue What To Do (1 comments)
'Rape insurance,' a new front in the GOP's clueless 'war on women'
Paul Krugman: The Biggest Losers
Thursday, December 12:
Former whistleblowers: open letter to intelligence employees after Snowden
Techpreneur's Friends Won't Let Him Retract His Facebook Rant Calling SF's Destitute 'Trash'
China’s Crackdown on Western Journalists: How Should America Respond? (1 comments)
Tuesday, December 10:
Why Wash Post, New Yorker take a dive on Hersh Syria article (3 comments)
Reclaim School Reform (2 comments)
Rethinking the Idea of a Basic Income for All - (1 comments)
Monday, December 9:
Trans-Pacific Partnership Documents Released - Chickens Coming Home To Roost (1 comments)
Making the poor -- and the U.S. -- poorer still
The frightening pattern of Policing in America. (2 comments)
Clueless, Heartless, and Gutless: Today's GOP (2 comments)
Dick Cheney: White House lied about Obamacare health plans (3 comments)
Progressives Must Stand Up Against the Right Wing War on Public Employees
Sunday, December 8:
Paul Krugman: The Punishment Cure (1 comments)
Koch Brothers Illegally Funnel Millions Into Campaign to Eliminate Pensions and Sick Pay (1 comments)
Saturday, December 7:
Elizabeth Warren to Congress: Don't renew "fast track" authority (3 comments)
Listen Up, Budget Cutters. Austerity Can Lead to Blood on the Streets, Even in America
Elizabeth Warren Shreds Her Right Wing Critics With One Amazing Sentence
Friday, December 6:
Joe Conason: Why Republicans Can't Address Rising Inequality
Bye-bye, fake liberals: The Warren Democrats are winning! (1 comments)
Conservative group ALEC pushes stealth tax on homeowners who install solar panels (1 comments)
SOPA Press Statement: On the Death of Nelson Mandela also: Statements (1 comments)
State conservative groups plan US-wide assault on education, health and tax (1 comments)
Thursday, December 5:
Teachers Union Launching Massive Campaign Against Education Reform Movement (4 comments)
ALEC Is Not Where Visa Wants to Be
Twenty (Important) Concepts I Wasn't Taught in Business School -- Part I | The Monkey Trap
Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald: The Men Who Leaked the NSA's Secrets
Wednesday, December 4:
The Defining Challenge of Our Time
Tuesday, December 3:
What Netanyahu should learn from his economic guru Luigi Zingales
Pope Francis Avoids Apology For Clergy Sex Abuse (8 comments)
The long arm of US law: what next for Edward Snowden?
Monday, December 2:
The Republicans Are Still Blaming Obama for Iraq and Afghanistan
Corporations are people, but is a corporation a person?
Sunday, December 1:
10 Outrages and Crazy Statements by Right-Wingers This Week: Pope Provokes Free-Market Freakout