Archives for General News

February 2014

Friday, February 28:

Ukraine calls Russian troops "invasion" (1 comments)

News Flashes from the Ground in Ukraine (9 comments)

BEIJING: Chinese officials reportedly shut some businesses as pollution soars (1 comments)

Roundup In 75% of Air and Water Sampled -- Causes Kidney Failure (10 comments)

Women’s Liberation at Barefoot College

The right’s sociopathic new scam: Using Americans to harm their own health plans

How Liberal or Conservative is Your First Name?

In Ukraine's Crimea, Armed Men Seize Two Airports; Russia Denies Involvement

Rating Agency Lawsuit: How S&P Fabricates Evidence Out of Thin Air

The Shocking Numbers Behind Corporate Welfare

A Community Response to Homophobic Legislation (3 comments)

Police Department Clears Officers Of Beating and Falsely Charging New Jersey Man . . . Reporter Then Finds Dashcam Video (3 comments)

Shrugging Off Past Setbacks, Obama Plans Personal Role in Middle East Peace Bid

Thursday, February 27:

Republicans derailed veteran benefits bill over Iran sanctions

Ukraine warns Russia after gunmen seize Crimea parliament (2 comments)

New Bridgegate Documents

New Mexico nuclear plant workers exposed to radiation

Exxon CEO Wants to Keep Fracking Out of His Backyard (1 comments)

Guglielmo Tell: Bitcoin Exchange Offline: Mt. Gox Down Amid Reports Of Theft

Tomgram: Karen Greenberg, Obama's Commandments

Wednesday, February 26:

Arizona governor vetoes controversial bill allowing denial of service to gays (2 comments)

Russian military action in Ukraine would be "grave mistake": U.S. (2 comments)

Putin puts troops in western Russia on alert in drill

U.S. Poverty Crisis Cries Out for Sixties Style Direct Action (3 comments)

Florida woman living off the grid forced to connect to city utilities (3 comments)

NSA watchdog: Snowden should have come to me (2 comments)

Some Pakistanis Resist U.S. Drone Murder

California Senator Introduces GMO Food Labeling Bill

*UGANDA - Human Rights Emergency unfolding for LGBT's (1 comments)

Tiny Houses for the Homeless: An Affordable Solution Catches On (3 comments)

Tuesday, February 25:

UPDATE 3-Pope revolutionises Vatican

Study Links Temperature to a Peruvian Glacier’s Growth and Retreat (2 comments)

Obama prepared to leave no troops in Afghanistan after 2014 (1 comments)

Palestinians: Eight Million Refugees Must Return to Israel (1 comments)

Tomgram: Ira Chernus, What Ever Happened to Plain Old Apocalypse?

Monday, February 24:

Exclusive: One of Washington’s wealthiest is giving $20 million to a top conservative think tank

Fed’s Aid in 2008 Crisis Stretched Worldwide - By NEIL IRWIN (2 comments)

Dingell says disillusionment with the institution drove decision to retire

Pentagon To Cut Army to Pre-World War II Levels (2 comments)

Legal Community Disturbed About Recent Allegations of Spying on Privileged Communications

In Kentucky Senate race, Bill Clinton plays a starring role

What the Conservatives wouldn’t tell us and What the Progressives Didn’t Know (1 comments)

Exxon Mobil CEO: No Fracking Near My Backyard (1 comments)

Tomgram: Greg Grandin, The Reparations of History, Paid and Unpaid (1 comments)

Patient Front Groups Give Our Tax Dollars to Big Pharma (2 comments)

CNN to end Piers Morgan's show (2 comments)

Sunday, February 23:

Banking on Never-Ending Power and Rights (6 comments)

The Courage of Transgender Soldiers

Al Gore brings climate change message to Kansas City

Netanyahu urges world powers to up pressure on Iran (1 comments)

Venezuelan Leader Walks Back Threats, Allows CNN to Stay (1 comments)

Former Ukrainian President Timoshenko Released from Prison (1 comments)

TPP/Fast Track Upcoming Events, Action Alerts, News, & Resources (1 comments)

Saturday, February 22:

UAW demands labor board review Volkswagen plant vote

Thousands Storm Viktor Yanukovych's Palace, Find His Private Zoo And Other Luxuries (PHOTOS) (3 comments)

Mitt Romney to join Chris Christie at fundraiser

Ukraine lawmakers vote to oust president, call early election (3 comments)

Why a new Ukraine is the Kremlin's worst nightmare (1 comments)

Who is Leopoldo Lopez? (41 comments)

Venezuelan President Threatens to Kick Out CNN for Promoting "War Propaganda" (4 comments)

Skiing Dowhill At The Olympics of Distraction (3 comments)

Franklin P. Lamb: "Coalition of the Willing" Promotes No Fly Zone (9 comments)

Ukraine's priests provide protest inspiration, key link to pre-Soviet era

Big Ag is OK With Farm Fires as it Fights Guidelines (5 comments)

Ukrainian Uprising: Yanukovych flees Kiev (1 comments)

Artist Stands Up to the NSA and Wins (1 comments)

Friday, February 21:

Issa's "suspicions" that Hillary Clinton told Panetta to "stand down" on Benghazi

Keystone XL vs Lethal Lone Star Threat (1 comments)

Obama to award Medal of Honor to two dozen, including 19 overlooked minority service members - The Washington Post (1 comments)

Has Arizona Lost Its Mind? Senate Approves Bill to Allow Businesses to Refuse to Serve Gays and Lesbians (4 comments)

Nicaragua and China to Build New Canal (8 comments)

NewsRelease: Agribusiness Participation at Nation's Largest Organic Conference Stirs Controversy (1 comments)

Worst Spill in 6 Months Is Reported at Fukushima

Thursday, February 20:

The Faces of the Ukrainian Uprising: the Ultimate Sacrifice (82 comments)

Incredible images from the burning streets of Kiev.

Social Security cuts will not be in Obama’s 2015 budget

Ed Snowden and the American tribal fear meme (2 comments)

George Zimmerman says angry Florida mob chased him out of Miami

Ukraine crisis deepens as Western region moves toward independence

EU imposes sanctions on Ukrainian officials

A Geologist Investigates a Mass Extinction at the End of the Permian Period

A Peek at what's Really Happening in Ukraine: OEN Interviews Dr. Olga Cehelska (11 comments)

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Thug State U.S.A.

Wednesday, February 19:

Ed Snowden, the NSA and the American Fear Mime

David Miranda detention at Heathrow airport was lawful, high court rules

As Bank Deaths Continue to Shock, Documents Reveal JPMorgan Has Been Patenting Death Derivatives

Second Japan snow storm leaves thousands stranded as toll rises to 23

NYC pay toilet charges $8 a day (1 comments)

Nebraska judge strikes down legislature's move allowing Keystone XL route (2 comments)

Ukraine fighting kills at least 25 (2 comments)

Kiev Protesters Set Square Ablaze to Thwart Police (7 comments)

Crucifixion in Kiev (6 comments)

Nun gets nearly 3 years in prison for nuke protest (1 comments)

At Least 25 Dead in Violent Anti Government Clashes in Ukraine

What Really Happens When You Raise The Minimum Wage

Ukraine crisis: EU sanctions push over Kiev bloodshed

Tuesday, February 18:

Toxic smog threatens millions of Chinese lives

Ukraine police charge protesters after nation's bloodiest day (1 comments)

NSA and GCHQ spying on WikiLeaks (1 comments)

Tomgram: Nick Turse, The Pentagon Makes History the First Casualty

Parched California Pours Mega-Millions Into Desalination Tech (2 comments)

Building a Full Employment Movement: Options for Action (2 comments)

U.S. Scolds Russia as It Weighs Options on Syrian War (1 comments)

Madeleine Albright: We Are Not Doing Enough to Counter Climate Deniers (5 comments)

Interview with a GOP opponent of militarization: Police State Gears Up (2 comments)

Monday, February 17:

Mika Begs "Misogynistic Sexist" Republicans to Keep Going After Hillary Over Lewinsky Affair

Pope opens big week with sex, divorce on agenda

Journalists who broke NSA story in Guardian receive George Polk Awards

Suspected Radiation Leak in Military's Nuclear Dumping Ground (1 comments)

John Kerry Calls Climate Change "World’s Most Fearsome" Weapon Of Mass Destruction (1 comments)

Fracking Well Blowout Causes Oil And Chemical Wastewater Spill In North Dakota

International Airlines Face Increasing Number Of Air Rage Incidents

Pandering to the Fraternal Order of Police: Senator Calls Constitutional Win on Death Penalty ‘Undermining Justice' (3 comments)

The Israeli "watergate" scandal: The facts about Palestinian water

Viral Twitter Stream Exposes Deadly, Racist Fears

Grimm News

Would Reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine, Reduce Echo Chambers and Make our Political Landscape Safer for Centrists?

Tomgram: Peter Van Buren, The Divine Right of President Obama?

Economy Worse Under Obama than Under Bush

How Pharma Got Doctors to Prescribe Risperdal, Wellbutrin, Bextra, Neurontin, Prempro and More (10 comments)

Sunday, February 16:

Obama ambassador nominees prompt an uproar with bungled answers, lack of ties

Bahrain: Thousands take to the streets day after anniversary of uprising

John Kerry mocks those who deny climate change (19 comments)

A man of many convictions: The Shape-Shifting Secretary of State John Kerry (3 comments)

In 1963, RFK urged lifting of the Cuba travel ban that is still in effect 51 years later (1 comments)

Sick Inside Our Broken Health System with that Old Familiar Terror in My Gut (55 comments)

Beef recall bruises meat marketing (1 comments)

The Untouchable Profits of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -

Horizon "Organic" Factory Farm Accused of Improprieties, Again (2 comments)

Saturday, February 15:

Michael Dunn Trial: Mistrial Declared on Murder Charge in Loud Music Killing Case - ABC News (10 comments)

Biden: "I Wish There Was a Republican Party," But "There Isn't"

Glenn Greenwald: The Guardian’s Book on Snowden Is Complete "Bullsh*t"

Winter Takes Toll on Nation's Pipes and Pavement

Tennessee Volkswagen workers reject union

International Science Poll Shows Many People Believe in Myths, Not in History (7 comments)

Franklin P. Lamb: The Politicization of Humanitarian Relief How Not to Get Aid into Homs (1 comments)

Tom Perkins: People With More Money Should Get More Votes (3 comments)

Friday, February 14:

Debating Poverty Eradication At The United Nations: Why Does The Media Hate The Poor? (4 comments)

Syria talks fizzle amid Russia-US standoff

How One Billionaire's Idea To Give Rich People More Votes Is Already In The Works (3 comments)

Keystone XL Document Dump Reveals Obama Unconcerned About Global Warming, State Department Riddled with Oil Lobbyists (14 comments)

Highly Contaminated Water Still Pouring Into Public Drinking Source on Dan River

New weekly ThisCantBeHappening! radio show: This week--Climate change

Thursday, February 13:

Daily Kos: This is How Citizens United Dies (4 comments)

Zimbio surveys create major click thrus (1 comments)

Chomsky on Billionaires, Wealth Inequality and How Aristotle and Madison Dealt With Them (49 comments)

Corvettes fall into sinkhole at National Corvette Museum (1 comments)

Tomgram: Michael Klare, In the Carbon Wars, Big Oil Is Winning

CorpWatch: Anglo Irish Bankers On Trial For Scheme That Led to National Collapse (1 comments)

Wednesday, February 12:

Sen Rand Paul sues President Obama over NSA call surveillance (1 comments)

Obamacare Enrollment Is Back on Track

Sid Caesar, Comedian and One of TV’s First Stars, Dies at 91

The U.S. Is Locking People Up For Being Poor

Ex-Mayor of New Orleans Guilty on Corruption Charges

A List of the Republican "Democrats" Who Fight For Obama's Secret Trade Deals, And For Wall Street (33 comments)

Million$ to Mar$ (3 comments)

Eliz Warren Endorses Idea to Allow Post Office to Offer Financial Services, Banks Throw Hissy Fit (3 comments)

Life Threatened by Loud Music, Skittles or Popcorn? Yes Say Armed Vigilantes! (34 comments)

Even Among the Richest of the Rich, Fortunes Diverge

Tuesday, February 11:

Email Shows Effort to Shield Bin Laden Photos

River Thames breaches its banks near London

Medea Benjamin: Father of Pakistani Drone Victim Kidnapped by Pakistani State (3 comments)

"The day we fight back": 6,000 websites protest surveillance, honor Aaron Swartz (4 comments)

U.S. Shifting Afghanistan Exit Plans (1 comments)

Tomgram: Mark Danner, Still Living in Cheney's World

Smoking Gun: DEA Trains Local Cops to Use False Evidence

LankaWeb – The real reason for US Resolution against Sri Lanka (1 comments)

New Book on Economic Inequality Reports that It Peaked in 1910, Right Before WW I (5 comments)

Boehner Gives in, Introduces Clean Debt Ceiling Bill

Franklin P. Lamb: A Faux “Humanitarian Pause” in Homs? (1 comments)

Shirley Temple, former Hollywood child star, dies at 85 (1 comments)

E-Cigarettes: Friend Or Foe (2 comments)

The Day We Fight Back: Feb. 11th 2014

Major oil companies caught defrauding government on cleanup insurance (1 comments)

Postal Service Banking Relies on Obama to Use His Appointment Powers

15 Photos From The Massive Progressive Protest You Didn’t Hear About This Weekend

Monday, February 10:

Moral March

Drone victim set to testify before European parliaments disappears after being seized by men in police uniforms

White House delays health insurance mandate for medium-sized employers until 2016 - The Washington Post (1 comments)

Tomgram: Chase Madar, The Folly of Arming Israel

Fairness, Sustainability, & Growth are not contradictions! (Video) (4 comments)

Obamacare: It's a net gain for the economy (1 comments)

Greenwald/Scahill/Omidyar/Poitras First Look First project-- The Intercept-- Is live (4 comments)

The NSA's Secret Role in the U.S. Assassination Program (1 comments)

Sunday, February 9:

Bill Keller, Former Editor of The Times, Is Leaving for News Nonprofit

"Extreme Drought" Now in 2/3 of California, Half of Nevada; Spots in TX, OK, KS, CO & NM (19 comments)

Snowden Used Low-Cost Tool to Best N.S.A.

AIPAC rejects backing Obama for delaying sanctions against Iran (1 comments)

*Obama Drone Campaign "Verges on Genocide" Legal Authority Says (4 comments)

Israel removes Palestinians' Jordan Valley protest camp (1 comments)

AOL chief reverses changes to 401(k) policy after a week of bad publicity

A Rash of Deaths and a Missing Reporter – With Ties to Wall Street Investigations

Vulture Fund Kingpin Is the Top Financial Backer of Republican U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte (1 comments)

Saturday, February 8:

Justice Department to give married same-sex couples equal protection - The Washington Post

NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake Transcript: Obama's NSA Policy, Benghazi, 911, Problems with NSA... (2 comments)

Decades of Greed: Behind the Scenes With An Angry Walmart Manager (5 comments)

Justin Samuels: Asians on Film Festival to Screen the Asian-American Film Lab’s Top 72-Hour Shootout Films in LA (1 comments)

Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley sides with agribusiness, will veto bill on bay cleanup (1 comments)

Friday, February 7:

Biden On Running For President In 2016

The Olympics Are Here To Stay—And To Pay (1 comments)

FM Spokeswoman Slams Kerry's Anti-Iran Remarks

Climate Changes -- Washington Freezes (Part III of Three-Part series)

Why George Lucas, Eric Schmidt, (and yes, Steve Jobs) Should Go to Jail: Conspiring to Reduce Wages of 100,000 Tech Pros

Humor--Men! Beware of These Valentine's Day Insults (3 comments)

Thursday, February 6:

Franklin P. Lamb: Lifting the siege of Yarmouk one food parcel & one polio vaccination at a time (1 comments)

Congress's Republicans, and Richest Democrats, Oppose Helping the Poor, a Study Finds (9 comments)

Cops Chemical Spray and Tackle Young Man Asking for a Spare Nickel to Board Train

Senate Fails to Pass 3-Month Extension of Jobless Benefits

Rise of the low-wage breadwinner (1 comments)

The Medicare "Doctor Fix" - Will Seniors Have to Pick Up The Tab? (3 comments)

Racing to Save the Stray Dogs of Sochi

12,000 gallons of crude oil spilled between Winona and Red Wing on Monday

Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, The Wild West of Surveillance

Protesting Keystone: We Do It Because It Is The Right Thing To Do (2 comments)

Drone protesters found guilty of trespassing at Beale AFB

The Koch Brothers Left a Confidential Document at Their Last Donor Conference

Wednesday, February 5:

Vatican "must immediately remove" child abusers - UN

China's banks "could trigger global meltdown"

Fukushima wash-up to hit US coast this year

Glenn Greenwald, Fellow Snowden Reporters Expected To Win Top Journalism Award

"Assange won’t come": Swedish MPs urge end to whistleblower case

22nd Annual Space Organizing Conference

NY Times Staffers in "Semi-Open Revolt" Against Editorial Section

Sandra Fluke forgoes congressional bid to run for state Senate

Justice shafted when it involves Mumia: Sen. Toomey and DA Williams Slam Obama Rights Nominee for Seeking Justice (1 comments)

Bipartisan national poll: Voters blame lawmakers for weak job growth and overwhelmingly favor a national jobs strategy

Remarks by Farid A. Khavari, candidate for Florida Governor 2014 to the Clean Water Rally, Ft. Myers, FL

Tuesday, February 4:

U.S. curtails drone strikes in Pakistan as officials there seek peace talks with Taliban

Toxic carcinogens from tar sands oil production underestimated - report (1 comments)

Do we really believe in cancer 'prevention is better than cure'? (1 comments)

Senate Passes Farm Bill, but Tougher Road Seen in House

Sandra Fluke files in California for congressional bid

Thomas Bach, IOC President, Slams Politicians Over Sochi Olympics

Reality Check on Keystone XL: Despite Industry Spin, New Environmental Report Lays Ground for Denial 

4 Ways Tunisia Is Now More Progressive Than The United States

Tomgram: Barbara Garson, All the President's Middlemen

Are You Struggling to Stay Awake? Here is a New Disease You May Have! (2 comments)

America's Religiosity Is Increasing: Gallup (27 comments)

Psychopaths and Narcissists-- Overcoming the Inhuman Minority; Ian Hughes Interview Transcript, Part 2 (1 comments)

Governor Rod Blagojevich's Defense Attorney Compares Chris Christie's Situation to Blago's... and It's Not Pretty (1 comments)

Monday, February 3:

European Banks Have $3 Trillion of Exposure to Emerging Markets

Car-to-car talk: Hey, look out for that collision!

US warns Israel over apparent distortion of John Kerry statements (1 comments)

Janet Yellen Sworn In As First Chairwoman of the Federal Reserve (1 comments)

9/11 truther: How I sneaked into Super Bowl XLVIII -- and hijacked the postgame show (3 comments)

Train Full Of Hazardous Materials Derails Near Mississippi Mobile Home Park

Pete Seeger Wanted To Be A Journalist

Break the silence around cancer

Senators Deal Major Blows to Obama's Fast Track Plan, But the Fight Isn't Over

The Koch Brothers-Keystone XL Filthy Oil Connection (20 comments)

Indigenous diets can help fight modern illnesses, say health experts

Tomgram: Engelhardt, The End of History? (1 comments)

Pets Are Nothing More Than Kitchen Chairs (5 comments)

They're dropping like flies: 3 bankers dead by apparent suicide in 6 days (14 comments)

Shell Arctic Drilling Plans Blocked

Sunday, February 2:

Man arrested after allegedly threatening to kill George W. Bush (6 comments)

Chris Christie braced as investigators set to receive documents

White House: Obama awaits more Keystone reviews; timing unclear

Progressive Kristallnacht Coming? Wall Street Journal says be afraid (18 comments)

A World Damaged by Psychopaths and Narcissists-- Ian Hughes Interview Transcript Part 1 (8 comments)

Poor States Are Conservative; Rich States Are Liberal. Why, and Where? (47 comments)

Saturday, February 1:

Environmentalists say strong legal case could derail Keystone XL permit

Nearly Half of America Lives Paycheck-to-Paycheck

"Out-Of-Control" Rig In The Gulf Gushing Methane Freely Into The Atmosphere

Obama administration won't divulge cost of Guantanamo camp, asks court to dismiss FOIA lawsuit

U.S., Canadian health care systems share some challenges (1 comments)

Chuck Hagel stresses US foreign policy shift from military might to diplomacy

No end to scandal in sight for Chris Christie

Major Volcanic Eruption Kills at Least 14 in Indonesia

NSA 30 Year Veteran, Whistleblower William Binney on Corrupt NSA-- the Inside Story-- Transcript (7 comments)

Obama to Expand Executive Authority, Says Ezra Klein (4 comments)

US Executions Getting Worse (11 comments)

No major environmental impact from Keystone XL, DOS says - Oil & Gas Journal (1 comments)

A Middle Eastern Primer -

Investigation Finds No Accounting for $40 Million in Aid to Guatemala


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