Archives for Best Web OpEds

April 2014

Wednesday, April 30:

Most Serious Hope for the Future That I am Aware of (1 comments)

Test Prep Endures in New York Schools, Despite Calls to Ease It -By AL BAKER (2 comments)

"A Chronicle of Echoes: Who's Who in the Implosion of American Public Education" (1 comments)

The scary way Common Core test 'cut scores' are selected- by BY VALERIE STRAUSS (1 comments)

Tuesday, April 29:

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Are We an Oligarchy Yet?

Why Does The Mainstream Media Ignore The Bilderberg Group? (10 comments)

Monday, April 28:

Pope Francis: 'Inequality Is The Root of Social Evil' (2 comments)

Sunday, April 27:

Paul Krugman: High Plains Moochers

A White House Split Over Russia

Sarah Palin: "Waterboarding Is How We'd Baptize Terrorists" If I Were In Charge (17 comments)

Kerry Warns Israel Could Become "An Apartheid State" (8 comments)

Towards A Common Intercultural Civilization (4 comments)

NY TImes Editorial: The Koch Attack on Solar Energy

The NED, the NGOs, and the CIA: American influence in the Philippines (3 comments)

Saturday, April 26:

Federal Prisons Throw Inmates In "Little Guantanamo" -- And Don't Have To Say Why

DC thinks it can silence a new Snowden, but the anti-leak hypocrisy is backfiring (1 comments)

The Money Behind Fox's Promotion Of Cliven Bundy's Battle With The Feds (8 comments)

Mitch McConnell Tells Unemployed Kentuckians It's Not His Job To Bring Jobs to Kentucky (3 comments)

'Mr. Kerry, let's talk about Fox News, BBC and Al-Jazeera bullhorns' (3 comments)

Friday, April 25:

Think $1 Million Is Enough For Retirement? You're Wrong. (1 comments)

UFT: Tweed turned its back on schools: BY CARA METZ (1 comments)

Paul Krugman: The Piketty Panic (2 comments)

Thursday, April 24:

Must-see: Hannity attacks Jon Stewart. Stewart responds with epic smackdown. (3 comments)

Sarah Silverman's Conversation With Jesus About Abortion (VIDEO) (7 comments)

Fox News' worst Cliven Bundy lies: 22 right-wing delusions about the absurd standoff (2 comments)

Breaking News: Nuclear Zero Lawsuits Filed (1 comments)

Unless Defeated, New FCC Rules Will Put 'Stake in Internet's Heart'

Evidence for Russian Involvement in East Ukraine Based on Shoddy Journalism -by Robert Parry (1 comments)

Why Corporations Are Freaking Out About Obama's Big Trade Deal

Obama Faces Growing Rebellion Against The Secure Communities Deportation Program (2 comments)

Two Reasons To Vote Out Republicans – Scalia the Seditionist and Thomas the Corrupt (1 comments)

Kochs Conservative Allies Align Against Solar (5 comments)

The Trans-Atlantic "Free Trade" Agreement (TAFTA) (1 comments)

The Radically Good Policies of Modern Monetary Theory

Wednesday, April 23:

Judge gives teachers victory in tenure battle -By Matthew Burns and Mark Binker (1 comments)

Play: The New Capitalist Tool- by Susan Ochshorn, (2 comments)

The few, the soured, the off-year voters

Newark mayor's race: pro-Jeffries independent expenditure shows Wall Street ties-By Mark Bonamo (2 comments)

Picket in the Pines (1 comments)

All schools should have good teachers - (2 comments)

Education’s Gold Rush Is On! By Diane Ravitch

Florida education commissioner blasts Pearson, will seek damages -Jeffrey S. Solochek, (1 comments)

Common Core State Standards Development Work Group and Feedback Group Announced

Experts weigh in: Bundy ranch standoff

Americans think owning a home is better for them than it is

Tuesday, April 22:

'f*ck Earth Day': Let This Year's Be The Last (1 comments)

Monday, April 21:

The five extra words that can fix the Second Amendment (6 comments)

The Dishonorable Andrew Cuomo Meets the Hedge Fund / Charter School Zombies -by Alan Singer (2 comments)

Running Out of Time - (1 comments)

Jeb Bush’s Rush to Make Money May Be Hurdle -By MICHAEL BARBARO (2 comments)

Paul Krugman: Sweden Turns Japanese

Sunday, April 20:

Supreme Court Justice Commits Sedition By Telling People to Revolt Over Income Taxes (14 comments)

Supreme Court Justice Commits Sedition (1 comments)

Jeannette Rankin vs. Hillary Clinton

This Time, Get Global Trade Right (11 comments)

Privatization of public housing (1 comments)

Saturday, April 19:

Why the world does not want Canadian pipelines

The Shakerite : The Craze and Craziness Behind the Common Core--Abby White, (2 comments)

The Re-education of a Brash Young Stock Picker - By RON LIEBER (1 comments)

Carol Burris: Please DON’T Stay the Course--Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

“A self-fulfilling conflict of interest”: Charter schools, testing mania, and Arne Duncan - JOSH EIDELSON at Salon.c (1 comments)

Friday, April 18:

Russian Diplomats Are Eating America's Lunch (1 comments)

Laura H. Chapman: The Desperate Search for a Science of Teacher Evaluation

Paul Krugman: Salvation Gets Cheap (1 comments)

When the Circus Descends - (1 comments)

Thursday, April 17:

CURMUDGUCATION: It's Not the Implementation, Stupid--Peter gGeene (1 comments)

Is New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez the Next Sarah Palin?

An Open Letter To The President And First Lady Edward F. Berger – (2 comments)

How Corporate Interests Beat NYC’s Progressive Mayor and How He Can Recover-Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

Wednesday, April 16:

Paul Ryan and the GOP's Anti-Robin Hood Spending Plan -- Less Money for Poor Kids, More for the Rich (1 comments)

The 1% wants to ban sleeping in cars – because it hurts their "quality of life" (2 comments)

Teachers: A Call to Battle for Reluctant Warriors - Living in Dialogue -Anthony Cody (3 comments)

Looking at Some Corporate Tax Loopholes Ordinary Citizens May Envy - By ANDREW ROSS SORKIN (1 comments)

Despite Rise in Spills, Hazardous Cargo Rides Rails in Secret - By JAD MOUAWAD

Mary Fallin Signs Ban On Minimum Wage Increase-by Shadee Ashtari (3 comments)

Ferat-isms: Basic math- by Dan Ferat (2 comments)

Tuesday, April 15:

Happiness and Its Discontents - By DANIEL M. HAYBRON (1 comments)

My Ideas, My Boss’s Property - By ORLY LOBEL (2 comments)

White House Pressed to Protect Ailing Monarch Butterflies -By ANDREW C. REVKIN (1 comments)

Bernie Sanders Raises Battle Cry Against Citizens United: ‘I Vote for Democracy--John Nichols!’ (1 comments)

Not All Investigations Are Alike - - By PETER J. HENNING (1 comments)

David Gamberg: At a Crossroads for Education (1 comments)

Matt Taibbi and David Sirota: Why Is Your Pension in Jeopardy? (1 comments)

Jack Schneider: Teachers Are Not the Problem (4 comments)

Shanker Blog » The Middle Ground Between Opt Out And All In (1 comments)

Monday, April 14:

What John Kerry Really Did in Vietnam » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Fed to the Sharks

Teachers: A Call to Battle for Reluctant Warriors (1 comments)

Create 'Age of Renewables'... Or Face Climate Doom (2 comments)

Kiss me, deadly: If Vance McAllister had hired a hooker, he’d be talking about Benghazi today

Sunday, April 13:

Paul Krugman: Three Expensive Milliseconds

Lawbreaking Rancher Cliven Bundy Wins Victory That Will Embolden Domestic Terrorists (19 comments)

Ohio: Extremists in Legislature Seek to Change Constitution_ diane Ravitch (2 comments)

Skepticism or Cynicism for Obama Education Agenda? by Paul Thomas (1 comments)

Cuomo Played Pivotal Role in Charter School Push - By JAVIER C. HERNÁNDEZ and SUSANNE CRAIG (2 comments)

CURMUDGUCATION: Duncan to Rest of US: Shut Up-Peter Greene (1 comments)

Saturday, April 12:

The Economic Case for Taxing Meat (20 comments)

Paul Ryan Criticizes Your Work Ethic While Working 4 Days Before Taking an 18 Day Vacation

Ukraine: Lies and Realities (2 comments)

Education “reformers” resort to Fox News-style scaremongering -Paul Rosenberg: (1 comments)

Chicago’s Noble Charters Are Ignoble (1 comments)

The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Test Scorer (1 comments)

The Wolf of Sesame Street: Revealing the secret corruption inside PBS’s news division (2 comments)

ASA Statement on Using Value-Added Models for Educational Assessment _BY THE American Statistical Association (2 comments)


Parents and Students Demonstrate Against Tests at Dozens of NYC Schools (1 comments)

CURMUDGUCATION: Poop Sandwich (1 comments)

Friday, April 11:

America's Homegrown Terror

F#ck the Poor: Fascinating, disturbing, 1 min. video on human reactions

The Late Great American Promise of Less Work

Paul Krugman: Health Care Nightmares

Thursday, April 10:

Trashmageddon: living in a dying world (2 comments)

How Corporate Quashing the American Dream Goes Beyond Offshoring Jobs

Users' Stark Reminder: As Web Grows, It Grows Less Secure

Songer: Why Common Core Is Wrong about What Students Should Read- by Gerri K. Songer, (2 comments)

Wednesday, April 9:

Unsung Hero - Suraj Chaudhary Khonwa

Imagine a World Without and Beyond War: The Age of Peace (2 comments)

No $ for Newark kids, lots for Cami pals--Bob Braun (1 comments)

Darrell Issa Tries Tactic In IRS Probe Last Used In McCarthyism

Time running out to meet global warming target: U.N. report

Tuesday, April 8:

Videos - RACHEL MADDOW: Nuclear Base Scandals Raise Concerns (1 comments)

A whirlwind week for Parents United (1 comments)

Educator Challenges the Common Core - Education Writers Association

Brooklyn Teachers Push Back Against High-Stakes Testing (1 comments)

School Funding Deal in Kansas Complicates Governor’s Campaign for Re-election - (1 comments)

How Does PISA Put the World at Risk : Creating Illusory Models of Excellence (4 comments)

What Education Reformers: Re Participatory democracy-- Dr. Yohuru Williams and Marla Kilfoyle (1 comments)

Monday, April 7:

Alabama Journalist Tells Us What It Was LIke To Spend Five Months In Jail For Reporting A Story

The Roberts Court Just Endorsed Many Of Nixon's Most Corrupt Campaign Finance Schemes

The High Costs of Inequality (1 comments)

What Do We Call Our Side? The Resistance (1 comments)

Shaun McCutcheon: Crony Capitalist Poster CEO that brought America’s Democracy to a 21th Century Tipping Point? (2 comments)

i Just Want to Teach-- Terri Rector Michal (1 comments)

Sunday, April 6:

Paul Krugman: Oligarchs and Money

Jeb Bush Makes "Hopeful" Noises About 2016 (5 comments)

Paul Ryan's Budget Would Increase The Number Of People in Poverty

As Vermont Goes, So Goes the Nation?

Money, Money, Everywhere (7 comments)

House votes to change health care law's definition of full-time work from 30 to 40 hours

Saturday, April 5:

China’s Poisonous Waterways

Leak the CIA report: it's the only way to know the whole truth about torture (1 comments)

On Our Highest Court, A Former Lobbyist Guts Campaign Finance Reform

Teachers review English exams in online forum, and it’s not pretty-- Patrick Wall (1 comments)

Kline, Miller Introduce Legislation to Support Quality Charter Schools (1 comments)

CURMUDGUCATION: Dear WaPo: Opt Out Is NOT the Wrong Answer: Peter Green (1 comments)

Friday, April 4:

George W. Bush's eerie, amazing, creepy paintings of Putin, cats and beyond (3 comments)

Switching Names to Save on Taxes - By FLOYD NORRIS

Paul Krugman: Rube Goldberg Survives

Thursday, April 3:

“A Tale of Two States”: Funding Inequity in New York and New Jersey

A very bad day for public education in Connecticut - Wait What? --Jonathan Pelto (1 comments)

UKRAINE: What Now? The IMF Plan

Roberts' Law: One Dollar, One Vote

How Not to Enforce Campaign Laws - ANN M. RAVEL, Vice chairman of the Federal Election Commission (1 comments)

We’re Not No. 1! We’re Not No. 1! -Nicholas Kristof (1 comments)

How the Texas Testing Bubble Popped: Part 1- jeffrey Weiss (1 comments)

Wednesday, April 2:

Citizens United, Part 2-The Progress Report

Walton Family Foundation Puts $164 Million into Privatization Movement -- Diane Ravitch (3 comments)

Chicago Plans to Fire Every Adult in Three Public Schools-- Diane Ravitch (4 comments)

"BDS is Irrelevant." Oh, Really?

Debunking the Top 10 Most Egregious Republican Lies

First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy - by Derik Sivers (1 comments)

Is the American Middle Class Losing Out to China and India?

Tuesday, April 1:

4 Criminals Who Spent Less Time in Jail Than the Homeless Mother Trying to Get a Job (1 comments)

Canada admits the truth (5 comments)

Opt Your Child Out of State Testing: Don't Feed the Machine

Diana Senechal: Time to Teach the Inhumanities (3 comments)

Bombshell Corruption Case Shines Merciless Light On How Politicians Raise Money --Paul Blumenthal (1 comments)

In each other we trust: coining alternatives to capitalism (1 comments)


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