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May 2014

Saturday, May 31:

A Modest Proposal to Create a Business for Corporate Parasite Bounty Hunters and Whistle Blowers (33 comments)

The New York Times and freedom of the press (4 comments)

Snowden's latest interview corroborates good intentions, says attorney (1 comments)

The Money Behind the Gun Madness (4 comments)

2nd APFF 2014: Creating Waves, Fostering Movements

The Construction of the Super Citizen (4 comments)

Thomas Riggins: Review: V. J. McGill on Russell's Critique of Marxism

*Whistleblower Summit for Civil and Human Rights--Whistleblowers Convene on Capitol Hill for 8th Annual Conference.

Preventing Future Boko Haram Attacks (2 comments)

Pope Francis Co-operated with the Military Junta in Argentina (13 comments)

Republican Strategy: Obstruct, Blame Democrats For Obstruction (8 comments)

Pak tobacco tax reforms could help half million quit, up taxes by Rs 27.2 billion (3 comments)

Why does the US govt support attacks on civilians in Ukraine? (15 comments)

Time to Rethink American Exceptionalism? (17 comments)

Friday, May 30:

VA Problems Far From New (6 comments)

Daniel Ellsberg: Snowden would not get a fair trial -- and Kerry is wrong (57 comments)

Like Madoff telling a bum to get a job: After Running from his Antiwar Past, Kerry Tells Snowden 'Man Up' and Face Trial (6 comments)

Brave old (exceptionalist) world (5 comments)

US Government Policy and Actions Create Terrorist Threat to US Citizens Traveling Throughout the World

Kashmir - Mapping the Conflict between Pakistan and India

Just Say Yes: Amber Lyon on Radical Transformation Through Psychedelics

Dinesh D'Felon (9 comments)

Amerika, Heal Thyself !

Reduce Tobacco Consumption, Save Lives (2 comments)

The Carbon Trap: Why the Heavens are Silent and What That Means for Humanity. (12 comments)

Insanity Extends Beyond the Shooters (21 comments)

Morning Joe - An Exercise In Denial (4 comments)

Social Evolution (9 comments)

Back in the Red -- First Quarter Growth Goes Negative while Bond Yields Plunge (1 comments)

Thursday, May 29:

Does Inequality Just Happen? (8 comments)

McConnell suddenly afraid to run against Obamacare

George Monbiot: "The Dangers of Continued Growth Now Demand a New Economic System. ASAP." (20 comments)

1984, Redux -- Redux (3 comments)

Money-As-Speech = Legislation-As-Corruption (3 comments)

The future visible in St Petersburg (3 comments)

Pete Seeger and the Blacklist (4 comments)

Cracking the Walnut: American Amnesia and the Libyan Aftermath

No, You Can't Vote: The GOP and Their "15% Solution"

America, an Irresistible Force Confronts China, an Immovable Object (15 comments)

Who's a Terrorist, What's a Terrorist? (10 comments)

The Right's Gamble

Officials Suspect Terrorists Ignited Some Wildfires In 2013 (4 comments)

Chronic Wage Stagnation - Symptoms and Treatments (5 comments)

Drifting Towards War? (1 comments)

An Assault from Obama's Escalating War on Journalism (1 comments)

What Might be the Best Voting System? (11 comments)

How Psychedelic Drugs Can Cure Our Collective Insanity (5 comments)

Is There a More Loathsome American than John Kerry? (106 comments)

Billionaire Jesus, Pt 2: Bling, Bling, Bling And More Bling! (7 comments)

Wednesday, May 28:

Maya Angelou's Civil Rights Legacy

Afghan Elections: Pick Your Poison

How Neocons Constrain Obama's Message (6 comments)

If the Law Is Bullshit, You Must Acquit (4 comments)

On the Santa Barbara Mass Killings: How Long Will Women Face Violence and Terror? Until We Make REVOLUTION! (6 comments)

Is Obama a Realist, Isolationist, Humanitarian Interventionist, or Drone-Dropping Hawk? (3 comments)

Our Fraudulent Two-Tiered Justice System (1 comments)

U.S. Media Lie, Yet Again (1 comments)

O'Reilly -- On Obama and the Race Problem (1 comments)

Premature US Victory-Dancing on Ukraine (10 comments)

Monsanto Versus Democracy In Vermont (5 comments)

Will US "Financial Neutron Bomb" be the Opening Shot of World War III? (16 comments)

Hey, anti-war conservatives, can we work together to rein in military waste and destruction? (1 comments)

"Lesser of Two Evils" Voting: Progressives' Most URGENT Debate (20 comments)

Why do "they" blame Nader? (9 comments)

Where is the Great American Dream? (12 comments)

US aid to Pakistan again linked to Dr Afridi's release (1 comments)

Modi-Nawaz and The Gulf of Mistrust

Apes in Suits (1 comments)

"Who Am I To Judge?": Catholic Schools Buck Francis, Enact Morals Clauses, Elicit Homophobia (2 comments)

Madness Posing as Hyper-Rationality: OMB's Assault on Effective Regulation

Tuesday, May 27:

Don't buy the "sharing economy" hype: Airbnb and Uber are facilitating rip-offs

Posterity Will Hate Us: Building a Lasting Legacy of Death (16 comments)

The Wrath of (the) Conned

Making The "New Populism" A Reality: Lessons From The Conference (2 comments)

Thomas Paine a Contemporary? Perhaps Hedges has a key to the American Spring. (3 comments)

Does Tom Wheeler Really Not Get It or Is He Saying One Thing and Doing Another? And, What You Can Do To Assure Net Neutr

A Memorial Day Extravaganza of Triumphalist Militarism, Some Thoughts (2 comments)

Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea!

Pure Poison: The Weekend Shooting, Ray Rice and a Culture of Violence Against Women (14 comments)

Terrorists Intend To Use Wildfire As A Weapon Against Cities (13 comments)

What the Pope Did Not Say (7 comments)

The Disgusting Super-Rich (4 comments)

Intimidated Iranian Expatriates watching in Silence

*How to honor the war dead

Krauthammer is right: The US Empire is in Decline (3 comments)

Have Skin in The Game Or Don't Talk About Not Doing What You Love (3 comments)

The information wars (2 comments)

Monday, May 26:

NYT's One-Sided Ukraine Narrative (5 comments)

Memorial Day

Israel's Christians need all the support they can get (1 comments)

New Environmentalists Taking Bold Actions and It's Working (3 comments)

Remember: Politicians Who've Sent Soldiers to Die Unnecessarily and Those Who Opposed Those Wars (35 comments)

From Dreux to Nanterre

How the Ukrainian Civil War Started (8 comments)

Franklin P. Lamb: Syria's Palestinian Refugees to Lebanon

*Memorialize US Military's Worldwide Genocidal Crimes Against Humanity Awaiting Special Trial in ... (1 comments)

Connecting the dots: Tobacco use, diabetes, and tuberculosis (3 comments)

Changing Minds by Reframing God! (13 comments)

Beating GMO cartels at their own game can create 200,000 good jobs in Florida, at NO cost to taxpayers.

Thomas Paine, Our Contemporary (9 comments)

Why War Is Inevitable (126 comments)

*Save Our Corporations from the Crash -- Senna, Smith, Marx and Rules (4 comments)

Before You "Thank Them for Their Service"... (9 comments)

A Memorial Day Truth (3 comments)

I'm a woman, a Democrat, and I don't support Hillary (80 comments)

Sunday, May 25:

WPost Seeks US-Patrolled "Safe Zone" in Syria

Stress Test: The Indictment of Timothy Geithner (4 comments)

Benghazi v. Beirut

How the NRA Enables Massacres (1 comments)

Arlington (1 comments)

TAFTA - Monsanto's Backdoor to GMOs (4 comments)

Neoliberalism: the Destroyer of Worlds. (4 comments)

*You Know Who is Planning to Kill Your Family, Yet You Don't ... (8 comments)

Is Obama Any Smarter Than Bush?

The War on America's Military Veterans, Waged with SWAT Teams, Surveillance and Neglect (2 comments)

Mr. Narendra Modi's hypothetical acceptance speech on Monday, May 26, 2014 (2 comments)

Searching For Organics and Non-GMOs at the Biggest Restaurant Show (1 comments)

The Limits of MSNBC (10 comments)

The New York Times as Binky (11 comments)

March Against Monsanto rally photos and protest signs from Austin, Texas (1 comments)

Saturday, May 24:

The State Department's Ukraine Fiasco (3 comments)

The Three Laws of Pentagon Robotics (1 comments)

Empathy = 21st Century Enlightenment (8 comments)

In Their Own Juice (3 comments)

Russia's Rise To Global Power (18 comments)

Open Thread: March against Monsanto worldwide (3 comments)

Mark Cuban Got it Right About Stereotypes (2 comments)

The Undeclared War on Muslims is Big Business in America (16 comments)

The Rest of the VA Scandal Iceberg: Exposing Secrets (2 comments)

The Beautiful Truth

A Strange, Soulless Man and His Failed Presidency (43 comments)

The 'revolutionary' face of the Syrian conflict

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: What Erectile Dysfunction Ads Say About Our Culture and Our Health (17 comments)

CNN airs evidence Israelis used live bullets on Palestinian protesters (6 comments)

Friday, May 23:

Imagine Christie's Budget Crisis on a National Scale (1 comments)

The Social Cost of GMOs (13 comments)

A Response to Michael Kinsley (16 comments)

Perils of Technology: Dehumanization and Extinction (6 comments)

Global Robocop, a Multipolar World, and Climate Collapse: How to Think Outside the Box (2 comments)

US Intelligence? Not Even Close (2 comments)

Where is the other half of this film? A critical look at the film reviews of "Silvered Water: Syria Self-Portrait" (40 comments)

Regionalism: The Dominant Factor of Iranian Foreign Policy

We Can Change The Mainstream Media! (30 comments)

Why Risk Prison to Protest Drone Murders? An Activist Explains. (1 comments)

Racism Stunts Your Growth

Racism: What's the Problem? (1 comments)

Thursday, May 22:

The GOP Death Panel (1 comments)

"World moving away from American financial hegemony" (12 comments)

The "Stinky Inky," Part VII: Trudy Rubin's Astounding Ignorance about Russia

What Ever Happened to Alice B. Toklas? (1 comments)

Former Christie aide says lane closures were political payback

American TV to Chinese Spies: Do as US Says, Not as US Does

A Single Woman Who Likes Sex! Or; Reclaiming the Morality of Abortion

Sex, lies and a bunch of lawyers (1 comments)

What's Wrong with First-Choice Voting? (4 comments)

The Good Old Days

*Obama confirms new law passed to deprive citizens of jury trial (13 comments)

Praying for Women, or Preying On Them? (1 comments)

Transcript: Interview with a Psychopath Neuroscientist Entrepreneur (23 comments)

I Am Not a Number! (8 comments)

Are More Political Parties Possible Here? (4 comments)

Why the U.S. Senate, as Presently Constituted, is a Total Misrepresentation of the American People (66 comments)

The Sounds of Silence--Political Style (2 comments)

Justice Is Dead In Amerika (51 comments)

Wednesday, May 21:

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: The Privilege of Religious Majorities: Pivoting on Piety (7 comments)

Over Their Dead Bodies (22 comments)

Koch Brothers Rev Up High-Octane Hypocrisy (2 comments)

Showdown in Ukraine: Putin vs. Comrade Wolf (15 comments)

The Role of the Intellectual (2 comments)

10 Outrageous Crimes The Banksters Hope You Forget (3 comments)

How's the weather? (2 comments)

Patriarchy and Religion: Built to Oppress Women

How Real is the GOP's War on its Racists?

Why I Don't Want to See the Drone Memo (2 comments)

Ridiculous US Warfare Expenditure (2 comments)

Practical Choice: Not American Capitalism or "Welfare State Socialism" but an Economy That's Working for a Few or Many (7 comments)

Tuesday, May 20:

Why I Am Compelled to Expose the Koch Brothers and the Price We All Pay (1 comments)

Mitch McConnell's Big Mitch Problem

Why Iran Wants Its Own Nuclear Fuel

More on the Belgium Treasury Purchase

One Burrito, Extra Cheese -- Hold the Bullets (6 comments)

Putin and China Reach Tentative Oil and Gas Deal Worth a Trillion Dollars (1 comments)

"Courting powerful Jewish donors," Christie calls for aggressive foreign policy (2 comments)

No justice at the US DOJ: AG Holder's Big News about Prosecuting Chinese Spying and a Crooked Swiss Bank are a Joke

The End of Choice (1 comments)

Did Washington Rescue the Wrong Economy?

Coming Out of The Abortion Closet (1 comments)

ADL refuses to address evidence of racketeering in Bet Tzedek - the Los Angeles "House of Justice" (1 comments)

25 Scandals more Important than Benghazi (2 comments)

SOMALGET: NSA Recording all Cell Phone Calls in the Bahamas

Thom Hartmann's Insane Political Strategy: Whitewashing Cancerous Democrats (81 comments)

*Prosecutable 'International Community' Funds Terror in Democracies Ukraine Syria Venezuela (1 comments)

Judge, Jury, and Executioner: Have the Police Become a Law Unto Themselves? (3 comments)

Monday, May 19:

Israel Hides Behind its Own Special "Catch 22" (1 comments)

Are Public Banks Unconstitutional? No. Are Private Banks? Maybe. (15 comments)

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Hey, GOP: Want More SAHM's? Return to Liberal Economic Policies! (7 comments)

*An Open Letter To The Koch Brothers

CA Bans "Dark Money" in Elections After Undisclosed Koch Brothers Spending in 2012 (1 comments)

Militarist Bunkum (15 comments)

California adds 1,655 people net gain daily (5 comments)

A Faction, Not A Party

Your Freedom or Your Shoes (1 comments)

They Can't Outlaw the Revolution (52 comments)

Texas in Drought: When religiosity trumps science (and there's hell to pay) (18 comments)

The Food Industry-- Your Every Day Poison Delivery Source (39 comments)

How To Get Better Ratings (And A Spot On FOX): Go Hypocritical, Homophobic and Victimized (1 comments)

We've Known for 75 Years Why GM Killing Customers Isn't Treated as "Real Crime" (1 comments)

Sunday, May 18:

Gaming the System (1 comments)

Tomgram: Pepe Escobar, Who's Pivoting Where in Eurasia? (2 comments)

Looking Back One Year After The Edward Snowden Disclosures - An International Perspective

India's incoherent election? (5 comments)

What the Narendra Modi-led BJP regime means to the future of India (1 comments)

Michael Hudson: The New Cold War's Ukraine Gambit -- Analysis by Michael Hudson (2 comments)

The Birth of a Station

Resurrecting the Lede: The New York Times on the F.C.C. and Net Neutrality (1 comments)

What the 1% Don't Want You to Know (27 comments)

CredoMobile petition: Oppose Hillary Clinton for president: she's too hawkish and corporatist (5 comments)

What Made America Famous (8 comments)

Saturday, May 17:

Israel Is Serious About Spying -- But Not About Peace

Greenwald Against the Establishment

What Does Hillary Believe? Populists Want to Know (4 comments)

Dear Salman

A tale of many Yemens

Trying to Scuttle Iran Nuke Talks, Again (1 comments)

Kidnapped Girls Become Tools of U.S. Imperial Policy in Africa (4 comments)

In Defence of the Donetsk People's Republic (3 comments)

Why North Korea's Report on US Human Rights Got It Right (20 comments)

Folly Beach (1 comments)

The Catholic War on Women

Michelle's Sign and the Imperatives of Empire (2 comments)

*Burma: Is there a solution for Kachin Conflict?

Friday, May 16:

5 Reasons I'm Supporting Marianne Williamson for Congress (2 comments)

Night of the Hunter: Family Values in American Foreign Policy (3 comments)

"NYT" publishes unvarnished ADL propaganda: 93% of Palestinians are anti-Semites (4 comments)

Neglecting Jefferson, the Adams Boys, and Pogo (3 comments)

Pakistan Supreme Court case highlights plight of stranded Pakistanis in Bangladesh

India Elects Modi: Is the world's largest democracy entering its most sinister period since independence? (17 comments)

The Largest Democracy in the World To Be Governed by The Extreme Right (16 comments)

Former GOP Senator Who First Hired McConnell Slams Him for Opposing Obamacare

We Know How This Will End (21 comments)

Should Women Apologize for Abortion?

Rosen World

Pakistan: walking the tight rope?

Why Kurds in Iran have formed KODAR to fight the Islamic Republic of Iran?

Elizabeth Warren: Saving the Democrats (7 comments)

Crazy Erdogan? Turkey's PM Loses his Grip (8 comments)

The Next Four Months Will Decide the Future of the Internet (2 comments)

Thursday, May 15:

On Nakba Day, Israelis Forced to Confront a Guilty Secret (1 comments)

I'm Hatin' It... (1 comments)

Portland City still resists police accountability (2 comments)

Psychological Shortcuts & Politics (6 comments)

The Pathology of Prosecution: a Broken System of Justice (11 comments)

Medea Benjamin: 10 Reasons to Love Uruguay's President Jose Mujica (3 comments)

Medea Benjamin: Drone Lawyer: Kill a 16-Year-Old, Get a Promotion (2 comments)

The Great Boycott: Monsanto and the GMA (4 comments)

Death to the Death Penalty (7 comments)

Public Health Experts Identify Militarism As Threat (1 comments)

Hey Bill, Here are Some Things You Could've Done About Inequality That Don't Involve Jailing People

The Happiest Countries in the World: Where Does America Rank? (101 comments)

PBS Frontline Exposes (Softly) Bush's and Obama's Authorization and Coverup of NSA Illegal Surveillance of All Americans (8 comments)

How NATO Jabs Russia on Ukraine (5 comments)

Execution Solution

Betraying Vermont's Environment (2 comments)

50 Things the Working Poor Never Say (6 comments)

A Tale of Two New York Cities

Wednesday, May 14:

Climate Change & Militarism: Arctic Arms Race (4 comments)

Tim Geithner and the Wall Street Bailout Redux (1 comments)

Can We Keep the Internet Free?

Bernie Sanders Could Be the 2016 Democratic Candidate We've All Been Waiting For (7 comments)

Brain Damage (Control) (2 comments)

The Neoconservative Obsession With Iran (2 comments)

A Pall of Shame on America as Neocon Cookie Crumbles in Ukraine (11 comments)

American Oligarchy: Biden's Son Hired by Ukraine Gas Company (3 comments)

Look Out, Wall Street, the New Populism Is Coming (21 comments)

Republicans' Insane Political Strategy: Ruining Our Country Hurts the Democratic Party (10 comments)

Orange is the New Black (Genocide) (1 comments)

Muslims must fix Boko Haram (6 comments)

Republicans' Unconscious Ideology: God Is a Sadistic Prick (4 comments)

Todashev: Agent involved in shooting had a questionable history (1 comments)

Islam Objective is to Dominate the World (287 comments)

Method to Rove's Madness with Hillary (1 comments)

Ukraine and Its Border Problems (2 comments)

*Ukraine What the Referendum Means in South-east (19 comments)

Ukraine: The waiting game (3 comments)

Ethnic Russians Are People, Too (13 comments)

Potomac Fever: Sleepwalking to the Brink in Ukraine (3 comments)

Tuesday, May 13:

The Western Media Finds Nazis In Numbers On Procter and Gamble Soap Packages, But Not In The Ukraine (6 comments)

In Ukraine, the US is dragging us towards war with Russia (6 comments)

Apocalypse ... Soon? (1 comments)

Does Cliven Bundy Represent the Ugly American? (2 comments)

How the Right Wing is Killing Women (8 comments)

Russia should ignore Washington's "new Cold War" (2 comments)

This American Empire, It Too Will Collapse (3 comments)

Glenn Greenwald: from Martin Luther King to Anonymous, the state targets dissenters not just "bad guys"

Rising Tuition Costs in a Struggling Economy (1 comments)

Faith or Ignorance? Manipulations in the Name of Religion (2 comments)

The Cops Killed Her Son. That Did Not Stop Her.

A baffled Westerner's look at the aims of Islamic extremists (7 comments)

NYPD coerced Muslim immigrants to become spies

Complicity: Psychology and War on Terror Abuses (2 comments)

Failing the Edward Snowden Litmus Test. (5 comments)

Thomas Piketty's "Capitalism"; a review (1 comments)

Geithner's Other Ad Hominem Attacks Against Barofsky (1 comments)

Monday, May 12:

The criminalization of political opposition in America (4 comments)

The Great Deceiver -- The Federal Reserve (24 comments)

News Blackout -- U.S. Media Ignores Putin's Peace Plan (23 comments)

John Boehner - Stop Playing With Our Lives (4 comments)

In High Finance, Humming a Happy Tune

Odessa Provocateurs: Censored News (2 comments)

How to Shrink Inequality (4 comments)

The Cowardly Escape (3 comments)

The Art Of Shooting Oneself In The Foot (1 comments)

Thomas Riggins: Lenin on The Paris Commune (1871): Replacing the Bourgeois State

Orwell's Nightmare: The NSA and Google--Big Brother Meets Big Business

Obama Comes Clean as a Republican, in Both Foreign and Domestic Policies (3 comments)

What is the Opposite of Psychopathy? (57 comments)

Ukraine's Dueling Elections

The Power of Imagination (11 comments)

Has Democracy Come Full Circle! (5 comments)

Seeking honest politics distinguishes AAP from BJP and Congress

Look who's calling voting 'divisive' and 'illegal': Blood-soaked US Has No Business Opposing Sovereignty Plebiscites (4 comments)

Billionaire Jesus And The Koch Brothers' Virtue Of Greed (6 comments)

Sunday, May 11:

Barack Obama Declares War on the First Amendment! (2 comments)

Freedom Rider: How Not to "Bring Back our Girls" (2 comments)

"Zionism Unsettled": Neither False Nor Misguided (17 comments)

Finishing the Job (1 comments)

It's Official--The Tea Party is now the Republican Party (1 comments)

I Didn't Kill Christ (5 comments)

*Piketty, Meet Orwell: Why Modern Oligarchy MUST Turn Fascist (12 comments)

What You Can Do For the Kidnapped Nigerian Schoolgirls (2 comments)

A Mother's Day Tribute-- That Should Not Have to Be Written (2 comments)

Saturday, May 10:

Burning Ukraine's Protesters Alive (7 comments)

"The Russians are coming -- again -- and they're still 10 feet tall!" (1 comments)

Open Letter to Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe (2 comments)

A National Hero

Honestly, War Is Over (4 comments)

Thomas Farrell: *The CDF vs. the LCWR is back in the news again

Remorseful Jurors Plea to Judge: No Prison Time For OWS Activist (1 comments)

Medea Benjamin: Crusader for the Right to Peace

Not Satire: Obama Administration Bans Officials from Mentioning the News

Everybody's Got Afghanistan Wrong (1 comments)

"Disentangling Ukraine from Our 'Narrative Lines': a Zen Moment for Our Droned Psyches!" (15 comments)

Move On - or Learn From Experience

The Fracking of Academic Integrity in American Colleges (part 3)

Likely impacts of BJP and AAP on the Indian society (1 comments)

The Initiative For Universal Peace, Freedom and Justice: The Rapidly Eroding Wall of Separation Between Church and State (43 comments)

With Mass Incarceration, U.S. is Guilty of a Slow Motion Genocide

Turmoil Shakes National Organic Standards Board Meeting in Texas (2 comments)

Israeli ties compromise Asian support to Arabs

Six Mistakes the West Has Made (and Continues to Make) in Ukraine (1 comments)

Putin displays Ukraine chess mastery (6 comments)

Friday, May 9:

Breaking the Chain of Command; Hierarchy and Near Term Extinction

The kidnappings the world ignored (2 comments)

"Washington Post" runs long article on Adelson's political activities without mentioning Israel

From Vince Foster To Benghazi: How Fox News Has Mainstreamed The Fringe (1 comments)

Instead of Exploiting the Newest Generation of Americans, Let's Invest in Them (5 comments)

Bill de Blasio Knows: Affordable Housing is a Civil Right

Cognition as a Service: Can next-gen creepiness be countered with crowd-sourced ethics? (1 comments)

American Warlord: Obama's Empire of Blood (14 comments)

Finally, National Coverage of College Rape (4 comments)

Elizabeth Warren Comments on The House's Benghazi Investigation (15 comments)

We Need a New Planetary Economic Model (16 comments)

The Russian Tradition, by Tibor Szamuely, reviewed by Deena Stryker (11 comments)

Regular cervical cancer screening, vaccination save lives

Will a Botched Investigation Follow Oklahoma's Botched Execution? (2 comments)

Newly Revealed Portions of CIA Torture Manual: Doctoring Tapes, Foreign Detentions, Interrogating 'Defectors" (2 comments)

Saving the 2014 Election (1 comments)

Good for the Gander: Ukraine's Demise Accelerates (3 comments)

Thou Shalt Have No False Gods Before Me. (18 comments)

Thursday, May 8:

Call the Cops at Your Peril (73 comments)

Hot War with Russia - The Saker (10 comments)

Questions, Anyone? (6 comments)

Keith Alexander Unplugged: on Bush/Obama, 1.7 million stolen documents and other matters

With Friends Like The IMF And EU, Ukraine Doesn't Need Enemies (1 comments)

Putin's Subtle Message to Obama (7 comments)

Censorship Is The Norm (2 comments)

Possibly the Biggest Unknown Known Risks Exposure

*Is democracy possible? (11 comments)

The Shame of Clarence Thomas (1 comments)

The Death Penalty's Grotesque Reality

Decision-Making Shortcuts (2 comments)

*The Methane Stench of Today's Corrupt Democrats (2 comments)

Piketty and Islam (4 comments)

It Is Time To Control Asthma (1 comments)

Crimes of the State (2 comments)

Wednesday, May 7:

The IMF goes to war in Ukraine (3 comments)

Part One: The Propaganda War over Ukraine: The New York Times vs. Russia's "White Book"

*What makes one person worth more than another? (23 comments)

Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee (3 comments)

GOP Has Done Everything it Can to Make Sure Obama is the Wrong Color (4 comments)

U.N. Probe Chief Doubtful on Syria Sarin Exposure Claims (3 comments)

Voters Say "Yes" to the Republican Who Said "No" to Wall Street (4 comments)

What Would a Psychopath Do? Here are Five Things (29 comments)

Is Duty of Care Dead? (2 comments)

To All People in Ukraine, The US Regime Cares Not a Wit About You (6 comments)

How Many Convicted Felons are there in the U.S? It's a Mystery (3 comments)

Zhu De versus Chiang Kai-shek: A Military Clash That Created New China (2 comments)

How Appalling Can American City Leaders Be? (1 comments)

Robbing Main Street to Prop Up Wall Street: Why Jerry Brown's Rainy Day Fund Is a Bad Idea (10 comments)

So What's Noah with You? (8 comments)

Washington's Behavior is no Mystery! (10 comments)

Translational Research For The Benefit Of Public Health

Women and Man (5 comments)

Martial Law, Detention Camps and Kangaroo Courts: Are We Recreating the Third Reich? (8 comments)

"Post 2014 Afghanistan" & the shadows of Saigon (1975) (1 comments)

Glorifying Fact-Free Leadership (2 comments)

Koch Industries versus The B.L.M. (2 comments)

Supreme Court Conservatism Destroying American Principals

The Grand Betrayal, A Form Of Treason: Corporate America's Alliance With Communist China (108 comments)

*Odessa-- the First Pogrom-- The Obama Genocide (239 comments)

A good old American tug on the fraying fabric of peace (1 comments)

Space, the Final Frontier (1 comments)

Tuesday, May 6:

The Six Principles of the New Populism (and the Establishment's Nightmare) (6 comments)

What Obama Can Do to Save Ukraine (7 comments)

Apocalypto (1 comments)

Gangster State America (74 comments)

New York Times Turns Paul Krugman Into His Opposite (2 comments)

The United States Military Junta (6 comments)

*Policy Winners May 2014 newsletter (1 comments)

The U.S. And The Indonesian Right: A Look At Anti-Democratic Pro-Capitalist Crimes (2 comments)

Monday, May 5:

The world has nothing to fear from the US losing power (3 comments)

Ukraine's "Dr. Strangelove" Reality (10 comments)

Welcome to the New America, Where Oligarchs Rock! (8 comments)

Blurred Lines

Beyond Donald Sterling, the Nation Faces a Larger Battle With Embedded Racism (4 comments)

The Four Biggest Right-Wing Lies About Inequality (3 comments)

Michael Uhl: The Case of the Dead Brazilian Torturer Gets Murkier (1 comments)

United We Stand and Shout and Dance and Make it Better (2 comments)

ISRAEL: After years of abuse, Tax-Authority whistleblower Rafi Rotem wins the right to be deposed by State Ombudsman

Coordinated response for control of STIs is lacking (1 comments)

The White House Big Data Report: The Good, The Bad, and The Missing

Media on Ukraine: What Happened to Journalism? (10 comments)

Syria and Ukraine: A Two-Pronged Assault (6 comments)

On Being A Sore Winner (1 comments)

Remembering That Gabriel Had Two Mommies: A Mother's Day Tribute In The Wake Of Tragedy (10 comments)

The Post-Constitutional Era (27 comments)

Sunday, May 4:

Time for Obama To Earn His 2009 Nobel Prize (1 comments)

In Search of a Good War (3 comments)

Guest Column: Putin Should Send Troops Into Ukraine (8 comments)

Another NYT "Sort of" Retraction on Ukraine (2 comments)

United States non-interventionism and Ukraine (3 comments)

Palestinian Unity: Hope and Gloom in the Beach Refugee Camp (2 comments)

President Obama Should Get the Feds Out of the Death Penalty Business (2 comments)

The Beacon that is East Ukraine: Are you on the right side of history? (8 comments)

The Obscenity of War and Military Spending in a World of Need and Suffering (8 comments)

NRA Lies and Deception have nothing to do with Gun Rights (21 comments)

What You Don't Know About Cuba Tells You About YOUR Future (68 comments)

Mark John Maguire: United We Fall, Divided We Stand. Ukraine: the Narrative of Dissent (7 comments)

Saturday, May 3:

Atheists Caught on Film (12 comments)

The 'Hook' and Awlaki: a tale of two imams

A Shameful Chapter (1 comments)

Ukraine: crises have a life of their own (6 comments)

*Ukraine| The Moment of Heroes (41 comments)

Will Ukraine Be NYT's Waterloo? (8 comments)

The Ukraine Debacle was Completely Avoidable (2 comments)

Benghazi WTF? (8 comments)

Obama's New Ukraine: A Russophobic, Failed State Ruled by Fascists (23 comments)

Bain Capital's grip on addiction--The profit behind 12-step treatment (7 comments)

Inside the Fanciful World of Stratfor: Robert D. Kaplan's Geopolitical Bunkum (4 comments)

Syrian update prior to Presidential election (4 comments)

Occupy Founders Launch The After Party in Detroit

Friday, May 2:

NATO's soft war on Russia (31 comments)

Why There Is No Cure for the GOP's Benghazi Fever (8 comments)

We're All Just Grenades in the Partisan Wars (2 comments)

Washington Intends Russia's Demise (23 comments)

Could the Fans Own the Clippers?

Twisting Putin's Words on Ukraine (1 comments)

Nuclear Capability and National Security

Another Example of Why our Government Never Accomplishes Anything (1 comments)

A Country too Far: Russia's destabilization of Ukraine and Eastern Europe (13 comments)

Unions, the Constitution and the right to organize (3 comments)

The Influence of Moral Beliefs (2 comments)

Reset The Net

When South Africa Called, We Answered: And Now?

Meet Donald Sterling, NBA plantation owner (1 comments)

Peter King's Terrorist Pal Arrested in Murder Investigation (7 comments)

Trash Chucking Leads To Environmental Destruction (4 comments)

African-American Ownership for the Clippers Can Help Expunge the NBA's Sterling Embarrassment (1 comments)

The Fracking Prostitutes of American Colleges (part 2)

Thursday, May 1:

Curing Infectious CLAP -- a Mega-Injection of Truth and Transparency (11 comments)

Climate Change Messaging: Avoid the Truth

Been (ghazi) There, Done That (1 comments)

Cliven Bundy's Friends Have Become the Koch Brothers' Useful Idiots (23 comments)

Mayor From Okinawa to Bring Surprising Message to Washington (4 comments)

It is "full-fledged apartheid" now but Americans can use a familiar term, "segregation" -- Mustafa Barghouthi (1 comments)

The Art of Satyagraha (1 comments)

Cutting Our Own Throats Part Two (8 comments)

Who's the Propagandist: US or RT?

Cutting off H2O to the NSA

Call for no more new HIV-infected children

Kathy Kelly's Challenge: Witness, Courage, Compassion, Becoming (3 comments)

The Image That America Projects To The World: Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde (16 comments)

A New Cold War? Or Just America's Need For A Villain?

Olympic Capitalism: Bread and Circuses Without the Bread (1 comments)

Net governance is a game -- play it to win

Dividing India on communal lines

The Aussie Big Four, Third World Land Grabs and Ethical Capitalism

New Careers for the New America (2 comments)

Turnabout is Fair Play - Cuba and Ukraine (6 comments)


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