Archives for Life Arts

August 2014

Saturday, August 30:

Who Wears Fur Today? (2 comments)

Humans Have Created A New Top Predator That Is Taking Over The Northeast - Yahoo Finance (1 comments)

Friday, August 29:

They Tell Me Not To Spell Out "Sh*t"! (12 comments)

The Ameche, Fatimas, and scoops

The Curmudgeon Listener Says: Enough With "Like" (10 comments)

Thursday, August 28:

Thomas Farrell: *Conservative White Men Today and the Revelation Jung Received (2 comments)

'God' of Facebook crowdfunds Westboro billboards

Marijuana compound may offer treatment for Alzheimer's disease, study suggests -- ScienceDaily (2 comments)

From nose to knee: Engineered cartilage regenerates joints -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday, August 27:

A Conversation with Grace Graupe-Pillard

Monday, August 25:

Path of Destruction in Iraq Began in 1991 (3 comments)

Sunday, August 24:

Rats (a poem) (8 comments)

Saturday, August 23:

Aug. 24, 1814: The White House Ablaze, A True-Blue Matriot and a Red Dress (8 comments)

Resurrecting Life on Earth with Biochar (8 comments)

Friday, August 22:

Janet McKenzie: Sacred Art and the Feminine Spirit (15 comments)

Thank You Nestle Corporation (14 comments)

The Cosmic Story: Virgo New Moon 2014 (1 comments)

Images of Jesus as Christian, Jew, Criminal, and Divine: Conception Drives Perception (10 comments)

Thursday, August 21:

Mallards as Metaphor -- Or, Life's Paradoxes (7 comments)

with arms raised

Ask not what your company can do for you . . .

There is a Season......

Ferguson: The Need for Community Policing (3 comments)

Wednesday, August 20:

Peer Juries Rule! A Look Inside Restorative Justice (6 comments)

Self-Assembling Robots Assembling Human Selves: No Dissembly Required (12 comments)

China West vs. China East (9 comments)

Tuesday, August 19:

Cleopatra One-Upped! Nubian Queen Trounced Romans, Evaded Taxes (4 comments)

The Audacity to BE Robin: A Tribute to Robin Williams (5 comments)

Bottom-up Travel and Transportation (2 comments)

Friday, August 15:

Turning 60: Desperately Seeking Something (29 comments)

Thomas Farrell: *Jung's View of Bottom-Up Change (6 comments)

Head of MO Highway patrol walks with protesters (1 comments)

Demonizing Suicide Victims and Those who Mourn them is NOT Acceptable (1 comments)

TED: Why Ordinary People Need to Understand Power (4 comments)

Malibu Memories in SF

Jewish Jesus and Identity Theft in Renaissance Art (14 comments)

Thursday, August 14:

Broadway's 'Aladdin' Pays Tribute to Robin Williams (Video)

Pig Slamming and Dog Burning (3 comments)


The Matrix of Four Forms of Meditative Breath

Wednesday, August 13:

The Need to Spay and Alter (4 comments)

Slaughter (a poem) (3 comments)

Robin Williams left us yesterday (1 comments)

Robin Williams and George Carlin--comedic genius with different twists (3 comments)

Tuesday, August 12:

A Bike that Stamps Your Message on the Street, and 3 Other Open-Source Tools for Activists (3 comments)

Robin Williams and the Mask of Humor (39 comments)

Monday, August 11:

My Dad Is a Right-Wing a**hole (1 comments)

Beyond Modern Day Socio-Pathology: The Piscataquis Village Project (11 comments)

Saturday, August 9:

Gary Lindorff: Poem: Close the Gate

Friday, August 8:

Are photo agencies becoming passe? (1 comments)

Thursday, August 7:

Whitni Battle: Learning to Fly - How Circus Changed My Life (2 comments)

Thomas Farrell: *The Roman Catholic Bishops Need to Be Exorcised -- and Thereby Freed from Their "Shadow" Spirits (8 comments)

Waging Peace: Can These Kids Change The World? (2 comments)

Fantastic Fungi: The Forbidden Fruit - Moving Art (6 comments)

Wednesday, August 6:

The Cosmic Story: Aquarius Full Moon 2014 (1 comments)

Tuesday, August 5:

Maverick Singer Songwriter Ellen Bukstel Takes On Private Prisons and Big Pharma (7 comments)

Monday, August 4:

Gazing on Gaza (11 comments)

Old, Wise, and Mad as Hell: Harry's Last Stand

Sunday, August 3:

This Looks Like A Normal Restaurant, Until You Realize The Bizarre Truth (2 comments)

Restore GED Fairness

Broadway artists honor Eric Garner, protest police violence

Sharing the Visions of New Englanders

Friday, August 1:

BOP: 'Til Death Do Us Part?

The KISS: To Share Breath (1 comments)

The case of the missing VA bill

How to Tell a Sociopath from a Psychopath (4 comments)

Incredible Photos of Off-Grid Living (2 comments)


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