Archives for Best Web OpEds

September 2014

Tuesday, September 30:

Beyond the Biased Referendum on Scottish Independence

Republicans Put The Clown Car In Drive As Ted Cruz Is Running For President in 2016 (1 comments)

Monday, September 29:

Robert Reich (Back to School, and to Widening Inequality) (1 comments)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Citizens United Was The Current Supreme Court's Worst Ruling (1 comments)

The (Al) Gorification of Neil deGrasse Tyson (2 comments)

Rotten to the Core: How an Apple mega-deal cost Los Angeles classrooms $1 billion;Katheleen Sharp Salon (1 comments)

The Feds Bypass the State and Come Directly to Districts Asking Them To Commit To Federal Goals (1 comments)

Finally, the Truth About the A.I.G. Bailout ; By NOAM SCHEIBER NYTimes (1 comments)

The Wilds of Education - by Frank Bruni; NYTimes (1 comments)

O'Reilly: Henry Kissinger Likes My Mercenary Army Idea

Videos - Leonardo DiCaprio's Urgent and Powerful UN Climate Summit Speech (2 comments)

The Con Artistry of Charter Schools; By Ruth Conniff, In These Times | News Analysis

Eroc Holder's Five Crucial Failures (2 comments)

The Segarra tapes: Why the Obama administration has not prosecuted even one crooked banker

Sunday, September 28:

Our Invisible Rich

Pat Roberts, Congenital Liar

Seditious Republicans Spend Paid Vacation Instigating Rebellion Among Military Generals

David Swanson Interviews TCBH!'s Dave Lindorff on Ukraine, Syria, and on the Militarization of America's Police

Saturday, September 27:

Burns Overlooks Secret of FDR's Success: Power of the People (38 comments)

Crazed Tea Partier Allen West Tells American Troops Not To Follow President Obama's Orders (5 comments)

The Lost Art of Diplomacy (4 comments)

Friday, September 26:

Change the World, in One Easy Step. Really!

Women's Rights Activist tortured and executed (1 comments)

The Blotch on Eric Holder's Record: Wall Street Accountability

Ohio Singled Out for Worst Fracking Waste Disposal Practices

Paul Krugman: The Show-Off Society

Wednesday, September 24:

Andy Borowitz: Americans Who Have Not Read a Single Article About Syria Strongly Support Bombing It (Satire)

The Ancestors of ISIS - By DAVID MOTADEL, NYTimes (1 comments)

Members Of The Laziest Most Do Nothing Congress Make $608 For Each Hour They Are In DC

The Narrative of the Koch Brothers Tapes: The Debate We Have to Have (5 comments)

Sarah Darer Littman: The Gates Foundation as a Trojan Horse, Disabling Democracy (2 comments)

ISIS Crisis - by Thomas L. Friedman, NYTimes (2 comments)

Tuesday, September 23:

GOP's looming '16 civil war: How Jeb Bush's new moves will divide the party (3 comments)

Paul Ryan Admits That The GOP Plans To Win The Senate and Take Healthcare Away From Millions (2 comments)

Chris Christie Sides With the Koch Brothers on Climate Change

Is DC Statehood a Matter of Civil Rights?

Monday, September 22:

Charter Schools in New York Sue for More Money; by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

How Rich Old White Men Are Taking Lunch Money Away From Inner-City Black Kids (1 comments)

Peter Greene: TNTP Shows How to Make Tenure Rare; by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

Playing God byby Steve Fraser (1 comments)

Sunday, September 21:

Paul Krugman: Those Lazy Jobless (1 comments)

Gates Money Attempts to Shift the Education Conversation to Successes - Living in Dialogue by Anthony Cody (1 comments)

Ken Futernick: What California Needs Most After Vergara; by Diane Ravitch

Ohio: Does Public Property Belong to Public or to Charter Organization; by Diane Ravitch & Dennis Smith (1 comments)

The Vain and the Desperate - by frank Bruni; NYTimes. (1 comments)

Beloved War Veteran Commits Suicide

Saturday, September 20:

Congress heads home to face voters with little to brag about

Stephen Colbert brutally mocks Fox News for obsessing over the kind of boots on the ground

Charters Will Blitz Philadelphia with PR Campaign- by Diane ravitch (1 comments)

We Need Congressional Hearings on Standardized Testing- by Frank Breslin (2 comments)

Democrats Hammer Republicans For Using ISIS to Hide Their Do Nothing Failure (1 comments)

What the PDK/Gallup Poll Says About Teachers: Not Good News for TFA; by Diame Ravitch (1 comments)

US school districts given free machine guns and grenade launchers (3 comments)

Friday, September 19:

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Cow's Milk Casomorphin and Autism (7 comments)

Larry Lee: Guess Who Is Bashing Alabama's Teachers? by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

John Boehner Is Done Being Nice About The Unemployed

One in four Americans want their state to secede from the U.S., but why? (1 comments)

Failed Bank's Broken Vows Mean Little - by y FLOYD NORRIS, NYTimes (1 comments)

Harper's: Why Doesn't PBS Care About the Assault on Public Education? by Diane Ravitch (2 comments)

Mercedes Schneider Reviews "The Great Debate" About Common Core: BY DIANE Ravitch (1 comments)

Four Common Core 'flimflams' - By Valerie Strauss; The Washington Post (1 comments)

The Tower Of Babel Comes To Paris: The Folly Of Obama's "War" On ISIS

Paul Krugman: Could Fighting Global Warming Be Cheap and Free?

Thursday, September 18:

When Black Things Propel Us: 'Deep State' Power Crimes (29 comments)

U.S. Falling Into the Islamic State's Trap (3 comments)

Mike Klonsky's: LA Chancellor Deasy Gets 61 M16s and 3 Grenade Launchers from the Pentagon (1 comments)

Teachers as Conscientious Objectors; by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

Join The Network for Public Education for Our Historic Event: Public Education Nation! BY Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

Wednesday, September 17:

James Bamford -- Israel's N.S.A. Scandal (4 comments)

Naomi Klein: Only a Reverse Shock Doctrine Can Save Our Climate; by by Joshua Holland

Who's Paying the Pro-War Pundits?byLee Fang (1 comments)

ISIS Forces Obama Toward Foreign-Policy Fantasies

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: 5 Ridiculous Myths About Cow's Milk (8 comments)

Let's Reject the 'Inevitable' - Mark Bittman, NYTimes (2 comments)

Jersey Jazzman: Governor Christie Should Be Held Accountable for Failure in State-Controlled Districts By Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

Tuesday, September 16:

U.S. Defense Secretary Concedes "We Could Do a Little Better" with Hostage Families

Kristen Buras: Message to York City, Beware of For-Profit Charter Chains! by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

Buoyant Billionaires by Charles R. Morris (1 comments)

American War on Islamic State ISIS Is Risky and Uncertain

Ready For Bernie? Sanders Challenges Hillary Clinton To Debate The Issues (5 comments)

The Dogs of Hell: An Original Jihadi Trashes ISIS

Monday, September 15:

Bill Clinton Wallops Republicans With The Truth (3 comments)

Push To Impose Extra Fees On Solar Customers Draws Outrage In Wisconsin; BY KILEY KROH (1 comments)

Koch Brothers' Real Fear Revealed In Secret Audio: Liberal Money by Ryan Grim & Paul Blumenthal (1 comments)

Cliven Bundy Taunts The Feds: "Why Don't They Give Me A Bill?"

Video the Government Doesn't Want You to See (12 comments)

York City, Pennsylvania, Protests Attempted Corporate Takeover of Public Schools on Wednesday by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

A Bigger Midterm Election Turnout - by NYTimes Editorial Board (1 comments)

Ray Rice and His Rage - Charles M. Blow (1 comments)

NYT: renewable energy creating revolution in energy creation (1 comments)

Regulator Slow to Respond to Deadly Vehicle Defects - By HILARY STOUT, DANIELLE IVORY and REBECCA R. RUIZ; NYTimes (1 comments)

Bush/Cheney Created Conditions that Led Directly to ISIL (11 comments)

Seattle Times' Gates-funded Education Lab Blog Experiment by Mercedes Schneider (1 comments)

Borowitz -- Integrity Disqualifies Sanders for White House

Ohio: Where For-Profit Charter Schools Flourish; by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

To Boost Investment, End S.E.C. Rule That Spurs Stock Buybacks

Sunday, September 14:

Paul Krugman: How to Get It Wrong

Hillary Clinton to Iowa: I'm back. (1 comments)

Lindsey Graham Melts Down and Claims ISIL Is Going To Invade The US and Kill Us All (2 comments)

All You Need to Know About What's Wrong with Education... and how to fix it. (2 comments)

Saturday, September 13:

A constitutional amendment to take Big Money out of politics dies quietly (4 comments)

Solve America's Problems Simply and Easily: Elect this guy! (1 comments)

Memo To Democrats: Change Campaign Strategy Or Keep Losing (1 comments)

Peter Greene Explains How Education Got Politicized; Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

Short-term memory loss champions of the world: Gaza? What Gaza?

It Takes a Mentor - Thomas L. Friedman; NYTimes (1 comments)

The Sluggish Fight Against Ebola - By THE EDITORIAL BOARD; NYTimes (2 comments)

A Feeble Response to Ebola - By SILAS KPANAN'AYOUNG SIAKOR and NORA BOWIER; NYTimes (2 comments)

New York Times Casts Doubt On Obama's ISIS War Plan- by Michael Calderone (1 comments)

Friday, September 12:

MUST WATCH VIDEO: Jon Stewart's Hilarious and Definitive Rant About Obama's New ISIS Strategy

Paul Krugman: The Inflation Cult

Two Teachers and. Microphone Give Arne Duncan an Earful on the war on teachers, testing and LAUSD'S DEASY (1 comments)

Obama's Betrayal of the Constitution (4 comments)

Thursday, September 11:

'Wake Up Call Sounded' on Climate, University Faculty Launch Largest Divestment Effort to Date

Michael Moore: Obama will only be remembered as first black president

House Republicans Conspire With War Criminal Dick Cheney to Plot Iraq Strategy

Fantastic interview with John Lennon in 1968 (1 comments)

Wednesday, September 10:

Gun facts suggest Hunter S. Thompson was murdered (3 comments)

Here's What Dick Cheney Wants Obama To Do Against ISIS (1 comments)

Tuesday, September 9:

None Of The 40 Jobs Bills That John Boehner Claims House Republicans Passed Create Jobs

Monday, September 8:

There's A New Right-Wing Crazy Train Headed Your Way. Get Off The Tracks! (1 comments)

The Highest-Paid CEOs Are The Worst Performers, New Study Says (2 comments)

Digby: Scalia's utter moral failure: How he destroys any claim to a superior system of justice - (1 comments)

Sunday, September 7:

Paul Krugman: Scots, What the Heck? (1 comments)

William Rivers Pitt (1 comments)

Sorry, Republicans: We know exactly 'what Reagan would do' about ISIS

NATO bases on Russia's border will lead to nuclear war- Stephen Cohen (7 comments)

Saturday, September 6:

Confessions of a recovering Libertarian: How I escaped a world of Ron Paul hero worship (4 comments)

Friday, September 5:

Paul Krugman: The Deflation Caucus

A guaranteed income for every American would eliminate poverty -- and it wouldn't destroy the economy (4 comments)

Thursday, September 4:

Oops! Police Claim They Have "No Idea" Where Those Military-Grade Guns Are

Ferguson Demands a New Black Politics

Wednesday, September 3:

Voucher School Tour (2 comments)

Tuesday, September 2:

Has the U.S. Targeted Nuclear-Armed Russia with Regime Change? (1 comments)

Monday, September 1:

Fox News Terror Syndicate: Murderers of Better Angels (2 comments)

(If) Russia (Really) Invades Ukraine

Decaying Guantanamo Defies Closing Plans

Bernie Sanders Celebrates Labor Day By Taking Down the Koch Brothers (1 comments)


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