Archives for Sci Tech

January 2015

Saturday, January 31:

Where did the missing oil go? New study says some is sitting on the Gulf floor

Crystal light: New family of light-converting materials points to cheaper, more efficient solar power and LEDs -- Scienc

Heat waves becoming more prominent in urban areas, research reveals

Can Students Have Too Much Tech? - By SUSAN PINKER; NYTimes (4 comments)

Friday, January 30:

New technique for growing high-efficiency solar cells

Identifying you and your credit card: a simple task!

Iceland rises as its glaciers melt from climate change -- ScienceDaily

Global warming won't mean more storms: Big storms to get bigger, small storms to shrink, experts predict -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, January 29:

Smothered oceans: Extreme oxygen loss in oceans accompanied past global climate change -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday, January 28:

The Real Amount of Energy Used to Power the Internet

Attention QVC Shoppers, The Moon Is A Planet

Tuesday, January 27:

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Will Sink the Middle Class (7 comments)

3-D view of Greenland Ice Sheet opens window on ice history

Using stem cells to grow new hair

Monday, January 26:

Pope Francis Is A U.S. Catholic Bishops' Public Relations Creation (4 comments)

Sunday, January 25:

UFO's and global warming -- it's science,folks (16 comments)

Saturday, January 24:

Why all-nighters don't work: How sleep, memory go hand-in-hand -- ScienceDaily

Friday, January 23:

Arctic ice cap slides into the ocean

Thursday, January 22:

Solar Coming Your Way!

Two lakes beneath the ice in Greenland, gone within weeks -- ScienceDaily

Synthetic amino acid enables safe, new biotechnology solutions to global problems (1 comments)

Saturday, January 17:

Acceleration in Human Activity Shows We Must Abolish Traditional Economists

The Most Depressing Article I've Ever Read has an Upside: Everything Else Looks Trivial (2 comments)

2014 Breaks Heat Record, Challenging Global Warming Skeptics (3 comments)

Friday, January 16:

It's Official: 2014 Ranks as World's Hottest Year on Record

Humans Have Brought World's Oceans to Brink of 'Major Extinction Event'

Thursday, January 15:

Trans-Neptunian objects suggest that there are more dwarf planets in our solar system -- ScienceDaily (1 comments)

Renewable resources reach their limits -- ScienceDaily (2 comments)

Correcting estimates of sea level rise -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday, January 14:

Beyond Natural Gas; Sierra Club (1 comments)

Tuesday, January 13:

Rise in mass die-offs seen among birds, fish and marine invertebrates -- ScienceDaily (1 comments)

Saturday, January 10:

Murdoch says Muslims must be held responsible for France terror attacks (2 comments)

S.T.E.M. Education For the 21st Century and Beyond (11 comments)

Thursday, January 8:

Leaving Fossil Fuels Underground to Slow Global Warming (3 comments)

Coral reefs threatened

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion can slow climate change. (9 comments)

Wednesday, January 7:

Eight new planets found in 'Goldilocks' zone: Two are most similar to Earth of any known exoplanets -- ScienceDaily

Saturday, January 3:

Book Review: The Systems View of Life; A Unifying Vision (11 comments)

December Darkness Across the Universe - Out There


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