Archives for Best Web OpEds

July 2015

Friday, July 31:

China's Naked Emperors

Thursday, July 30:

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Adventures in Moral Schizophrenia: Cecil the Lion (11 comments)

John Boehner Says He is Proud of His Accomplishments (1 comments)

Where Is The Shame That The World Sees Americans As Racist And Extremists? (6 comments)

Clinton's habit of dodging key issues draws Democrats' fire (5 comments)

Wednesday, July 29:

The pope and poverty

The Wheels Fell Off the Bernie Sanders Bandwagon (3 comments)

Tuesday, July 28:

White House: "Pardon Edward Snowden? LOL!" (2 comments)

Monday, July 27:

Paul Krugman: Zombies Against Medicare

Editorial: Pope Francis' exhortation to walk on the margins makes us squirm (2 comments)

Zombies Against Medicare - Paul Krugman

Media Flap Over Treatment of Campbell Brown: by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

"Education, Inc.": A Stunning Documentary about the Dark Money Behind "Reform"; by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

Saturday, July 25:

20 Examples of Bernie Sanders' Powerful Record on Civil and Human Rights Since the 1950s

After the Lafayette shooting the jury is still out on us (1 comments)

Friday, July 24:

Noam Chomsky: 'What Exactly is the Threat of Iran?' (2 comments)

Thursday, July 23:

Why the Laura Poitras case is bigger than you think

Jeb Bush is "playing an age old Washington game" by blasting Washington lobbyists (1 comments)

Wednesday, July 22:

After Greece Will Serbia and Albania Join the EU? (1 comments)

Snowden's Plea to Top Technologists: Build an Internet for the People (3 comments)

Doing the right thing for our public schools (5 comments)

Teacher: Beware EngageNY Curriculum: It's No Good!;by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

Tell President Obama: Putting Economic Gains before the Interests of Victims of Human Trafficking is Not Going Unnoticed (1 comments)

Tuesday, July 21:

Mitch McConnell Wants To Rob Pensions To Fund Highway Repairs

Monday, July 20:

John Oliver Is Horrified; by Ed Mazza, The Huffington Post (1 comments)

Treason, Racism or Both (1 comments)

"Germany Can't Help You" (14 comments)


Will Cuomo Preserve Testing Mania Even After Congress Drops It? -by Diane Ravitch (4 comments)

CURMUDGUCATION: Bottom 5%;by Peter Greene (1 comments)

Netanyahu Admits He Is Helping Treasonous Republicans Try To Sabotage Obama Iran Deal

The Euro-Summit 'Agreement' on Greece -- annotated (1 comments)

Paul Krugman: Europe's Impossible Dream

Psychopathy in Politics and Finance. Psychopaths at the top. Unimpeded cheaters win

35 Mind-Blowing Facts About Inequality (2 comments)

Sunday, July 19:

Donald Trump Isn't the Exception. He's the Republican Prototype.

GOP Voted Against 7 Bills to Help Veterans;BY War on Error-DAILY KOS (2 comments)

'If We Can Do It, So Can You': Marshall Islands Makes Inspiring Climate Pledge

Bernie Sanders Sets A New Record As 11,000 Show Up For Rally In Red State Arizona

No Retreat, No Surrender for Free-speaking Candidate Trump (1 comments)

Draft-Dodging Trump Says POW McCain "Not A War Hero"

Saturday, July 18:

Bill Cosby Deposition Reveals Calculated Pursuit of Young Women, Using Fame, Drugs and Deceit

Avaaz: clicktivist heroes or Soros wolf in woolly disguise?

ISIS Has Fired Chemical Mortar Shells, Evidence Indicates; By C. J. CHIVERS -The New York Times (1 comments)

Here's a Way to Control Guns, by By DAVID K. BRAWLEY, OTIS MOSS III, DAVID BENKE and JOEL MOSBACHER -The New York Times (1 comments)

Friday, July 17:

Boehner Blames California Drought On Obama

BEWARE: "Always On" Devices Always Recording (3 comments)

Ohio: Who Bought the Legislature?;by Diane Ravitch

Paul Krugman: Liberals and Wages

Newscorp hit new low in promotion of MH17 hysteria (1 comments)

Thursday, July 16:

Murphy Amendment Did NOT Pass, Fortunately; by Diane Ravitch (2 comments)

Teacher: I've loved my 'very difficult' job. But now Ohio has made it 'impossible' (1 comments)

Wednesday, July 15:

The 2016 race just got stranger: Trump says he can win Latino vote

Iran Nuclear Deal

The Pope Hits a Triple (3 comments)

Dick Cheney torches Iran deal (1 comments)

Tuesday, July 14:

New Horizons: Pluto Is So Much More Than a Pixelated Blob

Things Turn Sour in Ukraine

Borowitz Satire -- Poll: Palin Would Bring Needed Dignity to Republican Field

Monday, July 13:

Paul Krugman: The Laziness Dogma

BRICS Challenges the "Double Standard" of the West (2 comments)

Sunday, July 12:

The Fawning Candidate: Hillary Clinton and Apartheid Israel

Thor Benson: It's Not Just the NSA -- the IRS Is Reading Your Emails Too (1 comments)

Best Greece Article Yet (9 comments)

Saturday, July 11:

Ted Cruz's Caught In A Lie As He Has No Proof That He Did Not Buy His Own Books

Friday, July 10:

Greece's Economy Is a Lesson for Republicans in the U.S. (2 comments)

"MH17: an example of Wikipedia as propaganda" (7 comments)

Thursday, July 9:

Austerity Has Failed: An Open Letter From Thomas Piketty to Angela Merkel (3 comments)

Screen Addiction Is Taking a Toll on Children (3 comments)

Did the Republican National Committee just find a way to keep Trump out of the Cleveland debate?

Why Is the Federal Government Afraid of Fat? (2 comments)

Locals Everywhere Want to Know: What's Wrong With America?

Post public police documents online, in Cleveland and elsewhere: Michael A. Dover (Opinion)

Wednesday, July 8:

Francis: Environmental destruction makes us like Cain, killing our brother (3 comments)

Finally, Targeted Teachers Target Corruption (1 comments)

Tuesday, July 7:

Eric Holder: Edward Snowden Could Have Sparked "Useful" Debate (5 comments)

After Kiev, Athens? (2 comments)

The Real Reasons Bernie Sanders is Transforming the Election: Here's Why He Galvanizes the Left

Monday, July 6:

Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt - Chris Hedges on Reality Asserts Itself (1/3)

Mitch McConnell Tries To Rig The Courts (1 comments)

5 Reasons Donald Trump Is The Republican Party (2 comments)

Sunday, July 5:

Paul Krugman: Ending Greece's Bleeding

Salon: "Hillary Clinton is Going to Lose" (4 comments)

An Insult to Teachers - The New York Times (2 comments)

What Ted Cruz Admires Most About President Obama (1 comments)

Salon: Our Bernie Sanders Moment: This July 4, Remember Only True Independence and Revolution Ever Brings Change (2 comments)

Saturday, July 4:

CURMUDGUCATION: The Hard Way: by Peter Greene

Bernie Sanders Will End the IMF's Economic Violence in Greece and Africa (2 comments)

Bernie's Record Crowd in Wisconsin is Big News - Except in Wisconsin (1 comments)

Friday, July 3:

Hillary Clinton to Jewish donors: I'll be better for Israel than Obama (1 comments)

Donald Trump Decisively Loses Twitter Feud with Sitcom Writer (1 comments)

Paul Krugman: Europe's Many Economic Disasters

The NSA and American Spies Targeted SPIEGEL

A MODEST PROPOSAL ON EDUCATION with acknowledgement to Jonathan Swift: by Lenoard Isenberg (2 comments)

Bernie Sanders Is Gaining Ground Fast In Iowa. His Support Has Doubled Since May

The Politics of Fear Ahead of Greek Referendum

Now Is the Time For True Courage

The Guardian: "The Actions of Europe's Leaders [Regarding Greece] Are Nothing Short of Criminal" (1 comments)

Thursday, July 2:

Trump Defends Calling Mexicans Rapists (1 comments)

In taking down the Confederate flag, why Bree Newsome's biblical quote matters - The Washington Post

Even the New York Times Says the June Jobs Report is Misleading

1971: U-Turn to the Right for Wall Street, 2016 U-Turn to the Left for Main Street (1 comments)

Wednesday, July 1:

And Christie makes 16: Why are so many people running for president?

Is Bernie Sanders Too Radical for America? (2 comments)

Welcome to the 1970s [David Michael Green, MIA, Back Again!]

Labor Leader Joins Bernie Sanders' Campaign, Citing Clinton's "Silence" On Fast Track (1 comments)

How is it Possible that the Inane Institution of the Anchorman has Endured for More than 60 Years? (4 comments)

Conservatives Gloat After SC Rules America Can Kill People

A readers' guide to 'Laudato Si''

A readers' guide to "Laudato Si"


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