Archives for Best Web OpEds

September 2015

Wednesday, September 30:

Exclusive: Bankruptcy Is a "Huge Opportunity" to Privatize Schools Says EdBuild (1 comments)

How Pope Francis Undermined the Goodwill of His Trip and Proved to Be a Coward (20 comments)

Federal District Court Tosses Out Bain V. California Teachers Association

It's Not Just Planned Parenthood (1 comments)

Videos - The Nightly Show - Blacklash 2016: The Unblackening - Jeb Bush on Black Voters (1 comments)

Congress Moves To Keep Government Open, For Now


Gov. Brown must decide fate of exit exam, other key ed bills (2 comments)

Tuesday, September 29:

NYSAPE Press Release Cuomo Task Force Response - NYS ALLIES for Public Education

Donald Trump's Tax Plan Could Balloon The Debt By 75 Percent

Private Equity Asset-Stripping Strategy Meets Charter Schools to Produce Even Better Looting (1 comments)

CURMUDGUCATION: USED: Accountability for Public Schools Only (3 comments)

Nashville: U.S. Department of Education Awards $9.6 Million to Controversial "No Excuses" Charter to Spread Through the (2 comments)

Monday, September 28:

Trump's Tax Plan: The Best, Most Luxurious Tax Plan For Those Already Living In Luxury (1 comments)

GOP Jews Quake as Donald Trump and Ben Carson Top Polls

Donald Trump, Our Reality TV Candidate

9 Amazing Moments from Liz Warren's Speech Attacking Racist Policing, Voter Suppression and Predatory Economics

It's make or break time for Jeb Bush

The Blackmail Caucus, a.k.a. the Republican Party

Sunday, September 27:

Boehner's Successor Will Be Pro-Israel. Here's Why Netanyahu Should Worry Anyway

Hillary Clinton Says She Had Nothing To Do With Private Email Server

CMD Publishes Full List of 2,500 Closed Charter Schools (with Interactive Map) (1 comments)

I Don't Want to be a Teacher Any More (2 comments)

NYT OpEd: Volkswagen and the Era of Cheating Software (1 comments)

The GOP civil war infects 2016

Saturday, September 26:

With Boehner Gone, House Republican Suggests Taking Out Mitch McConnell Next

Boehner's Departure Opens The Door For Tea Party Crazies to Take The Wheel (3 comments)

Joe Biden's 'Anita Hill' problem

Defend Public Education - Who is Eli Broad? (1 comments)

Kim Davis Gets An Award For Breaking The Law To Discriminate Against Gay People (1 comments)

Introducing the a**hole of Tomorrow, Today-- The Epitome of Douche-baggery

"The Hard Way" VS. "The Easy Way",CURMUDGUCATION; (1 comments)

Los Angeles: Eli Broad's Illegitimate Proposal to Privatize Half the District; by Diane Ravitch (2 comments)

Friday, September 25:

GOP's Kamikaze Caucus Takes Out John Boehner (1 comments)

Buffalo: Elia Set to Take Control of Struggling Schools (1 comments)

This 124-second video shows just how much right-wingers hate Pope Francis (2 comments)

Natylie Baldwin: The CIA's Torture Defenders (1 comments)

Sarah Darer Littman's latest MUST READ PIECE - Connecticut Legislators Take Note, West Coast Rulings Are Going Against C (1 comments)

The latest undemocratic effort to dismantle public education (1 comments)

Thursday, September 24:

Breaking Down The Pope's Address To Congress

Natylie Baldwin: The Collective Security Treaty Organisation Ready to Fight ISIS Under UN Auspices

Borowitz Satire: Nation Thanks Pope for Briefly Bumping Trump from News

Military Analyst Again Raises Red Flags on Progress in Iraq, by By MARK MAZZETTI and MATT APUZZO (2 comments)

Republicans Need to Be Countered on False Claims About Embryos (3 comments)

Wednesday, September 23:

Jimmy Carter on US 'Oligarchy' and Corrupting Power of Money on Politics

Ronald Reagan on Planned Parenthood (2 comments)

"You should all be in jail," and "we'll nuke you soon anyway" (2 comments)

Pope Visit Backfires On Republicans As Obama and Francis Team Up On Climate Change

Peter Greene Roasts the Billionaire Plan to Privatize L.A. Schools (2 comments)

The Three Ideologies in American Political Life

America's Collapsing Trade Initiatives

Tuesday, September 22:

The 10 most influential billionaires in politics - The Washington Post (1 comments)

Son of Victim Arrested for Protesting Military Exploitation of 9/11

3 Huge Problems With the Charter School Movement

Los Angeles Times Reveals Eli Broad's $490 Million Plan to Expand Privatization in L.A. (3 comments)

Monday, September 21:

After debate, Regents pass teacher-evaluation rules (1 comments)

Philadelphia: Some Charters Spend More on Facilities Than on Instruction (1 comments)

Republicans Try To Rig The 2016 Election

Little Girl With Old Soul Teaches Us All A Lesson [listen up for two minutes for a three year old to point The Way! dg] (3 comments)

Natylie Baldwin: 25 years After Reunification, Germany Must Make Tough Choice About Russia (1 comments)

Pope Francis Attacked By Climate Deniers Over Support For Accurate Science

Paul Krugman: The Rage of the Bankers

Middle Class Blue Collar Man Weighs In On Bernie Sanders [Must read. dg]


Peg with Pen: Understanding "Teach Like a Champion" (1 comments)

Who's Funding Kevin Johnson's Secret Government? (1 comments)

Pope Francis and Bernie Sanders, Perfect Together (3 comments)

The Kindness of Strangers: The Refugees in Budapest, and my Father's World War II Refugee Story

Sunday, September 20:

Donald Trump Admits He Won't Correct His Supporters If They Are Racist Towards Blacks

Here's Why The South Poses A Huge Problem For Bernie Sanders (2 comments)

Democrats demand more debate time as intra-party rift reaches boiling point (1 comments)

Carol and Roger Shuler Victim of States (AL MO) Violence

Saturday, September 19:

Willing to Spend $100 Million, Donald Trump Has So Far Reveled in Free Publicity

Ann Coulter: "How Many F--ing Jews Do These People Think There Are in the United States?" (15 comments)

Donald Trump: "We're Going To Be Looking At" How To "Get Rid of Muslims" (11 comments)

Friday, September 18:

Crisis in Context -- The Global Refugee Problem

Paul Krugman: Fantasies and Fictions at G.O.P. Debate (1 comments)

Seth Sandronsky Reviews Mercedes Schneider's "Common Core Dilemma" (1 comments)

Crazy Talk at the Republican Debate (3 comments)

Out of Control: The Systematic Disenfranchisement of African-American and Latino Communities Through School Takeovers. (1 comments)

Have Evangelicals Who Support Trump Lost Their Values? (1 comments)

Thursday, September 17:

Texas 9th-Grader Gets Arrested for Making a 'Bomb': The story is about a bomb. But it blows in the right faces.

Vote for Extinction or Continuation of our Species? It is that simple. (1 comments)

Borowitz Satire -- Millions Watch American Democracy's Final Episode (1 comments)

Why Israel Must Bury Hatchet With U.S. Over Iran

Digby Really Rips Fiorina

Hillary Clinton interviewed by Fallon's Trump on "Tonight Show"

Baptist Pastor Crushes Kim Davis And The Hypocrisy Of His Fellow Evangelicals

Wednesday, September 16:

Marine life slashed by half since 1970: WWF

It's Time to Break With Saudi Arabia's 'Kingdom of Horrors' (8 comments)

The Guardian: US has trained only 'four or five' Syrian fighters against ISIL (2 comments)

An Evangelical responds to Sanders' speech at Liberty U (2 comments)

Sen. Hillary Clinton: Campaign Finance/Money, Top Donors (1 comments)

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. The best of political photos/memes.

Bullying Experts: Trump Is an Eighth-Grade Girl (13 comments)

Natylie Baldwin: NYT Asks: Are Western Values Losing Their Sway? (3 comments)

CURMUDGUCATION: Implementationism and Barber (1 comments)

Tuesday, September 15:

Clinton Camp Goes Negative on Bernie Sanders for First Time (3 comments)

"America's Most Admired Lawbreaker", by Steven Brill

A worthwhile use of 22 minutes of your time.

Can Democracy Survive Our Dumbing Down Media and Education System? (27 comments)

Monday, September 14:

Sanders Surges in Polls, But Is He an Alternative? (2 comments)

The London Arms Fair: "Torture on your doorstep"

Natylie Baldwin: Germany Ready to Work with Russia on Ending War in Syria (2 comments)

5 Ways Pope Francis Has Recently Caused Conservative Christians' Heads to Explode

One of the most important differences between Sanders and Clinton summarized in one image. (2 comments)

The Threat Coming by Land

Sunday, September 13:

The Next Genocide

Saturday, September 12:

Setting the Russian Record Straight

Daniel Lazare, On Syria, Incoherence Squared

Friday, September 11:

Donald Trump Embarrasses Himself During Remarks To Pro-Ukraine Conference (1 comments)

Peace wins: Iran Deal is Over (for now)

Thursday, September 10:

Where does Bernie Sanders stand on the issues? (3 comments)

Natylie Baldwin: Does Power Corrupt Everyone Equally? Lessons from the Stanford Prison Experiment

14 Years After 9/11, the War on Terror Is Accomplishing Everything bin Laden Hoped It Would (33 comments)

Wednesday, September 9:

Jeb Bush Crashes And Burns Immediately After Announcing Plan To Cut Taxes For The Rich (3 comments)

Two-Thirds Of Americans Can't Name A Single Member Of The Supreme Court (2 comments)

Tuesday, September 8:

John Boehner's future as speaker in doubt

The Empire Files (Video)

How Much Land Does a Man Need?

John Thompson: Shame on the "Liberals" and Democrats Who Stand Against Unions;by Diane Ravitch (5 comments)

Monday, September 7:

A Modest Proposal: An 'anti-Labor Day'

Obama Slams Republican Lies On Labor Day, "They Don't Let Facts Or Evidence Get In The Way"

We asked all 22 presidential candidates to define a US refugee policy. Few had clear answers (1 comments)

How Will Negative Interest Rates Change the Rules of the Game? (5 comments)

Sunday, September 6:

This One Picture Will REALLY Piss Off Florida Winguts (1 comments)

New Program Takes Rare Approach of Treating Homeless People Like Human Beings--And It Works

Sarah Palin Auditions For Trump Cabinet, Urges Country To "Speak American" (1 comments)

What Is Freedom of Religion and Religious Freedom? (20 comments)

The Syrian Refugee Crisis and the 'Do Something' Lie

Saturday, September 5:

Some Orthodox Jews, Christians Claim Jimmy Carter's Cancer Is Divine Punishment (5 comments)

Map: How student poverty has increased since the Great Recession (4 comments)

Friday, September 4:

Why You Hate Google's New Logo

Iran deal: Why did Bibi pick a futile fight in Washington?

MSNBC Blows Hillary Clinton Exclusive Interview (4 comments)

New Yorker Magazine: "The Populists" (9 comments)

Thursday, September 3:

New Study Shows How Climate Change Is Already Reshaping The Earth

Santorum Mocks Liberals For Believing That Diversity Benefits America

Edward Snowden Slams Hillary Clinton For Private Email Server

Bernie Bias: The Mainstream Media Undermines Sanders at Every Turn (1 comments)

Attention, New York Parents and Educators: Regent Tilles Has Not Agreed to Vote "NO" (2 comments)

Meet Kim Davis, four-times married Kentucky clerk refusing to give marriage licenses because she's obeying God (10 comments)

Benjamin Netanyahu Won't Quit Doomed Fight Against Iran Deal

Wednesday, September 2:

Wildfires have now burned a massive 8 million acres across the U.S.

New York Regents Will Vote on Teacher-Principal Evaluation Plan on September 16-17: Call Your Regent! (1 comments)

Tuesday, September 1:

The Immigrant Who Sleeps Next to Trump

Obama Only Needs One More Democratic Senator To Lock Up Victory On Iran Deal

Jeb Bush hits Donald Trump with attack ad

The Communal Nature of Religions: What Religions Say Regarding Treatment of the Poor (3 comments)

How Ted Cruz wooed and won Donald Trump

What the heck is going on with Wisconsin public education? - Valerie Strauss, The Washington Post (1 comments)

The Depressing Secret Behind Donald Trump's Appeal: America's Love of Narcissists

Even Netanyahu calls them "terrorists": How the U.S. aids Israelis convicted of violent crimes against Palestinians

Petition drive: A Manifesto for a Revolution in Public Education (3 comments)

Teachers and Staff at Chester Upland Schools in Pennsylvania Return to Work Without Pay;by Diane Ravitch (4 comments)

Did Your Superintendent Send Out a Letter Like This?;By Diane Ravitch (3 comments)


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