Archives for Best Web OpEds

October 2015

Saturday, October 31:

Campaigns Consider Dramatic Changes To The GOP Debates (1 comments)

Consumers Union Advocacy - Support HANG UP Act to repeal robocalls to cell phones! (2 comments)

John Oliver breaks down Big Pharma and it's hilariously ugly (2 comments)

Conservatives Revolt And Say RNC Chair Reince Priebus Needs To Go

The "Electability" Argument Is Dead: All the Polls Show Bernie Does Better Against GOP Than Hillary

25 ways that cops doing their jobs are turning us into a police state (1 comments)

Natylie Baldwin: Retired Top US CEO: Make Peace with Russia (John Pepper - Procter & Gamble)

Dear White People: You Want Our Culture But You Don't Want Us - Stop Colonizing The Day Of The Dead (1 comments)

Michael J. Petrilli: Charter schools aren't for everyone

Friday, October 30:

Springtime for Grifters

CURMUDGUCATION: The Correct Number of Standardized Tests (18 comments)

Thursday, October 29:

Why Michigan lost shot at $45M for charter schools (1 comments)

Jesse Hagopian on the Obama Administration's Change of View on Testing (1 comments)

Natylie Baldwin: 1983: The Closest We've Come to Nuclear Exinction Yet (4 comments)

Boy Wonder Set Up To Fail: Paul Ryan Can't Fix What Is Broken In The Republican Party (1 comments)

What's the Backstory to Mass Emigration? (9 comments)

Sentenced to Be Crucified

Wednesday, October 28:

The U.S. Is Still Stonewalling an Independent Review of Why It Bombed a Hospital (2 comments)

Natylie Baldwin: A Night at the Perm Ballet

Debate Memo: What To Look Out For In The Third GOP Debate

Tuesday, October 27:

Republicans Throw A Tantrum After Boehner Gives Obama Everything He Wants In Budget Deal (1 comments)

Paul Ryan Caves to Wingnuts: He's Already Looking Like a Hostage of the Insanity Caucus

Carter: President Obama blew it in Syria

Monday, October 26:

The Concealed-Carry Fantasy - (11 comments)

Syria: Russia's peace efforts acquire gravitas

Paul Krugman -- Free Mitt Romney!

Nevada: Lawsuit Seeks to Overturn Vouchers as Unconstitutional (4 comments)

Sunday, October 25:

Bernie Sanders calls out 'coward' Republicans for voter suppression efforts in Alabama and beyond (2 comments)

Jeb Goes Off: I Could Be Doing "Really Cool Things" Instead of Being President, You Know

Trump On 'SNL'? Race Is Already A Joke (1 comments)

Marco Rubio Falls Apart When Asked Why He Has Missed The Most Votes In The Senate (1 comments)

Dear USDOE, Testing Disaster Is Yours, and You Still Don't Get It: A Reader (3 comments)

Saturday, October 24:

Trey Gowdy Just Elected Hillary Clinton President (1 comments)

Dialogue of Civilizations: Imagining a world beyond global disorder (1 comments)

Why I Don't Care About Edward Snowden - Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont (13 comments)

Germans No Longer Believe Anti-Russian Propaganda

Philadelphia: "Reform" Is Killing Our Schools (1 comments)

Friday, October 23:

Pharmaceutical CEO Martin Shkreli's very public temper tantrum continues: "I would destroy Bernie Sanders in a debate"

Natylie Baldwin: Why Kiev Silenced Ukraine's Biggest Opposition Newspaper (2 comments)

U.S. "deceived" the world about Iran's nuclear program.

Advice from a Billionaire: Forget Charity, Do Good While Making a Profit (1 comments)

Paul Krugman: Keynes Comes to Canada (2 comments)

Anderson Cooper Offers No Apology for Slandering Bernie Sanders

Thursday, October 22:

House Republican Manly Men Are Crumbling As They Go Toe To Toe With Hillary Clinton

Wednesday, October 21:

How Texas Teaches History (1 comments)

New 2015 Wealth Data: U.S. Inequality at its Ugliest

An Indecisive Hillary Rodham Clinton's Gift to the GOP and Their 1% Owners

Tuesday, October 20:

Natylie Baldwin: On Ukraine's "Incorrect" Past (2 comments)

Should Teachers Work for Free? (8 comments)

Democrats are in denial. Their party is actually in deep trouble. (2 comments)

Monday, October 19:

Liberal Justin Trudeau Canada's next PM-- another conservative domino falls (14 comments)

House Republican Is Planning Impeachment Proceedings Against Hillary Clinton On Inauguration Day

White House Busts Republicans For Being Scared of Letting People Vote

Benghazi committee's Trey Gowdy and Elijah Cummings argue.

Sunday, October 18:

Witnesses Disprove Benghazi Allegations Against Clinton As Republican Conspiracy Collapses (4 comments)

Pressure Grows On NBC As 115,000+ Sign Petition Demanding SNL Dump Trump (2 comments)

Burundi is Africa's Syria

Bernie Sanders Loved Larry David's "SNL" Impersonation

US Demonization of Russia via the Press and the Pentagon

Saturday, October 17:

Bernie Gets It Done: Sanders' Record of Pushing Through Major Reforms Will Surprise You (2 comments)

Saudi Arabia, Israel, Egypt "Knocking on Putin's Door," Not Obama's

Bill Maher Plays Gotcha With Bernie Sanders (47 comments)

Friday, October 16:

Insurrection Erupts at the DNC (1 comments)

Paul Krugman: Democrats, Republicans and Wall Street Tycoons (1 comments)

Thursday, October 15:

Anderson Cooper: Opposing Illegal CIA Wars Is Unelectable

Don't Let The Door Hit You On The Way Out: Poll Shows Americans Happy To See Boehner Go

Matt Taibbi: Hillary Clinton Must Think We're Ignorant About How Awful the Big Banks Are (2 comments)

For Monday's Federal Election: The Kingmaker will be the Canadian Economy

Wednesday, October 14:

In Syria, Desperate Times Call for Desperate Spin

Tuesday, October 13:

Prosecution of Corporate Crime Has Plummeted Under Obama Administration: Report (1 comments)

Monday, October 12:

Warmonger Tom Cotton Wants To Put Dick Cheney In Charge Of The House (2 comments)

Putin and the Press: "The Demonology School of Journalism" (6 comments)

Calling Obama a "Weakling," Chris Christie Says He Would Shoot Down Russian Planes Over Syria (4 comments)

Paul Krugman: The Crazies and the Con Man

Howard Zinn | What the Classroom Didn't Teach Me About the US Empire

Blue Angels air show: San Francisco's choice

Sunday, October 11:

Columbus and The Legacy of Genocide (7 comments)

I Have No Other Choice, People!

After Boehner, House Hard-Liners Aim to Weaken Speaker's Clout

Saturday, October 10:

"Doing the hardest work in America": Bernie Sanders woos Hispanic voters

Dr. Ben Carson: Not Right for 2016 (1 comments)

Denver: Reformers Fail But Put Lipstick on the Pig (1 comments)

Friday, October 9:

Banana Republican Party (2 comments)

Will the Results of the Democratic Primaries Hinge on the Question: Can there be Leadership, without Trust? (7 comments)

Thursday, October 8:

The Real Lesson of the Nobel Peace Prize: Use your life wisely. And if you get the award, turn it down on principle. (2 comments)

Love It or Hate It, When Obama Puts TPP Online It Will Be the Most Transparent Deal Ever

CURMUDGUCATION: Gates Says Some Stuff (7 comments)

Wednesday, October 7:

Hillary Clinton comes out against Obama's Pacific trade deal

The Death Rattle Of A Fake Scandal (3 comments)

Democrats Turn Up The Heat By Forcing GOP To Vote On Killing Benghazi Committee (1 comments)

Trevor Noah Points Out Huge Republican Hypocrisy (1 comments)

Tuesday, October 6:

New Analysis Ranks Presidential Candidates (2 comments)

Joe Biden Backed Bills To Make It Harder For Americans To Reduce Their Student Debt

Meet the Right-Wing Rebels Who Overthrew John Boehner (1 comments)

Saudi Arabia continues hiring American lobbyists (6 comments)

Now We Know Who Loves Duncan and King

NYSUT Urges Teachers to Let White House Know What They Think about John King (1 comments)

Downing Reports - Hearts of darkness along the Tigris and Euphrates

Monday, October 5:

Three New Ways the Koch Brothers Are Screwing America (1 comments)

Sanders Condemns 'Disastrous' TPP as Ministers Seal Deal for Corporate Elite

The Shady Group That Played Pope Francis

Paul Krugman: Enemies of the Sun

Hillary Clinton Goes Big On Gun Policy, Creates Contrast With Bernie Sanders

The Pope's Billionaire Entourage: How the 1 Percent Embarrassed Themselves Before the Pontiff

Jan Resseger: Arne Duncan's Shameful Legacy (1 comments)

Re-Claiming a Moral Profession in Unethical Times (1 comments)

Sunday, October 4:

Carly Fiorina makes distortion of Planned Parenthood a centerpiece of her campaign (1 comments)

Rep. Jason Chaffetz launches bid for House speaker, shaking up GOP leadership race (1 comments)

Stephen Singer: How to Create Failure and Destroy Public Education (1 comments)

Andrew Rotherham: Five Lessons from Duncan's Departure (2 comments)

Saturday, October 3:

Reformers Debate What to Do After You Blow Up the System (1 comments)

Bernie Sanders' Best 'Berns' of Trump and Other GOP Candidates

Milbank: Trump will lose, or I will eat this column (1 comments)

Troll, troll, troll your notes, harshly down the comment thread. . ., By Samuel Vargo (1 comments)

Friday, October 2:

Did the Great Wall pose any sort of challenge to Genghis Khan's invasion force? : AskHistorians

Pope Francis Rejects Kim Davis's Account Of Meeting And Refuses To Endorse Her Bigotry (3 comments)

Paul Krugman: Voodoo Never Dies (4 comments)

Blaming Victims While Gambling Our Money: Economics in a World without Compassion

Thursday, October 1:

Natylie Baldwin: US Complains as Russia Bombs Its Terrorists

Natylie Baldwin: Despite Brutal Irony, US Accuses Russia of 'Pouring Gasoline on Fire' in Syria (3 comments)

The Dangerous Path for Georgia Schools Created; Privitization of Public ED: (1 comments)

Russia "pouring gasoline on the fire" in Syria as airstrikes hit CIA-backed rebels: U.S. officials (2 comments)

WATCH: New Key and Peele Skit Imagines a World Where We Glorify Teachers Like We Do Athletes (1 comments)


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