Archives for Sci Tech

November 2015

Sunday, November 29:

Storing solar energy underground for a cloudy day: US electrical grid can't affordably store enough standby electricity (3 comments)

Saturday, November 28:

California researcher accidentally discovered solution for color blindness

Thursday, November 26:

Army ants' 'living' bridges suggest collective intelligence (4 comments)

Wednesday, November 25:

Li-Fi has just been tested in the real world, and it's 100 times faster than Wi-Fi - ScienceAlert (3 comments)

Tuesday, November 24:

China's "sponge cities" use smart infrastructure to prevent massive water issues

Saturday, November 21:

Galaxy full of dark matter lurking close to home

Friday, November 20:

You Share 70% of Your Genes with This Slimy Marine Worm (1 comments)

Thursday, November 19:

Islamic State Makes Telegram Messaging App a Major Marketing Tool

Friday, November 13:

Ice and the Northwest passage- an unreliable shipping route still (1 comments)

Research team invents efficient shockwave-based process for desalination of water

Wednesday, November 11:

Is Global Warming Gone for Good? -- ScienceDaily

Your Future (not unlike your present) Dependent on Bacteria. In this case, renewable energy.

Tuesday, November 10:

The Risks of Assisting Evolution (1 comments)

Sunday, November 8:

Car Companies Say They Accept 'Full Responsibility' for Autonomous Car Accidents (3 comments)

Nearly Everything You Have Been Told About Diabetes Is False (15 comments)

Thursday, November 5:

Cheese, hence PIZZA, really is crack. Study reveals cheese is as addictive as drugs - LA Times (1 comments)

Indonesia is burning. So why is the world looking away? (2 comments)

Wednesday, November 4:

GOP win in Kentucky sets up unprecedented Affordable Care Act fight

Tuesday, November 3:

NASA's OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft Enters Testing Ahead of Schedule (2 comments)


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