Archives for Best Web OpEds
February 2016
Monday, February 29:
Leonardo DiCaprio Uses Oscars Speech To Call For Climate Action
Trump's Il Duce Routine - The New York Times (2 comments)
Why Is Hillary Clinton's Jewish Son-In-Law Avoiding Campaign Spotlight?
Sunday, February 28:
Cornel West Says Clinton is the Milli Vanilli of US Politics
Why Bernie Can Win (1 comments)
Trump Throws A Tantrum And Threatens To Run Third Party Because Marco Rubio Is Mean (3 comments)
Hillary the Hawk: NYT Calls Clinton's Libyan Intervention, and Her Fitness for Office, Into Question
Can America Risk a 2016 Presidential Election between only Bullies: Trump and Hillary?
Maybe it is a single-issue election
Friday, February 26:
(2) Frank Medrano - Share this.
Republicans Rebuked for Utter 'Perversion of Constitutional Duties'
Sen. Lindsey Graham Jokes About "Gone Bat**** Crazy" GOP (2 comments)
Unless The Democrats Run Sanders, A Trump Nomination Means A Trump Presidency (4 comments)
Why Hilary Clinton Cannot Beat Donald Trump (1 comments)
Obama Administration Set to Expand Sharing of Data That N.S.A. Intercepts -
Thursday, February 25:
About idiots and churnalism (2 comments)
WATCH: Colbert Skewers Trump's Nevada Win and the GOP's Reaction to It
How to Get Rich From Public Schools (Without Actually Educating)
Wednesday, February 24:
The Media is Lying- Hillary Didn't Win Nevada. Harry Reid Stole It For Her (16 comments)
Trump Openly Mocks The GOP's Inability To Stop Him In Nevada Victory Speech (1 comments)
Harry Reid Levels Senate Republicans (1 comments)
How The Feds Nuclear Option Is Threatening Our Economic Freedom (9 comments)
Tuesday, February 23:
Gene V Glass: Education in Two Worlds: What It's Like to Attend the Nation's Finest High School
Wendy Lecker: Removing humans from education - StamfordAdvocate (2 comments)
How the Grinches Made Common Core (4 comments)
The Scandal in John Kasich's Backyard, byDiane Ravitch (2 comments)
Monday, February 22:
Steven Singer: Should Teachers Have Strong Opinions? by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)
Krugman's Attack on Sanders Was Based on an Economic Study Produced by ... a Clinton Supporter (1 comments)
Sunday, February 21:
Antonin Scalia's death during secret junket points to new ethical violations (3 comments)
South Florida's Tourist Season From Hell (2 comments)
I didn't take down Jeb Bush: Trump
Jamie Galbraith's Letter to Former CEA Chairs
Saturday, February 20:
Èzili Dantò: Cynthia McKinney Interview on Democracy Denied in Haiti, gives insider info US-Euro destructions in Libya (2 comments)
A Real 'Political Revolution' Would End the War in Iraq
Friday, February 19:
Ralph Nader: A Cover for Corporatism in Scalia's "Originalism"by Ralph Nader
Getting Obama's Story Straight
A Blast from Jeb's Past (2 comments)
Thursday, February 18:
Wednesday, February 17:
The glorification of Antonin Scalia
Thomas Piketty on the rise of Bernie Sanders: the US enters a new political era (1 comments)
Why Hillary Clinton Doesn't Deserve the Black Vote
Tuesday, February 16:
Ted Cruz Attacks the U.S. Constitution -- Nothing New There, by Lloyd Lofthouse (1 comments)
Trump's 19th Century Foreign Policy (2 comments)
In Election Years, a History of Confirming Court Nominees -
Monday, February 15:
Donald Trump Threatens Independent Run ... Again
Grassley's judicial nominee view differs from '08 (1 comments)
Hillary Clinton Barks Like a Dog While Condemning Republicans (1 comments)
Paul Krugman: How America Was Lost (1 comments)
Why Assad's Army Has Not Defected
Sunday, February 14:
Elizabeth Warren Demolishes Arguments Against Filling Scalia's Supreme Court Seat (1 comments)
Top 10 Most Inhuman Quotes by Hillary's Bosom-Buddy Kissinger (4 comments)
In Bernie's America, the people rule (1 comments)
Saturday, February 13:
Nicholas Kristof : Are You a Toxic Waste Disposal Site?
John Kasich and the Clintons Collaborated on Law That Helped Double Extreme Poverty
The 'Clinton Bubble': How Clinton Democrats Fostered the 2008 Economic Crisis (1 comments)
Madeleine Albright: My Undiplomatic Moment (6 comments)
Friday, February 12:
Explosive Testimony in Sirhan/RFK Assassination Parole Hearing (7 comments)
Five Reasons Bernie Sanders is the Best Peace Candidate (4 comments)
The Kochs Are Ghostwriting America's Story by Michael Wineshop
Deborah Gist Recommends $920,000 Contract for Boston Consulting Group in Tulsa (2 comments)
Karl Rove Bamboozles the I.R.S. - (2 comments)
There should be no compromise on Native American mascots from The Oregonian
Thursday, February 11:
The G.O.P. Created Donald Trump (2 comments)
North Korea's Generals Could Turn Against Kim Jong Un
An Important New Film: "KILLING ED" (3 comments)
Message to Bernie Sanders' Supporters (7 comments)
Wednesday, February 10:
Donald Trump Is Now Attacking Bernie Sanders (1 comments)
GOP Candidates Compete Over Who Will Commit Most War Crimes Once Elected
Tuesday, February 9:
Cha-Ching! Wealthy Charter School backers give big to Malloy -- Malloy gives big to charter schools - Wait What? (3 comments)
Carson: I'm Open to Being Trump's VP
Bernie Sanders to Huddle With Al Sharpton
CURMUDGUCATION: NCTQ: Terrible Teacher Prep and Headline Research (1 comments)
Bernie Sanders Loves This $1 Trillion War Machine (2 comments)
Bernie Sanders' Foreign Policy Judgment Is More Valuable Than Clinton's Experience (1 comments)
What Clinton said in her paid speeches
Monday, February 8:
Hillary Clinton won't release transcripts of her paid Goldman Sachs speeches. (1 comments)
Paul Krugman: The Time-Loop Party (1 comments)
Sunday, February 7:
Taking Down Marco Rubio Is Easier Than You Think - The Daily Beast
Holding Sentencing Reform Hostage - The New York Times (2 comments)
Saturday, February 6:
Shrill wind from Israel: Does it risk alienating its allies?
Elizabeth Warren Looms Large In 2016 Presidential Race (1 comments)
Hillary boasted that she is supported by Henry Kissinger, accused war criminal responsible for millions of deaths (4 comments)
Friday, February 5:
Paul Krugman: Who Hates Obamacare? (2 comments)
College Students' Answers to These Basic Questions Will Shock You
Thursday, February 4:
Borowitz Satire: Shkreli Miraculously Makes Nation Side with Congress (3 comments)
Arizona: Strangled By An Organized Minority | Dr. Edward F. Berger (1 comments)
Carol Burris Invites You to NPE Conference in Raleigh in April (1 comments)
The Terror of Flint's Poisoned Water
TPP Is 'Fundamentally Flawed' and Should Be Resisted, Says U.N. Human Rights Expert
CONNECT THE DOTS: Competency-Based Education, Digitized Instruction, Data Mining, The Vanishing Teacher, and Profit (1 comments)
Wednesday, February 3:
What We're Seeing with Bernie Sanders Was a Long Time Coming (1 comments)
Trump accuses Cruz of "fraud," calls for new Iowa election
Bernie Sanders - From Political Science Fiction to a Force Set to Radically Disrupt the Political Marketplace (1 comments)
Tuesday, February 2:
The Dumbing Down of America Is Complete - Occupy Democrats (14 comments)
U.S. Fortifying Europe's East to Deter Putin -
GOP-led states increasingly taking control from local school boards - The Washington Post (1 comments)
"Here am I Lord, use me": Ted Cruz's dad says Holy Ghost authorized White House run
Oklahoma Breaks a Record: 26 Bills Filed to Attack LGBT Civil Rights
CURMUDGUCATION: NPE: National Public Ed Report Card (1 comments)
City Takeovers and the Destruction of Democracy (1 comments)
Hillary Clinton Gets $13 Million From Health Industry, Now Says Single-Payer Will "Never, Ever Come to Pass" (1 comments)
The Incredibly Important Lesson Democrats Must Learn from the Bernie Sanders Campaign
Monday, February 1:
Anne Frank's stepsister, Auschwitz Survivor, has strong words for Donald Trump (4 comments)
Paul Krugman: Wind, Sun and Fire (2 comments)
Hammer and sickle used in Bernie Sanders-themed NRCC fundraising pitch (2 comments)
National PTA Opposes Parent Opt Out: UPDATE! (2 comments)
Will Virginia Eviscerate Local Control of Schools? (7 comments)
Remember Kosovo? (3 comments)
Frederick Douglass Quotes - BrainyQuote
Anthony Carnevale Has Two Years to Reemploy 15.8 Million College Grads