Archives for General News

April 2016

Saturday, April 30:

Baghdad in State of Emergency After Supporters of al Sadr Storm Green Zone

Nearly 250 Dead Amid Relentless Airstrikes On Syria's Aleppo (1 comments)

Say hello to our first national mammal (3 comments)

It's Not the Oil & Gas: The Bank of North Dakota Scores 12th year of Record Profits (10 comments)

Friday, April 29:

Clinton to take hard line with Sanders, say allies (4 comments)

Rousseff Impeachment Vote Is Null and Void: Attorney General

Donald Trump Endorsed by KKK Grand Imperial Wizard

Obama-Netanyahu Rift Impedes U.S. Offer of Record Aid Deal for Israel

Punishing 16, Pentagon Says Mistakes Led to Hospital Attack

There's No Such Thing as a Free Rolex -

USA Today, America's Largest Circulating Paper, Prints my Letter asking for Repeat of NY Primary (1 comments)

Comments from Signers of the Petition for the New York Primary to be Done Over With Safeguards (2 comments)

Sanders Calls for 50-State Strategy to 'Revitalize American Democracy'

Thursday, April 28:

Trump's New Campaign Consultant is Powerful Cosmetician/Lobbyist for Tyrants and Despots

Leaked IDF Report States Soldier Who Shot Palestinian Attacker Driven by "Twisted Ideology"

John Boehner slams Ted Cruz: "I have never worked with a more miserable son of a b*tch in my life"

House Republicans Want To Cut Free School Lunch Programs

The Bundy Legal Defense: Feds Have No Jurisdiction Over Federal Lands

NAEP - 2015 Mathematics & Reading at Grade 12 (1 comments)

East vs. West in the Arctic Circle by Jochen Bittner

The push to make Sanders the Green Party candidate: Bernie Sanders' Real 'Political Revolution' Could Happen This Fall (101 comments)

Are You Eating Antibiotics in Your Food? Yes! (4 comments)

Leonie Haimson Holds the de Blasio Administration Accountable for Reckless Spending, by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

Tomgram: Michael Klare, The Coming World of "Peak Oil Demand," Not "Peak Oil"

Air strikes hit Aleppo hospital, at least 27 killed: Observatory (6 comments)

Wednesday, April 27:

Hastert Admits Abuse, Gets Prison

Bernie Sanders to Cut Hundreds of Staff Members and Turn to California

Donald Trump declares himself presumptive nominee

GOP Wants To Help Federal Contractors Hide Civil Rights Violations (2 comments)

Global Terrorism -- Pakistan Hand Exposed

Tuesday, April 26:

Trump sweeps five states, moves closer to Republican nomination

Russ Baker: Bernie's Strength of Character Has HURT His Campaign (26 comments)

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Has The American Age of Decline Begun?

Sanders' Call to Back Clinton Doesn't Require a Clothespin Over the Nose (8 comments)

Monday, April 25:

City of Cleveland Settles Tamir Rice Lawsuit for $6 Million

Obama sends more Special Forces to Syria to help battle IS (3 comments)

Democracy Spring and the US Voting Matrix: How Much of the Electoral Process Is Illusory?

Clinton Says No Thanks To Charles Koch's Endorsement, Citing His Climate Denial (1 comments)

Exclusive: Large majority of U.S. Senate pushes Obama to boost Israel aid

Clinton Task Force Breaks Barriers To Defend Her Donors (5 comments)

Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Exhibit One in Any Future American War Crimes Trial

Patients have been deprived of Anti HIV/AIDS Drugs

Sunday, April 24:

Obama, Merkel push for trade deal as foreign crises weigh

Purple Rain? Rainbow Glows Over Prince's Estate (2 comments)

White House to make decision on 9/11 report (9 comments)

Oklahoma lawmakers approve bill to revoke licenses of abortion doctors

My Letter to Nate Silver on the Huge Exit Poll Discrepancies We're Seeing in the Dem Primaries - Democratic Underground (1 comments)

Saturday, April 23:

Health Care Industry Moves Swiftly to Stop Colorado's "Single Payer" Ballot Measure

Charles Koch: "It's possible" Clinton is preferable to a Republican for president (1 comments)

Prince's Remains Cremated, Private "Beautiful" Ceremony Held (1 comments)

Philadelphia Tribune, Oldest African American Newspaper in US, Endorses Bernie Sanders (2 comments)

Trump bashes Clinton, promises not to become boring (1 comments)

Ecuador quake death toll rises to nearly 650

Why a Washington judge allowed a CIA torture lawsuit to proceed -

Don't Give Obama A Free Pass When It Comes To Saudi Aggression (1 comments)

Does CIA Project America's Highest Values? (3 comments)

France just scored a major victory for the bees

US Ranks Only 41 in Press Freedoms Among 180 Nations

Friday, April 22:

Terrorism and poverty harms democracy. (1 comments)

5,000 Terrorists Crossed Turkey Border, Entered Aleppo, Idlib: Syrian PM (1 comments)

Top NY Election Official Ousted for Purging Over 125,000 Brooklyn Voters (3 comments)

New York Suspends Clerk Who Wiped 126,000 Voters from the Books

On the Brink of Cyber War? Moscow, Washington Meet Quietly in Geneva

DailyKos: Election Fraud Proven at Audit by Chicago BOE - flipped precinct by 18pts from Bernie to Hillary (4 comments)

Counterpunch: New York Primary: Why is Exit Poll Data Adjusted to Match Final Voting Results? (3 comments)

About 200,000 convicted felons in Virginia will now have the right to vote in November

How Voter Suppression Efforts Are Threatening Our Democracy (15 comments)

Did Assad Make 'A Fatal Mistake? Read his words (53 comments)

Sanders Delegate Dinea Evans Arrested At Congressman McDermott's Office In Seattle (2 comments)

Thursday, April 21:

Snowden to take Norway to court to secure free passage (2 comments)

Bernie Sanders Is Exactly Right: The Media Is an Arm of the Ruling Class of This Country

Over 1,000 Arrests In Anti-Corruption Democracy Spring Protests (2 comments)

Robert M. Nelson: Bernie's right on free tuition -- we had it once: Free College for All Worked in the US for 100 Years (1 comments)

Introducing IOGCC: The Most Powerful Oil and Gas Lobby You've Never Heard Of

Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, Inside the Devastation of America's Drone Wars (1 comments)

The Greanville Post " Vol. X (1 comments)

After drones: the indelible mark of America's remote control warfare

Wednesday, April 20:

Harriet Tubman to Replace Former President Andrew Jackson on the $20 Bill (4 comments)

Michigan's Top Attorney Charges 3 Officials With Crimes Over Flint Water Crisis (1 comments)

New quake, magnitude 6.2, strikes off Ecuador coast

Trump says he'd replace Fed chief Yellen if he wins U.S. presidency (1 comments)

Obama Faces Friction in Saudi Arabia over 9/11 Bill (7 comments)

Tuesday, April 19:

Donald Trump Easily Wins Home State Of New York

Comedian 'Journalist' use his Democracy Spring arrest to slam the media (3 comments)

Donald Trump reorganizes campaign just before big state primaries

White House threatens to veto 9/11 lawsuit bill

GOP Rep Peter King on Ted Cruz: "I'll Take Cyanide If He Got the Nomination"

63,000 NY Dems Purged from Voter Rolls - And No One Knows Why (4 comments)

Oops, Donald Trump accidentally says 7-Eleven instead of 9/11 (1 comments)

Ben & Jerry's Founders Arrested At Rally Against Big Money In Politics

Tomgram: Karen Greenberg, No Justice at Gitmo

Biden: "Overwhelming Frustration" With Israeli Gov't

Thousands of Immigrants Gather in Front of SCOTUS Yesterday to Plead for Ethical Outcome

College Student Is Removed From Flight After Speaking Arabic on Plane - The New York Times

Monday, April 18:

How Today's Bernie Sanders New York Rally Compared to Hillary Clinton's (PHOTOS)

Ecuador Earthquake Death Toll Rises to 413, One American Dead

Harpers: Clinton Foundation: Shaky Foundations (1 comments)

What's the biggest scandal in de Blasio's administration? That he belongs to the developers destroying New York City

New York Primary's Dirty Little Secrets Come Out of the Shadows (7 comments)

300 arrested at Democracy Awakens protest against money in politics (1 comments)

Trans-Pacific Partnership under fire from both right and left in America

Orwell in Puerto Rico: Congress 'Promises' a New Dictatorship

27 Percent of New York's Registered Voters Won't Be Able to Vote in the State's Primary

A Voter's Guide to Hillary Clinton's Policies in Latin America

A Clue to Trump's Attack Plan if Clinton is Nominee: Hillary's Ugly 1975 Child Rape Case (27 comments)

'The Army to Set Our Nation Free'

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Obsession, Addiction, and the News

Does Socialsm Have a Future? (9 comments)

A Talk with Tom Steyer about "Spotlight California"

Sunday, April 17:

Brazil's Rousseff loses crucial impeachment vote in Congress

Israel affirms its hold on Golan ahead of talks with Putin on Syria

More than 900 'Democracy Spring' protesters arrested in D.C. - so far

Hillary Victory Fund: $2 million for downballot Dems, $22 million for Hillary

Devil in the Details: Poll Results Clinton Does NOT Want You to See (4 comments)

MEET HILLARY'S CAMPAIGN CHAIR: "Moneyman" John Podesta and his Revolving Door (1 comments)

Hottest March on Record as Earth Keeps Hurtling Past Temperature Milestones

Hundreds of NY state voters to file suit after being disenfranchised

Bernie Sanders Takes The National Lead Says Latest Reuters Poll

Saturday, April 16:

The Audacity of Nope: Clinton's Nix on Transparency (9 comments)

Sanders' Net Worth: Less Than Half of Clinton's Honoraria from Goldman Sachs

Saudis threaten sell-off of U.S. assets if 9/11 suits are allowed - (4 comments)

Brazil's Rousseff scrambles for votes to avert impeachment

Clinton School of Public Service Co-hosts Whistleblower Summit Lecture Series at Clinton Presidential Library (5 comments)

Saudi Arabia Warns of Economic Fallout if Congress Passes 9/11 Bill (31 comments)

Bernie Sanders calls out capitalism in Vatican speech (1 comments)

Friday, April 15:

Japan Hit By 2 Deadly Earthquakes In As Many Days

Donald Trump Attacks "Voter-Nullification Scheme"

Whose "Class War"? (1 comments)

Top Brazil Court Allows Impeachment Vote to Proceed Sunday

Franklin P. Lamb: Restoring Our Cultural Heritage in Syria --the Debate Over Why, How, When, by Whom, In What Order, & Who Pays? Intensif

Thursday, April 14:

Panama Papers details are correct but do not implicate me, says Putin (1 comments)

Sandy Hook massacre families given permission to sue gun makers in landmark legal ruling (7 comments)

Democratic Party, Clinton and Sanders campaigns to sue Arizona over voting rights

Why the Banks Should Be Broken Up (2 comments)

Senate Bill Would Force Companies Like Apple to Unlock iPhones Anytime a Judge Says So

Sanders is still hoping for an audience with Pope Francis on Vatican trip (2 comments)

Is It Dementia--or Drug Interactions and Side Effects? New Book Addresses Dangers of "Polypharmacy" (9 comments)

Tomgram: William Astore, Words About War Matter

Exclusive: Ex-CIA Officer John Kiriakou Stands Up for 9/11 Truth

Clinton's and Goldman: Why It Matters

In Flint, Fears of Showering Bring Desperate Measures

Regulators Warn 5 Top Banks They Are Still Too Big to Fail (1 comments)

Guardian Watch: Sanders has betrayed his supporters, is sexist and can't win

Guardian Watch: Sanders rally in New York smelled of marijuana (1 comments)

'I am on the Kill List' (1 comments)

'Determined Leader' Sanders Nabs First Senate Endorsement

Oil Industry's Suppression of Climate Science Began in 1940s, Documents Reveal

Sanders Responds to Disgruntled CEOs: 'I Welcome Their Contempt' (2 comments)

Wednesday, April 13:

Progressive Leaders Say Why They and Thousands Will Risk Arrest This Week to Restore American Democracy

Trump slams RNC chairman, calls 2016 process "a disgrace"

First US Senator, Oregon's Jeff Merkley, Endorses Bernie Sanders (1 comments)

Trump won't attend White House Correspondents Dinner (1 comments)

Fed Suddenly Having Emergency Meetings as European Banks Also Wobble

Tuesday, April 12:

The Amount of Our Taxpayer Money the Military Pisses Away Is Just Unbelievable

Sanders Did Even Better in Colorado Than Reported, But No One Told Him (1 comments)

Republican Paul Ryan on 2016 presidential race: Count me out

Hillary Clinton's spokesman just accused Bernie Sanders of "rigging the system"

People Eat WHAT? (3 comments)

Democracy Spring - First Day

Trump's Children Won't Vote For Him Because They Aren't Registered Republicans

Tomgram: Frida Berrigan, A Mother Confronts the Wounded Ego of the Century

Avaaz Campaigns for Syria No-Fly Zone That Even Top Generals Oppose

Monday, April 11:

Judge will decide Tuesday if Ted Cruz can appear on New Jersey Republican ballot

Not Eligible to Play Top or Bottom of Ticket; Ted Cruz Is No Mainstream Moderate (1 comments)

Why Every Child Should Opt Out by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

Missing from Trump's list of charitable giving: His own personal cash

Tomgram: William Hartung, What a Waste, the U.S. Military (1 comments)

Paul Buchheit: How Corporate Tax Cheats Are Hurting Children in Public Schools by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

What American Dreams May Come The Day After (1 comments)

Sunday, April 10:

Donald Trump Convention Manager Accuses Ted Cruz Of "Gestapo Tactics"

Carter dismisses Clinton's State work (1 comments)

Director Brennan: CIA Won't Waterboard Again -- Even if Ordered (1 comments)

Widows of 9/11 victims blast U.S.'s close alliance with extremist Saudi Arabia, noting its similarities to al-Qaeda - Sa

Obama can appoint Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court if the Senate does nothing (13 comments)

Seven-in-a-Row Sanders Celebrates 'Momentum' After Double-Digit Wyoming Win

Ukraine's prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk quits (1 comments)

Those Who Are (and Are Not) Sheltered From the Panama Papers (1 comments)

Guardian Watch: "Bernie Sanders takes Wyoming caucus but..." (3 comments)

Saturday, April 9:

Just static: White noise at Clinton fundraiser provides perfect analogy for her campaign (1 comments)

The Guardian Watch: "Sanders is bad on detail..." (3 comments)

Bernie Sanders prevails in Wyoming, continuing winning streak against Hillary Clinton

Sanders Takes 30-Point Bite out of Clinton Lead in NY

'Unprecedented' Youth Climate Case Against Government Moves Forward

CAP-Neocon Partnership Raises Concerns For Clinton Presidency

What I think of Student Nationalists from the National Institute of Technology, Kashmir

Friday, April 8:

Charter Forces in Washington State Threaten to Block Funding for Public schools by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

Shooting at Lackland Air Force Base

Belgian security official: Key Paris attack suspect arrested - The Washington Post (1 comments)

Snowden Calls on the UK to Demand Cameron's Resignation

FBI Says Apple Must Keep Hacking iPhones Even After San Bernardino Hack

Panama Papers Reveal Clinton's Kremlin Connection

Pope Francis Invites Bernie Sanders to Vatican-- Is this an endorsement? (9 comments)

Rêve Generale to Panama Papers -- New Internationalist

Should the Gulen Network Open a Charter School on a U.S. Military Base?by Diane Ravitch (5 comments)

A Test Pep Rally at a New York Elementary Schoolby Diane Ravitch (2 comments)

Thursday, April 7:

Top Hillary Clinton Campaign Fundraiser Lobbies for Offshore Drilling in Israel

David Cameron admits he profited from father's Panama offshore trust fund (1 comments)

Something's happening here: Clinton's Crumbling, Bernie's Surging and a 'Political Revolution' May Be in the Offing (17 comments)

3 More Accuse Hastert of Sexual Abuse

Tomgram: Rory Fanning, Talking to the Young in a World That Will Never Truly Be "Postwar"

Oracle, chat & raw code found in Mossack Fonseca offshore web portal - UNICORN RIOT

The Panama Papers: "Putin did it"...again! (4 comments)

Video: Bernie Answers An African American Journalist's Question About Reparations for Slavery and the Economic Effects (2 comments)

Wednesday, April 6:

Sanders Links Clinton to Panama Papers Scandal, Says She's Not Qualified to Be President (3 comments)

Confessions of an Election Hacker (3 comments)

Hillary Clinton: "I'm Not Even Sure" Bernie Is A Democrat

Merle Haggard, Country Music's Outlaw Hero, Dies at 79 (2 comments)

PayPal bails out of NC, cites new discrimination law

Panama Leaks - Prominent Downfalls ? (1 comments)

W. James Popham: The Fatal Flaw of Educational Assessment by Diane Ravitch

Tuesday, April 5:

Iceland's Prime Minister Steps Down After Panama Papers Leaks

Sanders and Cruz Win Big in Wisconsin (5 comments)

Illinois: Parent Protest at 9:30 AM Wednesday to Support Opt Out Bill (1 comments)

Sanders wins Wisconsin (1 comments)

Wisconsin Students Face Hour-Long Voting Lines, Voter ID Confusion (1 comments)

NY Observer Editor Gave Trump Input on AIPAC Speech, Observer Issues Statement

Why North Carolina's New Anti-LGBT Law is a Trojan Horse (6 comments)

SOTT Exclusive: US government is sending cops to Kiev as part of CIA program -- Puppet Masters

Kremlin denies Putin connection to allegations of secret bank accounts

Hillary Clinton And Bernie Sanders Agree To CNN Debate On April 14 In New York (1 comments)

Trump reveals how he would force Mexico to pay for border wall (1 comments)

Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, Presidential Wars

Website for Lists and Contacts of Most of the Incumbents and Candidates Supporting Bernie! (1 comments)

Panama Papers: mass protests in Iceland call for PM to quit -- as it happened (1 comments)

Monday, April 4:

The Most Dangerous Place on Earth (for humanity at large)

Think Your City Has Unsolvable Problems? Read about this one and feel better.

Civil Liberty Alert: Listener-Funded Pacifica Radio Under Siege In N.Y. And D.C. (5 comments)

NEH Citizenship Under Siege Open Forum presented by Lone Star Center for Civic Engagement (1 comments)

World Leaders Hid Wealth Via Shell Companies, Report Alleges

Tomgram: Dilip Hiro, Flashpoint for the Planet

Kate Nace Day: Human Trafficking Activist (4 comments)

The Panama Papers: 'Biggest Leak in History' Exposes Global Web of Corruption (3 comments)

E.U. begins sending people back across the sea, defying human rights outcry (1 comments)

Sunday, April 3:

Secret Service agents: Hillary is a cold nightmare to work with (1 comments)

Trump urges Kasich to quit GOP primary

US deploys F-15s to Iceland, Netherlands (1 comments)

Senate Democrats Introduce Bill to Restore Medical Research Funding

Bernie Sanders Wins the Nevada Caucus After All (1 comments)

Why is Bernie Smiling? Did He Win Nevada? 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

The Unrealized Time Bomb For The 2016 General Election (4 comments)

Arizona Election Fraud Hearing: 5 Fast Facts (1 comments)

Bernie Sanders Meets With the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Editorial Board (34 minute video) (1 comments)

Saturday, April 2:

Piss on Us All, sooner than later

Donald Trump again leaves open door to third-party bid

CIA 'test' gone wrong or something else?: Virginia School mechanic finds C-4 Explosive in Bus Engine Compartment (6 comments)

Obama Rebukes Donald Trump's Comments on Nuclear Weapons

Friday, April 1:

Obama calls on world leaders to jointly confront ISIS (1 comments)

CIA left explosive material on Loudoun school bus after training exercise (1 comments)

A Dodd-Frank Watchdog Still Growls, on a Slightly Tighter Leash (1 comments)


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