Archives for General News

June 2016

Thursday, June 30:

Billionaire Governor Taxed the Rich and Increased the Minimum Wage, Making Economy One of the Best in US (1 comments)

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz Served With Class Action Lawsuit (1 comments)

The Pentagon's ban on transgender service just fell -- but the details are complicated

Chris Christie being vetted for Donald Trump VP, source says (2 comments)

'Unprecedented': Scientists Declare Global Climate Emergency After Jet Stream Crosses Equator (3 comments)

31 Science Groups To Congress: Stop Denying And Start Fighting Climate Change (1 comments)

Backers of Sanders Mobilize to Overthrow DNC Platform's Pro-TPP Stance

American's Need to Stand Together: Hillary Clinton's Remarks on The Orlando Shooting

Tomgram: Thomas Frank, Worshipping Money in D.C. (2 comments)

Wednesday, June 29:

Understanding Brexit (8 comments)

Obama to join Clinton on the campaign trail next week in North Carolina (1 comments)

EgyptAir crash: Flight MS804 black box "confirms smoke"

Puerto Rico rescue bill clears Congress days before debt cliff (1 comments)

UN Official to testify against Hillary Clinton found dead

Nation's Top Science Groups Demand Bold Climate Action From Congress--Now! (2 comments)

Pink Slip for Reporter Who Spread Viral Sanders Lie (3 comments)

Franklin P. Lamb: Accusation claims Syrian and Russian troops are looting Palmyra! INDICTMENT NOT PROVED (2 comments)

Tuesday, June 28:

Todd Gitlin: Despite Trump's Mega Press Coverage, Much Still Untold (4 comments)

Labour leader Corbyn loses no-confidence vote as Brexit crisis deepens (2 comments)

Explosions hit main airport in Istanbul, 28 killed

Feds: Not responsible for missing texts in bridge scandal

Super-slow circulation allowed world's oceans to store huge amounts of carbon during last ice age -- ScienceDaily

Australia 20 years after gun reform: No mass shootings, declining firearm deaths -- ScienceDaily (1 comments)

Tomgram: Patrick Cockburn, An Endless Cycle of Indecisive Wars (1 comments)

Is Elizabeth Warren just another "Fake Progressive" a la Obama and Bill Clinton? (14 comments)

Monday, June 27:

Trump, casting aside "pivot," lashes out once again at Elizabeth Warren (23 comments)

Erdogan "Says Uncle", Submits to Putin (11 comments)

Tomgram: John Feffer, Donald Trump and America B

How Housing's New Players Spiraled Into Banks' Old Mistakes - (1 comments)

The Theorist in the Palace - The New Yorker (1 comments)

Supreme Court overturns corruption conviction of former Va. governor Robert F. McDonnell - The Washington Post

Interview with the undocumented valedictorians who created a firestorm (VIDEO) (2 comments)

Pope says Church should ask forgiveness from gays for past treatment (9 comments)

Supreme Court Eight Strike Down Texas Abortion Restrictions

Supreme Court Strikes Down Texas Abortion Restrictions

Grand jury report: Better management needed of Oakland's charter schools - San Jose Mercury News (2 comments)

Sunday, June 26:

Multiple people stabbed at Sacramento white nationalist rally

Syrian Refugees List Their Campsite on Airbnb

Three in the Bed: Media Collusion with DNC and Hillary Leaked (15 comments)

Dan Rather Worries That The Media Has Become "A Business Partner Of Donald Trump" (4 comments)

Republican Delegate Files Lawsuit Against "Cash-Starved" Trump

Lesser Evil? Key Bush-Era Officials Back Clinton for President (4 comments)

Erdogan Launches Offensive Against Trump Towers

Bernie Sanders Says He'll Vote for Hillary Clinton in November (Video) (15 comments)

When You Dial 911 and Wall Street Answers (1 comments)

George Will exits the Republican Party over Trump (2 comments)

Former UNGA pres John Ashe dies while awaiting trial in corruption/bribery scandal (1 comments)

Saturday, June 25:

The DNC Just Torpedoed the Majority of Bernie Sanders' Agenda (1 comments)

What's the Big Lesson of the UK 'Brexit' Vote for us in the US? It Was Accomplished with Paper Ballots (2 comments)

Federal Court: 4th Amendment Does Not Protect Home Computers (1 comments)

Britain Googles 'What Is The EU?' After Brexit Vote

AP: "Clinton's State Dept. Calendar Missing Scores of Entries"

Friday, June 24:

Evo Morales: Brexit is Sign of Capitalist Breakdown (1 comments)

Hawaii Passes First-of-Its-Kind Gun Legislation

"No Fly, No Guns...Dems Got It Wrong...ACLU Got It Right" (1 comments)

West Virginia Floods: 20 Killed, Including Toddler, as Thousands Left Without Power

Sanders as Veep? New Poll Suggests He Might Be Clinton's Best Pick

Elegy For the Arctic

David Cameron resigns after UK votes to leave European Union

Whoops! Fox News Reports UK Voted To Leave UN (1 comments)

#LibbyLeaks: Oakland Mayor Launches Investigation Against City and Police Whistleblowers (3 comments)

Thursday, June 23:

Corey Lewandowski to join CNN

Brexit Wins As The UK Votes To Leave EU In Historic Referendum

TIME Snubs Bernie Sanders for Person of the Year After He Crushes Readers' Poll (1 comments)

Bernie Sanders Just Won TIME's Person of the Year Reader's Poll--And It Wasn't Even Close (1 comments)

Thousands of Sanders Supporters Sue DNC in Class Action Lawsuit (4 comments)

Exclusive: Prominent GOP Neoconservative to Fundraise for Hillary Clinton (1 comments)

DC Press Conference Demands Immediate Congressional Action on Voting Rights Legislation (8 comments)

Pyongyang Declares Ability to Attack the American "Bastards" (2 comments)

Sanders may have actually won the CA primary

A haunting silence is spreading over the natural world. (4 comments)

580,000 More Independent Californians' Primary Votes will be Counted! (7 comments)

Ex-US House Speaker Dennis Hastert starts prison term (3 comments)

Michigan Attorney General Sues 2 Companies Over Flint Water Crisis

John Lewis Stood Up for Human Dignity Once Again

Democrats end House sit-in over gun control

Tomgram: Nick Turse, Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics... and U.S. Africa Command (1 comments)

EPA Still "Studying " the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 (1 comments)

Totally Solar-Powered Airplane Crosses the Atlantic (3 comments)

Wednesday, June 22:

Capitol Sit-In Message: Revolution is Allowed! (86 comments)

'Get children playing outdoors' to improve academic success and reduce obesity -- ScienceDaily (1 comments)

Nearly Half of Sanders Supporters Say They'll Refuse to Support Clinton in the General Election (2 comments)

Cameras still off in the House chamber: live stream available (3 comments)

Sanders: "It doesn't appear that I'm going to be the nominee" (5 comments)

House sit-in over gun legislation, C-SPAN broadcast cut

Democrats Stage Sit-In On House Floor Over Gun Bills

Breast development at 7? Yes it's happening in the U.S. (4 comments)

As Southwest Burns, Climate Scientists Warn: You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet

20 Congress members send Obama letter requesting protection of Palestinian children from Israeli abuses

abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: New Rules at Rajaee Shahr Prison Target Iranian Political Prisoners for Harsh Treatment , Peyvand News of Iran (2 comments)

Tuesday, June 21:

Before feared spike in drone crashes, White House sets new rules (2 comments)

75 Years to Produce Clinton Emails? RNC's Response to State Dept. is Pretty Epic

Michael Morrissey: Ex German Chancellor Opposes NATO Maneuvers and Sanctions (4 comments)

Super Delegates Are Starting To Come Out For Bernie

Tomgram: William Astore, The End of Air Power? (4 comments)

Native Americans Acknowledged Five Genders (1 comments)

"Clinton Cash" Exposes Circle of Crooks and Corruption in the Foundation (5 comments)

Monday, June 20:

US State Media Runs Hit Piece On Bernie Sanders (1 comments)

Major Wall Street Donors Threaten to Pull Support for Clinton if Warren Is Named VP (1 comments)

Venezuelans Ransack Stores as Hunger Grips the Nation - NY Times (1 comments)

"God will finish the job": Texas pastor prays for injured Orlando survivors to die (1 comments)

The US just turned up the heat in the South China Sea with 2 aircraft carriers and B-52s

Joe Biden Urges People To Watch How Their Senators Vote On Gun Bills

Trump fires campaign manager Lewandowski, gives Manafort the job

Obama takes turn as "America's pitch man" to help sell TPP trade deal

A Brief History of How Kansas Republicans Destroyed Their State (1 comments)

50,000 People Attend Vigil for Orlando Victims, Rainbow Appears

Angels Quietly Block Westboro Protesters at Orlando Funeral

Sunday, June 19:

Assange Release Necessary to Give Chance to Missing Democracy -- Varoufakis

Why Is the Senate GOP Leadership Helping Obama Pass Job-Killing Treaties? (1 comments)

Fareed Zakaria: Republicans Cannot Remain Silent On Trump

Russia strikes over $15bn worth of deals despite sanctions at SPIEF 2016

Endless War, Endless Greed: The Pentagon Is Lining Its Pockets with Taxpayer Dollars (1 comments)

Today: Watch Fareed Zakaria with Vladimir Putin in St.Petersburg

Poll: 75% of White Men and 60% of White Women Strongly Dislike Hillary Clinton (12 comments)

Saturday, June 18:

Who Uses Puppets for Political Protest? Meet Elliot Crown (4 comments)

Stanford Research Paper Reveals Democratic Election Fraud (26 comments)

GOP Raising Funds for 2016 Convention with Trump as Nominee at Faster Rate than Previous Two (1 comments)

Dozens of GOP delegates launch new push to halt Donald Trump

Putin says accepts U.S. is sole superpower, dilutes Trump praise (2 comments)

Accused killer of British lawmaker gives name as "death to traitors, freedom for Britain"

Putin says America is the world's 'only superpower' (1 comments)

Michael Morrissey: Snowden Awarded "Glass of Reason" (4 comments)

Friday, June 17:

Hillary's on Stroke Medication: Is She at Risk? (67 comments)

Obama, despite dissent on Syria, not shifting toward strikes on Assad (1 comments)

Climate scientists are more credible when they practice what they preach: People are more willing to take advice from cl

FBI approach to investigations puts security at risk, experts say: Amplifying testimony she delivered before a Senate he (1 comments)

Permafrost thawing below shallow Arctic lakes -- ScienceDaily (1 comments)

One Out of Four U.S. Senators Is a Pot Prohibitionist--Is Yours One of Them?

'We're Officially Living in a New World': Antarctica Hits Highest CO2 Level in 4 Million Years

Do Hillary Clinton and Daesh Really Share the Same Financial Backers?

Solitary tribesman planted a forest in India, now bigger than Central Park (2 comments)

Thursday, June 16:

Post Bernie Sanders Video Open Thread (71 comments)

'Allegedly' Disappears as Russians Blamed for DNC Hack

Guccifer Leaked Emails Show DNC Colluded with Media to Push Clinton Nomination (16 comments)

abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: No Time for Goodbyes: Political Prisoner Forced to Begin Harsh Prison Sentence Without SummonsPeyvand news of Iran (2 comments)

Mark Ruffalo Urges President Obama to Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground in Gripping New Documentary (1 comments)

Donald Trump says he would host Kim Jong Un in U.S.

Tomgram: Andrew Cockburn, Victory Assured on the Military's Main Battlefield -- Washington (1 comments)

Filibuster Ends After GOP Agrees to Allow Gun Control Votes: Senator

Brave New Films: Puerto Rico Crisis (videos)

Wednesday, June 15:

Orlando Medical Examiner: 'Take a Typical Homicide Scene, Multiply It (videos)

White House snubs visiting Saudi prince

L.A. education reform group names board, signals shift from charter-school-only focus - LA Times (1 comments)

New Poll Shows Voters Dislike Trump More Than Ever

Orlando Injuries Were Severe, but Trauma Care Was Nearby

Bernie Sanders Online Video Address to Supporters: Thursday, 6/16/16 8:30 PM EDT (8 comments)

Bernie Sanders Calls for 'Fundamental Transformation' of Democratic Party

Politico: Hill Republicans Despondent Over Trump

Tuesday, June 14:

Is Snowden the Daniel Ellsberg of Our Time? Marcie Wheeler Interview

Orlando Attack Aganist Humanity, US Fighting Terrorism (2 comments)

Dem Nomination hangs on California, but CA just hangs out (15 comments)

People On Terror Watch List Have Rights Too Says NRA (1 comments)

Six things Americans should know about mass shootings

Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump (1 comments)

Trump: "I will suspend immigration" from many countries as president (1 comments)

Tomgram: Ann Jones, Donald Trump Has the Traits of a Wife Abuser and Women Know It

ISRAEL: Computer fraud in the Central Election Commission? Where is the Shin-Bet?

Actual Important News (1 comments)

Assange Has Clinton Email Where She Instructs Staff to Remove "Classified" Heading from Document and Send It (4 comments)

Monday, June 13:

WikiLeaks Is About to Ruin Hillary Clinton's Chances of Becoming President

Nomination for Israel to Chair UN Committee Rejected

Exclusive: Obama administration not pursuing executive order to shut Guantanamo

Trump, Clinton Spark Debate Over Cause of Orlando Shooting

Proving Revolution Has Roots, Vast Majority of Dems Back Major Sanders Role (1 comments)

Trump tweets congrats to self on Orlando Massacre and faces Backlash !

Tomgram: Noam Chomsky, Tick... Tick... Tick... (1 comments)

Sunday, June 12:

WikiLeaks to publish more Hillary Clinton emails -- Julian Assange (2 comments)

Trump Beats Clinton by as Much as 3 Points When Third-Party Candidates are Included in Poll (1 comments)

Kristol: Trump Taint May Force Republicans to Form New Party (1 comments)

How Charter School Powerbrokers Plan to Crater Public Education as We Know It

The Planet's Food Supply Could Be Saved (1 comments)

Orlando nightclub shooting: 50 killed in terror attack (1 comments)

Reuters/Ipsos Poll: Democrats Want Major Role for Sanders (2 comments)

How Donald Trump Bankrupted His Atlantic City Casinos, but Still Earned Millions

Saturday, June 11:

David Koch Won't Fund Trump Coronation in Cleveland (2 comments)

Empire Files: Monsanto, America's Monster (3 comments)

Is there anything Trump won't say? (1 comments)

What's so special about the Arctic Refuge? The answer is in these photos (1 comments)

Ten Degrees Above Average, Alaska is Having Its Hottest Year Since Records Began (1 comments)

Deeper and Deeper into War: Obama Authorizes More Military Force in Afghanistan (1 comments)

An Invitation to Abuse

The Grand Canyon Meets the Koch Brothers (8 comments)

Why I've Put Triple Parentheses Around My (((Twitter Name))) (15 comments)

Did Bernie Win California? (17 comments)

Friday, June 10:

GOP Senator David Perdue Jokes About Praying for Obama's Death

Congress continues its stealth assault on Social Security's customer service

Petraeus, Mark Kelly form new gun control group (3 comments)

"Historic" Empty Suit Visits Hiroshima (7 comments)

Ali's Biggest Win: As Clay v. United States in Supreme Court (4 comments)

A USA Today Investigation That Should Surprise Nobody (2 comments)

Thursday, June 9:

Two Bernie Sanders supporters discuss the 'AfterBern' -- What is next? (VIDEO) (2 comments)

New Jersey: HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs And Education

The Struggle Continues: A Campaign Memo From Bernie Sanders (2 comments)

Talk grows of replacing Trump at GOP convention (3 comments)

Tomgram: Mark Wilkerson, Batman in a Hospital Bed

Careful What You Wish for: Hillary's Allies Rigged the Primaries (4 comments)

Trillions Spent on Violence as World Continues Downwards Spiral Away From Peace (5 comments)

Surveying Damage on World Oceans Day, Experts Say Worst is Yet to Come (2 comments)

Whistleblower: EPA Officials Covered Up Toxic Fracking Emissions for Years (2 comments)

Wednesday, June 8:

Four dead in Tel Aviv market shooting

Drought sparks larger wildfires throughout California

Obama's Latest Attempt to Save Clinton From Indictment (2 comments)

Despite Media Coronation, Hillary Clinton is NOT the Official Nominee (video) (19 comments)

F.B.I. Steps Up Use of Stings in ISIS Cases (1 comments)

Hillary Clinton Claims the Democratic Nomination. Sanders to Press on.

Tuesday, June 7:

Two Rapists, Two Different Sentences: It's Black and White

How California is being stolen from Sanders right now (24 comments)

Why Won't Women Take Fracture and Jawbone Death-Linked Drugs Cry Bone Associations (5 comments)

Trump Onslaught On Hispanic Judge: Discriminatory Deja Vu (2 comments)

Brazil Prosecutors Call for Arrest of Pro-Impeachment Leaders

MSNBC: "Donald Trump Does Not Have a Campaign"

FBI wants access to Internet browser history without a warrant in terrorism and spy cases - The Washington Post

BuzzFeed Terminates Ad Deal With Republican Party Over Trump

WikiLeaks Founder Assange to Speak at New Era of Journalism Forum in Moscow

Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Justice for Torturers?

The Judicial System According to Donald Trump - NY Times editorial (2 comments)

NYTimes announces Clinton Clincher, Just In Time to Suppress Today's CA Vote (3 comments)

Zombie time at campaign Hillary: Camille Paglia on Trump's real strength and Clinton's fatal sleepwalking

Monday, June 6:

When Your 401(k) Is Better for Your Employer - (1 comments)

Badass Teachers Association formally request a White House Conference on Education and Equity. (1 comments)

Russia paves way for escalation in Syria (4 comments)

State Department Blocks Release Of Hillary Clinton-Era TPP Emails Until After The Election (4 comments)

DNC Superdelegates: Wisdom in Bill Clinton's Speeches Provides Great Justification to Cast Your Vote for Bernie Sanders (1 comments)

Obama Privately Tells Donors That Time Is Coming to Unite Behind Hillary Clinton (4 comments)

NPR Photographer, Interpreter Killed In Afghanistan

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Renaming Our World

Sunday, June 5:

Panama Papers Show How Rich United States Clients Hid Millions Abroad (1 comments)

Stress, Pressure, Alcohol Increase Acceptance of Hierarchy (3 comments)

Obama administration rushing to shrink ranks at Guantanamo

Chile Producing So Much Solar Energy It's Giving Electricity Away for Free

Puerto Rico Primary: Is Election Fraud Happening? (video) (1 comments)

Newt Gingrich: Trump's judge comments are "inexcusable" (2 comments)

Chairman of Senate Foreign Relations Committee Believes Donald Trump is Bringing "A Maturity" to International Relations (2 comments)

Donald Trump uses Alex Jones InfoWars as an actual news source

Hillary Clinton wins Virgin Islands Democratic caucuses (video) (1 comments)

Saturday, June 4:

Muhammad Ali Died of Septic Shock, Will Be Honored at Public Funeral: Spokesman

Sign the NPE Action Proposal to the Democratic Party Platform Committee by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

Muhammad Ali, "The Greatest of All Time," Dead at 74 (5 comments)

Friday, June 3:

"Dirty Record": Brazil's Coup Leader Temer Banned from Politics for 8 Years

Five soldiers dead, 4 missing in Fort Hood swift water

Use it or lose it: Occasional Ohio voters may be shut out in November

Alan Grayson Gives Would-Be Successor in Congress Big Boost -- by Marrying Her

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton in a tight race in California as the campaign batters her popularity - LA Times

Stephen Fox's "Bernie Sanders: Advice and Strategies to Help Him Win!" (39 comments)

Over 50% of Americans Believe Primary Election Process is Rigged (3 comments)

Thursday, June 2:

Pilot killed as two US fighter jets crash on same day

If The Media Treated Trump Like Other Candidates, Yesterday Would Have Ended His Campaign (1 comments)

Judge orders Obama administration to release new Clinton emails (3 comments)

This U.S. City Is a Sustainable Utopia--Here's What They Have Accomplished & Where They Are Headed

The Highly Questionable Blueprint for Charter School Takeover in Your City or Region

'This Campaign Is Not Over': Polls Show Dead Heat in California

Tomgram: Steve Fraser, How the Age of Acquiescence Came to an End

New rules, old fight: Critics say U.S. proposals on implementing education law are heavy handed - (3 comments)

The Secret Symbol Neo-Nazis Use to Target Jews Online: (((Echoes))) Exposed (1 comments)

Field Poll finds Clinton's California lead reduced to tiny margin

Gallup: "Majority in U.S. Support Idea of Fed-Funded Healthcare System" (1 comments)

Trump's $100 million Conflict-of-Interest Problem (3 comments)

Wednesday, June 1:

If you missed it, the biggest military corruption scandal in decades (1 comments)

North Korean state media offers support for "wise politician" Donald Trump

2015 Saw Renewable Energy Boom

Vast Majority of Democrats Want Sanders to Stay in Race: Poll (3 comments)

UCLA on Lockdown After Shooting in Engineering Lab

Hospitals are now normal targets of war, says Medecins Sans Frontieres (1 comments)

Black Box From Missing EgyptAir Flight 804 Is Said to Be Detected

Murdered Holistic Doctors Update (video) (3 comments)

Former Trump University Workers Call the School a 'Lie' and a 'Scheme' in Testimony (1 comments)

20 key facts about the world's longest, deepest rail tunnel (4 comments)

The Guardian: Judge Conspired with Obama Administration to Destroy Evidence in 9/11 Case (4 comments)


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