Archives for Sci Tech
August 2016
Wednesday, August 31:
Surya Siddhanta: The Startlingly Accurate Astronomy Book of the 1st Millennium BC (2 comments)
Tuesday, August 30:
Hours after discovery, asteroid swept by (23 comments)
Not a Drill: SETI Is Investigating a Possible ET Signal From Space (3 comments)
Monday, August 29:
Biofuels increase, rather than decrease, heat-trapping carbon dioxide emissions (3 comments)
Friday, August 26:
New study pegs the number of TB cases in India at double the current estimates
Brief rapamycin therapy in middle-aged mice extends lives (3 comments)
Thursday, August 25:
New map shows alarming growth of the human footprint -- ScienceDaily
Inside Facebook's (Totally Insane, Unintentionally Gigantic, Hyperpartisan) Political-Media Machine (11 comments)
'Starshot' will fly spaceships past the planet Proxima b (1 comments)
Wednesday, August 24:
Pale Red Dot: Astronomers Discover Potentially Habitable Exoplanet Orbiting Nearest Star (7 comments)
Tuesday, August 23:
Feeling Cornered, Coal Industry Borrows From Tobacco Playbook, Activists Say (2 comments)
Radio astronomy pioneer dies at 92 " The Register (1 comments)
Monday, August 22:
Relativity Predicts Universal Wormhole (6 comments)
Wednesday, August 17:
Astronomy shown to be set in standing stone (3 comments)
NASA's Asteroid Redirect Mission Emerges from First Planning Stages (3 comments)
Earth-Like Planet Around Proxima Centauri Discovered (10 comments)
Saturday, August 13:
NASA's Fermi Mission Expands its Search for Dark Matter (70 comments)
Friday, August 12:
Rising Ocean Temperatures Are Making Us Sick
Wednesday, August 10:
Monday, August 8:
These mushrooms eat plastic waste - and then you can eat them - ScienceAlert (2 comments)
Thursday, August 4:
A new leaf: Scientists turn carbon dioxide back into fuel -- ScienceDaily
The Results Of Earth's 'Annual Physical' Are A Scary Dose Of Deja Vu
Wednesday, August 3:
FCC Commissioners voted unanimously in favor of the Spectrum Frontiers Proceeding on July 14, 2016 (2 comments)
Tuesday, August 2:
Cuomo Backs $7.6 Billion Bail-Out of Old, Unaffordable NY Nuke Plants (1 comments)
Monday, August 1:
No, You Don't Have to Worry (Much) About Getting Clobbered (1 comments)