Archives for Best Web OpEds
October 2016
Monday, October 31:
CURMUDGUCATION: More Bogus Research from Rocketship; by Peter Greene (1 comments)
Massachusetts Governor's Office Advises Pro-Charter Allies to Use Private Emails; by Diane Ravitch (4 comments)
Steven Singer on Standardizing Whiteness-by Diane Ravitch (4 comments)
CHicago Tribune: Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside (8 comments)
"They Must Have Something Significant For the FBI to Reopen the Investigation" (4 comments)
Sunday, October 30:
President Obama Gets Real, Not Revenge, On Republicans
The Dangers of Donald Trump - Ross Douthat (1 comments)
America, Your Election Is Not Rigged
Saturday, October 29:
BREAKING NEWS: Queen Steps In, Revokes America's Independence With Immediate Effect (8 comments)
"Backpack Full of Cash," a Film That Exposes Corporate Reform, Needs YOUR Help; by Diane Ravitch
Donald Trump And The Power Of Money (14 comments)
Video Shows Donald Trump Sexually Humiliating Woman Before Large Audience (6 comments)
Friday, October 28:
Inside the Trump Bunker, With 12 Days to Go; by Joshua Green and Sasha Issenberg
Mercedes Schneider: Municipal Analysts Call for Charter Financial Transparency; by Diane Ravitch (2 comments)
Thursday, October 27:
The Ten Most Underreported Stories about Hillary Clinton; John Ziegler
Hillary Clinton: A Hawk in the Wings
Wednesday, October 26:
Donald Trump and the 'Rigged Election:' What's it all About, Alfie? by Steven Jonas, (2 comments)
What Do Trump and Marx Have in Common? - by Jochen Bittner (2 comments)
Tuesday, October 25:
If Trump Had Been at Gettysburg in 1863 by Michael Winship (1 comments)
Dear Republican Voters by David Leonhardt (4 comments)
A Parent in Tennessee Warns Parents in Georgia: Vote NO on Amendment 1 (2 comments)
Monday, October 24:
Palestine: "Occupation through the eyes of a child on the way to school"
When the Election Is Over, It Will Not Be Done-by Bill Berkowitz (2 comments)
Sunday, October 23:
Episode 3 of the US Election Soap Opera (1 comments)
NYT OpEd: The Dangers of Hillary Clinton (5 comments)
What is behind the anti-Russia campaign in the US? (5 comments)
Clinton Emails Reveal Foreign Meddling in Last Haitian Presidential Election (2 comments)
Saturday, October 22:
The Mosul Campaign and the Third Presidential Debate
Friday, October 21:
Losing the Consent of the Governed: American Democracy in its Death Throes
Thursday, October 20:
The New Grading Standards in NYC Are Absurd and Inhumane; Diane Ravitch (1 comments)
New York: Republicans Use Anti-Semitic Slime to Attack Pro-Public School Candidate; by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)
Wednesday, October 19:
Rigged; Let's Try Democracy by David Swanson (1 comments)
Trump in a Bikini ; by Frank Bruni (1 comments)
Social Security at Stake on Nov. 8 -
Tuesday, October 18:
Glen Ford Explains Why Voting Green is the Choice for Progessives (3 comments)
Monday, October 17:
Trump's supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies (6 comments)
Our Feuding Founding Father- BY Alan Taylor (1 comments)
The hideous, diabolical truth about Hillary Clinton - by Alexandra Petrilli (1 comments)
Sunday, October 16:
Trump could cost GOP the House. Here's what Dems'' path to a majority might look like
Sheriff openly calls for riots as Trump says election is 'rigged' (1 comments)
Warnings of a New World War by Gilbert Doctorow (10 comments)
Saturday, October 15:
Michael Froman, Architect of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Mapped out virtually the Entire Obama Cabinet (1 comments)
Hillary Regnant: Perpetual War Party Prepares to Coronate Its First Queen by Andrew Levine (1 comments)
Canada goes to war - pretending to keep the peace
Friday, October 14:
How Bernie Sanders Could Become President With Only 130,000 Votes -- theindependentthinker2016 (2 comments)
Thursday, October 13:
Liberty Univ. Student Body Calls Out Falwell Jr.
All The New Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Trump That Surfaced On Wednesday
Wednesday, October 12:
History (of Health Insurance Greed) Repeats Itself - BY WENDELL POTTER (2 comments)
Here's the 1 Thing Countries Have to Do to Meet the 2-Degree Climate Target (1 comments)
What Donald Trump's comments mean to me as a survivor of sexual assault
Tuesday, October 11:
The Other Three Candidates (7 comments)
10 reasons why no Sanders supporter should vote for Hillary Clinton -- Revolt Against Plutocracy (1 comments)
At Second Presidential Debate, A Monster Calls; by Michael Wineship (6 comments)
Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Doubles Down on WW III-- Syria conflict about Iran and Israel (5 comments)
Monday, October 10:
War Looms: 3 Cogent Articles on the Imminent Danger (4 comments)
The 1935 novel that predicted the rise of Donald Trump
The Nobel prize in economics takes too little account of social democracy
Sunday, October 9:
US prepares for nuclear war... (12 comments)
Shakespeare Explains the 2016 Election - By STEPHEN GREENBLATT (1 comments)
Saturday, October 8:
The Cultural Sickness Needs to be Named -- ART + marketing -- Medium (1 comments)
Nashville: New School Superintendent Neuters School Board, Wreaks Havoc on District; by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)
The Winds Howl Before The Storm (5 comments)
Donald Trump, Groper in Chief (3 comments)
Friday, October 7:
These Might Be Donald Trump's Most Disgusting Comments Yet About Women (1 comments)
What About the Planet? (4 comments)
Guglielmo Tell: I still hear the desperate voice of my father (+Photos) (3 comments)
Donald Trump: The Ugly American (with Apologies to Lederer and Burdick (1 comments)
Thursday, October 6:
Trump in his own words (2 comments)
'The Atlantic' Editors Endorse Hillary Clinton for President ' (3 comments)
More Weird New Words for the School Reform Education Vocabulary List (7 comments)
Wednesday, October 5:
Media Elite Obsess Over Trump's Taxes But Ignore Real Scam (2 comments)
Watch: Trump Discusses Anal Sex, Princess Di, and more" (2 comments)
Ron Paul Suggests Support for Jill Stein, Admits He Is 'Disappointed' (3 comments)
"Incompetent Teachers or Dysfunctional a Systems?by Ken Futernick (1 comments)
Tuesday, October 4:
Why It's So Hard to See Politicians' Financial Data - The New York Times (2 comments)
Trump, Taxes and Citizenship - The New York Times (1 comments)
Pentagon paid UK PR firm $540mn to create propaganda, fake news and false flags (1 comments)
We Are On This Earth Together (5 comments)
Top Climate Scientist: Tax Fossil Fuels to Save Younger Generations' Future (1 comments)
The lengths that charter schools go to when their teachers try to form unions. (7 comments)
Monday, October 3:
Post-mortems: The Clinton-Trump debate--A degrading spectacle; By Patrick Martin, (1 comments)
On Twitter, Hate Speech Bounded Only; by Jim Rutenberg (1 comments)
Scholars Review the Funding of the Common Core, by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)
The League in Action on For-Profit Charters
John Oliver Whacks Sean Hannity Over His Attachment to Non-Scientific Pro-Trump Polls (1 comments)
Sunday, October 2:
Two flies in the Mahoning Valley's political ointment By Bertram de Souza of The Vindicator
Saturday, October 1:
Trump's Threats Show Him To Be A Hypocritical Bully
Internet Undergoes 'Biggest Change in a Generation' (That You Never Heard About) (2 comments)
A Message to Unemployed & Underemployed College Graduates; by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)
Syria: The Saker Explains it All to You (5 comments)
How Palestine Became an Jewish Colony...The Empire Files