Archives for General News
May 2017
Wednesday, May 31:
10 US Cities Call for Trump's Impeachment (2 comments)
Tuesday, May 30:
Motivation Of The Killers In Manchester (3 comments)
Closed Primaries over Open Primaries Leads to Candidates Favoring Political Party Over America (1 comments)
Donald Trump's hope for quick-fix NAFTA renegotiation is a $1.1 trillion pipe dream
Monday, May 29:
8th graders refuse to take a photo with Paul Ryan because they don't "want to be associated with him" (5 comments)
Sunday, May 28:
Women in the running: Number of female candidates for Va. House has jumped
White Terrorists Killed More Americans This Week Than Refugees Have in 40 Years
Justice Anat Baron perpetrated fraud on detained Israeli protest activist Moti Leybel (2 comments)
Saturday, May 27:
Palestinian Prisoners End Hunger Strike...Deal Struck
How Worried Should Jared Kushner Be? by By Ryan Lizza (3 comments)
Guglielmo Tell: Venezuela: What You Need to Know About Elections for the Constituent Assembly (21 comments)
Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Adviser to Jimmy Carter, Dies at 89 - The New York Times (25 comments)
Friday, May 26:
Why your 'organic' milk may not be organic (2 comments)
State Senator Jeff Klein: Hero or Goat? (3 comments)
Thursday, May 25:
Gianforte Cited for Assault, Newspapers Pull Endorsement (1 comments)
Day 40, Urgent Call for Palestinian Hunger Strike and Advocate for a Military Embargo of Israel
83 Percent of Major Newspapers Supported Syria Strike (3 comments)
Wednesday, May 24:
Republican candidate 'body-slams' Journalist (3 comments)
Have You Forgotten About Last Week's Nursing Home Massacre? The Gun Lobby Hopes So. (7 comments)
The Working Families Party and Our Revolution: Important Senate VOTE (1 comments)
This small town in America's Deep South welcomes 1,500 refugees a year
Tuesday, May 23:
Is the Party Over for California Democrats? (2 comments)
'Many More People Would Die if Republicans Are Successful' (1 comments)
Monday, May 22:
Rape Culture: Alive and Well at Baylor Univ. (1 comments)
After losing her daughter to fake drug 'treatment,' she now seeks to save others (2 comments)
President Donald Trump's Saudi Arms Deal and Yemen's War (3 comments)
Lawsuit: Did the DNC Kill the Sanders Campaign? (3 comments)
More Americans Want Trump Impeached than Not (273 comments)
Huge cuts to food stamps part of Trump's budget proposal
Sunday, May 21:
Europe's View of Trump (6 comments)
Day 30, What's behind Palestinian prisoners' hunger strike?
Saturday, May 20:
Vice Covers Controversial "Born With a Junk Food Deficiency" (5 comments)
The great British Brexit robbery: how UK's democracy was hijacked (3 comments)
Friday, May 19:
Peggy Shepard of WE ACT on Air Pollution, Asthma, and Environmental Justice
Miles of Ice Collapsing Into the Sea (5 comments)
Thursday, May 18:
Antidote for Members of Congress Refusing to hold Constituent Town-Halls: Open Primaries (1 comments)
Wednesday, May 17:
The 'ancient carbon' of Alaska's tundras is being released, starting a vicious warming cycle (3 comments)
We Can Stop Suicide Deaths (3 comments)
Tuesday, May 16:
Why did Trump win? New research by Dems offers answers and solutions (9 comments)
Tomgram: David Vine, Trumping Democracy in America's Empire of Bases
Congressional Briefing Panel: Paper ballots crucial to the future of election integrity (27 comments)
After $4 Trillion and 14 Years NATO Says it is Making Progress in Iraq
Monday, May 15:
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russia (1 comments)
Ideological Gap Widens Between More, Less Educated Adults (9 comments)
LA schools could serve up vegan lunch program this fall (2 comments)
VA Sen. Warner on Russia/Trump/Comey: boy, oh boy, there's an awful lot of smoke
Saturday, May 13:
Election Integrity Offender Chairs Trump's Vote Fraud Commission
Day 29 Palestinian Prisoner Hunger Strike; Israel Bans Nakba Commemoration
Friday, May 12:
Secretive Foundation's Blueprint for Spreading Right-Wing Ideology
An Umpteenth Executive Order: Trump's New Presidential Commission on Election Integrity (1 comments)
Can't Resist Some Foods? It's Not Your Fault (4 comments)
Leading conservative publication National Review has article opposing Sessions' renewed war on drugs (3 comments)
Stephen Colbert is Tickled Pink in Response To Trump Calling Him 'A No-Talent Guy' (1 comments)
Keith Olbermann Asks For World Spy Agencies To Reveal Trump Intel (47 comments)
VT Legislature: 1st to approve legal marijuana
Thursday, May 11:
Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, America's Wars and the "More" Strategy (2 comments)
Wednesday, May 10:
Meet the New War, Same as the Old War - Afghanistan here we better not come (2 comments)
Days Before Being Fired, Comey Asked Rosenstein for Money for Russia Investigation (3 comments)
Jimmy Carter Admits He Voted for Sanders (6 comments)
Tuesday, May 9:
Day 23, Leila Khaled Begins Hunger Strike in Solidarity With Palestinian Prisoners
VA Progressive Perriello's Ambulance-Crushing Video goes viral after Colbert
Tomgram: William Hartung, Ignoring the Costs of War (1 comments)
Wisconsin: "They" Did It! By Tim Slekar
Prof. Leo Chang (Chang Soon): US Can Only Delay But Not Stop North Korea's Self-Defense (7 comments)
Carbon pollution suffocating ocean life, speeding up the next mass extinction (2 comments)
Pakistan's tense relations with its three neighbors
Did Murdered U.N. Expert Unknowingly Tell Her Killers How to Find Her? (2 comments)
Monday, May 8:
Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, What Obsessing About You-Know-Who Causes Us To Miss (1 comments)
Trumpism: It's Coming From the Suburbs
John McCain: Champion of Human Rights and Warmonger (1 comments)
E.P.A. Dismisses Members of Major Scientific Review Board
Sunday, May 7:
The French presidency goes to Macron (1 comments)
Bill to declare Israel a Jewish state back on national agenda (1 comments)
Day 22 Palestinian Prisoner Hunger Strike, Jordanians Stage Rally in Solidarity (1 comments)
Trump: Hazardous to Our Health - Maureen Down
Saturday, May 6:
Chance for new trial?: DA Office Must Provide All Records of Top Judge's Role as DA in Opposing Mumia Appeal (1 comments)
How to Ship your Ashes to pre-selected GOP Rep. if Trumpcare Kills You (3 comments)
Locked Up for Being Poor (2 comments)
Friday, May 5:
CNN's Jake Tapper: Fake Journalist? Ignores WTC-7, 9/11 Responder Karl Golovin (9 comments)
Thursday, May 4:
Day 20, Israel Considers Force-Feeding Palestinian Hunger Strikers
John Dower, Terror Is in the Eye of the Beholder
Wednesday, May 3:
Historian Timothy Snyder: "It's Pretty Much Inevitable" that Trump Will Try to Stage a Coup and Overthrow Democracy (4 comments)
Mexico Lawmakers Approve Medical Marijuana
Security Flaws Found as Cause of GA6 Election Error
Tuesday, May 2:
Don't Fall for These Pharma Scare Tactics (17 comments)
Guglielmo Tell: Venezuelan President Calls for Popular Assembly to Remake Constitution (14 comments)
Nomi Prins: All in the Family Trump
Los Angeles Stands with Immigrants
Monday, May 1:
Will Mercer's Trump Connection Nix IRS' attempts to collect $7 billion from his hedge fund
Trump's Education Budget Will Undermine Teaching and School-by Leonie HaImison (2 comments)
Trump's Tax Plan: Destroying Home Values while Enhancing the Asset Values for the Wealthy (3 comments)
Continuing the hairpin turn toward fascism... (3 comments)