Archives for Best Web OpEds
August 2017
Thursday, August 31:
The Cheap Prosperity Gospel of Trump and Osteen (1 comments)
A Judge Just Gave Trump And Arpaio Bad News About Pardon (3 comments)
Tuesday, August 29:
Venezuela Will Never Tolerate This (10 comments)
Trump Killed Flood Plan Before Hurricane Harvey
A Speech Deferred: How Facebook Shackled My Voice ~ The Ghion Journal
After Charlottesville, It's Time to End the Assault on Voting Rights - Chuck Schumer
Propaganda, Human Consciousness, And The Future Of Civilization (2 comments)
'The President Speaks For Himself' (1 comments)
Monday, August 28:
Jared Kushner Just Made A Huge Blunder On Peace In The Middle East (2 comments)
Support the troops! But read this before you know how... (1 comments)
Trump Associate Tried To Broker Moscow Deal So That 'Our Boy Can Become President' (6 comments)
Arpaio pardon sends strong message to targets of Mueller investigation (2 comments)
The Socialism America Needs Now (9 comments)
Fascism, American Style - Paul Krugman (4 comments)
DeVos continues carrying out ALEC's agenda by dismantling for-profit college accountability (1 comments)
Sunday, August 27:
Republicans Quickly Losing the Opportunity to Save Their Own Party (2 comments)
New Sanctions Mean Sacrifice But Open Opportunities for Venezuela's People (2 comments)
It's Not Too Soon to Talk About the Post-Trump Era (4 comments)
The stand down order: Charlottesville PD's complicity with terror (3 comments)
Congress Quietly Passed a Bill Allowing Warrantless Searches of Homes--Only 1% Opposed It (4 comments)
Saturday, August 26:
The real reason Trump is not a Republican By GOP former Senator John C. Danforth (2 comments)
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: The Troubling Reason the Electoral College Exists (4 comments)
Arizona Newspaper Editorial Says Joe Arpaio Pardon Shows Institutional Racism Is Trump's Goal
Study: Closing Schools Doesn't Increase Test Scores (1 comments)
Venezuea's Maduro Speaks on Chavez, Trump, and the Opposition (1 comments)
Friday, August 25:
A Credible Path Forward on Renewable Energy - Pacific Standard (2 comments)
A New Roadmap to Renewable Dependence Could Eliminate 99% of CO2 Emissions (2 comments)
Who Funds The 74? by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)
Thursday, August 24:
The Founding Fathers' Tool for Removing a Dangerous President by Kristin Miller/Bill Moyers (1 comments)
Defend Your Public School from the Trump/DeVos Budget Debacle - Network For Public Education (1 comments)
The Privatization Prophets by Jennifer Berkshire (4 comments)
Documents reveal a secretive foundation's state-level attack plan for spreading right-wing ideology (3 comments)
The Most Important Expose You Will Read Today: The Fringe Right Universe of "Charities" (1 comments)
Wednesday, August 23:
Chomsky: Antifa is a "Major Gift to the Right" (2 comments)
Trump Uses Arizona Rally to Settle Scores
Only Solution, Says McKibben, 100% Renewables 'As Fast as Humanly Possible'
Class Dismissed: When Arizona Decided to Divest from Public Education, by Alexandria Neason (2 comments)
Tuesday, August 22:
Michael Morrissey: Covering Up the Massacre of Mosul (3 comments)
Remove monument of Dr. James Marion Sims from NYC Park (4 comments)
Mitch McConnell Has an 18% Approval Rating in His Own State of Kentucky (1 comments)
Monday, August 21:
Venezuela's citizens desperately stockpiling food and water as civil war tipping point draws near (3 comments)
Bigots Get Boost From the Bully Pulpit
Will the Nightmare of President Donald Trump Become the Nightmare of President Mike Pence?
Why School Sucks (hint: it's not because it's "boring" what real learning looks like and does not resemble. (6 comments)
timeline of white supremacy, terrorism and hate crimes : : The Symptoms And Causes Of Modern White Supremacy (2 comments)
Sunday, August 20:
Should You Trust Climate Science? Maybe the Eclipse Is a Clue
The Trump administration's most prominent Jews disgrace themselves By Dana Milbank (1 comments)
Saturday, August 19:
Here's How Trump May Have Just Killed Fox News (2 comments)
Andy Borowitz -- Trump Says Sun Equally to Blame for Blocking Moon (1 comments)
Teachers: Are Your Pension Funds Invested with Dan Loeb? by Diane Ravitch (2 comments)
Friday, August 18:
US & Allies Are Terrified of Venezuela's Paticipatory Democracy (1 comments)
The Atlantic: "Donald Trump Is a Lame-Duck President"
Is There Any Point to Protesting? (2 comments)
Thursday, August 17:
Bannon Feels Secure After Post-Charlottesville White House Discord
The Economist: "Donald Trump Has No Grasp of What it Means to be President"
Far Right: US vs The Ukraine Approach (1 comments)
Which will be the first country to ban fuel-burning cars: Norway, Germany, India? (4 comments)
Wednesday, August 16:
Fascists Fall for Trump, Their Nazi Dream Date
Video Tutorials: How to Mow Down Protesters with Your Car (1 comments)
Tuesday, August 15:
Venezuelans Reject Trump Threats with Anti-Imperialist March (2 comments)
West Point Grad on Supporting Our Troops [Listen up! please] (2 comments)
Donald Trump's despicable words (6 comments)
Monday, August 14:
Borowitz --Man in Hostage Video Forced to Recite Words Not His Own
When the President Is Un-American - by Paul Krugman (11 comments)
Sunday, August 13:
The Shoes (1 comments)
Will Christian Leaders Continue to Tremble Before Right-Wing Hate? (6 comments)
Venezuela: Target of Economic Warfare (4 comments)
Five lessons from Charlottesville (1 comments)
Trump Refuses to Condemn Act of "Domestic Terrorism" Committed (1 comments)
How Do We Contend With Trump's Defiance of 'Norms'? byEmily Bazelon (5 comments)
Saturday, August 12:
Car plows into crowd during protests in Virginia, killing at least 1, injuring many
Cleveland Presses State of Ohio to End Shoddy Oversight, by Jan Resseger (1 comments)
North Korea: The Grand Deception Revealed (1 comments)
Friday, August 11:
Authoritarianism: The Legacy of the Financial Crisis, by Harold James (1 comments)
Do You Trust Donald Trump's Finger On The Nuclear Button? By Mark Hertsgaard (2 comments)
Indian diplomat compares Ivanka to a "half-wit Saudi prince" who must be grudgingly flattered: report (3 comments)
Chicago: Emails Suggest Rahm Emanuel is Open to Considering a Voucher Program; by Diane Ravitch (4 comments)
Thursday, August 10:
Why The US Left Should Support Venezuela's Revolution! (17 comments)
Wednesday, August 9:
Demand That Congress Fight for Net Neutrality (1 comments)
FBI Raids Former Trump Campaign Manager's Office And Seizes Docs And Records Related To Russia
Michael Morrissey: Tales of the New Cold War: US sanctions Russiagate forever (2 comments)
Bernie Sanders and Angus King tell Big Pharma "we're not gonna take it" anymore
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 : What You Can Do Right Now to Help Prevent WW111 (7 comments)
Jill Stein seemingly defends North Korea in totally bizarre interview -- TheBlaze (6 comments)
The Danger of an Incurious President , by Sara Vowell (3 comments)
What One Photo Tells Us About North Korea's Nuclear Program (5 comments)
Tuesday, August 8:
Trump's Stalled Trade Agenda Leaves Industries in the Lurch (1 comments)
Trump Is Not the Problem (1 comments)
Many Politicians Lie. But Trump Has Elevated the Art of Fabrication. (1 comments)
Trump Pays WH Staffer $89,000 Of Taxpayer Money To Find Good Stories About Him (DETAILS) -- Blue Tribune (1 comments)
Trump's Twitter Rampage Backfires As Richard Blumenthal Doubles Down On Russia Investigation (3 comments)
Don't Let the White House's Dysfunction Distract You From the Bad Things Trump Is Doing (2 comments)
Michael Morrissey: Neocons Leverage Trump-Hate for More Wars
Hire Women Your Mom's Age (1 comments)
Monday, August 7:
Why Trump Should Be Afraid With Robert Mueller on the Case
Half of America is In or Near Poverty (1 comments)
Republicans want to cut the wrong taxes (1 comments)
'An Inconvenient Sequel' Conveniently Leaves Out One Big Truth (1 comments)
The Cronies Behind the Energy Industry's Deliberate Misinformation Campaigns
Because 'This Hell Is Not a Thing of the Past,' Hiroshima Makes Plea for Nuclear Weapons-Free World
Sunday, August 6:
Bobby Sticks It to Trump - The New York Times (4 comments)
Michael Morrissey: Google's chief search engineer legitimizes new censorship algorithm (26 comments)
White House as crime scene: how Robert Mueller is closing in on Trump (1 comments)
Democrats winning local elections due to Trump backlash
Democratic Socialists of America hits 25,000 members: why this could mark a political turning point
Saturday, August 5:
Matt Taibbi: "There Is No Way to Survive the Trump White House" (6 comments)
Two Bad Policies Converge in NYC; Diane Ravitch & Leonie Haimison (3 comments)
The NAACP Tells It As It Is; by Anne Cronin (1 comments)
Friday, August 4:
Newsweek Just Roasted "Lazy" Trump With This Devastating Cover
Three Trump Speeches and the Death of a Nation (2 comments)
How to Follow the Creeping Privatization of Public Services; by Diane Ravitch (2 comments)
We're on the Brink of an Authoritarian Crisis (1 comments)
Mr. President, here's a more accurate map for you to tweet
The Ugly History of Stephen Miller's 'Cosmopolitan' Epithet (1 comments)
Thursday, August 3:
Venezuelan Elections: Resurgent Chavismo and Unrecognized Democracy
Sanctions, smoke and mirrors from a kindergarten on LSD by The Saker
Monopolies Are Back... and Worse Than Ever
Borowitz -- White House Accuses French Woman of Spreading Pro-Immigration Propaganda
A Market Rig so Obvious you could set your watch by it - by Graham Summers (5 comments)
What's the link between charter schools, political donations and teacher certification in New York? by Carol Burris (4 comments)
Wednesday, August 2:
Main Stream Media Lies About Venezuela's Constituent Assembly Vote
Scandinavia in Maryland? Medicare for All in One State (1 comments)
Tuesday, August 1:
The Real Shia/Sunni Divide (1 comments)
Trump: Boy Scout head called my speech "the greatest"
The Past Week Proves That Trump Is Destroying Our Democracy (1 comments)
The Americans Who Saved Health Insurance