Archives for Life Arts
August 2017
Thursday, August 31:
Johann Neem: The Founding Fathers Wanted Public Schools: We Should Protect Their Vision; by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)
Tuesday, August 29:
Rebecca Solnit: "To use a Clockwork Orange word, this is a horrorshow." (6 comments)
Monday, August 28:
A Prayer to the Divine Source Within
Sunday, August 27:
"Arthur Schopenhauer: the First European Buddhist"
Thursday, August 24:
Slavery, King Cotton and the Industrial Revolution. (17 comments)
Interview: Tsara Shelton On Women Taking Accountability For Rape, Raising Colorful Boys and More
Wednesday, August 23:
5 Ways Wasting Food Hurts the Environment (and 5 Ways You Can Fix It)
Mudslide (3 comments)
Tuesday, August 22:
How is this possible? (a poem) (2 comments)
Monday, August 21:
The Books We Don't Understand (1 comments)
The Great Re-Birth of a Nation; Total Solar Eclipse of 08/21/2017 (6 comments)
Ain't It Always Stephen Stills (1 comments)
A Golden Age for Dystopian Fiction (3 comments)
Hearing Loss is No Joke (8 comments)
Saturday, August 19:
Tina Fey Slams Trump and the KKK with Sheet Cake (Video) (2 comments)
Wednesday, August 16:
The Great American Leo Solar Eclipse, Auguat 21, 2017 (1 comments)
200 Year-Old Tree Kills 13 During Mass (2 comments)
Tuesday, August 15:
Ft. Lauderdale's studious spring-breakers now inconveniently handcuffed to ...? (1 comments)
Counter-Couture: Hippie Funk & Flash, and the Summer of Love -- What We Can Learn (2 comments)
Sunday, August 13:
Stop Treating 70- and 90-Year-Olds the Same (8 comments)
Friday, August 11:
A Rare Bird upon the Earth and Very Like A Black Swan (3 comments)
Thursday, August 10:
How to Make a Smart Home - Technology Guides (2 comments)
Tuesday, August 8:
How America Went Haywire - The Atlantic (2 comments)
Healthy Birth, Healthy Earth (1 comments)
Our Broken Economy, in One Simple Chart - The New York Times (5 comments)
John Oliver Skewers Trump's Border Patrol Hiring Blitz (1 comments)
Monday, August 7:
Keith Pope: An Old Candidate is said to be OK (3 comments)
Maher Nails It in Hilarious Clip (1 comments)
Friday, August 4:
A Heartfelt Interspecies Reunion: Chimps and Researcher (5 comments)
Thursday, August 3:
The Cosmic Story: Aquarius/Leo Lunar Full Moon Eclipse, August 7, 2017 (1 comments)
Photo of empty bus seats mistaken for burqas inspires rage
Wednesday, August 2:
What's Up with Wisconsin's Recount? (1 comments)
Tuesday, August 1:
Caution: X-Rated Coloring Books for Stressed Out Adults (3 comments)