Archives for Sci Tech
September 2017
Saturday, September 30:
Friday, September 29:
7 Major Countries Looking to Ban Fossil Fuel-Based Cars (But Not the U.S.) (2 comments)
Monday, September 25:
By 2100, oceans may hold enough carbon to launch sixth mass extermination of species, mathematics predicts (2 comments)
Sunday, September 24:
NASA's OSIRIS spacecraft slingshots around Earth bound for asteroid Bennu (1 comments)
Thursday, September 21:
Lawyer says Aaron Hernandez had advanced stages of CTE
Monday, September 18:
Bitcoin in the Browser: Google, Apple and More Adopting Crypto-Ready API
Saturday, September 16:
It is Time to Ban Boxing (1 comments)
Friday, September 15:
Advanced material developed for ultra-stable, high capacity rechargeable batteries -- ScienceDaily
Thursday, September 14:
Medicine's Dirty Secret: Fecal Transplants Are the Next Big Thing in Health Care (4 comments)
Tuesday, September 12:
Scientists sample, study, and proclaim, "You should get off your ass!" (1 comments)
Sexually aroused male flies unable to sleep after close encounters with females -- ScienceDaily
Scientist finds secret to thriving -- ScienceDaily (1 comments)
Want to lose weight? Check your turds. (1 comments)
Cold region 'tipping point' now inevitable -- ScienceDaily
Sunday, September 10:
Massive geothermal plants would generate Gigawatts of power and prevent Supervolcanoe risk (4 comments)
Saturday, September 9:
A Yellowstone Supervolcano Eruption Can Be Stopped With A Plan From NASA (14 comments)
Wednesday, September 6:
Research dog helps scientists save endangered carnivores
Saturday, September 2:
Flood Warnings for Houston Given in 2016
Friday, September 1:
Cassini Timeline: NASA Mission to Saturn Ahead of Grand Finale Death Dive (1 comments)