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January 2018

Wednesday, January 31:

Trump's SOTU Reality Show Exposes His Dark Side

Postcard from the End of America: Palmyra, NJ (5 comments)

The Middle Ground Between Light and Shadow (1 comments)

I Nominate Donald Trump For Best Actor in a Reality Drama (2 comments)

The long profitable march of digital China (16 comments)

Republican Bill Bans Non-Church Marriages (29 comments)

In Warmongering First State of the Union, Trump Doubles Down on Gitmo & Escalates Nuclear War Threat

JFK v The Lone Gunman (40 comments)

Denying the Obvious: Leftists and Crimestop (49 comments)

Trump is Not the State of Our Union (7 comments)

No, Big Corporations Shouldn't Get Tax Breaks to Create Jobs (3 comments)

Sometimes, White House Staff Have a Legal Duty to Disobey the President (2 comments)

A Treacherous Crossing (1 comments)

2017 Breaks Climate Records Despite No "El Nino Boost" (1 comments)

The Pentagon's Plan for Never-Ending War (12 comments)

The Next Big Fight (1 comments)

Tone Deaf: A Charter School Misses the Point in Promoting Itself

The Super Bowl spectacle (2 comments)

House Intel Committee memo reveals collusion and malfeasance by high ranking officials, will real accountability occur? (9 comments)

Tuesday, January 30:

#SOTU State Of The Union Open Thread & Bernie Sanders Response Video (13 comments)

Washington Reaches New Heights of Insanity with the "Kremlin Report"

Turkey's War on Kurdish People in Afrin-Syria?

Donald Trump Is the Living Embodiment of his Supporters (28 comments)

What Military-Bashing Teacher Got Right (2 comments)

Will Congress Face Down the Deep State? (9 comments)

Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, American Paths, Chosen and Not (1989-2018)

"Trump-Russia:" Qui Bono?"

Connect the dots: Women's time is now (4 comments)

Ron Madden: "Democrats for Change" is Looking for Progressive Candidates Like You (4 comments)

Indivisible Houston's president Daniel Cohen has a message that applies to every county in the U.S.

Monday, January 29:

If the Second Amendment Was Meant for Genocide, Is It Sacred? (2 comments)

It's Still the Yellen-Obama Economy (6 comments)

Washington Widens the War in Syria by Provoking Turkey (2 comments)

To Keep America Great, Legalize All Undocumented Immigrants (2 comments)

At Davos, Another Campaign Speech. The Man Can't Help It (3 comments)

During Trump's campaign (4 comments)

Danny Sjursen, Wrong on Nam, Wrong on Terror

Trump's America: Open to Global Capital, Not People (3 comments)

What is being done versus what should be done with prisons (1 comments)

Does Trump ever check his wife's Facebook page? If Her Page is Being Moderated, She's Sending Definitely Pissed Off (3 comments)

Special Israel (3 comments)

Chris Cuomo scorches Trump's spokesman, What REAL Journalism looks like (VIDEO)

It Will Soon Be Trump's Time in the Barrel (1 comments)

Trump's Foreign Policy Is In Service To Israel

Daily Inspiration — Whose money? Our money! (5 comments)

Mueller's End Game: Maybe As Soon As Trump Wants, But Not How He'd Like (15 comments)

Trump Is Our President (5 comments)

Why are Kurdish People Calling on American to help them against Turkey's Aggression?

Sunday, January 28:

School Board Set to Consider Holding a Charter School Accountable (2 comments)

Protectionism: Trump's Tariff-ic Attack on Your Wallet (9 comments)

Fabricating a fig leaf of democracy in Egypt

In the Western World Lies Have Displaced Truth

The Useful Idiocy of Donald Trump (16 comments)

Robert Parry's Legacy and the Future of Consortiumnews (29 comments)

Fed Up With Democrats, Progressives Forge Own Path (4 comments)

Network: the last great film about The News (1 comments)

Europe Standing Up to Trump at Davos? (2 comments)

The Exclusion of Black Resistance (1 comments)

America's National Defense Is Really Offense (4 comments)

Exploiting the Good Work of Whistleblowers (1 comments)

Don't Frack The Delaware River (1 comments)

The Post should be viewed by current editors of The Post

Retrial of Senator Menendez is Unconstitutional

FDA Imminent Health Hazard Petition to Revoke and Rescind Aspartame's Approval, Filed 1/27/18 (2 comments)

Saturday, January 27:

The Time Is Now! Stand Against the Fascist Assault on Immigrants (4 comments)

US supports Kurds in Syria: Turks react (1 comments)

Conflict in Washington escalates with report Trump sought to fire special prosecutor (2 comments)

Turkey plays its latest card in the New Great Game (2 comments)

The Jumping Parliament (1 comments)

Look for Rate Cuts in Your Auto/Homeowner's Insurance Coming Soon (2 comments)

The Trials of Africa and the Real Dr. King They Want Us to Forget

What happens when Trump supporters realize they've been had? (13 comments)

Sean Hannity snippet shows how to keep the Fox News viewer misinformed (VIDEO)

Women's Rights Attorney Gloria Allred on Suing Donald Trump over Sexual Assault: "Truth Matters" (1 comments)

Unmasking Propornot- Exposing Deep State Crimes (27 comments)

Davos Inequality U.S. Homelessness (2 comments)

A Border Life

Dutch Spies Caught Russian Hacker Breaching Obama's White House and Dem Party (1 comments)

An Elected Attorney General (8 comments)

Trump's General Just Announced a New Cold War. Who Will Stop It? (2 comments)

Friday, January 26:

The Struggle Against Honduras' Stolen Election

Three Strategies to Get to a Fossil-Free America (1 comments)

Kushner refuses to talk to Senate Judiciary Committee

Coming soon to an election precinct near you: The Revenge of the American Voter (88 comments)

Let's Change The Game In 2018 (1 comments)

DNC Chair Tom Perez, the Democratic Party's Grim Metaphor

Trump's Assault on Solar Masks an Epic Crisis in the Nuclear Industry (1 comments)

GOP Panics as Signs Point to Imminent Mueller Blockbuster (10 comments)

5 Shutdown Lessons

Fox News exposes GOP memo sham -- weapon of partisan mass distraction (VIDEO)

Thursday, January 25:

Europe's pandering to Trump risks killing Iran nuclear deal (1 comments)

Robert Mercer Rules (2 comments)

The Power of Positive Persistence (2 comments)

A Rigged Game Only Amazon Will Win (1 comments)

The Shutdown Debacle: Trump and the Politics of Hate

How the Republicans Helped Trump Steal the Election (1 comments)

Mainstream Media and Imperial Power (1 comments)

China's BRI, Belt and Road Initiative, US not included. Why? (3 comments)

Davos: Inequality Rocks the Magic Mountain (3 comments)

The Russiagate Stakes Are Extreme

Healthcare Plus Capitalism Equals Opioid Epidemic (17 comments)

Veterans in Politics: It's Not About Honor (2 comments)

The Catholic Church & The U.S. Military: Two Peas in a Pedophilic Pod (13 comments)

What Do Immigrants Want to Come Here For? (6 comments)

The Most Important Story This Month Was Not the Government Shutdown (2 comments)

Creating an Empire of Graveyards? At the Circus with Donald Trump (2 comments)

Republicans Sitting On Evidence That Clears Trump

How Uncle Sam Launders Marijuana Money (7 comments)

Right-Wing anti-abortion man called my show and it went mostly well (VIDEO) (1 comments)

Wednesday, January 24:

Challenging the "Establishment". The West Supports Terrorism (6 comments)

Evolving Beyond the Two-Party Duopoly: Two Projects to Represent US and "WE-Distribute" Political Power in America (2 comments)

Nuclear War: A Thousand Buttons

The Dangerous Erosion Of The US' Global Leadership (3 comments)


Behind the Money Curtain: A Left Take on Taxes, Spending, and Modern Monetary Theory (4 comments)

The Abandonment of the Working Class

Former GOP chair to Evangelicals: Shut the hell up - Never preach to me again (VIDEO) (1 comments)

A Governor Renews Net Neutrality Protections With the Stroke of a Pen (1 comments)

The rise and fall of television news: no more father figures (1 comments)

A hard lesson for Dems (3 comments)

Who really pays for corporate subsidies?

Bernie's the Man: His Town Hall Meeting on Single Payer Health Care (1 comments)

Trump Tweets Scorn As Weather Disasters Sweep World (2 comments)

Tuesday, January 23:

Mo' Mueller

How we win (28 comments)

Trump Administration's New Defense Strategy: Cold War Redux (3 comments)

Dreaming in the Age of Women v. Trump (3 comments)

'Shithole countries': Trump uses the rhetoric of dictators (1 comments)

America Can Never Go Back to the Era of Back-Alley Abortions

Attorney General Sessions interviewed by Special Counsel Mueller

Announcing the Trumpys!

The Corporate Tax Cut Bonanza (1 comments)

Bye, Bye, FBI? The Case for Disbanding the Federal Frankenstein's Monster (9 comments)

The Fix is (Always) In (2 comments)

Way Outside the Choir (1 comments)

Congress's Ratification of Trump's Spying Power Is a Direct Threat to Our Privacy (3 comments)

Donald Trump Has Made America a Laughingstock on the World Stage (1 comments)

Monday, January 22:

And Then Mother Earth Said, "Me Too!" (3 comments)

US needs to kick Cold War habit and end its addiction to militarism (3 comments)

"21st Century Fascism, Part 4: How To 'Repeal and Replace' Trumpite 21st Century Functional Fascism -- Some Thoughts

Spy Court Finds Surveillance Operating Outside The Law

Where are Barzani and Talabani thieves?

Medical Insurance is a Cruel Industry. Here's how to end it. (9 comments)

Trump Versus the World

"The Year of Our Awakening": Global Protests Mark Anniversary of Women's March & Trump Inauguration

Standing up to empire: South Korea Slips Off the US Leash (3 comments)

The class issues in the US federal shutdown

Trumpism As Post-Post-Modernism (2 comments)

Foxes in Charge of Intelligence Hen House (2 comments)

How Trump is Destroying the GOP (4 comments)

Proof that the FDA Lies About Aspartame and Violated the Law Ever Since Rumsfeld Forced FDA Approval (7 comments)

Death by Inequality: Poverty and Racism Are Killing America's Children

Are the Supremes About to Give Trump a Second Term? (2 comments)

Democrat Says Americans Owe Nazis for Suffering and Gives ISIS Eulogy on C-SPAN (5 comments)

Sunday, January 21:

Thought Police for the 21st Century (30 comments)

Redrawing the map of Syria (1 comments)

A Grand Unifying Theory? (5 comments)

America 2018: postmodern 'Germany 1933' (3 comments)

Lithuanian Minister of National Defence: gay or rapist?

The NSA Is a Blackmail Agency

Treason (6 comments)

Why is the Israeli army suddenly concerned about Gaza? (2 comments)

May Your Home Be Destroyed

Boycotting Trump's State of the Union Address Makes Good Sense

Netanyahu in India: What was swept under the carpet

Why Are Turkish Forces Bombing Kurdish City of Afrin without Objection? (3 comments)

Guess Who's Making Sure Many Huge Corporations Stay Profitable? (2 comments)

The "Middle East": A 20th Century Neologism that has Run its Time? (1 comments)

Is Trump The Most Hated Person in Human History? (73 comments)

Saturday, January 20:

Russia supplies military essentials to Pakistan, Says Russian Minister (1 comments)

The Worst Thing About Federal Government "Shutdowns" (4 comments)

Imperial Disaster (5 comments)

Powerhouse Commission Ponders Reeling In Facebook and Google Before It's Too Late (1 comments)

Rome: A Eulogy (3 comments)

The rise and fall of CNN: the most busted name in news (2 comments)

The Resistance to Trump Will Be Local (3 comments)

DACA Supporters Denounce GOP's "Racist Agenda" As #TrumpShutdown Takes Hold (1 comments)

Arguing over government shutdown, the old divide and conquer strategy by the white supremacist deep state

Least Resistance: No Liberal Outrage at New Regime Change Op (4 comments)

Why Trump's North Korea "Bloody Nose" Campaign Is a Big Bluff

Improving the World with New Religions or No Religion (6 comments)

Friday, January 19:

Social media and the corporate invasion of adolescence (2 comments)

Improving the World with Maximum Democracy (2 comments)

Trump's Plan B for Syria: Occupation and Intimidation (3 comments)

Stephen Fox: Punjab Pakistan Food Authority bans Monosodium Glutamate Made by Ajinomoto of Japan (5 comments)

Republicans Have Four Easy Ways to #ReleaseTheMemo--and Evidence. Not Doing So Will Prove Them to Be Shameless Frauds (6 comments)

GOP plan to shut down government and blame Democrats backfires spectacularly

Scitan in Mind (5 comments)

Trump's Shareholder Bonanza

US Global Standing Plummets as Trump Threatens Human Rights at Home and Abroad

If Dems stare down Trump in Dreamer shutdown showdown, they will win

A Game-Changer in Florida Politics With National Implications Is on the Verge of Making the 2018 Ballot

Government Shut Down Open Thread (40 comments)

The Twitter President

Trump Ends Protections for El Salvador

Republican tax reform: principles of ethics and morals be damned (24 comments)

The Politics of Sustainability

A white supremacist called my show and did not get what he expected (VIDEO) (2 comments)

The USA and Iran: Strains and Illegal Sanctions (3 comments)

Thursday, January 18:

The Post: What's Wrong with the Capitalist Model of News Publication (9 comments)

The Baltic States: gained dependence (3 comments)

Jousting bloodlessly in King Arthur's Camelot, Sun Tzu's Middle Kingdom, and JFK 's New Frontier? (2 comments)

In the Belly of the Beast -- The 'Girthers'

Trump's Immigration Policy Is More American Than You Think (2 comments)

Time to Close Our Foreign Military Bases (6 comments)

"Make Trade, Not War" is China's daring plan in the Middle East (11 comments)

Freedom Rider: Oligarch Jeff Bezos (27 comments)

We Cannot Expect a President With Racism "in His DNA" to Save DACA

Twitter Rock Star Obama's Silence Must Delight Trump (12 comments)

Silence Is Betrayal: Get Up, Stand Up, Speak Up for Your Rights (10 comments)

Dear Governor Baker, why do you give your moral authority over to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission? (2 comments)

Budowsky: Mega-landslide for Dems? (7 comments)

Cardin's Anti-Russia Views Make Him a Fitting Opponent for Chelsea Manning (3 comments)

Wednesday, January 17:

Diary Excerpts: Incontinent Thoughts of a Rogue Thinker

China slams Indian Army chief's remarks on Doklam border dispute (1 comments)

The Republican Supreme Court Gave Us The Police State

Donald Trump, Superstar (1 comments)

21st Century Fascism -- Republican/Trump Style, Part 3: What Can be Done, An Introduction (2 comments)

This CEO Wants a Key to Your House (2 comments)

Why Trump is Right About Newspaper Libel Laws (2 comments)

The FBI Is a Ruling Class Cabal of Spies, Provocateurs and Executioners... Now Trump's Trying to Make It His Gestapo (4 comments)

No, I Really Don't Care Much About Donald Trump's Sex Life. Here's Why. (12 comments)

The Algiers Accords: Decades of Violations - And Silence (3 comments)

When Geopolitical Conditions And Moral Values Converge (2 comments)

Contextualizing Sexual Harassment

Extending Domestic Surveillance: Tricks, Lies and Spies (1 comments)

#WarHurtsEarth -- April 22, 2018, Earth Day Actions for Peace and Planet (1 comments)

Support the New Poor People's Campaign

Tuesday, January 16:

"We Used to be Christians" (2 comments)

Talk Nation Radio: Jackson Lears on the Russiagate Religion (2 comments)

In words and deeds: the genesis of Israeli violence (1 comments)

Why Senator Cardin Is a Fitting Opponent for Chelsea Manning (4 comments)

A Liberal's Confession (10 comments)

Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Tweeting While Rome Burns

Identity Politics Vs. White People: Who Will Win?

Only those Muslims will stay in India who assimilate into Hindu culture (1 comments)

Make it a Headline When Trump Actually Tells the Truth

Whack-A-Mole: The Los Angeles Approach to Charter School Oversight

Liberals Unite! (Tee hee)

Monday, January 15:

We Need a Martin Luther King Day of Truth (10 comments)

When African Americans Learn of Criminal Media's 54 Year Blackout of King's Condemnation of US Wars (3 comments)

Trump's big mouth and the financial bubble

Is Aziz Ansari Guilty of Sexual Assault or Being a Bad Date?

Could Trump Accidentally make this Country Great Again? (1 comments)

Can YPG and YPJ of Kurdish forces Beat Turkish Army? (2 comments)

American Beauty and the Beasts (1 comments)

Dr. Martin Luther King: Healing Words in Troubled Times

Because Mr Trump...Your Country Caused These "Shitholes" (6 comments)


Democrats Who Denounce Donald Trump as Lawless, Treasonous Authoritarian Voted to Give Him Vast Warrantless Spying Power

The Chosen One: Maybe God Isn't Any Better At Vetting Than Republicans. (2 comments)

How Republicans Normalized Donald Trump's Racism (1 comments)

A whole half football-field of oceans' rise? (3 comments)

How JFK Saved MLK's Life And So Won The Presidency (1 comments)

Trump's Vilification Disregards Facts

The Truth Behind Mr. Trump's Crude Metaphor (4 comments)

I am American, Jewish and banned from Israel for my activism (1 comments)

Let's wrench power back from the billionaires (13 comments)

Would Dr. King Take a Knee? 6 Ways His Radical Spirit Lives Today

US Humiliation of South Korea (52 comments)

D-gate: Trump declares Wall Street Journal interview fake news because it's missing a single letter

Amnesty International Is Barking Up The Wrong Tree

Letter from Charlottesville to Ukraine

Removing Trump Will Require New Activists; The Old Ones Won't Do It

Sunday, January 14:

You Don't Need a Telescope to Find a "Shithole Country" (23 comments)

On Being a Social Justice and Peace Activist (12 comments)

Pakistan warns India against any misadventure

My response to the racist-in-chief's contemptible language toward my African and Haitian brothers and sisters (2 comments)

Turning King's Dream Into a Nightmare (3 comments)

Thus Spake Oprah as the New York Times Spots UFOs Over The Comb-Over Empire (25 comments)

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Examining the "Victim-Blaming" Charge Aimed at Mayim Bialik: A Question of Choice (6 comments)

Bibi's Son or: Three Men in a Car (1 comments)

My trip to Puerto Rico (4 comments)

41 Hearts Beating in Guantanamo

Re fitness to serve, we have things backwards (27 comments)

GDP: the Measure of our Wealth (13 comments)

Modi could lose Hindu votes and here's why! (2 comments)

Political Insanity (5 comments)

Daily Inspiration — Challenging your own beliefs

Saturday, January 13:

In Defense of Immigration from "Sh*thole Countries" (8 comments)

Students face Kafkaesque impediments challenging Iran's theocracy (16 comments)

The President's Speech - How it's Damaging America's Reputation (9 comments)

Bob Avakian: "Why do people come here from all over the world?" (1 comments)

Don't expect Trump to send in the cavalry if MBS has to circle wagons (2 comments)

Forget Trump, the Real Story is the GOP's Never-Ending Race Baiting

Joy-Ann Reid causes Trump apologist pastor to implode, then throws him off air (VIDEO) (14 comments)

Straight Talk About the Shithole President (12 comments)

Bury the Monroe Doctrine

Why the 25th Amendment Route for Dumping Trump Will Probably Remain a Fantasy

Applaud Mayor de Blasio and NYC for Righteous Pension Divestment, Legal Fight Against Fossil-Fuel Companies (2 comments)

Trump and his sh*thole remark: the story nobody is talking about (3 comments)

MAGA: Made America Great Already (by immigrants) (1 comments)

Trump's Racism "is a tragedy in a man and a disaster in a president."

Friday, January 12:

Joe Arpaio: Watch Whiteness Work (6 comments)

Danger Lurks from Washington Torpedoing Korea Talks (7 comments)

Democrats Just Handed Trump More Domestic Surveillance Powers. They Should Know Better. (6 comments)

"New York City Is Taking a Game-Changing First Step in Turning the World Right Side Up" (5 comments)

What's Behind the 'Disappearance' Of 420,000 Palestinians in Lebanon? (1 comments)

The sh*t is everywhere: Yesterday's 'Shithole Countries' Can Become Classy Places Donald, and Vice Versa (24 comments)

The Persecution of Julian Assange

Oprah for President, Really? (24 comments)

A Warning for Democrats, and Indeed for All Americans

What to Expect in 2018

Thursday, January 11:

Why Dems Should Avoid Billionaire Candidates (41 comments)

A Party That Has Lost Its Soul (5 comments)

Another Step Toward Armageddon

Why President Erdogan Ordered the Murder of Sakine Cansiz?

Trump Lashes Pakistan over Afghan War (1 comments)

Missing Conyers Already (2 comments)

Egypt, Saudi Arabia alarmed over Sudan-Turkey accord on strategic Suakin island

Change - Born Again

Trump Expands Offshore Drilling in "Assault" on Biodiversity and Coastal & Indigenous Communities

Two Modest Proposals for Choosing Better Presidents (10 comments)

Trump threatens new law to stop people from making him look bad

Climate change deniers, who are these people? (9 comments)

Tomgram: William D. Hartung, 2018 Looks Like an Arms Bonanza (1 comments)

The FBI Hand Behind Russia-gate (10 comments)

Freedom Rider: Trump Love Endures (8 comments)

When Will Democrats Start #Resisting GOP Voter Suppression? (4 comments)

The Rise and Fall of America's Middle Class (7 comments)

Shadow Armies: The Unseen, But Real US War in Africa (1 comments)

Wednesday, January 10:

Marijuana, Alcohol, and Disinformation in America (7 comments)

Are YOU On The "Same Team" As Trump? Do YOU Want To Find "Ways to Work Together" With Him As He Installs Fascism? (3 comments)

The GOP's 100-Year War Is Bigger Than Taxes or Trump (1 comments)

The Orange Menace and the Even More Dangerous Party That Stands With Him (1 comments)

First France, Now Brazil Unveils Plan to Empower the Government to Censor the Internet in Name of Stopping "Fake News" (4 comments)

21st Century Fascism: Trump Style -- Part II (2 comments)

The US Has Devolved into a Police State

Four Thoughts on the Trump "Tell-All" Book

GUILTY! The Treachery of the Administration and Its Party. (7 comments)

Justice Denied: The Government Is Not Going to Save Us (8 comments)

Reflections on Iranian protests, assessing potential for conflict with US, Israel and Saudi Arabia (5 comments)

Psychiatrists say Trump mentally ill (43 comments)

We need to fill the Democratic sphere with Progressives like Tamara Johnson-Shealey (1 comments)

The tale of three Cubans. Don't buy into the hypocritical political crap (4 comments)

Tuesday, January 9:

"Mentally Unfit" Trump Signals Palace Coup Option (4 comments)

It's on Republicans to Stop a Shutdown (13 comments)

Swiss Newspaper unveils secret Saudi Arabia-Israel military alliance (2 comments)

Feinstein Releases Complete Transcript of Intel Committee's Interview with Firm Behind "Trump Dossier"

A Tale of Two Americas: Where the Rich Get Richer and the Poor Go to Jail (4 comments)

"The Post"? No Way Would Jeff Bezos Publish the Pentagon Papers (3 comments)

Iran's Real Crime: It Won't Bow (1 comments)

Challenging Trump's Language of Fascism (3 comments)

The reasons why Lithuania is not friends with neighbors (1 comments)

Finding the answer to a riddle shrouded in a mystery (4 comments)

Trump Administration to deport 250,000 Salvadorians (1 comments)

This School District's Stakeholders Are Not Reading From An Open Book

Harm Caused by Electoral College (13 comments)

The false hope of fighting terrorism by going cashless (4 comments)

Oprah for President? Why Not? (54 comments)

An Open Letter to President Trump (2 comments)

Anti-Progressive Trump Agenda May Fuel Progressive Transformation (3 comments)

Tomgram: Nick Turse, The Coming Year in Special Ops

Wanna place bets?: With @TheRichKidsOfTehran Instagrams, Somebody is Stirring Up a Hornet's Nest (1 comments)

The Focus Shifts From Trump To Hillary And The Corrupt FBI

Monday, January 8:

Ahed Tamimi's arrest sheds a disturbing light on how children are targeted by Israel (3 comments)

Voters Drafted a Reluctant Trump Because They Hated Hillary That Much (14 comments)

Sex criminals revealed on a large scale (1 comments)

King, DuBois and America's Wars

Aadhaar case: Why Express blanked police statement? (1 comments)

2017: An American Watershed (1 comments)

Russiagate Turns On Its Originators

Tomgram: Frida Berrigan, A Mother Confronts a World on Fire

Enablers of Trump's Nuclear Trigger Finger a Symptom of Pathological Authoritarianism (3 comments)

Trump's Nuclear Threat Warrants Removal From Office (8 comments)

Big Tax Game Hunting: Employer-Side Payroll Taxes

A President Who Attempts to Ban Books That Expose Him Should Be Impeached

Postcard from the End of America: Point Breeze (1 comments)

Time to Overthrow Our Rulers (5 comments)

The Wolff in the Fold (4 comments)

Sunday, January 7:

Corpses of Souls (30 comments)

Foreign Minister Asif says Pakistan alliance with U.S. over

Iran "Ground Zero" for US Regime Change (1 comments)

GOP senators demand prosecution of spy who uncovered Trump's dirty Russia past (1 comments)

How "Russiagate" Helped Secure a Dangerous Arms Deal (2 comments)

Seriously, How Dumb is Trump? (5 comments)

The Biggest Secret: James Risen on Life as a NY Times Reporter in the Shadow of the War on Terror

Egypt's executions spree alarms UN HR Commissioner

Saturday, January 6:

Tweeting Trump(et) Blowing Allies Away (1 comments)

Would Eric Holder Have Prosecuted Huma Abedin? (12 comments)

National Improved Medicare for All Making Progress (10 comments)

Here Are the 19 Senate Democrats Still Not Committed to Defending Net Neutrality (9 comments)

Are you "fringe" or "mainstream", Mr Varma? (1 comments)

Trump tax cuts and the economy (5 comments)

Are Whites Being Setup For Genocide?

Republican Senators Target Christopher Steele -- and the Reason Is Obvious (4 comments)

Expect Even Less Freedom of Internet in 2018 (1 comments)

North and South Korea Talk, but Is Trump in the Way? (5 comments)

How America Ended Up With Donald Trump (53 comments)

Trump Is Not Ending Kobach's Racist Voter Purge Scheme, He's Putting It On Steroids By Moving It To Homeland Security (6 comments)

Only KODAR Forces of Iran can Defeat Pasdaran!

Three Key Points on the Imperialist--and Fascist--Logic of the Trump Tax Bill

Syria Redux In Iran? (6 comments)

Student Debt Slavery: Time to Level the Playing Field (19 comments)

Friday, January 5:

Bannon attack on Trump White House fuels Washington political warfare (3 comments)

MIT High-Ranking Official was Arrested by PKK Commando!

Iran in 2018

The "Bully's Pulpit" (4 comments)

Trump's Vote Suppression Team Is Doing GOP's Dirty Work

Will Trump Use "Human Rights" to Kill the Iran Nukes Deal? (1 comments)

Mainstream media's reaction to Michael Wolff's book exposes them as frauds (1 comments)

Three Documents That Every Educator Should Read (3 comments)

Dreams of Gun Control: President Trump will present a sweeping plan to combat domestic terrorism (16 comments)

Top questions and doubts about UFO whistleblower, Luis Elizondo (5 comments)

Journalism about Rep. O'Rouke's US Senate Campaign: Letters to the Editor Will Help Win Back Another Senate Seat (2 comments)

The Missing Context of Trump's Russiagate (4 comments)

Fire and Fury: A Tale of Two Trump Lawsuits (1 comments)

Thursday, January 4:

The Two Biggest Bummer Reasons Why Jeff Sessions Loves Pot Prohibition (23 comments)

Round Up the Weed Killers (9 comments)

We Must Thwart The Rising Oligarchy In The United States (37 comments)

Two Cheers for the Trump's Pakistan Tweet (6 comments)

Citizenship Questions in the Census? Trump's DOJ Has an Audacious New Project to Suppress the Vote (1 comments)

"Race Law" Takes Jerusalem a Step Closer to Being a Jewish-Only City (2 comments)

Ensuring Justice in an Era of Transformation (6 comments)

Israel Moves Closer to the One-State Solution (29 comments)

Social Media Madness: the Russia Canard (4 comments)

On the Controversy over Matt Damon's Comments About the #MeToo Movement: Are we going for retribution or transformation? (8 comments)

A Tale of 2 Ukraines- Health Care in War-Torn Lugansk and Peaceful Kiev Part 2 (3 comments)

Massive Protests Erupt in Iran Against Sanctions and Unending Poverty (1 comments)

21st Century Fascism: Trump Style -- Part I (8 comments)

Red Hangover, by Kristen Ghodsee, a Review (5 comments)

Donald Trump Lies About Everything, Including Steve Bannon (1 comments)

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Seeing Our Wars for the First Time (3 comments)

Behind the scenes at the Trump White House: Uglier, meaner, and simply dumber than you can imagine (1 comments)

It's Not About Trump -- It's About USa! (2 comments)

China supports Pakistan against Trump's tweet (2 comments)

Wednesday, January 3:

Corporate America Unmasked (98 comments)

Why Must Kurds Have to Review the Success of America?

Why there won't be a revolution in Iran (6 comments)

No more worshiping of the military Time to Call out US Militarism for What It Is: The Key Threat to America's Security (19 comments)

Britain's Dirty War in Ireland, Revisited (2 comments)

Inequality is Feeding America (3 comments)

Corporate Coercion and the Drive to Eliminate Buying with Cash (7 comments)

Wisconsin-born Marcus Raskin shaped progressive politics of two centuries

Steve Bannon fesses up: Trump Tower meeting "treasonous" & "unpatriotic" (11 comments)

Phillips Curve R.I.P.

We Must Step Up our Work for Peace (and against war!) (1 comments)

Sticks and Stones: Free Speech And Punching Politics (11 comments)

Ensuring Justice In The Era Of Transformation (1 comments)

Nobody Feels Bad for Harvey Weinstein (1 comments)

Tuesday, January 2:

Stranger in the South (9 comments)

2017 Dispatches "Are You Serious"Awards (1 comments)

Glenn Greenwald: Is Facebook Operating as an Arm of the Israeli State by Removing Palestinian Posts? (12 comments)

The Trump Investment Boom: Is It Really His Fault Oil Prices Jumped by 40 Percent

Let's End the Israeli Tie-That-Binds (2 comments)

Rubbing SALT in the Wounds of Republicans

Nader: "As long as the contented classes are not upset the system is in lock, like connecting gears" (2 comments)

The one half-true thing Trump said in Times interview was scarier than his two dozen lies (1 comments)

How Much Should a Family Do? How much Should Health Care and Government Cover? (14 comments)

EU Leaders Jockeying for a Place in History! (5 comments)

Monday, January 1:

A New Year's Resolution (8 comments)

What's the Problem With the USA? (9 comments)

Trump aligns with India his policy towards Pakistan? (1 comments)

Caught Between the Vietnam Syndrome and Irrational Exuberance (1 comments)

Donald Trump isn't just a liar, he's an especially despicable liar (7 comments)

Aging Prisoner in 3-Strike-&-You're-Out State(s): America 2018

Dumb and Dumber: Trump on Amazon and the Postal Service (4 comments)

O'Rourke's Senate Campaign--Bernie has changed Texas Politics--Small Newspapers Will Have Huge Effect on Senate Race (2 comments)

An Apology and Explanation (23 comments)

The Slap That Should Be "Heard Round the World" (6 comments)

If Money Continues to Talk, We're Screwed (3 comments)

The Republican Habit-- like Heroin, it's hard to break, but deadly and Destructive (5 comments)

Hedges interviews Nader: RIP American Democracy (12 comments)


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