Archives for Best Web OpEds
April 2018
Monday, April 30:
The Sense of Justice That We're Losing; By David Leonhardt (1 comments)
Nikki Haley's Loyalty Test Backfires (3 comments)
Guy McPherson: Defining Elements of Fascism (2 comments)
What 'A Nation At Risk' Got Wrong, And Right, About U.S. Schools (1 comments)
Don't Take Federal Funding from Military Families' Public Schools to Fund a Private School Voucher Program (1 comments)
Sunday, April 29:
Forgotten Truths: On the Imperative of Cooperating With--Not Criminalizing--Russia
Devin Nunes' House Republican Russia Collusion Report Is a Hack Job (1 comments)
Guglielmo Tell: Afghan Saur Revolution 1978: what it achieved, how it was crushed (1 comments)
The Blowback Against Facebook, Google and Amazon Is Just Beginning (5 comments)
The Petro Dollar for Dummies - from Lee Camp (21 comments)
Saturday, April 28:
Rep. Patrick Meehan resigns immediately rather than face House Ethics probe.
Waffle House Shooting: A White Shooter, a Black Hero, and White Presidential Silence (3 comments)
Friday, April 27:
Special Trump tax provision gives $17 billion break to millionaires, gov't report finds (1 comments)
Should the rich rule the schools in Philadelphia and beyond? by Lisa Haver and Deborah Grill (1 comments)
Installing Your New Secretary of State -- Mark Fiore's Political Animation (1 comments)
Trump's 'Best People' Are the Worst (1 comments)
Thursday, April 26:
Research Shows Google's Search Manipulations Tried To Rig Election For Hillary (5 comments)
The Nightmare of Authoritarianism -- The Art of Teaching (1 comments)
Wednesday, April 25:
Why the school spending graph Betsy DeVos is sharing doesn't mean what she says it does (2 comments)
Is the US Government Evil? John Whitehead (25 comments)
Tuesday, April 24:
Bernie Sanders has conquered the Democratic Party (2 comments)
Will the Court Stand Up to Donald Trump? (2 comments)
How the billionaire s Cash In on education (2 comments)
Monday, April 23:
MSM Is Frantically Attacking Dissenting Syria Narratives, And It Looks Really Bad Caitlin Johnstone (2 comments)
Ex-Facebook Executive: "You Don't Realize It But You Are Being Programmed" (8 comments)
The New Frontline in the Battle for Campaign Finance Reform (1 comments)
Sunday, April 22:
Gaza: The Lesser Child of Israel’s Occupation (1 comments)
Saturday, April 21:
The search engine manipulation effect (SEME) and its possible impact on the outcomes of elections
Russian Ambassador to the UK Alexander Yakovenko holds news conference (10 comments)
End of the American dream? The dark history of 'America first' (3 comments)
Friday, April 20:
Democratic Party sues Trump, Russia, WikiLeaks over 2016 email hack (2 comments)
Express uses Tripura CM to mock at Hindus' beliefs
Thursday, April 19:
Rudy Giuliani joins Trump legal team, hoping to end probe (4 comments)
Four Lessons From the Strike on Syria (1 comments)
Wednesday, April 18:
Borowitz Satire -- Nation Shocked to Learn of Possible Bias at Fox News (2 comments)
Aggressive U.S. Posture (and lunacy) (1 comments)
Undemocratic From the River to the Sea
Lies, Hypocrisy and Use of Chemical Warfare (9 comments)
Monday, April 16:
Michael Cohen's mystery third client was Fox News host Sean Hannity
When Children Grow Up Poor, the Nation Pays a Price (5 comments)
Sunday, April 15:
The Price Of Murder: Stop Funding the Israeli Military (2 comments)
South Carolina contender for Congress condemns Israel's massacres (3 comments)
WaPo Spotlights Kucinich: "the future of politics"
Saturday, April 14:
"Never fight a land war in Asia" - automatic earth blog (1 comments)
OPCW Salisbury Report Confirms Nothing But the Identity of the Chemical
Missile Attack on Syria Is a Salute to 'Russiagate' Enthusiasts--Whether They Like It or Not (1 comments)
Friday, April 13:
The Saker: What price will mankind have to pay for the collapse of the Empire? (30 comments)
Trump Blinks - Threat Of Large War Recedes (1 comments)
Western hawks come to roost in Syria, but will Trump torpedo the coalition? -- RT Op-ed
Comey compares Trump to mob boss, Trump cries slime ball
Carter to Trump: shun military action, keep country at peace
Thursday, April 12:
Conservatives Still Can't Stop Attacking Parkland Shooting Survivor David Hogg
Mueller is starting to turn the Republican tide (4 comments)
Wednesday, April 11:
Tucker Carlson Talks Sense on Fox (6 comments)
The Rush to War (5 comments)
Tuesday, April 10:
Video Shows Israeli Soldiers Shouting With Joy After Sniping Unarmed Palestinian in Gaza (1 comments)
FBI Raid on Michael Cohen Is the Most Dangerous Day of Donald Trump's Life
Monday, April 9:
EPA chief Scott Pruitt faces renewed pressure despite Trump's support
Why we founded new political party MeRA25 to challenge austerity in Greece
Sunday, April 8:
Face-Swap Porn and the End of Reality (1 comments)
Friday, April 6:
The Atlantic Fires Kevin Williamson Who Wants Women Executed
Whataboutism: What About Our Sanity? (3 comments)
Dr. Martin Luther King's Riverside Church address: 'Beyond Vietnam'
Thursday, April 5:
If Western Media Were Honest About Russia: -- Caitlin Johnstone (2 comments)
A Special Relationship Born in Hell (and why we should end ties with Israel) (1 comments)
Wednesday, April 4:
How to Win an Argument About Guns (3 comments)
Tuesday, April 3:
Salisbury poisoning: UK experts cannot prove novichok nerve agent used on Skripals came from Russia, MoD says (2 comments)
What the Parkland Teens Get Wrong
Who is this guy, anyway? Satan running wild, or the man who will delay WW111? (3 comments)
We Are One False Flag Event Away From World War 3 -- Caitlin Johnstone (2 comments)
Why I Refuse to Be Silent After Israel's Violence in Gaza: David Harris-Gershon (5 comments)
In Venezuela, It's 'Democracy' if US-Backed Candidates Are Empowered, 'Tyranny' if They Are Not (3 comments)
Monday, April 2:
Florida: Legislators' Wives Are Opening Charter Schools by Diane Ravitch (3 comments)
How did we let modern slavery become part of our everyday lives? (1 comments)
Sunday, April 1:
Socialism, Privacy And Charity For The Powerful; Caitlin Johnstone (1 comments)
Palestinians hold day of mourning after 773 "shot with live ammunition"