Archives for Best Web OpEds

October 2018

Wednesday, October 31:

"The defendant will please rise."The Five Most Common Words in "Charterdom' " by Diane Ravitch (3 comments)

You're Disillusioned. That's Fine. Vote Anyway.

Tuesday, October 30:

Palestinian Canaanites? Why Don't Palestinians Just Trace Themselves Back to the Jews? (6 comments)

Forbes: "How America Is Breaking Public Education" (7 comments)

Sunday, October 28:

Who Should Be the Next Leader of California Schools? A Banker or a Social Worker? (1 comments)

Uncle Sam on the Lam

Friday, October 26:

Business as usual: US INF pullout will delight arms industry as it threatens to reignite Cold War (5 comments)

Wednesday, October 24:

Report Says Russia-gaters Should Go Quietly in the Night

Sunday, October 21:

Identity Politics is Killing the Progressive Movement (4 comments)

Saturday, October 20:

The Geopolitical Implications of the Khashoggi Murder (2 comments)

Education is Everyone's Business; by Arthur Camins (2 comments)

Republicans Find a Facebook Workaround: Their Own Apps (3 comments)

Friday, October 19:

U.S. Voters: Your November 2018 Vote is the last Line of Defense Against Control of the U.S. by One Party (2 comments)

Thursday, October 18:

Republicans Are Coming for Your Social Security and Medicare And they're openly bragging about it. (4 comments)

A President Kowtowing to a Mad Prince; By Nicholas Kristof (1 comments)

Borowitz Satire -- Putin Furious at Saudis for Using His Puppet Without Permission (4 comments)

Wednesday, October 17:

'Horseface,' 'Lowlife,' 'Fat, Ugly': How the President Demeans Women - (2 comments)

Stunning New Book Contextualizes Tragedy of 2013 School Closures in Chicago's Hyper-Segregated History (1 comments)

Tuesday, October 16:

Is The Big Standardized Test A Big Standardized Flop? (2 comments)

Monday, October 15:

Does Trump's NAFTA Correct the Damage Clinton Did to Workers? (4 comments)

Agents of Chaos: Trump, the Federal Reserve and Andrew Jackson (18 comments)

Sunday, October 14:

I Listened to All Six Trump Rallies in October. You Should, Too; by Susan B. Glasser (1 comments)

Blasey Ford's Courage Will Change History- NY Law Journal (4 comments)

Saturday, October 13:

Was Christine Blasey Ford's Questioning a Violation of Prosecutorial Standards? (1 comments)

Let $289 million jury award stand in Monsanto case, by Neil Young and Daryl Hannah (10 comments)

How Trump's Impulsiveness, Vanity, and Cronyism Could Tank the Economy (1 comments)

Friday, October 12:

Goodbye, Political Spin, Hello Blatant Lies;Black is white, up is down, and Republicans are defenders of Medicare. (5 comments)

Thursday, October 11:

Harvard/MIT Humanist of the Year Nick Hanauer on True Prosperity

Right Wing Lost Its Mind #Kavanaugh

Wednesday, October 10:

Fossil Fuels Are a Threat to Civilization, New U.N. Report Concludes

Trump's Mocking of Christine Blasey Ford and the Dark Laughter of His Audience (3 comments)

Monday, October 8:

I Went to Georgetown Prep and Knew Mark Judge--and I Believe Christine Blasey Ford

Saturday, October 6:

Sens. Susan Collins and Jeff Flake Are Frauds, Plain and Simple. Their Kavanaugh Votes Show It. (6 comments)

Friday, October 5:

The Guardian: America's new aristocracy lives in an accountability-free zone (2 comments)

All the Good News (Ignored) (8 comments)

Historian of Nazism Explains Why GOP Senate Leader Mitch McConnell Is the 'Gravedigger of American Democracy' (8 comments)

Kavanaugh Lied Brazenly and Repeatedly Under Oath. Any Law Student Knows He Cannot Sit on the Supreme Court

Thursday, October 4:

International Court of Justice strikes down US sanctions against Iran

Systemic Racism Rears It's Ugly Head in Texas Senate Campaign

Wednesday, October 3:

Viral IMAGE of Indian officer consoling baby while mom sits police exam wins hearts -- RT World News (2 comments)

Skripal is a 'traitor & scum,' not some rights activist -- Putin (1 comments)

Tuesday, October 2:

Kavanaugh Lied Repeatedly Under Oath in 2004, 2006 and 2018 (7 comments)

The 'Himpathy' Advantage of Rich, White, Male Predators

Georgia's Scandalous Segregated System for Warehousing Students with Disabilities (1 comments)

How to reject Trump's dystopian effort to text every American on Oct 3 (3 comments)

Monday, October 1:

How We Know Kavanaugh Is Lying (3 comments)

Whither the U.S. Dollar?

The New York Times as Judge and Jury (2 comments)

Statement by Kavanaugh's Yale classmate re: violent drunken behavior (3 comments)

We Can't Just Let Boys Be Boys; by Peggy Orenstein (3 comments)

How Charter School Chains Make a Profit; by Diane Ravitch (3 comments)

North Korea process stalled because there's almost a consensus in the US wanting it to fail' (1 comments)


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