Archives for General News
October 2018
Wednesday, October 31:
Standing Rock Attacked Again: Disenfranchisement on the Reservation
Trump's attack on Ryan seen as advance scapegoating (1 comments)
Election expert Greg Palast: Thanks to GOP voter suppression, "Democrats may have effectively lost"
Tuesday, October 30:
Trump visits Pittsburgh after massacre at synagogue, but top officials decline to join him
Graham to introduce legislation to end birthright citizenship (7 comments)
China's Xi tells military to prepare for war as US Navy warns of high seas encounters -- RT World News (1 comments)
A Glimpse Into the U.S. Warfare State Abyss (1 comments)
Tomgram: Michael Klare, On the Road to World War III? (2 comments)
Amnesty India accuses Modi's government of treating human rights groups like criminals
Pittsburgh Killing Aftermath Bares Jewish Rifts in Israel and America (1 comments)
Pres. Carter Asks Kemp to Resign (Full text of letter)
Monday, October 29:
Jimmy Carter Calls On Georgia Secretary Of State Brian Kemp To Resign
Sunday, October 28:
Muslims Raise Over $195K For Pittsburgh Synagogue Victims (1 comments)
Trump Cabinet exodus likely after midterms (2 comments)
Suspect Charged With 29 Federal Counts In Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre
Thomas Farrell: An Intellectual Biography of Pope Francis (REVIEW ESSAY)
Saturday, October 27:
Gunman targets Pittsburgh synagogue in "hate crime"; at least 11 dead
Why 2018 Q3 GDP Reflects Growth Stolen by the GOP from 2019 -- Vote Accordingly (1 comments)
"All Jews Must Die" Yells Attacker as he Shoots Congregants & Police (5 comments)
Friday, October 26:
I Bought Used Voting Machines on eBay for $100 Apiece. What I Found Was Alarming (1 comments)
90-Second Close Elections Video
Bolton's Whisper Campaign to Oust Mattis
Don't Fall for TV Ads That "Sell" Diseases (6 comments)
Authorities discover explosive devices sent to Booker, Clapper
Thursday, October 25:
Grassley refers Avenatti and Swetnick to Justice for a criminal probe (1 comments)
Tomgram: William Astore, The Pentagon Has Won the War that Matters (1 comments)
A Philosophical View of Self-Contradiction (3 comments)
Wednesday, October 24:
Greg Palast Sues Georgia's Brian Kemp for Purging 340,000 from Voter Rolls Ahead of Election (2 comments)
White nationalist Richard Spencer accused of abuse in divorce filings
Explosive Device Found in Mail Sent to the Clintons (4 comments)
Accused Molester Cites Trump's Words in Defense
Tuesday, October 23:
Did Kushner give the Saudi Crown Prince a "hit list" of enemies from US intel, including Khashoggi?
Tomgram: Robert Lipsyte, Brett Kavanaugh, Raised by the Power of the Pack
"Jesus man": Stephen King hits Trump for comments on migrant caravan (2 comments)
Monday, October 22:
Blue Wave: Sanders Stumps for Indiana's Liz Watson (3 comments)
Tomgram: Engelhardt, Anniversaries That Never Will Be
Trump says he will cut off Central American foreign aid over migrant caravan (1 comments)
Bolton faces tense talks with Russia over nuclear treaty (1 comments)
Sunday, October 21:
Trump Says US to Exit Nuclear Treaty, Russia Vows Retaliation (1 comments)
Conservatives Are Whining Because No One Wants to Date Them (17 comments)
Houston Chronicle Skewers Ted Cruz, Glowingly Endorses Beto O'Rourke (2 comments)
Saturday, October 20:
Facebook Erases Hundreds of Alternative Media Pages in Mass Purge (1/2) (1 comments)
Friday, October 19:
Boycott Twitter/Saudi #Oct22 Justice for Jamal Khashoggi
Paul Manafort to be sentenced Feb. 8 in federal court in Virginia
Thursday, October 18:
Voter Data Suppression Is GOP's Latest Anti-Voter Tactic
Mnuchin won't attend Saudi conference
Tomgram: Belle Chesler, The Kavanaugh Hearings Just Won't Leave Me Alone
Wednesday, October 17:
N.Y. Gov. Cuomo under fire over sex abuse scandal at mental health facilities
Phillip Cross: The Mystery Wikipedia Editor Targeting Anti-War Sites (1 comments)
Tuesday, October 16:
Why liberal Jews in Israel and the US have made Lara Alqasem a cause celebre (7 comments)
Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, Rethinking National Security
Monday, October 15:
Why was Khashoggi assassinated? possible 9/11 connection (1 comments)
Under UN Pressure, Ecuador restores Internet to Assange (1 comments)
Dangerous, Expensive Drugs Aggressively Pushed? You Have These Medical Conflicts of Interest to Thank. (6 comments)
Tomgram: Karen Greenberg, How Guantanamo Set the Stage for the Kavanaugh Hearings
Saturday, October 13:
Who is responsible for the humanitarian catastrophe in the al-Rukban refugee camp (1 comments)
Racism in Liberal Vermont -- Time to Look in Our Own Backyard!
They're gradually Closing the Net (5 comments)
What the Primaries Say About the Future of Democrats: By Elaine Kamarck (1 comments)
Friday, October 12:
To Save the Planet From Climate Catastrophe, New Study Says Put Down the Damn Meat (2 comments)
CIA Fingerprints on Brazil's Election, and what the election means for the lungs of the planet (1 comments)
Bolivian Women's Proposals to Overthrow Patriarchy
Stephen Miller's third-grade teacher suspended after saying he ate glue as child (3 comments)
Mitch McConnell - US Senator Who Rejects Democracy!
Thursday, October 11:
The GOP Is Trying to Steal Your Vote this Very Second (w/Guest Greg Palast) - YouTube (1 comments)
Supreme Court Puts the KIbosh on North Dakota Native American Voter Rights! (4 comments)
With Such High Stakes This November, Here's How to Make Sure Your Vote Is Properly Counted
David vs. Goliath in South Florida, Round 2 (8 comments)
Voting Rights Become A Flashpoint In Georgia Governor's Race (3 comments)
Wednesday, October 10:
Magnify the Blue Wave with 10 Minutes of Armchair Activism (12 comments)
Americans' New Food Preferences Threaten Big Agriculture (1 comments)
Kavanaugh and the Environment (2 comments)
Tuesday, October 9:
Cyber Tests Showed 'Nearly All' New Pentagon Weapons Vulnerable To Attack, GAO Says (2 comments)
Ahed Tamini's Letter to Vogue on Her Arrest, Jail Term, and Activism
Taylor Swift Dives Into Politics, Backs Tennessee Dem Candidate For Senate (4 comments)
Environmental Success in the Chesapeake Bay (1 comments)
Monday, October 8:
California's Net Neutrality Law
Sunday, October 7:
Èzili Dantò: 2018 Haiti quakes on Northern Septentrional faultline Most Likely Caused by West Digging for Haiti Resources
China's central bank to pump US$110 billion into economy as US trade war intensifies (3 comments)
Saturday, October 6:
1K+ Protesters Rush Supreme Court Steps, Many Arrested (9 comments)
China Reshapes The Vital Mekong River To Power Its Expansion : NPR (1 comments)
Ukrainian media: Hillary Clinton Reached Deal with Erdogan (5 comments)
Funding Platform to Unseat Susan Collins in 2020 Raises over $3 Million, Crashes From Traffic Surge (13 comments)
Friday, October 5:
Pushing Hard For WW3 (3 comments)
Is Trump Privately Opposing American Empire? (5 comments)
How Saudi Money Keeps Washington at War in Yemen
Facebook's latest security blunder is mind-blowingly serious (15 comments)
What We Know About the F-35's First Crash (1 comments)
Sen. Menendez Denounces Kavanaugh FBI Probe as a 'Bullsh*t' Investigation
Why the ACLU Opposes Kavanaugh's Nomination to the Supreme Court
GOP Senators Run Away From Survivors, Hide in Bathrooms (1 comments)
Mass Arrests as Thousands Descend on Senate Office Building Demanding Lawmakers Reject Kavanaugh (3 comments)
I was Brett Kavanaugh's college roommate. He lied under oath.
As Newer "Meats" Grow in Popularity, Big Meat Plays Both Sides of the Street (3 comments)
Thursday, October 4:
Heitkamp to vote 'no' on Kavanaugh (1 comments)
Women's March against Kavanaugh, Washington, DC 10/4/18 (6 comments)
This Diverse Group Of Evangelicals Is Trying To Take Back The Faith (2 comments)
An Upbeat article in our world of 'ain't it awful' news (7 comments)
Bernie Sanders introduces bill to break up big banks (6 comments)
Wednesday, October 3:
Democracy NOW Interviews Mental Health Expert Calling for Kavanaugh Assessment (video) (1 comments)
150 mental health professionals call for Kavanaugh's psychological assessment
Every time Ford and Kavanaugh dodged a question, in one chart (1 comments)
How Times Journalists Uncovered the Original Source of the President's Wealth
Tuesday, October 2:
BREAKING: NY Times Investigation Uncovers Trump Fraud, Tax Evasion and More (2 comments)
I Wrote Some of the Stolen Memos That Brett Kavanaugh Lied to the Senate About (3 comments)
Amazon raises minimum wage to $15 following Bernie Sanders pressure - INSIDER (5 comments)
Monday, October 1:
Migrant Children Moved Under Cover of Darkness to a Texas Tent City - The New York Times
Cities Are Teaming Up to Offer Broadband, and the FCC Is Mad (1 comments)
Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, Backfire, a Generation of American Folly (1 comments)
'This guy doesn't know anything': the inside story of Trump's shambolic transition team (1 comments)
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford thanked via illumination on the NYS Supreme Court building (4 comments)
U.S. sues after California governor signs 'net neutrality' law