Archives for Best Web OpEds

March 2019

Sunday, March 31:

Do the right thing? Venezuelan defense minister responds to Bolton's calls to defect (1 comments)

Saturday, March 30:

Has the Mueller Report Changed Anything? (14 comments)

Charter Schools: A Very Horrible, Terrible, Awful Week; by Diane Ravitch (2 comments)

California: The Charter Law is Broken and Adversaries Don't Agree on How to Fix It; by Diane Ravitch (2 comments)

Shrinking the Military-Industrial Complex by Putting It to Work at Home (5 comments)

Friday, March 29:

How a couple worked charter school regulations to make millions - Los Angeles Times (2 comments)

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Do Antidepressant Drugs Really Work? (12 comments)

Russia throws down the gauntlet to US on Venezuela (3 comments)

If we're abolishing the Electoral College, let's also have ranked-choice voting for president (8 comments)

Thursday, March 28:

A Teacher in Arizona Reports on the Slow Strangulation of Public Schools: The truth, by Diane Ravitch (2 comments)

Wednesday, March 27:

Senator Tom Udall's address on his retiring in 2020

Republican state rep ruins swearing-in of PA's first Muslim-American woman legislator (2 comments)

Here's Republican Mo Brooks reading Hitler quotes on the floor of the House today

Collusion Was a Seductive Delusion (3 comments)

Atlanta School Board Votes for Privatization by Diane Ravitch & Tom Ultican (1 comments)

Tuesday, March 26:

Venezuelan Gov't Presents Evidence of Alleged Opposition Paramilitary Plot

US backs Israel's 'sovereignty' over Golan Heights, proving sovereignty is not something it respects

FOX: Mueller did not exonerate Trump - Barr acted as judge and jury. Now Congress needs to do its job (10 comments)

Monday, March 25:

Shock Claim: Clinton Team Hatched 'Blame Russia' Plan Within 24 Hours Of Loss Resulted In 675 Day Mueller Investigation (6 comments)

Why Don’t Mainstream Journalists Defend Assange? (5 comments)

Words Matter:It Isn't Complicated: Trump Encourages Violence (1 comments)

Beware the Mideast's Falling Pillars; by Thomas Friedman (1 comments)

Department of Irony: nobody makes capitalism look worse than Donald Trump; by Gail Collins (1 comments)

Russia Gives US Red Line on Venezuela (1 comments)

My Friend's Cancer Taught Me About a Hole in Our Health System

Sunday, March 24:

The U.S. Deserves Its Own Nuremberg Trials (3 comments)

US to ICC - We Will Break Your Legs (3 comments)

Exposure of Another Pro-War Lie Doesn't Make Media More Skeptical of Pro-War Claims

MY VIEW Keeping an art university in Santa Fe (after our University of Art and Design Closed)

Saturday, March 23:

America Is Exceptional-in All the Wrong Ways; by Maj. Danny Sjursen (2 comments)

Venezuela: Declare Victory for Anti-Imperialism (6 comments)

Friday, March 22:

The Atlantic's Attack On New Speechwriter For Bernie Sanders Completely Unravels

Joe Biden Is Hillary Clinton 2.0 - Democrats Would Be Mad to Nominate Him (3 comments)

Thursday, March 21:

Trump's Sly Encouragement of Lawless Violence (1 comments)

Censorship is Tightening (1 comments)

Wednesday, March 20:

Trump blasts McCain, bemoans not getting "thank you" for funeral (3 comments)

On the Ground in Venezuela vs. the Media Spectacle (9 comments)

O'Rourke says 128,000 donors gave to his campaign on first day (2 comments)

The GOP seems afraid of democracy (2 comments)

Tuesday, March 19:

'Interim president' of Venezuela not violating rules because they were changed for him - Abrams

Funding AOC's Green New Deal by Lloyd Lofthouse; a former U.S. Marine and Vietnam combat veteran with a BA in journalism (1 comments)

Stop the Trump/DeVos Education Budget - NPE Action (1 comments)

Monday, March 18:

A Conspiracy Against MMT? Chicago Booth's Polling and Trolling (5 comments)

The Itch Nobody Can Scratch (1 comments)

Texas: Owner of Migrant Shelters Cashes in on Charters; by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

Sunday, March 17:

Dictators have reemerged as the greatest threat to the liberal democratic world : By Robert Kagan (4 comments)

The New Zealand Shooting and the Challenges of Governing Live-Streamed Video (5 comments)

Saturday, March 16:

Is AIPAC in violation of federal election law? (5 comments)

Thursday, March 14:

Putin Now Thinks Western Elites Are 'Swine' (3 comments)

Charter Profiteer in Arizona Plans to Open Charter Chain in North Carolina, by Diane Ravitch (2 comments)

If Stalin Had a Smartphone; David Brooks (2 comments)

Wednesday, March 13:

Yashar Party Clearly Explains What They Think of the People (same as U.S. politicians*) (2 comments)

Power to the people - community solar works~by the Mayors of Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and Las Cruces, New Mexico

Tuesday, March 12:

NY Times: Bernie Sanders is Socialism's Ronald Reagan

Monday, March 11:

Dems have started the gears of impeachment - Can they still turn back? (3 comments)

Sunday, March 10:

White Supremacists Are Infiltrating the GOP From the Ground Up

The End of Facebook as We Know It (9 comments)

Ilhan Omar's words were twisted -- and Democrats were part of the problem (1 comments)

Saturday, March 9:

Some Thoughts About Zionism, Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism - Socialist Organizer

How many times has Frances Crowe been arrested? 'Not enough,' she says.

Chelsea Manning jailed for refusing to testify on WikiLeaks - RT USA News (7 comments)

Friday, March 8:

Russiagate Grand Wizard Deceives Audience About Assange (2 comments)

Thursday, March 7:

Rochester, New York: Students, Parents, and Educators Fight State Takeover of Public Schools, by Diane Ravitch (2 comments)

Improved education will happen - just listen to NM Education Secretary Karen Trujillo

Tuesday, March 5:

The Real Biden: Wall St, Big Money & Corporate Power (2 comments)

Trump's Not Well- and That Should be a Huge News Story (2 comments)

How (And How Not) To Beat A Smear Campaign (1 comments)

Monday, March 4:

A Titanic Menace: the Malicious Censorship of Independent Media and Non-Corporate Journalists ~ The Ghion Journal (2 comments)

Can an American Presidential Candidate Truly Be Anti-War? Tulsi Gabbard Is About to Find Out (17 comments)

Sunday, March 3:

Venezuelan VP tells RT how Caracas fights sanctions & what awaits Guaido once he's back (1 comments)

Saturday, March 2:

Glen Ford: Democratic candidates are warmongering imperialist pigs (1 comments)

Friday, March 1:

US Urges 'Calm' While Stoking India-Pakistan Conflict

The Banality of Empire; Let us thank Trump for tearing the mask off! (15 comments)

Trump-Kim summit failure no surprise as only nukes deter US regime change in N. Korea - Gabbard


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