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May 2019
Friday, May 31:
Netanyahu Government Falls - Will New Elections Change Anything? (2 comments)
Now That Media Coverage Is Turning In Assange's Favor, We Have A Chance To Free Him (4 comments)
Corporate Media Cold Warriors Smear Sanders and Gabbard as Traitors to Empire (9 comments)
The First Amendment Protects Ex-Politicians Too (1 comments)
To Impeach or Not to Impeach? (3 comments)
Pakistan: Lt Gen jailed, Brigadier gets death for espionage
Message to Democrats: Quit Buying Fear of Impeachment Hearing--the Politics of Truth is Winning Formula (1 comments)
National Service and College Loans
BJP is making a mistake in TMC turncoats (1 comments)
Europe In Irreversible Decay, EU Elections Are Proof Of It! (1 comments)
Former Republican Federal Prosecutors Boil Down Crux of Issue on Obstruction of Justice (1 comments)
Martin Buber's Legacy for Americans Today
U.N. Special Rapporteur Calls for Julian Assange to Be Freed, Citing "Psychological Torture" (1 comments)
A Wroth Mueller Comes for Nancy Pelosi: Rashida Tlaib is Right (3 comments)
Somebody Haul Nancy Pelosi Out From Under the Bed
A New Right-Wing Disinformation Campaign: Biden Was Part of a Deep State Plot Against Trump (1 comments)
Republicans, Democrats; solemn oaths of office, the US Constitution (1 comments)
Society Is In Decay - When the Worst is First and the Best is Last (1 comments)
Trump's Road to Armageddon (1 comments)
Reasons of Our Realities, Our Failures Before US and it is very Clear; A Nation in Despair Refuses to Seek Repair (11 comments)
No Propaganda News Sources (27 comments)
Thursday, May 30:
Campaign 2020: Why Joe Biden is the Least Electable Democrat (5 comments)
Ottawa in bed with anti-democratic, hardline part of Venezuela's opposition (1 comments)
Dealing With Climate Fear (2 comments)
Endless Procedural Abuses Show Julian Assange Case Was Never About Law (3 comments)
Fighting for Colonial Footprints: a Very British Thing (1 comments)
Putting Good Samaritans Behind Bars (4 comments)
Jackie Goldberg Hits the LAUSD Board Running
The Great Disappearance: People I Wish Would Go Away & Why (8 comments)
Trump Supporter: We don't care about the bad things he does because "
Wednesday, May 29:
Russian Election 2016 and 2018 Trolling Suppressed African Americans (1 comments)
Marx Still Prevents the Progress of Society (5 comments)
Western Supremacy Is On Its Way Out
Assange Is Reportedly Gravely Ill, And Hardly Anyone's Talking About It (4 comments)
Economics We Can Live With, explained by Kim Iverson in eight minutes (31 comments)
Trump and the Trumpublicans (tm): 'Look, Over There!'
Bipolar Disorder: America Magnetized by Despair (4 comments)
Here We Go Again, The Never-Ending Sex Smear of Dr. King (1 comments)
Technotyranny: The Iron-Fisted Authoritarianism of the Surveillance State (8 comments)
Immigration~~~In Our Own Image [Beto O'Rourke's Brilliant and Comprehensive Plan for Reform] (1 comments)
Immigration Needs Humanity, Not Just Legality
"Spying": Comey Doth Protest Too Much
My Volte-Face On Julian Assange (4 comments)
Trump-Style Politics Infects a Local Race
Mueller Statement Makes it Clear. Tell Your Cong. Rep: Time to Impeach (36 comments)
Trump's very un-American Memorial Day (1 comments)
Tuesday, May 28:
Ten Questions About the Gulf War Monument Planned for Washington
White Peoples and Their Achievements Are Headed for the Trash Bin of History
We Need Intellectuals More Than Meditators
My First Book Signing for Bottom-up Revolution (15 comments)
Only Bernie - 2020! Yes, there are other good candidates, but ... (35 comments)
Stop Hoping That The Swamp Will Drain The Swamp (4 comments)
Trump Notwithstanding, Blacks Not Biden Should Apologize for the Crime Bill (1 comments)
Trump's Trade War With China and "Our" Intellectual Property (4 comments)
Hypocrisy towards Iran over International Treaties and Agreements (1 comments)
If Trump really only wants "No Iranian Nukes," then he should just rejoin the Nuclear Deal
The Worst Statue in Charlottesville
American Echoes (3 comments)
Monday, May 27:
Trump's Trade War Has Probably Permanently Damaged America's Tech Leadership Position (2 comments)
Assange Indictments are not about Assange: Democrats Need to Drop their Hate and Support him (13 comments)
Hate crimes against minorities continue in the aftermath of Modi's landslide victory
The Mass Media Is Poisoning Us With Hate (27 comments)
Trump's US Sadomasochist, or Just Plain Stupid? (5 comments)
My comprehensive plan to end the opioid crisis (1 comments)
Yemen: On Memorial Day, Remember the 233,000 Dead in US-Backed Saudi War (1 comments)
These Stupid Wars (3 comments)
A Call for a World Peace Concert (2 comments)
Tide of Public Opinion is Turning in Assange's Favor (3 comments)
I used to think we fought the Civil War to end slavery (2 comments)
The Western Media Is Key to Syria Deceptions (2 comments)
Memories & Memorials - Maestros & Madmen - Missives & Miracles (1 comments)
It is a Confluence of Civilizations: Beijing Conference refutes Huntington's Clash of Civilizations worldview (1 comments)
US Sanctions Leave Millions of Venezuelans Without Water (2 comments)
It Is Indifference Of The Israelis That Is Killing People (2 comments)
Take a Break From the Depressing. Swarming Starlings ... Mesmerizing (10 comments)
Sunday, May 26:
Hong Kong looks freer than the US: Press Freedom is Under Threat in the Land of its Birth (4 comments)
The Conspiracy of the World Exposed (3 comments)
Harassment of Black Americans in the Trump Era of White Supremacy (1 comments)
We're stepping up -- join us for a day to halt this climate crisis (3 comments)
Fallacies of Conservative Immigration Arguments
The U.S. Stands to Lose Much More Than a War With Iran (4 comments)
New Chemical Attack Reports Fostered Divisions Among U.S. Allies
Beware Billionaires Bearing Gifts (1 comments)
Bernie 2020 Releases New Video
"War With Russia?", Review of Stephen F. Cohen's New Book (5 comments)
Trump's wrecking ball assaults American government. Luckily, it is strongly built
Latest 'Dodgy Dossier' Not Even Original in Context
Saturday, May 25:
LAUSD Libraries are Safe (For Now)
Memorial Day! Mourn US Soldiers Killed in Criminally Dishonorable Wars in Other Peoples' Countries! (6 comments)
Hierarchy and Fascism - How the Ruling Few are Destroying Democracy (9 comments)
We Need Pause On Memorial Day celebrations Until.....
Sadism as Policy (1 comments)
Trump's Foreign Policy and Iran's Direction (1 comments)
The American Taliban Meets American Politics (1 comments)
Democracy vs. The Putin-Nazis (5 comments)
Trump Administration Hands Over Venezuelan Diplomatic Facilities to Unelected, Failed Coup Makers Guaido Faction (3 comments)
More Die From Medical Insurance 'Aggressive Prior Authorization' Than Before ACA (1 comments)
Canada's meddling in Venezuela: the case of Ben Rowswell (3 comments)
What and who gave us Trump? (2 comments)
Errors in Rachel Maddow's reporting on Julian Assange (17 comments)
Friday, May 24:
How The GOP Tax Scam Treats Students Like Trust-Fund Kids
Trump Deserves Impeachment. Does US House Have the Integrity? (3 comments)
Trump Must Never Listen To The Warmonger Bolton
A fly on the wall of Akhilesh Yadav, Mayawati (1 comments)
Professional Assange Smearers Finally Realize His Fate Is Tied To Theirs (17 comments)
Why the US should follow Switzerland's lead on environmental policy
Will Biden's dog whistles for racism catch up with him? (1 comments)
Turkish army pullout will bring peace to Northern Syria
India's "Far Right, Hate Filled" 2019 Election Results Puts 200 Million Muslims in Danger
The Terrorists Among Us, Part 1 (6 comments)
Don't Republicans realize that they are committing political suicide? (30 comments)
Another Empire's Boot Stomps on Ireland (1 comments)
Joe Biden's Presidential Strategy
Thursday, May 23:
Congress Is Being Punked; It Needs To Find Its Backbone (1 comments)
Will Women Be Regarded as Human Beings Or Incubators?
An Attack on Iran Would Violate US and International Law (6 comments)
Exoneration of Poundmaker great, but also draw links to Canadian colonial military (3 comments)
IISS Research: Europe cannot defend itself without U.S. (2 comments)
The Pathology of John Bolton (13 comments)
Roundup Judge Chhabria Appoints Ken Feinberg as Case Mediator~Bayer Responds Today with Moronic NY Times Full Page Ad (1 comments)
LAUSD's Measure EE Highlights the Need For Charter School Oversight
EEOC Fails Federal Workers (5 comments)
Bernie Sanders Does Not Need to Apologize for Opposing Wars (4 comments)
Now, the Swedish Arrest Warrant for Assange (1 comments)
Who Am I? (1 comments)
The US Government Is Like A Bad Dad (8 comments)
"You want to put that face (Harriet Tubman) on the twenty-dollar bill" Says Trump
Undeterred by US sanction threat, Turkey to buy Russian S-400 missiles
Wednesday, May 22:
Signals of drift in China-Pakistan relations
Mickey Mouse Beats Putin and New Ukrainian President Zelensky
Trump Jr Gets Book Deal, Twitter Lights Up with Title Suggestions (2 comments)
Senator Schumer's Divine Mission (1 comments)
What Needs to be Done to Alter Climate Change? Here are a few questions that need answers. (5 comments)
Tulsi Gabbard Crushes Her Liberal Critics! Knocks It Out of the Park!
Special Report: Whose Economy Is It? Ours.
A Revisit --- The Radical Right Rising: Capitalism in the 21st Century (1 comments)
Why we must legalize marijuana (5 comments)
War Crimes Pardons: A Terrible Memorial Day Idea (9 comments)
Climate Enemy Biden: The Extinction Rebellion's Top Recruiter (37 comments)
How Russiagate replaced Analysis of the 2016 Election (13 comments)
Elections Canada 2019: Justin's battered beanstalk (4 comments)
Corrupt Latvian politicians seek to escape justice by running off to the European Parliament
Lavasa's rant and the facts readers must know (1 comments)
Revive the Public School (1 comments)
Without Medicare for All, the Healthcare System Will Collapse (5 comments)
The Retrograde South (1 comments)
Tuesday, May 21:
Christchurch mosques attacker charged with terrorism
Fear the Mustache: Why Bolton Makes Even Donald Trump Nervous (6 comments)
Extinction Level Event (7 comments)
Russian Spy Whale? (6 comments)
Daily Beast Bites its Own Butt, Boosting Gabbard. (4 comments)
Is Canada's Minister of Defence an Arms Pusher? (2 comments)
"Clash of civilizations" or crisis of civilization? (2 comments)
UPDATE: OPCW Confirm Leaked Report is Genuine (2 comments)
Juliaan Assange Suffered Severe Psychological And Physical Harm In Ecuadorian Embassy, Doctors Say
Trump's Soft Cop-Hard Cop Routine on Iran (2 comments)
Monday, May 20:
Interview with Publisher Rob Kall about his new book The Bottom-up Revolution (6 comments)
Pointless Colonial Massacres and Postcolonial War Killings on the Indian Subcontinent
maurice nobert: My Fair Laddy
Death by Constitution (11 comments)
But then Sanyal, how do we keep 21st Century issues firmly in our gaze? (1 comments)
America's Reproductive Slaves (15 comments)
Abortion & How to Alienate Your Own Allies (9 comments)
How to Survive the Journey Ahead: A Graduation Message for a Terrifying Age (1 comments)
A US War on Iran would be Evil, Stupid, and Self-Damaging (4 comments)
World Mourns Grumpy Cat as 53 Dead Whales Rot on California Beaches (14 comments)
Memorial Day: Whom do we honor (2 comments)
Conyers Continues at 90 (1 comments)
Israel is an apartheid state, nothing to do with anti-Semitism, denying the Holocaust or being anti-Jewish (3 comments)
The Assange/Manning Cases Discredit Humanity
The $1 Trillion US Debt in China Trade War (2 comments)
The GOP's Mad Dash to Reverse Roe vs. Wade Has Begun
Ritalin? Cult Intervention? Are There No Solutions To Trump Supporters' Lack of Critical Thinking? (6 comments)
Sunday, May 19:
Abortion: A Born-Again Reincarnationist's take (3 comments)
Congressional Action to Protect Choice
The Trump economy is hurting most Americans. Statistics won't fool voters (2 comments)
Game of Thrones Got Nothin' on U.S. Foreign Policy (2 comments)
US Constitution Is Now Officially a Joke As Applied to War or Peace (4 comments)
Tulsi: The US must NOT go to war with Iran! and reasons why, including Armageddon (1 comments)
McData: At McDonald's, You're On The Menu (2 comments)
Fire the Nutcases Leading Us to War (3 comments)
Leaked Report: Douma "Chemical Attack" Likely Staged (3 comments)
Saturday, May 18:
Trump Sows Confusion, and Tensions Ease (1 comments)
Bye Bye Arctic Sea Ice. Watch the Arctic Sea Ice Disappear.
In Defamation Lawsuit, a Trump Donor Acknowledges Providing Chinese Execs "Access" in US
Our Climate Emergency was no Accident: Big Oil knew (3 comments)
Reverend Jesse Jackson Brings Food and Attention to the Trump Illegal Coup Attempt on Venezuela and Embassy (1 comments)
Alabama, Goddam (2 comments)
Tulsi Slams Elizabeth, or so it appears from this analysis (14 comments)
Mark Zuckerberg will Remain Facebook CEO, no Matter How Many Sign Daily Kos' Sincere but Flawed "Petition" (3 comments)
Against the dictatorship of ignorance in the age of Donald Trump: Part 1 of 2 (6 comments)
Give Him His War (7 comments)
Trudeau Continues Push to Overthrow Venezuela's Government (1 comments)
Friday, May 17:
Reading Malaysia (1 comments)
US Ambassador to Israel States that "God's Is On Israel's Side" (5 comments)
Berkeley University study of Islamophobia in India highlights plight of Muslims
The Iran Question (1 comments)
Syrian Opposition Set To Recycle Khan Shaykhun Chemical Attack Scenario
Israel Creates A New Political Normal (1 comments)
Banks have been ripping off Americans for too long. I have a plan to end it (2 comments)
Venezuelan Embassy raided by Washington DC police (2 comments)
The GOP Is on the Road to Mass Lockups for Women Who Have Miscarriages (9 comments)
German Parliament Criminalizes Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement (1 comments)
Answering the Mysterious Call of An Artist's Spiritual Vocation
Donald Trump, Socialist (4 comments)
Has Rahul Gandhi replied to MHA's letter on British citizenship? (12 comments)
Donald Trump is "the Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on Americans!" (3 comments)
Don't mess with Palestinians (1 comments)
Thursday, May 16:
The New York Times Succumbs to Conspiratorial Paranoia (4 comments)
The Voters Have Spoken (Again). Is the LAUSD Listening?
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: White Men and Identity Politics: Bill Maher Edition (5 comments)
To Prevent Brain Drain, Kosovo Must Eradicate Corruption
That Time John Bolton Said It's Good To Lie About War (10 comments)
Do Subpoenas Need a Legislative Purpose? (1 comments)
Sarah Warden: How To Beat Trump In 2020: A Letter to the Democratic Party (1 comments)
statue: Amit Shah throws evidence in the face of Mamata Banerjee (1 comments)
Quality of Life in Latvia is not a priority
Victory Day 2019 in LNR (10 comments)
Democrats: Stay on the offensive and force Republicans to defend their putrid record
Talking Grand Plan to make Joe Biden inevitable on the Tamara for Georgia Program
Charlottesville to Vote 6/3 to Divest from Weapons, Fossil Fuels
Asset Forfeiture? Thank Joe Biden and His Friend Strom Thurmond
Don't Bet that SCOTUS Won't Take Alabama's Bait to Dump Roe (1 comments)
There Is No Threat From Iran (2 comments)
Don't Iraq Iran (2 comments)
Trump's telecommunications trade war with China has political repercussions
US nuclear provocation in Europe is real
Pretexts for an Attack on Iran (12 comments)
Wednesday, May 15:
Back to the Farm (11 comments)
Mamata and her interview: If not fixed then what else? (1 comments)
Venezuela Embassy Protection Collective Defies "No Trespass" Order (18 comments)
Who Really Gains from the Gulf Ship "Sabotage" (3 comments)
How to Save the Green New Deal; Get Big Money Out of Politics--Again (1 comments)
Trump planning nationwide military round-up of 10,000 immigrants
Facebook Isn't a "Monopoly" -- Let's Not Make it Into One (4 comments)
Terrorist attacks in Balochistan: The Indian Factor
Is NATO military exercise the choice of the Baltics?
Arresting the Attorney General (23 comments)
Trump - Extortionist-in-Chief (5 comments)
The House Now Has A Constitutional Duty to Impeach Trump (4 comments)
Now Modi hauls Indian Express over the coals (1 comments)
Tuesday, May 14:
1968: Lyme Disease Escaped from a Bio-weapons Lab off the Connecticut coast (4 comments)
Health Canada NOW says: "Avoid Sugar Substitutes!" but U.S. Won't Do So Because of Corporate Manipulation of FDA (3 comments)
Big Lies about 5G and—NYTimes Sets a New Low (51 comments)
Democrats must choose between war and appeasement (11 comments)
We've run out of elections to waste -- this is the last chance to make a difference on climate change (5 comments)
What 50 countries are backing Guaidó?: Who knows? Who cares? If the Media Say It Enough It Must Be True (8 comments)
Will John Bolton's Dream to Bomb Iran Come True? Ex-Iranian Ambassador Warns About U.S. Escalation (1 comments)
Sweden Reopens 9-Year Old Rape Investigation Against Julian Assange; Seeks His Arrest and Extradition (1 comments)
Rashida Tlaib's Palestinian Theology of Good Samaritanism and Redemption
Judgment Day for John Brennan (4 comments)
How Old is Too Old to Run for President? A Gerontologist Ponders This Critical Question for the 2020 Election (3 comments)
US-China: the hardcore is yet to come (1 comments)
Drivers Beware: The Deadly Perils of Traffic Stops in the American Police State (3 comments)
Monday, May 13:
Judiciary: Dirty linen are now being washed in public (1 comments)
My plan to provide comprehensive debt relief to Puerto Rico
The US Labor Market Is Deteriorating for Black Men (1 comments)
Announcing Bernie or Bust 2.0: Electoral Warriors for the Green New Deal (20 comments)
The Criminalization of Thought on "When Life Begins" (7 comments)
Arrest over photo-shopped image: A curse has befallen on Mamata's Bengal (1 comments)
The Last Death in a War is 90% Backwash
Is America Ready for John Bolton's War with Iran? (9 comments)
Trump's "Trade War" is a War on You (3 comments)
Jerusalem cable car project passes over objections from many quarters (1 comments)
Sunday, May 12:
Escape from America: Mexico (1 comments)
Third-World Victims of IMF Debt Trap
This problem is a GLOBAL problem (3 comments)
The Movie Avatar And The Sumerian Tablets
Pace Pompeo: What if the US is "Sowing Chaos" in Mideast & Iran is a Status Quo Power? (1 comments)
Why Joining The Communist Movement Is The Most Sensible Option For Those On The Left (3 comments)
Trump Is Being Set-up for War with Iran
Sorry Justice Chandrachud, I don't trust judiciary (1 comments)
NATO Is Endangering Us All (2 comments)
As Reactors Shut in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, Nuke War Rages in Ohio and New York (5 comments)
Along Came Joe (16 comments)
1967 Israeli Attack On the USS Liberty. We were within minutes of Nuking Cairo. (19 comments)
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: The #SexStrike and What Rapists & Anti-Choicers Have in Common (18 comments)
Bolton Is Spinning Israeli "Intelligence" to Push for War Against Iran (6 comments)
Saturday, May 11:
Bolton Playing Trump Like a Fiddle on Iran (2 comments)
Citizenship row: A nightmare still awaits Rahul Gandhi (26 comments)
The Real Mueller-gate Scandal (3 comments)
There are many reasons not to impeach Trump. The House should do it anyway (3 comments)
Joe Biden is stuck in the past when it comes to climate change (2 comments)
Joe Biden Personifies a New "End of History," This time for U.S. Imperial Rule (7 comments)
Friday, May 10:
CodePink's Medea Benjamin: Venezuelan Embassy's Power Cut (2 comments)
Trump, hostage to Bolton and Pompeo, Pleads with Iran to call and Rescue Him (3 comments)
The Biggest Loser (1 comments)
Stefania Maurizi on How Julian Assange Changed Journalism
A School Board Race Turns Ugly
Gurumurthy asks Rahul Gandhi: "What about Sonia's karma?" (1 comments)
A Constitutional Crisis of immense proportions has descended upon our nation's capitol (11 comments)
Running for president is a cash bonanza
Trump Impeachment Pressure Growing From Within Legal Ranks (1 comments)
Donald Trump and the Measles Epidemic
Hispanic Student Dies Protecting Beloved Classmates from Shooter (5 comments)
The Lies That Form Our Consciousness and False Historical Awareness
Thursday, May 9:
Don't Believe. Question The Positive US Economic News. Use Trump's Lying (5 comments)
Valerie Plame (Ex-CIA Agent Outed by Cheney's Chief of Staff, Spy Novelist) Running for Congress in New Mexico (3 comments)
Krugman v. Sanders on Medicare-for-All
Netanyahu's Defunct Strategy To Keep Hamas At Bay (1 comments)
Fascism in Plain Sight in the Nation's Capital (8 comments)
The Monster Factory (1 comments)
Thousands of Innocent Palestinians in Gaza at Risk of amputation from Israeli Sniping (1 comments)
Is leaked document Trump's 'deal of the century'? (1 comments)
House committee votes contempt charge against Trump's attorney general William Barr
The defence of Assange and Manning is the spearhead of the struggle against imperialism (7 comments)
Bernie Sander's Credit Card Interest Cap is a Direct Attack On Biden's Benefactors (3 comments)
Why do the Repubs. Stick with Trump?"
Humanitarian Aid Blocked from Entering Venezuelan Embassy in Washington D.C. (2 comments)
Two Cheers for Denver: Let's End the War on Unapproved States of Consciousness (1 comments)
Oliver Stone's Apparent Fear of Israel (2 comments)
How Our Obsession With Selfies and Social Media is Killing America's Youth (1 comments)
Pelosi is Right to Say No to Impeaching Trump (2 comments)
Wednesday, May 8:
The Line Between U.S. Prisons and Death Camps
The Two Narratives of Palestine: The People Are United, the Factions Are Not (1 comments)
My plan for public lands (1 comments)
LAUSD Board Delays Vote on Cutting Public Speaking Time
Lugansk People's Republic May 2019 AntiNationalist Roundtable (6 comments)
Fla. GOP Is Trying To Reverse Voters' Decision On Felon Voting Rights
Bernie Says Terrorists Should be Allowed to Vote. Is He Right (10 comments)
Trump's Golden Parachute - Dissecting the Mueller Report (11 comments)
New York Times gets caught peddling bogus GOP attack on Democratic candidate -- again (2 comments)
People Who Publicly Fret About Assange Rape Allegations Are Lying (2 comments)
They truly are mad (1 comments)
Joe Biden Likes Republicans So Much Because He's So Much Like Them
Trump's Encircling of Venezuela - A Fool's Errand (2 comments)
Open Thread: Trump invokes executive privilege to block release of unredacted Mueller report (14 comments)
An Email From a Whistleblower in Solitary Confinement
What Is Happening at the Venezuelan Embassy Is an Outrage (2 comments)
Does Trump Have Control of His Government, or Is It His Government?
Tuesday, May 7:
Trump Is Achieving His Primary Goal: Division (2 comments)
Failed 'Coup' a Fake Corporate News Story Designed to Trick Venezuelan Soldiers - and the Public (4 comments)
Will the U.S. Start a War Against Iran? (3 comments)
The Eagle, the Bear and the Dragon (1 comments)
The Secret Campaign for 2020: Where the Democratic Candidates Stand on Foreign Policy (9 comments)
D Is for a Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy
Are You Ready for a Worse Dystopia than 1984 ?
What If Iran Retaliates and Shuts Down the Strait of Hormuz? (1 comments)
Monday, May 6:
Will Oceans Contimue to Absorb CO2 as They Do Now?
A "surgical strike" on Manmohan Singh and no less by army generals
Warmongers Bolton And Pompeo send Aircraft Carrier to Menace Iran, still Hoping for Confrontation (2 comments)
Trump’s America: A Glimmer of Understanding (2 comments)
Ex-Blackwater CEO Erik Prince Makes a Comeback Under Trump Selling Mercenary Armies Around the World
Trump's cover-up is now in plain sight. Will the press say so?
Steven P Mitchell: A Right to Life/Freedom of Choice Solution Everyone Can Live With (1 comments)
Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics (1 comments)
Ideologies Don't Solve Problems, People Do
Reparations: The Suffering of Us (1 comments)
Erdogan condemns 'Israeli terrorism' for bombing Turkish news agency in Gaza
Don't Let Measles Hysteria Defeat Freedom (6 comments)
Finally, Plans of Real Substance! Bernie's Campaign Manager Faiz Shakir Details Winning Strategies for 2020 (14 comments)
The Untold Story of Trump's "Booming" Economy
Mueller Stoked Trump-Russia Alarmism, Despite Finding No Collusion
Creeping Toward Tyranny (7 comments)
Sunday, May 5:
America's Bitches (satire) (9 comments)
5 Reasons 'The Green New Deal' Is Misleading, Dangerous and Part of the Problem
Yechury calls Hindus violent and we must all thank him (1 comments)
Democratic Pundits' disregard of Elizabeth Warren & Bernie Sanders a losing recipe (3 comments)
The US Desperately Needs a New Secretary of State
Notes from a Remarkable Political Moment for Climate Change (3 comments)
The Palestinian Authority is no longer crying wolf over its imminent collapse (1 comments)
Conspiracy-Theorist-in-Chief Trump Tweetstorms the Far Right after Facebook Deplatformed Them (1 comments)
Dr. Eddie Glaude tells Chuck Todd inconvenient truth about Trump, Reagan, & complicit centrists
American democracy is broken. We must demand 2020 candidates commit to a fix (7 comments)
Getting a measles vaccination isn't a personal choice -- it's a social responsibility (1 comments)
Barr None (3 comments)
Hamas and Fatah - Why the Two Groups are Failing
Speaking of Bernie's Money (8 comments)
Julian Assange: An Opportunity for the US and the UK to Change Direction on Press Freedom (11 comments)
Saturday, May 4:
LAUSD Board Moves to Cut Public Speaking Time
It's Mueller Time (Again) (8 comments)
Trump Is the Most Impeachable President in American History (9 comments)
Sure. Let's Invade Venezuela. Another Jolly Little War. (5 comments)
Blithering Idiots Express Fear That Putin Will Rig 2020 Election For Trump (14 comments)
Making Progressives The Enemy (26 comments)
EPA Releases Report Advising Communities to Prepare for Climate Change-Related Disasters
White People Will Be Rubbed Out Along With Their History
Friday, May 3:
Easter At the Border Fence with Mexico (1 comments)
China and Russia - Whoopin' Uncle Sam at His Own Game (7 comments)
Orwellian Cloud Hovers Over Russia-gate (14 comments)
Preventing an Israeli-Iran War (1 comments)
Occupy the NYTimes (20 comments)
"Send a message to Bibi, I love him" -- Joe Biden's long ties to Israel (1 comments)
The Democrats can Crush unpopular Trump in 2020, but only if they Run to the Left (3 comments)
Roger Copple: Improve the Green New Deal: Eliminate its Massive Growth and Neoliberalism (2 comments)
The Government Should Start Planning to Spend Less, Not More, on "Infrastructure"
Let the war begin: Trump versus the House Democrats and - America and its people (42 comments)
Israel on Holocaust Day, From Genocide to Freedom (6 comments)
How did Zelenskiy win the 2019 Ukrainian presidential bid if Ukraine is a rigidly nationalist country? (58 comments)
China to build Moonbase To Mars within decade, US Lagging (2 comments)
Joe Biden Is America's 'Der Alte' (4 comments)
Bernie Sanders Is Everything Joe Biden Is Not (4 comments)
Facebook Badly Misfires on Farrakhan (7 comments)
She sent her sick son to college in Germany because of unaffordable US healthcare
Thursday, May 2:
Fascism Is on the March. We Need Radical Education to Fight Back. (2 comments)
Breaking: New Kurdish congress: Who stands behind the Kurdish in Syria?
Homeless Woman Secures National Policy Change in Environmental Justice Agency (1 comments)
Why Indians have short memory and how it puts their lives at risk (1 comments)
Does America Have an Economy or Any Sense of Reality?
Guardian Turns Profit for 1st Time in 20 years ~ What Encouraging Great News for Struggling Journalists! (1 comments)
William Barr Is Acting as Trump's Defense Lawyer, Not Attorney General (10 comments)
Exceptionally Innocent (1 comments)
Economist Jeffrey Sachs: U.S. Sanctions Have Devastated Venezuela & Killed Over 40,000 Since 2017 (1 comments)
Historic Anti-Nuke Golden Rule Peace Boat Sets Sail on 15-Month Voyage to Japan--Via Hawaii, Guam and Okinawa (1 comments)
The next Democratic nominee must be a populist if we are to win. (1 comments)
Closing Military Bases, Opening a New World (1 comments)
Mishandling Data to Create Failing Schools
Trump working to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a 'terror' group
Indonesian Elections - Two Right-Wing Candidates Claiming Victory
The "Fanatic" in Trump's ear (2 comments)
Charlottesville Must Divest from Weapons and Fossil Fuels
"Color" Revolution USA (11 comments)
Mueller thinks Trump Committed Obstruction: Why he Wrote to Barr and why Barr Lied
The Tragedy of Venezuela is the Tragedy of the United States of America (7 comments)
Wednesday, May 1:
Predator Cops, Guilty of Sex Crimes Against Women and Children, Are a Menace to Society
Environmental Sustainability with Greener Laboratories
Indian state can no longer ignore Kerala and its growing Islamic State (IS) recruits (1 comments)
Congress Should Be Ready To Arrest Attorney General William Barr If He Defies Subpoena (1 comments)
VIPS: Extradition of Julian Assange Threatens Us All (3 comments)
Insights from the Cast-Iron Shore
Bernie Sanders Is Hitting Donald Trump Where It Hurts (1 comments)
Assange Sentenced 50 Weeks For Bogus Bail Charge (9 comments)
Social Movements Under Intense Attack Despite Colombia "Peace Plan"
The Existential Crisis of Global Warming -- Is Carbon Capture the Answer? (2 comments)