Archives for Best Web OpEds
October 2019
Thursday, October 31:
How Our Free Press was Stolen From Us
A Democracy-Killing Duo: Democracy ended by predatory capitalism is in front of our eyes. (1 comments)
Tulsi Gabbard demands end to US aid to Saudi Arabia (1 comments)
Wednesday, October 30:
Phony Assault Charge Against Grayzone in US War Against Venezuela (7 comments)
Tuesday, October 29:
Democrats, Debt and Double Standards; Paul Krugman (1 comments)
Monday, October 28:
BREAKING NEWS: Al-Baghdadi Killed Again! (16 comments)
Darrell M. West Explains the History of the Electoral College and Why It Should Be Abolished (6 comments)
With Biden Floundering, Democratic Establishment Considers Clinton and Kerry (4 comments)
Tulsi Gabbard Has Enemies In High Places (1 comments)
Sunday, October 27:
The Collapse of the Kurdish House of Cards (4 comments)
The Deep State Is Real: But It Might Not Be What You Think (1 comments)
Trump's Impeachable Offenses (2 comments)
Saturday, October 26:
Greta Thunberg Issues Rallying Cry Against Facebook Over Lies, Death Threats (1 comments)
Arizona Charter Founder Paid His Companies $46.8 Million in Taxpayer Money in One Year (1 comments)
Revisiting the Win-Win-Win-Win Outcome in Syria (7 comments)
The Fantasy of Republicans Ditching Trump (11 comments)
George Soros says all his 'enemies' are wannabe dictators as he drops unprecedented wads of lobbying cash (1 comments)
Friday, October 25:
100 years of protests in 150 countries: Re: the working class and democracy (1 comments)
Killing Me Softly with Militarism: The Decay of Democracy in America
Google & YouTube Censor Tulsi Gabbard (1 comments)
The FBI has a Long History of Disrupting Peaceful Activists
Donald Trump - An American Tragedy for the U.S. and the Entire World (1 comments)
Thursday, October 24:
Massachusetts: Waltons Spend Millions to Block New Funding for Public Schools; by Diane Ravitch (1 comments)
Main stream media is wrong again. (1 comments)
Wednesday, October 23:
Should billionaires, who own more wealth than half the world's population, exist? (4 comments)
A Call for a Coup Plus a Week Like No Other for Tulsi Gabbard (1 comments)
Teacher Attrition in D.C. Reaches Crisis Level; by Valerie Jablow: (1 comments)
Edward Snowden On Trump, Privacy, And Threats To Democracy (3 comments)
Tuesday, October 22:
Elijah Cummings at Age 11 had Rare Courage
Monday, October 21:
Hillary Clinton's attacks on Tulsi Gabbard sow more Democratic division than Moscow could ever dream of (11 comments)
Socialists Are Not Going Away and the Difference Between Sanders and Warren
Clinton Machine Behind Plot Against Bernie Sanders in 2020 (3 comments)
No, We Won't Just 'Get Over It', by Charles M.Blow (2 comments)
Saturday, October 19:
#IamTulsi trending after Gabbard hands Hillary Clinton brutal smackdown
Tulsi Nails it on National TV" US Regime-Change Wars
Was Mulvaney's admission to a quid pro quo a genius move? (1 comments)
Friday, October 18:
Clinton: "Russians are Grooming Tulsi; Jill Stein is Totally a Russian Asset" (97 comments)
The Syrian Debacle Is Actually Well Planned Chaos (2 comments)
Virtually Infallible Election Model Predicts Trump Victory in 2020
Thursday, October 17:
Washington is Wrong Once Again - Kurds Join Assad to Defend Syria (2 comments)
Wednesday, October 16:
Trump's Kurdish Chaos Is Bad News for Israel's War on Iran (1 comments)
It's Not Trump vs. the Dems. It's Trump vs. the Country's True Defenders. (2 comments)
Tuesday, October 15:
The US Isn't Serious about Leaving Syria at All (3 comments)
We're in a permanent coup; Matt Taibi (2 comments)
Monday, October 14:
Tulsi and Rigged Elections (1 comments)
Sunday, October 13:
Distorted Coverage of the Hong Kong Riots
How Italians Became "White" (3 comments)
The secret to winning the Midwest: Democrats must fight big agriculture
Saturday, October 12:
Right-Wing Authoritarians Are Waging A Hybrid War On Democracy (1 comments)
Convivial War: How Wall Street Recolonized Brazil. Part One. (3 comments)
Friday, October 11:
Are There Israelis in the U.S. Government? (1 comments)
Arkansas: State Board Votes to Restore Local Control to Little Rock But Read the Fine Print (2 comments)
Thursday, October 10:
"Education Deans for Justice and Equity" Speak Out Against Market-Based Disruption (1 comments)
Tuesday, October 8:
Mexico IS the Wall! by George Ramos (1 comments)
What Happened to Rudy Giuliani? by Ken Fryman; Giuliani's press secretary for '93 mayoral campaign. (1 comments)
Remember When Bill Clinton Was Accused of Trading White House Access for Political Favors? (1 comments)
With Clinton & Romney both rumored to be JOINING 2020 race, has politics gone the way of Hollywood? (3 comments)
Monday, October 7:
Video, Confession of a "Bought Journalist" (3 comments)
New weapons and the new tactics which they make possible: three examples (1 comments)
Sunday, October 6:
"Israel and the West Do Not Have the Means to Counter Iranian Technology" (9 comments)
Touch of Evil Donald; Trump drags us down to Chinatown, by Maureen Dowd (1 comments)
Saturday, October 5:
Stop Infantilizing Greta Thunberg With Claims of 'Abuse' (7 comments)
Children, it seems, should only be seen, not heard. (1 comments)
Politico on Mad King Donald (3 comments)
Friday, October 4:
Why Are Europeans (So Much) Happier Than Americans? by (1 comments)
Building Genuine Islamic Financial Institutions (1 comments)
Thursday, October 3:
Why Lefties Should Watch Fox News: NYTimes (3 comments)
Wednesday, October 2:
Executive Privilege Can't Protect Trump Forever
Tuesday, October 1:
An American president who doesn't understand the meaning of America by Michael Gerson (2 comments)
Bolton's WH-bashing private debut met with elated applause by impeachment-hungry #Resistance media (5 comments)
Conservative Counter-Revolution Inspired by the 1971 Powell Memo has yielded the Establishment's Robert-5 SCOTUS (1 comments)