Archives for Best Web OpEds

March 2020

Tuesday, March 31:

Cuomo Helped Get New York Into This Mess

David Leonhardt of NY Times Slams US Political Response, with US at 20 times S Korea's Death Rate

Monday, March 30:

Naomi Klein, Author of "The Shock Doctrine", On "Coronavirus Capitalism"

Lockdown, What Lockdown? Sweden's Unusual Response to Coronavirus

The Decade of Transformation Is Here - Remaking the Economy for the People (3 comments)

Sunday, March 29:

Even in a Pandemic, Andrew Cuomo Is Not Your Friend (3 comments)

Biden is not an Alternative (Exemplary Opinion Piece in Albuquerque Journal)

Saturday, March 28:

The Largest Unethical Medical Experiment in Human History (2 comments)

Dr Birx: The Data Doesn't Match the Doomsday Predictions (2 comments)

Trump $15 Million Bounty on Maduro Triggers Explosive Confession of Violent Guaidó Plot (3 comments)

How the Pandemic Will End - The U.S. may end up with the worst Covid-19 outbreak in the industrialized world.

How Much Does Biden Need Sanders Voters To Beat Trump?

The Daily Howler: BREAKING: We live in North Korea now! (6 comments)

Why Is the U.S. So Exceptionally Vulnerable to Covid-19? (2 comments)

Coronavirus Is A Defining Test And American Government Is Failing It

Friday, March 27:

The Truth About Donald Trump: He's No Idiot (1 comments)

Venezuela's Coronavirus Response Might Surprise You (1 comments)

US Contemplates First Nuclear Strike against Russia

'Are those who bomb towns going to accuse us of terrorism?' Maduro rips US over 'narco-terrorism' charge (1 comments)

I'm Protecting My Patients From The Coronavirus. Will You Do Your Part To Protect Me?

Thursday, March 26:

The President Is Trapped :utterly unsuited to deal with this crisis; Peter Wehner (2 comments)

Our Leaders Are Terrified Not of the Virus - of Us (2 comments)

President Trump is as Popular as He's Ever Been Right Now

Wednesday, March 25:

Will Democrats Dump Biden and Draft Cuomo? (3 comments)

Senate Shock: Coronavirus Bill is Actually Trillions in Corporate Handouts (2 comments)

Tuesday, March 24:

Donald Trump's Ukraine Server- How the FBI and ODNI hacked and influenced the American psyche (1 comments)

In Times of Crisis How to Prevent an Economic Meltdown.. (3 comments)

Monday, March 23:

NM Supreme Court should Shut Down Civil Courts, from Milan Simonich, Columnist for Santa Fe New Mexican

Sunday, March 22:

A Debt Jubilee Is the Only Way to Avoid a Depression (2 comments)

Bernie 2020: What Went Wrong? Sanders could still make an all-out case

Jacobin Magazine: Joe Biden Will Lose a General Election to Donald Trump; Only Sanders Can Beat Trump

Bernie Sanders Is Trying to Rescue America's Frail Democracy

Saturday, March 21:

Biden Trapped in Campaign Limbo

Friday, March 20:

Trump Responds To Question About Coronavirus Fears By Bashing "Terrible Reporter"

How Did Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden Screw This Up?

The Trump Administration Is Corrupting the U.S. Government; by George Packer in The Atlantic (1 comments)

Thursday, March 19:

Opinion - A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data (6 comments)

Wednesday, March 18:

There is no Get Out of Jail for Free, But China is Making Progress (3 comments)

Tuesday, March 17:

Here's how I'm keeping occupied (and positive!) during self-isolation in an already disastrous 2020 (1 comments)

What if We Just Counted Up All the Votes for President and Saw Who Won?

Monday, March 16:

AOC Can Help Biden With Younger Americans and Progressive Policy Ideas

Sunday, March 15:

Coronavirus sparks an epidemic of people helping people in Seattle

Friday, March 13:

Here Are Nine Big Lessons That Sanders Needs to Learn From Trump (5 comments)

Coronavirus is Impervious to Trump's Lies, May Hasten Trumpexit

Thursday, March 12:

Elite Political Journalists Are Eager to Kick Bernie Sanders on His Way Out the Door

'In a Dark Time, the Eye Begins to See': The Bernie 2020 Campaign Represents a Fight That Must Continue - LA Progressive (1 comments)

Florida: House Passes Bill to Protect "Parents' Rights" vs. School System (2 comments)

Tuesday, March 10:

Donald Trump is the Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on America: tweet from Preet Bharara: former U.S. Attorney (7 comments)

An hour after landing on Air Force 1, Matt Gaetz is under self-quarantine for virus

Monday, March 9:

How Bernie could destroy Biden in 120 minutes or less - (6 comments)

Biden's Policies Propose Minor Changes in a Time of Crisis

The Dangers of Playing It Safe With Joe Biden

Biden's Not the One

Sunday, March 8:

How Bernie Sanders to help Down-ballot Democrats & Himself, by Demonizing Conservatism for Destroying Our Democracy (1 comments)

Bernie Ain't McGovern; He's a Democratic Reagan

Amid concerns over his cognitive capacities, Dem frontrunner calls himself an 'Obidenbama Democrat'

Dr. Francis Boyle Creator Of BioWeapons Act Says Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon (4 comments)

Saturday, March 7:

Party establishments get in trouble when they coalesce around candidates based on their perceived "electability"

Can multi-party democracy break us out of the "doom loop" of American politics? (4 comments)

Snakes and would-be leaders: Warren Quits her Identity-Politics Campaign as She Drags Sanders' Campaign Dow with Her (2 comments)

The Future Of Abortion Is In The Hands Of John Roberts; By Melissa Jeltsen (1 comments)

When the Billionaire Family Behind the Opioid Crisis Needed PR Help, They Turned to Mike Bloomberg - ProPublica (1 comments)

'White, male & 70+ years old'? DNC scorched for shifting debate rules AGAIN, after Tulsi Gabbard meets previous threshol (15 comments)

How Reelection Could Come True:Why This is Probably America's Last Chance to Stay a Free, Democratic Society (2 comments)

Friday, March 6:

A Plea to My Fellow Warren Moms: Your Children Probably Back Bernie and So Should You

Issues the Donor Class will Prioritize in Controlling the DNC, Unless Warren/Sanders Progressives Unite (1 comments)

Coronavirus: South Korea's aggressive testing gives clues to true fatality rate (1 comments)

Tulsi Gabbard calls out 'very real' Hinduphobia in US, gets branded 'fascist' as if to prove her point (2 comments)

Thursday, March 5:

The Presidency Is an Old Boys' Club

Wednesday, March 4:

Biden's Checkered Ethical History Is Fair Game for Criticism (6 comments)

What Bernie needs to learn from Biden. Sanders can't lead the Democrats if his campaign treats them like the enemy (4 comments)

Tuesday, March 3:

Paul Begalia Predicts Trump Will Dump Pence for Nikki Haley (1 comments)

Stop saying Biden is the 'most electable'. Trump will run rings round him (1 comments)

California's rules for independent party voters could suppress the Bernie vote

The Microwave Factor (1 comments)

Sanders' "Hidden Edge" Going Into Super Tuesday

Monday, March 2:

'The Nation' Enthusiastically Endorses Bernie Sanders and His Movement

CIA Meddling in Our Democracy

Canada Crackdown on Media Freedom

Sunday, March 1:

It Took Joe Biden 32 Years and 3 Presidential Campaigns to Win One Primary

Coronavirus Linked to Air Pollution?

Vote fraud, the old-fashioned way: Philadelphia 1972 (Doomed to be repeated in 2020?)

We Need to Talk About Hillary Clinton's Disturbing Harvey Weinstein Ties


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