Archives for General News
June 2020
Tuesday, June 30:
Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, The Sudden Descent of the United States (2 comments)
Here Is Why Covid May Start a Meat Export Trade War (1 comments)
Judge delays publication of President Trump tell-all book by niece Mary Trump
Fauci testifies new coronavirus cases could "go up to 100,000 a day if this does not turn around" (2 comments)
US voter registration plummets during coronavirus pandemic, challenging both parties
How Many Infants are Killed by Vaccines? A Natural Experiment (4 comments)
Canada's forgotten universal basic income experiment - BBC Worklife
Politicians hide behind civilians
White House Was Aware Of Russian Bounties In Early 2019 (1 comments)
The Social Media Collective Dumb Down
Monday, June 29:
Bring On the 28th Amendment : Efforts to suppress the vote are only part of the problem. (1 comments)
Tomgram: Mandy Smithberger, Prioritizing the Pentagon in a Pandemic
What is the real goal of NATO in the Baltics?
Sunday, June 28:
Number of coronavirus cases passes 10 million worldwide (2 comments)
Questions for Lockdown Apologists (3 comments)
Trump's Caving Popularity is Becoming Truly Awe Inspiring (2 comments)
The Wasp Network Highlights our Lack of Freedom to Tell the Truth on the Cuban Five Case
Trump Knew About Russian Bounty for US Soldiers and Did Nothing (29 comments)
Saturday, June 27:
Tomgram: John Feffer, The De-Trumpification of America
Free Speech for Monsanto--Censorship for You and Me (1 comments)
Friday, June 26:
Trump Administration Asks Supreme Court to Overturn Obamacare
Thursday, June 25:
A Visit to CHAZ (CHOP), Day of the Shootings, Sat 6/20/2020 (10 comments)
Avoiding the Epstein Investigation (4 comments)
Dozens Of Secret Service Agents Reportedly Told To Quarantine After Tulsa Rally
Wednesday, June 24:
'Bowman Wins. Mondaire Wins. AOC Absolutely Crushes It': Progressive Wave Sweeps NY Primary (4 comments)
The Corona virus is not to blame! WE are! (5 comments)
No Sign Of COVID Spike After Nationwide Protests (8 comments)
Trump Already Claiming 2020 Election is "Rigged"
Lithuania increases military capabilities
We Should Be Paying Attention to What's Going On In India and China (1 comments)
Tuesday, June 23:
Russia Closes the Gates (1 comments)
Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, The All-American Way
Interactive Map Shows Police Using Violence Against Peaceful Protesters in 125 Cities and 40 States
The Dummy's Guide to Authoritarianism (Or, the Long Kiss Goodbye to the Good Life) (1 comments)
Monday, June 22:
Trump Sitting On Funds Meant To Boost Coronavirus Testing, Top Democrats Say (1 comments)
Tomgram: Andrea Mazzarino, The Boot Camp of American Life
Judge orders Trump administration to release Iraqis jailed
Sunday, June 21:
Geoffrey Berman upheld the finest tradition of the SDNY office - (6 comments)
Explosive Report: Swiss Policy Research: Facts about Covid-19 (116 comments)
Could Trump Turn a Vaccine Into a Campaign Stunt? (1 comments)
Saturday, June 20:
DID YOU KNOW? As Annexation Looms, Israeli Experts Warn of Security Risks - (1 comments)
Top Hill Stations in the World One Cannot Miss Visiting
Friday, June 19:
Educators of Color & Education Scholars of Color Speak Out Against Failed Billionaire-Backed "Reforms";Diane Ravitch (2 comments)
2020 Voters' Calendar-The General Election Starts in August
Thursday, June 18:
Tomgram: Engelhardt, The Invasion of America (1 comments)
What Is The Real Agenda Behind The Effort To Defund & Dismantle The Police? (5 comments)
Wednesday, June 17:
Child Trafficking International Video Series
Notes on Town Hall via Zoom, Emergency Election Protection 2020
The $500 billion black box - Judd Legum; Popular Information (1 comments)
Ilhan Omar's Father Dies of Coronavirus Complications
PG&E Pleads Guilty to 84 Deaths in 2018 California Wildfire
The Supreme Court Shocks the Nation With Anti-Sex Discrimination Ruling (1 comments)
Tuesday, June 16:
Neil Gorsuch Stuns the Nation, Does the Right Thing
Tomgram: Robert Lipsyte, Trump and Bouton, Two Ballplayers for this Silent Season
Diluted blood plasma found to reverse aging in mice
Gay Rights Are Civil Rights; The SC says you can't be fired for being gay or transgender. (3 comments)
A Start on How to Stop Child Trafficking Internationally (1 comments)
Monday, June 15:
A Month After Reopening, Pakistan Records 100,000 New Virus Cases
Inspectors general warn Congress that Treasury might be curtailing stimulus oversight abilities
Tomgram: Nick Turse, A Breathless Moment in America
Charter Schools, Some With Billionaire Benefactors, Tap Coronavirus Relief ;by Erica L. Green (1 comments)
Record Spikes in New Coronavirus Cases, Hospitalizations Sweep Parts of U.S. (8 comments)
Sunday, June 14:
Bugaloo: The Growing Violent Rightwing Extremist Threat At Nationwide Protests (2 comments)
Mutation Could Make Coronavirus More Infectious, Study Suggests (5 comments)
Universal Human Rights vs. Trump's Wrongs
Saturday, June 13:
Atlanta called in the NG. The NG did the Macarena. (1 comments)
80 Lawmakers Demand Trump Ditch Any Thought of Resuming 'Dangerously Provocative' Nuclear Tests (2 comments)
'Lethal Inequality': IMPORTANT New Study Shows Millions at High Risk of Covid-19 in US Lack Adequate Health Insurance (1 comments)
Sanders Proposes Slashing Pentagon Budget (1 comments)
Friday, June 12:
Do Not Miss his: The NewSchools Venture Fund, Masters of Disruption; Tom Ultican at Diane Ravitch (1 comments)
Federal Court Urged to Hold 'Rogue' Trump EPA in Contempt for Blatant Defiance of Ban on Toxic Weed Killer (1 comments)
Crises Multiply, But Republicans in Senate Are Investigating 'her' emails and the 2016 Election! (3 comments)
Can Coronavirus Contact Tracing Survive Reopening? (1 comments)
Major Gates Scandal, if Confirmed (33 comments)
A Nurse Testifies to Systematic Murder at Elmhurst Hospital (9 comments)
Vendor for Election Chief Denies Agency Access to its Data (1 comments)
China and India are on the verge of war (1 comments)
Trump Campaign Demands CNN Apologize for Poll That Shows Biden Leading (1 comments)
Coronavirus Cases Surge Globally, Pushing Latin America 'to the Limit'
Thursday, June 11:
Tomgram: Michael Klare, Is There a Chinese Missile Crisis in Our Future?
Will the Banks Collapse? (2 comments)
Growing Up Learning Importance of Registering People to Vote (1 comments)
Camden, NJ Defunded its Police Department in 2012. The City's Crime Rate Was Cut Almost in Half
Perspectives on the Pandemic | Dr John Ioannidis of Stanford University | Episode 1 (1 comments)
As More Americans Head Out, 22 States Are Seeing Jumps in New Coronavirus Cases
Wednesday, June 10:
Study Finds Masks Useless against COVID (16 comments)
Twitter Censors Mercola (3 comments)
Police Attacks on the Press Surge During Black Lives Matter Protests (2 comments)
Widespread Face Mask Use Could Help Prevent A Second Wave Of Coronavirus, Study Finds (5 comments)
Donald Trump Jr.'s Mongolia Hunting Trip Cost Taxpayers $77,000
Tuesday, June 9:
Tomgram: Palumbo and Draper, Knockout in Washington
Disband the police force? Here's one U.S. city where the idea has been tried (3 comments)
'S**thole' Countries Have Handled The Coronavirus Better Than The United States
Monday, June 8:
BREAKING: Hell Freezes Over: Mitt Romney Marches in DC w/ Evangelicals For Black Lives Matter!
Tomgram: William Astore, America's Forever Wars Have Come Home
Fear in Minnesota (David Tilsen) (1 comments)
Sunday, June 7:
Outrage At Police Murders of Black People Reaches the Delta (2 comments)
Minneapolis City Council to dismantle the Police Department.
Midway to Normal? Musings on Covid, Protests & Primaries so far (2 comments)
Maine factory to discard all coronavirus swabs made during Trump tour
Saturday, June 6:
89 former Defense officials: The military must never be used to violate constitutional rights - The Washington Post (1 comments)
Labor Bureau Says 'Misclassification Error' Is Making Unemployment Rate Look Lower Than It Really Is (2 comments)
Opposition to Chloroquine Exposed as Fraud (6 comments)
The Sea's Weirdest Creatures, Now in 'Staggering' Detail - The New York Times (2 comments)
D.C. renames street where Trump held bible 'Black Lives Matter Plaza' [Video]
Friday, June 5:
Milley, America's Top General, Walks Into a Political Battle (1 comments)
Trump, Pelosi and Biden's Battle of the Bible! (7 comments)
Surgisphere: governments and WHO changed Covid-19 policy based on suspect data from tiny US company (1 comments)
Thursday, June 4:
Video of Organized White Arson in a Peaceful Black Demonstration (4 comments)
LOCKDOWN LUNACY: the thinking person's guide (5 comments)
Tomgram: Liz Theoharis, You Only Get What You're Organized to Take
Opinion -USA Plan: Militarized Control of Population (2 comments)
Dumbin' Us Down (5 comments)
Wednesday, June 3:
The Case Against George Floyd's Killer (1 comments)
Agents Provocateurs: Police Creating Reasons for their Intervention (7 comments)
Rep. Steve King ousted in Iowa GOP primary, NBC News projects
Tuesday, June 2:
Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Mind the Gaps
Klobuchar in 2006 let Floyd's killer off the hook (1 comments)
Piles of BRICKS Mysteriously Sprouting Up During "Riot" (2 comments)
Breaking News: Full Analysis of Executive Order Against Censorship: Aspartame Issue Added as Prime Example (5 comments)
Police officers accused of brutal violence often have a history of complaints
The Last Words of George Floyd (2 comments)
Monday, June 1:
Israeli forces training US police on large scale: Amnesty (3 comments)
This U.S.State Has Already Established Legal Means for Mandatory Vaccinations
Tomgram: Engelhardt, How the Roof Fell In
Black Lives Matter: Framed and Attacked (2 comments)