Archives for General News
October 2020
Saturday, October 31:
Two Latin American Victories for Equality and Sovereignty (3 comments)
This 1988 analysis of Trump's handwriting is terrifying - Raw Story (1 comments)
Friday, October 30:
Glenn Greenwald Leaves The Intercept, Claiming He Was Censored (1 comments)
Thursday, October 29:
Glenn Greenwald: My Resignation From The Intercept (20 comments)
The Call to Exorcize Plato's Ghost (REVIEW ESSAY) (1 comments)
Tomgram: Karen Greenberg, Don't Just Blame It on the Pandemic
Wednesday, October 28:
An Overview of The Kimberley Process and How It Has Helped Reduced War Crime Funding
US Reports a Record 500,000-Plus Coronavirus Cases Over the Past Week (1 comments)
More than 1 Million Mail-in Ballots May be Rejected, Say Experts
Bloomberg is Funding Late $15 Million Push to Help Biden in Texas, Ohio
Tomgram: Andrea Mazzarino, A Well-Armed and Unpatriotic Far Right
Tuesday, October 27:
European defence still matters but not for Lithuania (1 comments)
Our military is up to something in South America (2 comments)
Monday, October 26:
50th country ratifies UN treaty banning nuclear weapons: Effective January 1, 2021 Nuclear Weapons Will Be Illegal (6 comments)
Tomgram: Rajan Menon, The Nightmare That Joe Could Inherit
Researcher proposes new theory of consciousness
Sunday, October 25:
Russians Who Pose Election Threat Have Hacked Nuclear Plants and Power Grid - The New York Times (2 comments)
Saturday, October 24:
Are these Weird Symptoms Indications of McConnell's Declining Health? (6 comments)
Combating the US Economic War on Venezuela - Differences in the Chavista Ranks (2 comments)
Quietly signed Trump order denounced as 'declaration of war' against federal employees
Fauci Says Slo-Mo Video Of Someone Speaking Proves Need For Masks (39 comments)
Friday, October 23:
Is Pharma Our Covid Savior? (10 comments)
Thursday, October 22:
Who Is Looking Out for the Common Good? (REVIEW ESSAY)
Tomgram: Ariel Dorfman, Trump's Divine Fate
14-Year-Old Girl's Scientific Breakthrough Could Lead to COVID-19 Cure, Nets Her $25,000 (6 comments)
More Than Two Thirds of US Voters Plan on Casting Their Ballots Before Nov. 3 (1 comments)
GOP Senator Mitt Romney Admits He Didn't Vote For Trump
Termination of this top Pentagon official Reveals Another Disturbing Pattern in the Trump Administration (1 comments)
Wednesday, October 21:
Letter to CIA asking information on torture flights and cases not included in Senate Investigation (2 comments)
San Francisco Passes CAREN Act To Combat Racist 911 Calls
Russian Fighters Intercept Two US Strategic Bombers Over Berring Sea - Sputnik International
Tuesday, October 20:
An Evidence-Based Nonpartisan Pre-Election Decision Aid (3 comments)
Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Campaigning on Planet A
World Struggles as Confirmed COVID-19 Cases Pass 40 Million
OEN's Hottest Zoom Meeting Yet (8 comments)
Monday, October 19:
What Happens Next With Trump's Food Benefit Cuts (4 comments)
Bolivia's Election: Evo Morales Ally Luis Arce's Win 'Strong And Clear' (4 comments)
Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, Dominance in the Name of Internationalism
NATO in action in the Baltic States
MoA - U.S. Fails To Find Allies For Waging War On China (1 comments)
Sunday, October 18:
Trump turns his ire toward Cabinet members
Trump FCC to Clarify Section 230 After Hunter Biden Story
Friday, October 16:
COVID-19's Impact on the Economy (1 comments)
Trump Reverses Decision to Reject California's Request for Wildfire Relief
Saudi Foreign Minister hints at normalization of ties with Israel (1 comments)
Trump Administration Turns Down California's Request For Wildfire Disaster Assistance
Democracy activists stranded after Trump admin pulls funding for anti-censorship tools (2 comments)
Thursday, October 15:
Tomgram: Steve Fraser, Was American History a Conspiracy? (1 comments)
Pope Francis' Vision for the World (4 comments)
Republican voter suppression efforts were banned for decades. Here's what changed. (1 comments)
8 Million Have Slipped Into Poverty Since May
Wednesday, October 14:
Barrett's Notre Dame colleagues ask her to call a halt to her nomination (1 comments)
Tomgram: William Hartung, How to Stuff the Middle East With Weaponry
A Young Man Knows How to Make Voting Great Again
Tuesday, October 13:
Supreme Court allows Trump administration to end census count - POLITICO (2 comments)
The Democrats Might Actually Have a Strategy to Block Amy Coney Barrett
Part 2: Why the US Can Keep Increasing its Debt and not Suffer Inflation (4 comments)
GOP Raises Over $620M Through WinRed in Third Quarter
Monday, October 12:
Mainstream Media: 'Shutdown is literally killing people' in Nursing Homes (6 comments)
One-Fifth of Countries are Facing Ecosystem Collapse (3 comments)
'I feel so powerful,' President Trump declares at Sanford airport rally - Orlando Sentinel (2 comments)
Like a Leaf Floating in a Stream (2 comments)
Shutting Schools INCREASES Covid-19 Deaths (2 comments)
Trump-loving provocateur responsible for assault on Jewish reporter taken into police custody: NYPD - Raw Story (3 comments)
Amy Coney Barrett went to my all-girls high school. I hope she's not confirmed (1 comments)
"You Start Seeing the Dreaded Sensitivity Label": Is a Pro-Trump Twitter Army Strategically Throttling Biden Ads? (1 comments)
WHO Doctor Nabarro Says We Must Fight COVID Without Lockdowns (3 comments)
Sunday, October 11:
Tomgram: Michael Klare, A Game of Nuclear Chicken with Russia and China
Why Did Religious Groups Get CARES Bailout Money? We can't let Main Street become a ghost town (1 comments)
Talk Radio Is Turning Millions of Americans Into Conservatives :The medium is at the heart of Trumpism. (2 comments)
Ron Ridenour: A horror story in 2 parts-- Part II: A Travesty of Justice as UK Caters to US Desire to Crush Assange (5 comments)
Saturday, October 10:
As Trump refuses to say he'll accept election results, Republicans press to make voting harder: By Dan Balz (1 comments)
Donald Trump is completely imploding (5 comments)
U.S. expects over 1 million COVID-19 antibody doses from Regeneron, Lilly in 2020
Friday, October 9:
'Blatant Hypocrisy': Trump Heralds Covid-19 Drugs He Took Made Possible (1 comments)
Biden to participate in ABC town hall Oct. 15 in lieu of Trump debate
Part 1: Inadequacy of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and the Power of the US Dollar in the World Economy (1 comments)
Ron Ridenour: A horror story in two parts -- Part I: Will England Send Assange-the-Messenger to America's Dungeons? (3 comments)
Second stimulus checks: Fed chair Powell urges direct payments and other aid
FDR's Last Speech -- An Extraordinarily Articulate Plea for Peace (1 comments)
Billionaire Wealth Hits $10 Trillion For First Time Ever Thanks To Government Stimulus: UBS
Thursday, October 8:
Trump's Covid-19 Treatment Can Cause Confusion, Mania, Delirium and Even Psychosis
Best of TomDispatch: Engelhardt, The Biggest Criminal Enterprise in History (1 comments)
New England Journal of Medicine Condemns Trump (10 comments)
Trump Calls on Attorney General Barr to Arrest Biden, Obama and Hillary Clinton (10 comments)
Wednesday, October 7:
New England Journal of Medicine calls for U.S. leaders to be voted out over COVID response - Axios (1 comments)
Tomgram: Frida Berrigan, Pandemic Living
Honey Bee Colonies Are Increasing Across the US (4 comments)
Tuesday, October 6:
While the Poor Get Sick, Bill Gates Just Gets Richer; By Tim Schwab, The Nation (2 comments)
Trump's Hospitalization Hasn't Diminished the Threat of Election Theft
Should Turkey and Azerbaijan Be Worried About Killed Syrian Mercenaries? (2 comments)
Baltics imposed sanctions on themselves
Monday, October 5:
Leaked Docs From Inside 'Omnicidal' ExxonMobil Reveal Plan to Increase Climate-Killing Emissions (1 comments)
The Coronavirus and the Threat Within the White House;By David Remnick (1 comments)
'Real Change': A Race Is On to Register Ex-Felons in Florida
The Arctic is burning in a whole new way
Sunday, October 4:
Man Goes to Prison for Hosting Large Parties (1 comments)
At What Age is a President Too Old? (1 comments)
Kenosha Murder Victims of Kyle Rittenhouse Were Bi-polar Losers Not Antifa (3 comments)
Trump "Not Yet Out of the Woods" Says His Personal Physician
Saturday, October 3:
Trump "Very Tired, Very Fatigued and Having Some Trouble Breathing". (17 comments)
Friday, October 2:
Thugs, thugs, everywhere and no rule of law to care (12 comments)
Why a Vaccine Is Not the Answer to Covid (10 comments)
Trump, Melania test positive for coronavirus (19 comments)
Thursday, October 1:
Tomgram: William Astore, America's Dark Side in the Age of Trump
Donald Trump's Proud Boys aren't just standing By
Starting All Over Again: The March for Human Rights Will Never End