Archives for Best Web OpEds

February 2021

Sunday, February 28:

The Useful Idiot: Why We're Not Done With Trump Yet (4 comments)

Saturday, February 27:

In "NY Times" Piece, Eve Ewing Ignores Economic Catastrophe for Public Schools of Charter School Expansion (1 comments)

A history of technological hype - (1 comments)

Maurice Cunningham: How Billionaires' Dark Money Shapes Education Policy. by Diane Ravitch (2 comments)

Friday, February 26:

I Can't Stand Fox News, But Censoring It Might Be The Dumbest Idea Ever (4 comments)

Combating Standardized Testing Derangement Syndrome (STDs) in the English Language Artsby Bob Shepherd (1 comments)

Wednesday, February 24:

The Web of Players Trying to Silence Truth (2 comments)

House Democrats, Targeting Right-Wing Cable Outlets, Are Assaulting Core Press Freedoms (4 comments)

Monsanto's Dark History Exposed in a New Photo Essay (2 comments)

Tuesday, February 23:

The Republicans Finally Face Merrick Garland-and Act as if They Were the Ones Unfairly Treated (1 comments)

Why the Bill Gates global health empire promises more empire and less public health (14 comments)

Sunday, February 21:

How the National Guard Got Its Riot-Control Role - LA Progressive (1 comments)

Why did America's Founders include this Oath in the U.S. Constitution?by Lloyd Lofthouse (1 comments)

Saturday, February 20:

Anti-Ted Cruz Outrage Shows Little Sign of Abating

Friday, February 19:

B'Tselem: Jewish Supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea (2 comments)

Thursday, February 18:

The Supreme Court is Still Sitting on Trump's Tax Returns, and Justices Aren't Saying Why

Why Politicians and Doctors Keep Ignoring the Medical Research on Vitamin D and Covid (4 comments)

Tuesday, February 16:

What Biden Should Do Now About Trump (1 comments)

Monday, February 15:

Florida Alert! Save Public Schools from Privatizers! ; by Diane Ravitch

Sunday, February 14:

Can't Find an N95 Mask? This Company Has 30 Million That It Can't Sell (2 comments)

Reinstate the Fairness Doctrine: to Remedy the Cancer that Enabled the Cancer of Trumpism (2 comments)

Thursday, February 11:

David Berliner on the Travesty of Public Funds for Religious Schools; Diane Ravitch (1 comments)

Tuesday, February 9:

Where Are the Armed Militias Protesting Trump's Impeachment? (3 comments)

Monday, February 8:

Fools Rush In - Trump, Pardons, and the Tyrant's Cult (1 comments)

Sunday, February 7:

The Secret Bipartisan Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election (5 comments)

A Visit to the Donald J. Trump Presidential Lie-berry

Friday, February 5:

At Last, the Regime that Enabled Amazon's Monopoly Power is Crumbling

The Vaccine Distribution Crisis: Capitalism in its Death Agony - Socialist Organizer (1 comments)

Thursday, February 4:

Mansplaining The Trauma of Women (2 comments)

Monday, February 1:

The Real Rosa Parks Story Is Better Than the Fairy Tale (1 comments)

Republican State Legislatures Are Radicalizing Against Democracy

Biden Putting Progressives into Key Administration Positions


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