Archives for Sci Tech
July 2021
Saturday, July 31:
A bouquet of novel compounds: New treatment options for HIV
Friday, July 30:
Satellite mega-constellations' mega-threats: The rise of space junk and the fall of reason (2 comments)
Wednesday, July 28:
The Chilly Vanilla Milley Report: We Fight Back (But Not Really) (2 comments)
Monday, July 26:
One size does not fit all: Expanding the buffet of choices for preventing HIV
Sunday, July 25:
The next Corona Virus will be here before 2025 (24 comments)
Dark Energy Unmasked: Reframing the Cosmic Microwave Background (3 comments)
Saturday, July 24:
. . . Delta is for Danger . . . (20 comments)
Repeated influenza vaccination of healthy children and adults: borrow now, pay later? (2 comments)
Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren't designed to tell us (2 comments)
Sunday, July 18:
You're Not SUPPOSED To Trust The Government: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix (8 comments)
Friday, July 16:
Scientists Say That Clearing Forests Worsens Wildfire Damage (2 comments)
Thursday, July 15:
A Conversation with Daniel Ellsberg (1 comments)
Tuesday, July 13:
Dark Energy Unmasked: Solving the Mystery of the Accelerating Universe (19 comments)
Sunday, July 11:
The Thalidomide-Caused Birth Defects Big-Pharma Criminal Scandal (3 comments)
Amazing Fungus Discovered at Chernobyl Could Be Grown On Rockets to Protect Astronauts from Toxic Space Radiation (2 comments)
Friday, July 9:
The Growth of Robocolleges (1 comments)
China plans mass rocket launch to divert asteroid that could wipe out life on Earth (1 comments)
Thursday, July 8:
So, Is this A Conspiracy? (3 comments)
Wednesday, July 7:
Chinese researchers propose deflecting 'Armageddon' asteroids with rockets (1 comments)
Monday, July 5:
New evidence of humans in the Americas 30,000 years ago (1 comments)