Archives for Life Arts

September 2021

Thursday, September 30:

Creative Non-Fiction: Long Distance Calling

This poem is done (2 comments)

Sonnet: I Am Jesus, Who Are You?

Diary Entry: Handling the Truth of Cuba

Wednesday, September 29:

Sonnet: Twin Peaks Exponential and for Love

So you built a dam (a poem)

Quantum Tai Chi

Monday, September 27:

Perry Miller on Antebellum America (REVIEW ESSAY)

Sunday, September 26:

A week to read banned books

The jamboree

Friday, September 24:

Diary Entry: Journeys, Heroes, Golden Balls

Thursday, September 23:

Sonnet With French Commercial Breaks

Magnetic Alignment Enhances Telepathy

Six Sonnets of the Bitterroot and Pain (1 comments)

Wednesday, September 22:

Geoffrey Sanborn on Melville's Value (REVIEW ESSAY)

Sonnet: Why I Hate Chocolate Milk

Facing Down Another Birthday With Jack And Diane

Sonnet: I Blame You, Lorraine

Tuesday, September 21:

Sonnet: The Dog You Bay May Be Your Own

Sunday, September 19:

Medical Imperialism Driven by Pure Greed: An Interview with Robert Kennedy Jr (8 comments)

Saturday, September 18:

Sonnet: Laudanum My Ass: I Want My Money Back

Flash Fiction: On the Lost Highway to the VA Hospital, Again

Friday, September 17:

The Club Kid from the Bronx (49 comments)

Three Strikes You're Out for Western Psychotherapy: The Dark History and its Shortcomings With Collectivists (4 comments)

Thursday, September 16:

Answer to the 5 Rules of War followed by brief reflection

Sonnet: Even Miles Davis Can't Save This One

Sonnet: Fractal for Rob Kall to Read Into (2 comments)

Wednesday, September 15:

Fading to Sepia (1 comments)

Tuesday, September 14:

Gitmo: I Am, I Am, I Am, I Am, I Am

Monday, September 13:

Sonnet: Plea to a Rorschach God (2 comments)

Sizing Up Melville for the 21st Century (REVIEW ESSAY)

Sunday, September 12:

Stand by (a poem) followed by brief reflection

Saturday, September 11:

Sonnet: We Farted and then Earth Returned to Normal

One old guy to another -- A shadow poem (2 comments)

Thursday, September 9:

Why Journalists Hate Truthers

Sonnet: 9/11 Twenty Years Later (6 comments)

Passport photo followed by reflection (4 comments)

Meet J. "Black" Leroy Hulsey: He's Got Some Bad News About WTC7 (17 comments)

If Brazil burns what's left of the Amazon, why hold COP26? (2 comments)

Tuesday, September 7:

Ed Asner: The Grouchy 'Marxist': RIP (1 comments)

Monday, September 6:

Brian Higgins and Hershel Parker on Melville's Sensationalistic 1852 Novel (REVIEW ESSAY)

Sunday, September 5:

Sonnet: No, I Really Didn't Kill Anybody

Saturday, September 4:

Silly Film Olympics: A Quiet Place & A Quiet Place II (1 comments)

Rebirth (a poem)

Friday, September 3:

So, I guess we're f---ked!? Yes and no. (2 comments)

Film Review: 9/11: Inside the President's War Room (12 comments)

Thursday, September 2:

If the Earth is not flat, then who am I? (1 comments)

Wednesday, September 1:

Sonnet: I Left My Heart in VietGhan

Hershel Parker on the Making of Melville the Poet (REVIEW ESSAY)


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