"He who has lost honor can lose nothing more."
I felt something strange happened at the debate tonight.
It appears to me that McCains' handlers have given up on John McCain. They have embarrassed him and have dragged his campaign through the mud in which they live, and now have found a willing accomplice in Sarah Palin and are dumping McCain, and any chance he had at the presidency, into the dust bin of history.
They have despised this aging Senator, and may I say with all sincerity, "a hero of Vietnam," ever since he invaded their territory in 2000. He called them out then, but with the aid of despicable slurs and terrible innuendos they trashed his 2000 Campaign and left him bewildered. He fought back while in Congress and earned the disrespect of the entire Neo-Conservative wing of the party he represents. Well, tonight they have done it again, they let him seem aged and wandering without a clue except that he must at all cost not answer any question. That is all they gave to him tonight. I fear they let him be himself.
They have made this man sign in his blood their nefarious compact of 100 yrs. of neocon rule. They made him to do so on bended knee. He had to hire the same men that slurred him and consort with the Religious right who abhor him, and use the tactics used against him that he denounced. They have made the brave Achilles heel and dare I say they could not have done that in John McCain's earlier years. But tonight they let the aging warrior show America how unfit he is to serve as President.
They have dropped McCain in order to groom another willing puppet. Sarah Palin won tonight, she has become the new Dark Queen of the neocon pipe-dream new order.
Obama was concise and Presidential, a representative of the change that America is so desperate to embrace.
p.s. We are not done with Sarah Palin, she is willing to sell her soul for an agenda she thinks will save all souls. Her Way, because she believes she is on a mission from her God(s). An illusion born and bred while killing things.... Another victim for the NeoConservative play ground.