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' Poll: '+
' Should Congress Impeach Bush and/or Cheney? '+
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' On Monday, June 9th 2008, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) made history on the floor of the House by reading 35 Articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush.Congress needs to finally show a pair and stand up to a rogue administration for all of it's illegal activities that violate the constitution and his oath of office swearing him to uphold and defend that constitution.Should Congress move to impeach Bush and/or Cheney as soon as possible or risk losing the chance to hold them accountable for their crimes. Yes, violating the constitution IS a crime and a direct violation of their oath of office. '+
document.getElementById("pollbody").innerHTML = 'Results:
- Yes. Impeach Bush 2% from 3 votes
' - Yes, Impeach Cheney 0% from 0 votes
- Yes, Impeach both of them 98% from 168 votes
' - No, let them get away with everything. 1% from 1 votes
' - Undecided 0% from 0 votes
document.getElementById("pollfooter").innerHTML = ''+
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