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Should progressives demand Obama's resignation?
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'+ ' President Obama has continued many of the conservative policies of his predecessor in office. Should progressives demand his resignation?

'+ ''+ ''; document.getElementById("pollbody").innerHTML = 'Results:

- Yes, Obama (and the Democratic leadership) should resign.
   49% from 52 votes '+ '  
- No, the Republican opposition is even worse, and the plan would backfire.
   12% from 13 votes '+ '  
- No, Obama is doing the best he can, under difficult circumstances.
   19% from 20 votes '+ '  
- No, progressives allowed themselves to be cheated. It's their own fault.
   12% from 13 votes '+ '  
- Other, or the question is ill-formed. (Please explain in the comments.)
   8% from 8 votes '+ '  
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