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'+ '

Who shares more fake news?
'+ '
'+ ' I'd like for you taking the poll to identify the biggest sources of Fake News in the World today. In addition, in the comment section, add what you think should be done to reduce the influence of fake news.

'+ ''+ ''; document.getElementById("pollbody").innerHTML = ' '+ '
'+ '

'+ ' '+ ' '+ ' '+ ' CIA
'+ ' Democrats and Supporters
'+ ' GOP and Supporters
'+ ' Macedonian Teenagers
'+ ' Media, like Breitbart and Trump supporting media
'+ ' Media, like CNN or MSNBC
'+ ' Media, like FOX NEWS
'+ ' My local news media, like hometown papers and local TV stations
'+ ' Other
'+ ' Russia Hackers
'+ ' SNL
'+ ' Social Media, like Twitter and Facebook
'+ ' Sweden
'+ ' The Deep State
'+ ' The White House
'+ ' Youtube and other non-traditional media distributers
'+ ' '+ '

'+ ' 17 votes     '+ ' View Results '+ '

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