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September 20, 2012

Israel's Future if it Continues on its Present Course: a Worldwide Boycott, Isolation and Castigation

By Michael Payne

Israel's Future if it Continues on its Present Course: a Worldwide Boycott, Isolation and Castigation


When was the last time that you didn't read or hear that Israel was threatening to attack Iran and its nuclear facilities, and that it was trying to involve the U.S. government? By now, the entire world is sick and tired of listening to Israel's ultra aggressive Prime Minister, Bibi Netanyahu, beating the drums of war. The nations of the world have witnessed the behavior and actions of Israel for many decades and the majority of them now find it to be completely unacceptable.

And, because a great many of these nations believe that the unjustified and highly aggressive actions of the Israeli government against the people of Palestine and its neighbors in the Middle East are getting out of control, a movement to initiate boycotts, divestments and sanctions against Israel is well underway and is growing in scope and intensity.

There is no way of knowing just how extensive this movement to censure Israel is but with each passing day there are more nations and entities within these nations that are making it known that they are in total disagreement with Israel's hubristic agenda. The government of Israel has shown that it is out of touch with the world and is totally unable to carry on normal relations with nations and people of different ideologies and beliefs.

The world community was horrified by the Israeli siege of the city of Gaza that began on December 27, 2008 and the violent actions its commandos took against the Freedom Flotilla ships that attempted to deliver humanitarian supplies to the people of Gaza in 2010. Now the world listens to Mr. Netanyahu's endless tirades against Iran as he readies an attack on that nation's nuclear facilities that he insists are in the process of creating nuclear weapons. He totally dismisses the conclusions of the IAEA (the International Atomic Energy Association) and U.S. intelligence agencies that do not agree with his assessment.

Mr. Netanyahu in a Sept. 16 interview on CNN warned that the U.S. must establish a clear "red line", one that Iran must not be allowed to cross in the development of nuclear weapons if it wants to avoid war. This man's brazen arrogance apparently has no limits as he trumpets his message of imminent war to a world that no longer believes a word he says; but he has the war hawks of Washington, who worship his every militaristic proclamation, on his side.

In a surprising statement, Meir Dagan, a former head of the Israeli Intelligence service Mossad recently said that an attack on Iran would be the "stupidest idea [I've] ever heard." He, as well as former members of the government and the military, has stated that Mr. Netanyahu's objective to attack Iran is not justifiable based on the any concrete evidence. More than 60% of the Israeli people questioned in polls indicate that Israel should not take unilateral action against Iran. But does that have any effect on his intense obsession to attack Iran? Absolutely not.

The Middle East is going through a period of great turmoil that has seen some very violent protests and demonstrations; just recently the U.S. and some European nations have had their embassies attacked. And right in the middle of this highly volatile situation there is the Prime Minister of Israel continuously making threats against Iran. All it will take is that one small spark to ignite the Middle East and then all hell may break loose.

This situation has now gone too far and the potential for a massive Middle East confrontation becomes greater with each passing day. The question is: should the nations of the world wait until Mr. Netanyahu follows through on his threats and attacks Iran? Or should they take steps to prevent that from happening by immediately initiating a total cessation of all relations with Israel -- meaning the stoppage of all imports from and exports to Israel, together with further divestments, and severing all cultural, entertainment and sports relationships?

The point is that none of this has to happen. Since the majority of the people of Israel do not support an unjustified attack on Iran and a growing number of them do not want to see the continued oppression and suppression of the people of Palestine -- there is an answer to this critical dilemma.

It's time for Mr. Netanyahu to go; he must be removed from office. In the next national elections members of the Knesset who now oppose his policies and actions, together with others who are becoming totally disillusioned with him, have the capability to form an electoral alliance, accumulate the necessary votes and propose a new government with a new Prime Minister.

Such an alliance could swiftly end the dark and dismal reign of this man who has proven to be incapable of dealing with other nations and governments. Israel would then have the chance to start anew and proceed in a completely new direction. The probability of an attack on Iran could be minimized, the massive world boycott would slowly be lifted and Israel would have the opportunity to work toward being a respected member of the world community of nations.

The next scheduled election of the Knesset is October 13, 2013 but according to election rules that date could be moved up. If enough people in Israel and the more rational leaders in that government understand that the election of a new Prime Minister is absolutely critical to the prevention of an approaching catastrophe, then they will do what is right and take the necessary steps to initiate an election at the earliest possible time.

How is this highly dangerous scenario going to end? The people of Israel have a clear choice; they can continue to let their Prime Minister rattle the sabers of war and eventually attack Iran, thereby risking a Middle East inferno; or they can defuse this entire situation by removing Mr. Netanyahu from office and never, ever give him another opportunity to defame the name and reputation of their nation.

Let's hope that the people of Israel and wiser, more rational leaders of this government do what is right for their country and the world.

Michael Payne
