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March 19, 2016
Republicans try to stop the Revolution of the Rubes
By Philip Kraske
On the spectacle of Republicans trying to head off the anti-government movement now led by Donald Trump
I have to admit it's been really fun,
Republicans frantic to undo what they've done,
To put the toothpaste back into the tubes,
And thus head off the Revolution of Rubes.
Since Reagan they've pulled on the heartstrings of greed,
Of wallets, low taxes, all the better to feed
The craving for guzzlers, the show of good life,
Government being but a WalMart midwife.
Down and down the public head dumbed,
Till now a point that it's totally numbed
To the needs of compatriots or Latin wannabe,
Who heal their hunger with crime gonnabe.
But finally Repubs have seen their creation,
Go to the polls and raise a tarnation,
And elect the ultimate in anti-gov grit,
Whose anti-gov talk for once is no skit.
Mitt and John M. have condemned in riposte,
Though I have to wonder what troubles them most:
The fact that Donald owes the party but zilch,
Or that foreign policy from them he will filch.
Neocons, y'see, like f.p. with a bang,
Be it from drones or the army's big fang.
But Don, who knows a bad deal when it squawks,
Reads the wall's writing: "it's the smart guy who walks."
And walk he will as the going gets toughy
From Iraq and Af-Pak and others as scruffy.
For Don sees the world as profit evolved,
And won't be troubled by calls for "resolve."
But Repubs, the party, shouldn't take all the blame.
Saturday N. L. made Don's race-hate a game.
Fox News called up Trump to comment on matters,
Classic Fox trites known as "thinking-man spatters."
To give him his due, Trump played his cards smart,
Using news moguls and opportunity's art.
Nobody thought he'd be taken for real,
But now that he is, the Republicans squeal.
Cooler t'would be to run a Pink Revolution,
Orange or Vermilion as per your solution.
But it seems our rev will be of the Rubes,
Such is America: dumbed down the tubes.
For a recording of this poem, go to my website: