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April 21, 2016

Bernie or Extinction.

By Michael Byron

Reflection of the absolute importance of voting for Bernie Sanders, and correspondingly, NOT voting for any corporate candidate for US President, EVER.


I confess to feeling despair for the survival of human civilization, of humanity and all complex life

Bernie Sanders speaking to young people.
Bernie Sanders speaking to young people.
(Image by Phil Roeder)
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on Earth. The proximate reason for this is the theft of the New York Democratic primary by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. As for the fraud itself, it is a now familiar litany: Flipped registrations, machine switched votes, massive voter roll purges and much more. Consider just one illustrative example: Brooklyn. Brooklyn is run by the Kings County Democratic Party. A Chicago Mayor Dick Daley style political machine is in complete charge. Nothing happens there by accident. All "accidents" are carefully planned! And a lot of "accidents" occurred on primary election day there! Taken together these add up to election FRAUD. For more details of the fraud, see also:THIS.

Near complete returns show 174,236 votes for Clinton to 116,227 for Sanders. However, in recent months about 127,000 voters have been "mysteriously" purged from the voter rolls of Brooklyn's Kings County.The overwhelming majority of those purged appear to have been Sanders supporters. Few, if any, Clinton supporters have claimed to have been affected. Sure the Mayor has promised to "look into" this. But, no additional votes will be tallied as a result. And, the official charged with this investigation was elected to the national Democratic Convention as, get this, a Clinton delegate!

So, who is responsible? This is laughable. Ask "who benefits." You have your answer. Means, motive and opportunity are all clear and obvious. Interestingly, the obvious suspect will be in complete charge of the investigation!

Leaving aside for the moment the fact that massive vote fraud was instigated by and on behalf of Clinton in New York yesterday in which HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of registered Democrats were denied their vote by criminals; Sanders actually did NOT do badly in terms of pledged delegates won yesterday. This because New York awards ALL delegates to the candidate who wins ANY county by more than 50%. Bernie won AT LEAST 50 of 62 counties. This means that Clinton has stolen 139 delegates, versus 108 fairly won by Bernie. 139-108 = 31. That is Clinton's net lead for now. As unknown thousands of provisional ballots remain to be counted, Clinton may well end up LOSING New York, in terms of pledged delegates, altogether!

In any event, consider that Bernie over the past 3 weeks has picked up at least 22 delegates in higher level caucuses in Nevada, Arizona, Colorado and Missouri, with at least 2 more pickups likely from Washington, Clinton's net gain, less these post-election pickups is currently about SEVEN delegates. So, no, it is most certainly NOT over. That endlessly repeated "conclusion" is simply the corporate propaganda constantly relayed by our corporate consolidated, media. Then regurgitated repetitively by those who fail to think for themselves after watching or reading this propaganda.

Against this disheartening backdrop, Earth's climate is rapidly spinning out of control at an ever accelerating rate. If we fail to act decisively NOW to stop this acceleration, we're doomed. It's that starkly simple. Given America's leading role in the world, both politically, and in terms of overall pollution, WE must lead the rapid shift from fossil fuels. If we do not, it will not matter if others do so anyway. We all be will be doomed by just our own nation's emissions. I've written extensively on this topic, as have many others. See here, and here and here and also here, for more details.

In fact, many climate scientists, specializing in the Arctic, believe that rapid warming, which is much more pronounced for the Arctic, could cause significant portions of the 10 or so TRILLION tons of frozen methane located in shallow Arctic Ocean waters to sublimate (transition directly from a solid to a gas) resulting in a very fast extinction for humanity and most complex life on Earth. This would replicate the Permian Extinction of 251 million years ago. See HEREfor details.

Among the US Presidential candidates at this late date, all but one is beholden to "business as usual" (BAU). At the head of this sold out assortment of candidates is Hillary Clinton. The singular exception among this group is Bernie Sanders. He is a mortal threat to BAU. Wall Street has TRILLIONS invested in the fossil fuel industry, which lies at the very heart of BAU. It will not lose those investments without a fight to the death.

That fight is now underway. The stakes could not be greater: The future of all life on Earth FOREVER; versus the rapacious short term greed of the few, hangs in the balance. Those who vote for any candidate other than Sanders for whatever reason--Supreme Court nominations, pro-choice stance etc., knowingly or not, are voting for planetary omnicide. Nature does not bargain with foolish, semi-sentient apes.

We are now in a time of REVOLUTION. America is now an oligarchy. What is occurring now in New York, and really all around us, are desperate attempts to extinguish the last stirrings of democracy by our would-be corporate overlords. I personally swear that I will resist their takeover unrelentingly, and until such time as I am no longer breathing. I hope you will do so also. FIGHT ON! NEVER SURRENDER. And, for God's sake, resist the corporate MSM propaganda. THINK for yourselves folks! ACT! #BernieOrBust!


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Authors Bio:

Michael P Byron is the author of The Path Through Infinity's Rainbow: Your Guide to Personal Survival and Spiritual Transformation in a World Gone Mad. This book is a manual for taking effective action to deal with the crises of our age including global climate change, peak oil, and political failure to deal with these and other problems.

His previous book is Infinity's Rainbow: The Politics of Energy, Climate and Globalization.

Byron-has a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of California, Irvine.--He teaches all aspects of Political Science and Political Economy in local colleges in the San Diego area.- He was the Democratic Party's candidate for United States Congress in California's 49th Congressional District in 2004. In 2002,-he- ran as a write-in candidate upon discovering that the Republican incumbent, Darrell Issa, had no major-party challenger.

Mike lives in Oceanside, CA with his wife, Ramona Byron. Both are Navy veterans.
